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We have been told that under no circumstances?

We have been told that under no circumstances _______ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

A) may we use B) we may use C) we could use D) did we use

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更多“We have been told that under n…”相关的问题


(句子释义)The audiences were small, and even if Rudolf had been really first-rate, th


B.B.They would not have demonstrated much interest.

C.C.They would not have done anything for him.

D.D.They would not have responded warmly.

E.E.They would not have told him anythin



We have been told that under no circumstances () use the telephone in the office for

A.may we

B.we may

C.we could

D.did we



We have been told that the contract is for one year starting from June 15()







()no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around th

A.Were there

B.If there are

C.If there have been



We have been told that under no circumstances ________ the telephone in the office for personal affairs()

A.may we use

B.we may use

C.we could use

D.would we use



Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is one of life’s essentials. Eating breakfasts at the start of the day, we have all been told, and told again, is as

194. Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is one of life’s essentials. Eating breakfasts at the start of the day, we have all been told, and told again, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip. But for many people the thought of food first thing in the morning is by no means a pleasure. So despite all the efforts, they still take no breakfast. Between 1977 and 1983, the latest year for which figures are available, the number of people who didn’t have breakfast increased by 33 percent from 8.8 million to 11.7 million—according to the Chicago-based Market Research Corporation of America. For those who feel pain of guilt about not eating breakfast, however, there is some good news. Several studies in the last few years indicate that, for adults especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast. “Going without breakfast does not affect performance,” said Amold Bender, former professor of nutrition at Queen College in London, “nor does giving people breakfast improve performance.” Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better performance is surprisingly inadequate, and most of the recent work involves children, not adults. “The literature,” says one researcher, Dr. Emesto Polite at the University of Texas, “is poor.” [共5题]

(1) The latest year for which figures could be obtained is ________.

(A) the year the author wrote the article

(B) any year between 1977 and 1983

(C) 1977

(D) 1983

(2) For those who do not take breakfast, the good news is that ________.

(A) several studies have been done in the past few years

(B) the omission of breakfast does no harm to one’s health

(C) adults have especially made studies in this field

(D) eating little in the morning is good for health

(3) “…, nor does giving people breakfast improve performance” (in Para.3 ) means ________.

(A) anyone without breakfast does improve his performance

(B) not giving people breakfast improves performance

(C) having breakfast does not improve performance, either

(D) people having breakfast do improve their performances, too

(4) The word “literature” in the last sentence refers to ________.

(A) stories, poems, plays, etc.

(B) written works on a particular subject

(C) any printed material

(D) the modern literature of America

(5) What is implied but NOT stated by the author is that ________.

(A) not eating breakfast might affect the health of children

(B) Dr. Polite is engaged in research work at an institution of higher learning

(C) breakfast does not affect performance

(D) Professor Bender once taught college courses in nutrition in London



In the old days, children were familiar with birth and death as part of life. This is perh
aps the first generation of American youngster(年轻人)who have never been close by during the birth of a baby and have never experienced the death of a family member.

Nowadays when people grow old, we often send them to nursing homes. When they get sick, we transfer them to a hospital, where children are forbidden to visit terminally ill patients--even when those patients are their parents. This deprives(剥夺)the dying patient of significant family members during the last few days of his life and it deprives the children of an experience of death, which is an important learning experience.

Some of my colleagues and I once interviewed and followed approximately 500 terminally ill patients in order to find out what they could teach us and how we could be of more benefit, not just to them but to the members of their families as well. We were most impressed by the fact that even those patients who were not told of their serious illness were quite aware of its potential outcome.

It is important for family members, and doctors and nurses to understand these patients' communications in order to truly understand their needs, fears, and fantasies(幻想). Most of our patients welcomed another human being with whom they could talk openly, honestly, and frankly about their trouble. Many of them shared with us their tremendous need to be informed, to be kept up-to-date on their medical condition, and to be told when the end was near. We found out that patients who had been dealt with openly and frankly were better able to cope with the approach of death and finally to reach a true stage of acceptance prior to death.

Five hundred critically ill patients were investigated with the main purpose of ______.

A.learning how to best help them and their families

B.observing how they reacted to the crisis of death

C.helping them and their families overcome the fear of death

D.finding out their attitude towards the approach of death




Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is one life’s essentials. Eating

breakfast at the start of the day, we have all been told, and told again, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the

family car before starting a trip.

But for many people the thought of food first thing in the morning is by no means a pleasure. So despite all the

efforts, they still take no breakfast. Between 1977 and 1983, the latest year for which figures are available, the

number of people who didn’t have breakfast, increased by 33 percent.

For those who feel pain of guilt about not eating breakfast, however, there is some good news. Several studies

in the last few years indicate that, for adults especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast.

“Going without breakfast does not affect performance,” said Arrold E. Bender, former professor of the nutrition

at Queen Elizabeth College in London, “nor does giving people breakfast improve performance.”

Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better performance is surprisingly inadequate, and most

of the recent work involves children, not adults, “The literature”, says one researcher, Dr. Erresto at the University

of Texas, “is poor”.

The latest year for which figures could be obtained is _______.

A. the year the author wrote the article

B. 1977

C. any year between 1997 and 1983

D. 1983



A relationship with your customer is like any relationship: It【C1】______time to earn their
trust and moments to【C2】______it. Customers want the truth, because without it they cannot make【C3】______decisions. For example, suppose you go out to dinner and the restaurant you choose has people waiting. When you put your name in, the host will tell you how long it is. If the host is doing his job, you will actually wait less than【C4】______you were told. If you are told the wait is 15 minutes and you are still waiting at the 30-minute mark, are you a happy customer? At one level, it is just【C5】______. In some cases, it could【C6】______other plans: If you miss your movie because you were not【C7】______for dinner, you really are not a happy customer.

Unfortunately, many salespeople are【C8】______to tell the truth. They【C9】______some in formation, or share partial truths, or just plain lie. They do it in the【C10】______that customers will buy when they hear【C11】______they want to hear. It is true that customers want to hear certain things but【C12】______they are true. Let's go back to the restaurant.【C13】______the wait is not 15minutes-it is 90 minutes. It is not what we want to hear. Still, we can decide to stay or not to stay. If we do not stay, we will be hack. But if we【C14】______told 30 minutes and it became 90, that【C15】______the last time we ate there. Sooner or later, customers al ways find out the truth. If the truth is different than what they have been told, you have lost their trust.

Truth is【C16】______accuracy. It includes a willingness to stand behind what you say. In other words, are you willing to put your money【C17】______your mouth is? If you are working with others, part of their【C18】______is that when something goes wrong you will stand with them. If an order is delayed, for example, how will you help them【C19】______their business commitments? Part of earning their trust is having a backup plan in place should your【C20】______systems fail.








You ought not to ___him the news that day.A.tellB.be tellingC.have been toldD.have told


B.be telling

C.have been told

D.have told

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