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材料:An aircraft lift on board RFA Argus was loaded beyond its safe working load of 18.4 t


An aircraft lift on board RFA Argus was loaded beyond its safe working load of 18.4 tonnes.There were no injuries to any personnel,or material damage to the ship or its equipment.

During a planned stay in port,500 compressed CO2 cylinders were required to be landed.These were normally stowed on a lower deck and needed to be transferred to the weather deck before being taken ashore.Before the vessel&39;s arrival in port,the planned operation was discussed between various officers and senior ratings,one of whom was to supervise final discharge of the cylinders from the ship.

Once in port,a senior rating gave instructions to three juniors to transfer a number of cylinders to the weather deck.He then left them alone to load the cylinders onto the platform. of an aircraft lift.The cylinders weighed 19.95 tonnes,which was greater than they had been instructed to load.In addition to this excess weight they added a fork lift truck weighing 5.5 tonnes.The lift was then raised.

When it reached the weather deck,the lift was unable to stow at the correct level.When investigated it was discovered that the load of both CO2 bottles and the fork lift truck was greater than its safe working load(SWL)and this had prevented the locking cleats at the flight deck(weather deck)engaging.


The lift was taken out of service for testing and inspection. The safe working load of the aircraft lift is ________ tonnes.





The aircraft lift was overloaded by a weight which is ________ more than its SWLA.1.55




It is implied in the passage that ________.A.the lift should be raised slowly to avoid the accident

B.the aircraft lift on board RFA Argus should be driven by super power

C.the senior rating should give instructions in more detail to the three juniors to transfer a number of cylinders to the weather deck

D.if the unloading operation was supervised by an officer who has sufficient experience of the loads,lifting equipment and the overall operation,the accident would had been avoided

It was the ________ that had prevented the locking cleats at the flight deck(weather deck)engaging.A.fork lift

B.CO2 bottles

C.overloaded weight

D.the three juniors


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更多“材料:An aircraft lift on board R…”相关的问题


What is the recommended technique to counter the loss of airspeed and resultant lift from wind shear?

A、Lower pitch attitude and regain airspeed

B、Avoid overstressing the aircraft, "pitch to airspeed", and apply maximum power

C、Maintain, or increase, pitch attitude and accept the lower-than-normal airspeed indications



Why does the man offer a lift? 查看材料A.Because the wo

A.A.Because the woman"s home is on his way hom

B.B.Because the driver is always willing to help others.

C.C.Because the driver is going home right now.

D.D.Because the woman asks him for help.



A gesture which means one thing in one country may well mean something quite different to those living in another.

A gesture which means one thing in one country may well mean something quite different to those living in another.The ring gesture,where you form. an “O” by holding me tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb,means in Britain that you think something is good.Take a trip to France,and you may fail to impress your French host when you use it to tell him your opinion of his new car, for in France it means zero or worthless.Travel further south and you are in even greater trouble,for in Tunisia it means “I’ll kill you!” Similar problems occur on the other side of the Atlantic.Although in the US the ring gesture has the same meaning as in Britain,it is used as an insult in Latin America.Unfortunately former US President Richard Nixon was unaware of this.Landing on a visit to one South American country he came out of the aircraft with both hands held high showing the ring gesture.Having just been told to go to hell by their visitor,his hosts gave the puzzled President a somewhat frosty reception.Had he used the same gesture in Japan,his hosts would have been puzzled,for it means money there.

Try to avoid these misunderstandings by using another gesture to indicate that you think something is good and you may still find yourself in trouble.In Britain and the US the thumbs—up sign is used when you think something is good, but elsewhere,as in Sardinia,it is an insult.In Britain the gesture is also used for hitch—hiking.But if you attempt using it to request a lift from a passing motorist in Greece or Italy,you had better stand well back from the edge of the road.It is quite likely that he will knock you down,for in Greece it is an insult.

Pulling down the lower lid of your eye with one finger is usually used to indicate alertness.In France and Greece it means much the same as“My eye!” in England,meaning “Don’t you think I can see it?”In Spain and Italy it is also related to being alert,but there it is used as a warning:“Keep your eyes open."In South America,it means you think that a woman is “eyeful,”very attractive.

26.The passage mainly discusses_____.

A.the benefits of using gestures

B.how gestures came into being

C.the problems in using gestures

D.how to avoid using gestures

27.If an Englishman uses the ring gesture,he will be correctly understood in_____.



C.the US


28.Richard Nixon used the ring gesture in the South American country as a sign of_____.





29.You can ask for a lift by using the thumbs-up sign in_____.





30.If you want to express your appreciation of a woman,you can_____.

A.use the ring gesture in Italy

B.use the ring gesture in France

C.pull down your lower eye lid in Greece

D.pull down your lower eye lid in South America



材料:At 0840 hrs,with the ship&39;s head on 180°,the UNISOL grounded on a rocky bottom,for


At 0840 hrs,with the ship&39;s head on 180°,the UNISOL grounded on a rocky bottom,forward of the main engine on her starboard side.A spout of water mixed with oil about 60cm in diameter and 2.5-3m high above the engine room bottom plating was observed,and at which time the main engines seemed to slow down.

The engine room flooded rapidly and the water level soon reached the electro-magnetic couplings,stopping the main engine.In the meantime,on being apprised of the situation,the Master ordered the evacuation of the engine room,which was successfully carried out under the supervision of the 2/E engineer,and the engine room crew were mustered on the boat deck wearing life jackets.

Shortly thereafter,the emergency air cut-off to the engine room and the emergency fuel shut-off were actuated causing the main generator to stop at 0845 hrs.The emergency generator then started up automatically.The starboard anchor was dropped in an attempt to prevent further westward drift.The vessel was by this time being subjected to pounding on the rocks,eventually breaking her back at 0930 hrs after which the violent motion ceased. Evacuation of the vessel commenced at 1045 hrs using 2 SAR helicopters with a Buffalo fixed-wing aircraft in attendance,and was completed at 1220 hours.


The main engine was caused to stop by the loss of the function of ________.

A.engine room bottom plating

B.emergency fuel shut-off

C.emergency air cut-off

D.electro-magnetic couplings

The reason that the violent motion of the vessel ceased was that ________.A.the starboard anchor was dropped properly to prevent further westward drift

B.the winds and/or seas decreased in a considerable extent

C.the vessel was held fast on the grounding rocks

D.the vessel's back was broken

This report is most likely prepared by ________.A.the master of the vessel

B.the cargo owners of the vessel

C.the shippers of the vessel

D.the independent investigator of the accident

The crew were taken off the vessel by ________.A.air-planes


C.an fixed-wing aircraft

D.the boat under the supervision of the 2/E engineer




Lift out oforder.


There are three general ULD Unit Load Devige in air shipment. They are(). A. aircraft container

A.A. aircraft container

B.B. aircraft pallet

C.C. pallet net

D.D. structural lgloo



()is a large packaging box







______ is a/an aircraft used in SAR.A.MRCCB.SOSREPC.MCAD.3A

______ is a/an aircraft used in SAR.







材料:During the morning of 2 August 1999 the supply vessel Putford Worker was working carg


During the morning of 2 August 1999 the supply vessel Putford Worker was working cargo at installations in the North Sea. She had completed operations at one installation without incident.

At 1110 she approached the second installation and carried out precautionary engine and steering tests.These were satisfactory,and at 1115 the vessel was in position to work cargo.The master was on the bridge at the joystick control;the weather was fine and the sea calm. The first lift was a 10&39; x 8&39; container.The deck crew attached the hook of the installation&39;s crane to the container,and moved forward to a safe position.The master then noticed that the vessel was moving forward out of position and moved the joystick to counteract the ahead movement.He then saw that the port propeller was indicating full ahead pitch,so changed from joystick to manual pitch controls and promptly put them to full astern.

This did not prevent the vessel moving ahead so far that the attached container be dragged over the stern and into the sea. Placing the manual pitch controls to zero then caused both propellers to return to neutral.Control of the vessel was regained,and the problem did not immediately re-occur.

Later tests and inspections by specialist control engineers and the propeller manufacturers showed no fault with the control systems or the port propeller.However,some wear was found in the feedback linkages on the control system of the starboard propeller.This was rectified,and manoeuvring tests completed satisfactorily.


In this passage the supply vessel is ________.

A.one that supplies fuel oils to other deep sea vessels

B.one that supplies stores to other deep sea vessels

C.a tug boat

D.smaller container vessel

The joystick is a device ________.A.controlling rudders

B.controlling shore cranes

C.controlling the operation of cargoes

D.controlling the propellers

On noticing that the vessel was moving forward out of position,the master ________.A.moved the joystick forward to go together with the ahead movement

B.moved the shore crane to go aftward

C.made the container move aftward by operating the joystick

D.operated the joystick to control the vessel and move her aftward

It is clearly demonstrated that ________.A.the testing of engines and steering before working cargo at an installation is an important precaution

B.the testing of engines and steering before working cargo at an installation was not followed by Putford Worker

C.there is no value of moving the deck crew clear once a lift is attached

D.had the deck crew not bothered to move clear from,the consequences could have been avoided




“自动驾驶,自动驾驶仪”的英文是__________(How Aircraft Are Built单词)(小写,单数)
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