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Does she speak French or German?She doesn't,()A. eitherB. neitherC. none

Does she speak French or German?

She doesn't,()

A. either

B. neither

C. none

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更多“Does she speak French or Germa…”相关的问题


“Does she speak English or Russian?” “She doesn’t speak ________.”







Why does the student go to speak with the professor?

A.to ask the professor about an article she wrote

B.to ask the professor’s opinion about an art exhibition

C.to ask the professor to approve a topic of a paper.

D.to ask the professor to write to her colleague on the student’s behalf



Read Passage 1 , and then answer Questions 16-20 briefly. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

16.Read Passage 1 , and then answer Questions 16-20 briefly. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

Verbal skills in another culture can generally be mastered if one studies hard enough. But nonverbal skills are much more difficult to learn. Nonverbal behavior. includes areas such as eye contact , facial expressions , postures , gestures , and the use of time , space , and territory. The messages sent by body language and the way we arrange time and space have always been open to interpretation. Does a raised eyebrow mean that your boss doubts your statement or just that she is seriously considering it? Does a closed door to an office mean that your coworker is angry or just that he is working on a project that requires concentration? Deciphering nonverbal communication is difficult for people who are culturally similar , and it is even more troublesome when cultures differ.

In Western cultures , for example , people perceive silence as negative. It suggests rejection , unhappiness , depression , regret , embarrassment , or ignorance. However , the Japanese admire silence and consider it a key to success. A Japanese proverb says , "Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know." Over 60 percent of Japanese businesswomen said that they would prefer to marry silent men. Silence is equated with wisdom.

16. According to the author , what does nonverbal communication include?

17. What is the main idea of Paragraph One?

18. "Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know." What does this Japanese proverb imply?

19. Understanding body language within the same culture group is very easy , is it?

20. What does silence mean in Western cultures?



Verbal skills in another culture can generally be mastered if one studies hard enough,
but nonverbal skills are much more difficult to learn. Nonverbal behavior. includes areas such as eye contact, facial expressions, postures, gestures, and the use of time, space,and territory. The messages sent by body language and the way we arrange time and space have always been open to interpretation. Does a raised eyebrow mean that your boss doubts your statement or just that she is seriously considering it? Does a closed door to an office mean that your coworker is angry or just that he is working on a project that requires concentration? Deciphering nonverbal communication is difficult for people who are culturally similar, and it is even more troublesome when cultures differ.

In Western cultures, for example, people perceive silence as negative. It suggests rejection, unhappiness, facial expression, regret, embarrassment, or ignorance.

However, the Japanese admire silence and consider it a key to success. A Japanese proverb says, “Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know.”

Over 60 percent of Japanese businesswomen said that they would prefer to marry silent men. Silence is equated with wisdom.

1. According to this passage, what does nonverbal communication include?()

A.The use of time

B.Facial expressions


D.All of the above

2. What does a raised eyebrow mean?()

A.Your boss doubts your statement.

B.Your boss is seriously considering your statement.

C.Your boss is unhappy with your statement.

D.The message sent by the raised eyebrow may be interpreted differently by people of another culture.

3. What is the main idea of Paragraph One?()

A.Verbal communication is important.

B.Nonverbal skills are more difficult to learn amongdifferent cultures.

C.Nonverbal communication is easy to learn.

D.Verbal skills are easy to be mastered.

4. How do western people view silence?()

A.It is positive.

B.It is approved.

C.It suggests unhappiness.

D.It suggests agreement.

5. “Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know.”What does this Japanese proverb imply?()

A.It is negative.

B.It suggests embarrassment.

C.It suggests unhappiness.

D.It is equated with wisdom.



We say that a person has good manners if he or she behaves politely and is kind and he
lpful to others.Everyone likes a person with good manners but no one likes a person with bad manners. "Y es", you may say , " but what are good manners? How do I know what to do and what not to do?"

People all over the world agree that being well-mannered really means being kind and helping others, especially to those older or weaker than ourselves. If you remember this, you will not go very far wrong.

Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do.

He never laughs at people when they are in trouble.Instead, he tries to help them. He is always kind, never cruel,either to people or to animals. When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn.He does not push to the front of the queue. In the bus, he gives his seat to an old person or a lady who is standing.If he accidentally bumps into someone, or gets in their way, he says, "excuse me" or "I'm sorry".

He says "please" when making a request, and "thank you" when he receives something. He stands up when speaking to a lady or an older person, and he does not sit down until the other person is seated. He does not interrupt other people when they are talking. He does not talk too much himself. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. When eating, he does not speak with his mouth full of food. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs.

(1)、Which of the following is considered as being well-mannered?

A:Laughing at the weaker

B:Behaving impolitely

C:Helping older people

D:Being kind to ourselves

(2)、If you try to be kind and helpful to others, you ______.

A:will make a mistake

B:will be completely wrong

C:will be considered very polite

D:will not be regarded as being well-mannered

(3)、When waiting for a bus, a well-mannered person should ______.

A:try to stand in the front of the line

B:line up in a queue

C:give his seat to a lady

D:stand where he is and wait for his turn

(4)、According to this passage, a polite person ______.

A:will not break into other's conversation

B:will do most of the talking when speaking with others

C:will sit down before an older person does

D:will not speak without his mouth full of food when eating

(5)、The word "accidentally" (Line 5, Para. 4) means ______.

A:on purpose

B:by accident

C:in an accident




6 Charles and Jane Miro, aged 31 and 34 years respectively, have been married for ten year
s and have two children

aged six and eight years. Charles is a teacher but for the last five years he has stayed at home to look after their

children. Jane works as a translator for Speak Write Ltd.

Speak Write Ltd was formed and began trading on 6 April 2006. It provides translation services to universities. Jane,

who ceased employment with Barnham University to found the company, owns 100% of its ordinary share capital

and is its only employee.

Speak Write Ltd has translated documents for four different universities since it began trading. Its biggest client is

Barnham University which represents 70% of the company’s gross income. It is estimated that the company’s gross

fee income for its first 12 months of trading will be £110,000. Speak Write Ltd usually agrees fixed fees in advance

with its clients although it charges for some projects by reference to the number of days taken to do the work. None

of the universities makes any payment to Speak Write Ltd in respect of Jane being on holiday or sick.

All of the universities insist that Jane does the work herself. Jane carries out the work for three of the universities in

her office at home using a computer and specialised software owned by Speak Write Ltd. The work she does for

Barnham University is done in the university’s library on one of its computers as the documents concerned are too

delicate to move.

The first set of accounts for Speak Write Ltd will be drawn up for the year ending 5 April 2007. It is estimated that

the company’s tax adjusted trading profit for this period will be £52,500. This figure is after deducting Jane’s salary

of £4,000 per month and the related national insurance contributions but before any adjustments required by the

application of the personal service companies (IR 35) legislation. The company has no other sources of income or

capital gains.

Jane has not entered into any communication with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) with respect to the company

and wants to know:

– When the corporation tax computation should be submitted and when the tax is due.

– When the corporation tax computation can be regarded as having been agreed by HMRC.

Charles and Jane have requested a meeting to discuss the family’s finances. In particular, they wish to consider the

shortfall in the family’s annual income and any other related issues if Jane were to die. Their mortgage is covered

by a term assurance policy but neither of them have made any pension contributions or carried out any other long

term financial planning.

Jane has estimated that her annual after tax income from Speak Write Ltd, on the assumption that she extracts all of

the company’s profits, will be £58,000. Charles owns two investment properties that together generate after tax

income of £8,500. He estimates that he could earn £28,000 after tax if he were to return to work.

The couple’s annual surplus income, after payment of all household expenditure including mortgage payments of

£900 per month, is £21,000. Charles and Jane have no other sources of income.


(a) Write a letter to Jane setting out:

(i) the arguments that HMRC could put forward, based only on the facts set out above, in support of

applying the IR 35 legislation to Speak Write Ltd; and

(ii) the additional income tax and national insurance contributions that would be payable, together with

their due date of payment, if HMRC applied the IR 35 legislation to all of the company’s income in

2006/07. (11 marks)




Just as she was about_,she was handed a note.(speak)



The other day I asked a group of my students how they like to learn English. The first person to speak up was Max. This was no surprise—unlike many Hong Kong students, Max has never been reluctant to speak. “I like to learn by speaking,” said Max. “I specially love to speak to native English speakers when I can find them. I try to talk to my friends in English, too. Um, what else? I like to watch TV and movies in English, and I like to learn new words by hearing them.” “How about you?” I asked Veronica. “Do you like to learn in these ways?” “Oh, no,” she said, “I could never learn like that. I need to have a textbook, and I like the teacher to explain everything to me. I have a notebook, and I write everything down. I like to study grammar, and I like to learn by reading. Max says he likes to learn new words by hearing them. I like to learn new words by seeing.” Veronica’s classmate Jackie was more similar to Max. She said she liked to learn by watching movies and videos. She also liked playing games, listening to cassettes, talking in pairs and practicing English outside the classroom. The last person to give his opinion was Joseph. Like Veronica, he liked to study grammar, although he didn’t feel the same need to have a teacher. He liked to learn independently to find his own mistakes, and to read books and newspapers. These four people correspond to four learner “types” that a former colleague of mine, Ken Willing, found in a study he did some years ago. Max can be classified as a “communicative” learner, Veronica as “authority-oriented”, Jackie as a “concrete” learner, and Joseph as an “analytical” one.

1.Max likes to learn English by().

A. always speaking in English

B. learning new words by hearing them

C. watching TV and movies in English

D. All of the above.

2.Who likes to learn English by watching movies and videos?()

A. Veronica and Joseph

B. Jackie and Max

C. Jackie and Veronica

D. Joseph and Max

3.What’s the similarity between Veronica and Joseph in learning preferences?()

A. Neither likes to study grammar.

B. Neither likes a teacher to explain what they are learning.

C. Both like to study independently.

D. None of the above.

4.If Nancy likes to learn English by listening to tapes, watching movies, talking to others and playing games, what type does she belong to?()

A. Communicative.

B. Authority-oriented.

C. Concrete.

D. Analytical.

5.What’s the main idea of this passage?()

A. How to find the way you really like to learn.

B. Four different types of English learner.

C. How will the teachers do with the four types of learner?

D. I enjoy teaching my students.









Ann Wang write good English but does not speak well.()

Ann Wang write good English but does not speak well.()

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