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I know you’ve got a smooth tongue , so don’t talk

me ______ buying it

A) away B) down C) out D) into

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更多“I know you’ve got a smooth ton…”相关的问题


Frank: Hey, John. What makes you so happy?John: You know what. I've just got a new

Frank: Hey, John. What makes you so happy?

John: You know what. I've just got a new job with a computer company.

Frank: _________!

A. Oh, so happy

B. Oh, good luck

C. Oh, such a job

D. Oh, congratulations



When he got the call that his son was ill in California and not expected to live for long,
Bill didn’t know ___1___ he was going to get the money for his wife and himself to make the trip. Bill had worked as a truck driver his entire life, but he never managed to have any ___2__. So with ___3____ Bill walked the mile to the filling station and told the owner, "My son is really sick and I’ve got no cash. Can you trust ()



听力原文:M: I've lost my credit card issued by your bank. What should I do, please?W: I am

听力原文:M: I've lost my credit card issued by your bank. What should I do, please?

W: I am sorry for that. But you have to go to that counter over there for the card business.

Q: Why does the customer come to the bank?


A.He got a credit card of his friend and come to ask how to use it.

B.He got a card and did not know whose card it is.

C.He has lost his credit card and come to ask what to do.

D.He has found a credit card and come to ask what to do.



Hardest Things

Growing up I always heard the expression,“You don't know ___1___ you've got till it's gone.” These words have never really had much meaning to me until just ___2___.This happens to everyone at least once,not ___3___ the things we have.How would we know how ___4___ things are if we never get anything ___5___ away from us? Every day I have been taking 36 of things that could easily be taken away,like my job,friends,and pets.

In this __7__,losing my job was one of the hardest things I've had to deal with about a year and a half ago I used to work for a retail store called Gottschalks.I worked for them for about two years.I worked in customer service and counted the vault for the store,which was balancing out the amount the store had made the day before.When I worked for the company I made pretty good money and got pretty good hours,but I would always find things to ___8___ about.I complained about things that did not really ___9___ when I should have been more thankful that I still had a job.This was around the time ___10___ the country began feeling the effects of the recession and businesses starting closing all over.That's when the rumors started going around that Gottschalks might be heading into bankruptcy,but still I felt I had no reason to worry.















听力原文:W: In the studio today we've got Roberta Wilson, who's a time management consulta
nt. Good morning, Roberta.

M: Good morning, Cindy.

W: Roberta, what exactly do time management consultants do?

M: Well, Cindy, it's all about helping people to organize their work in an ef fective way: maximum efficiency; minimum stress.

W: Hah, sounds like something I need. Who are your clients?

M: Um, mainly business people, but I've also worked with politicians, civil servants and university lecturers.

W: Um, quite a range, then. And what sort of things help people to organ ize their time? I suppose punctuality is important.

M: Um, yes and no. It's easier to finish a meeting on time if it starts on time. But in international contexts, you do have to be aware of cultural differences.

W: For example?

M: Well, in Britain big, formal meetings usually start on time, but less for mal meetings often begin a few minutes late. In Germany, on the other hand, people expect all meetings to begin on time; In some countries, er, for example, in Latin America, there's a more relaxed attitude. So, you d6 have to adapt to circumstances.

W: Um, it sounds like even if you manage your own time very well, you still can't control what other people do.

M. Well, you can set limits. If you're meeting a friend who always arrives late, you can say, "Well, I'm going to wait for 15 minutes. If they aren't there by then, I'll leave,"

W: Hmm. I've got one friend who's always late. I don't think I'd ever see her if I did that.

M: Hah, but people who are always late are the ones you need to set limits with. If they know that you won't wait, then, perhaps they'll make an effort.

W: Isn't that rather harsh?

M: No, not really. Someone who constantly turns up late is putting a low value on your time. Let them know you've got other things to do. And I'm not suggesting you do that with everyone just the persistent latecomers.


A.To help people to organize their work in an effective way.

B.To help people to become efficient at their jobs.

C.To help people to arrange their time properly.

D.To help people to reduce stress.



Xiaoyan and Polly decide to phone an estate agent.

Polly:So,what about seeing this flat?Do you like it?Why don't you call them?

Xiaoyan:Well,I don't know一yes,it is the best.Polly,could you ring them up,please?I'm sometimes quite nervous on the phone.I'm okay with business,but I don't like talking about things I don't understand very well.

Polly:Yes,of course I'll phone them.But how about going to an estate agent,then you're talking face to face?

Xiaoyan:What do you mean?

Polly:Why don't you go to an estate agent?They sell flats,but they've usually got flats to rent.Talk to them about what you are looking for.I'll help you find a good estate agent in the phone book.

Xiaoyan:Yes,that's a good idea.

1.Xiaoyan wants () about the flat in the newspaper.

A、Polly to phone

B、to phone

C、Polly to talk

2.Xiaoyan is () the phone when she doesn't understand things very well.

A、interested in

B、happy on

C、nervous on

3.Polly hopes that Xiaoyan talks to an estate agent ().

A、on the phone

B、through email

C、face to face

4.An estate agent has got flats to ().




5.Xiaoyan is () to an estate agent.

A、happy to go

B、nervous to go

C、not interested in going



听力原文:M: Hi, Sally. W: Hello, Tom. How are you?M: I'm fine, where are you going?W: Oh,

听力原文:M: Hi, Sally.

W: Hello, Tom. How are you?

M: I'm fine, where are you going?

W: Oh, I'm on my way home from work.

M: I didn't know you had a job.

W: Yeah. I work part-time at a supermarket.

M: What do you do there?

W: I work in the produce section. Trimming and wrapping fresh fruit and vegetables. I also stock shelves. Some times when it gets really busy, I work at the check-out counter. Have you got a job, Tom?

M: Yeah. I do yard work for people. You know, cutting grass, raking leaves, pulling weeds, things like that.

W: I'd like doing that. It must be nice to work outdoors.

M: Sometimes it is. Except when it rains or snows or gets too hot or too cold or. . . Ha-ha. Tuition is sure high, isn't it? Well, I'd better go. I've got to plant some trees for my neighbours this afternoon.

W: Well, don't work too hard. Holding down a job, going to class, studying. Sometimes it can become too much for one person. Take it easy.

M: You, too. It was great seeing you, Sally!

What does Sally do at her supermarket job?

A.She works at the meat counter.

B.She puts groceries out on the shelves.

C.She carries groceries out of the store for customers.

D.She checks the quality of milk products.



Task 1 Being a salesman, the most important thing ...

Task 1 Being a salesman, the most important thing is to understand people. You've got to know what they're thinking. If you can figure that out, you can get them to do a lot. They come in with an idea about what they want. You get them talking about themselves, about what they like. If it's man, you talk about football or something like that. If it's woman, you ask her about fashions. That way they get comfortable with you. You ask them a lot of questions and get them saying yes. Then they just get into the habit of saying yes. In the end, you can put them into anything you want, if you're really good. For example, if they need a little car for the city; you send them home a truck. Of course, I wouldn't really do that. It wouldn't be right. You've got to sell on this job but you also have to be fair. It's not fair to take advantage of people too much. There are some people in this business who’d do anything. But don't believe in that. 26.To be a good salesman, the most important thing is to________.

A、learn from different kinds of people

B、understand what people are thinking

C、see what people usually do in daily life

D、watch what changes people have made




A.You’re Still the One

B.No One Needs To Know

C.Any Man of Mine

D.You've Got A Way




A.You’re Still the One

B.No One Needs To Know

C.Any Man of Mine

D.You’ve Got A Way

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