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Children need many things, but _________ they need attention.

A. in all

B. for all

C. above all

D. after all

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更多“Children need many things, but…”相关的问题


Dr. Robert Coles believes that ______()

A.being rich has as many advantages as being poor

B.rich children often get too little entertainment

C.rich children sometimes can't enjoy the thing they are most in need of

D.rich children aren't given enough things



The new studies show that fewer than half of the 9th graders in many of the nation’s l
argest cities,ever graduate.The studies clearly show that the dropout rate isn’t dropping.And,in particular,the dropout rate isn’t dropping for poor and minority students.

Amazingly,though so many people regret the rising dropout rate,our schools continue to lack formal plans—or any plans—about students’ motivation.Most schools have no game plans to ensure that students understand that school will be completely necessary.Schools expect the children to act as the school is important,but they never teach them to believe that.

Years ago,families ensured that the offspring recognized the value of school.But in many modern families,the children may fail to recognize the importance of school life just because these families may actually tell the children that school is not important.Since many families are not motivating their children to be interested students,young professionals,like teachers,may need to provide this training.Otherwise,it is likely that the dropout rate will continue to not drop,but only worsen.

Here are some strategies to convince even the most apathetic students that they must stay in school.

Ask students if they will ever need to work:The world has changed.100 years ago,factory work was the booming job,and it required no education.Today,factories are increasingly automated.Most computer­related jobs require education and at least a high school diploma.

Ask students which century they will be prepared for:In 1900,the most common jobs were farm laborer and domestic servant—education not needed.Now,the most common jobs are office and sales worker—education and diploma usually needed.6 out of 10 people today work in a store or an office.

Ask students to devise a way that the employee could be replaced.For example,the coming trend in fast food is to use computers rather than people to run the restaurant.A prototype is apparently already being tested.The students should discover that most jobs that lack education and diploma requirements will be ripe for automation.

1.By saying “the dropout rate isn’t dropping”,the author means to say that ________.

A、most of the 9th graders can afford to go to school

B、quite a few of the 9th graders can graduate

C、the majority of the 9th graders cannot graduate

D、the minority of the 9th graders can’t graduate

2.The author’s attitude towards the schools is ________.





3.With the help of some professionals,________.

A、fewer students may stay in schools

B、some parents will be more convinced of their children’s future

C、the dropout rate in schools may drop

D、all the kids problems should be solved

4.What does the underlined word “offspring” probably mean?





5.According to the passage,________ doesn’t need education.

A、an automation job of today

B、a computer­related job now

C、an office job at present

D、a domestic servant’s job in 1900



Children need many things, but () they need attention.

A.in advance

B.in practice

C.after all

D.above all



The disabled children need many things, but ______, they need love. A) first of all C) after all B) above all D) all in all

A.The disabled children need many things, but ______, they need lovE.

B.first of all

C.above all

D.after all

E.all in all



Children need many things, but ______ they need love.

A.all in all

B.at all

C.after all

D.above all



When you take a walk in many ofthe cites in the West, you often see a lot of pople wal
king dogs It is still true that a dog isthe most useful and faithful anumal in the world .But the reason why people keep a dog have changed.

In the old day, people used to train dogs to protet themselve against atakas by other beasts And later. they came to realize that the doeg was not only useful for protection but willing to obey his master .For example, when people used dogs for hunting, the dogs would not eat what was caught without permisson Bot now people in tbe city need not protect themselves against atacks of an animal.

Why do they keep dogs. then? Some people keep dogs to protet themselves from robbery, but the most important reason for companionship For a child, a dog his best frend when he has no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when they have no children For old couples. a dog is also thei child when their real children have grown up So the many reason why people keep dogs has changed from protection to friendship,

1.It is true that a dog is the most important animal in the world.





Human beings need to drink for their survival. Water ranks【61】on the list of all-time safe
fluids. But not all water is as safe as once【62】. Recent tests of water fountains in several U. S. cities show that many fountains give water containing large【63】of lead (铅) , a poisonous metal. A recent study of 900 water fountains in Los Angeles【64】that half of the fountains【65】contained higher amounts of lead than the【66】the experts consider【67】. In other cities【68】results of tests were announced; too much lead in many, though【69】, drinking fountains. Water doesn't normally contain any lead, but when it passes through pipes, it can【70】. People who drink the water【71】the lead. An adult' s body passes most of the lead【72】the body, but children' s【73】retains more than half the lead【74】. This makes children more likely to be affected. Lead can damage the kidneys, cause【75】and impair learning and memory.【76】four million children in U. S. A. already have high levels of lead in their bodies. Most of this lead comes from【77】polluted with the metal. They can【78】it up from eating dirt or paint chips containing lead. In【79】to limit the lead in water fountains, officials recently suggested that fountains【80】to have too much lead be replaced or repaired. And that certainly requires a lot of money.








Old age in the United States presents manyproblems and opportunities. With the result of 【

Old age in the United States presents many

problems and opportunities. With the result of 【S1】______

improved medical services, people live longer than they

used to. This increase in longevity creates a wide range

of social needs that didn't exist when the average life

expectancy was higher. The medical specialty of 【S2】______

gerontology (老年医学) has opened research areas and

careers related to the elderly.

Because of changes in the family structure from

extended to nuclear, the elderly has to create existences 【S3】______

apart from basically small family units. This situation is

complicated by the fact many of their friends may have 【S4】______

died and their children may have moved away.

The elderly person must set up a new life. Often,

the elderly must rely on a fixed income—Social

Security and pensions—and gradually diminished 【S5】______

savings. While some live with their children, many

more live by themself, with a friend, or in a nursing 【S6】______


Moreover, the increasing proportion of elderly 【S7】______

people has given .them a new political power. They have

formed organizations such as the Grey Panthers to voice

their own need and concerns over local , state, and 【S8】______

federal agencies. Lobbying (国会院外游说活动) for

such issues as increased Social Security benefits, better

healthy care, income tax benefits, and rent controls 【S9】______

have brought to the public an increased awareness of the 【S10】______

determination of the elderly to assert their ability to

deal effectively with their own lives.




There is a great concern in Europe and North America about declining standards of literacy
in schools. In Britain, the fact that 30 percent of 16 year old have a reading age of 14 or less has helped to prompt massive educational changes. The development of literacy has far-reaching effects on general intellectual development and thus anything which impedes the development of literacy is a serious matter for us all. So the hunt is on for the cause of the decline in literacy. The search so far has forced on socioeconomic factors, or the effectiveness of "traditional" versus "modem" teaching techniques.

The fruitless search for the cause of the increase in illiteracy is a tragic example of the saying "They can't see the wood for the trees". When teachers use picture books, they are simply continuing a long-establisbed tradition that is accepted without question. And for the past two decades, illustrations in reading primers have become increasingly detailed and obtrusive, while language has become impoverished -- sometimes to the point of extinction.

Amazingly, there is virtually no empirical evidence to support the use of illustrations in teaching reading. On the contrary, a great deal of empirical evidence shows that pictures interfere in a damaging way with all aspects of learning to read. Despite this, from North America to the Antipodes, the first books that many school children receive are totally without text.

A teacher's main concern is to help young beginning readers to develop not only the ability to recognize words, but the skills necessary to understand what these words mean. Even if a child is able to read aloud fluently, he or: she may not be able to understand much of it: this is called "barking at text". The teacher's task of improving comprehension is made harder by influences outside the classroom. But the adverse effects of such things as television, video games, or limited language experiences at home, can be offset by experiencing "rich" language at school.

Instead, it is not unusual for a book of 30 or more pages to have only one sentence full of repetitive phrases. The artwork is often marvellous, but the pictures make the language redundant, and the children have no need to imagine anything when they read such books. Looking at a picture actively prevents children younger than nine from creating a mental image, and can make it difficult for older children. In order to learn how to comprehend, they need to practise making their own meaning in response to text. They need to have their innate powers of imagination trained.

As they grow older, many children turn aside from books without pictures, and it is a situation made more serious as our culture becomes more visual. It is hard to wean children off picture books when pictures have played a major part throughout their formative reading experiences, and when there is competition for their attention from so many other sources of entertainment. The least intelligent are most vulnerable, but tests show that even intelligent children are being affected. The response of educators has been to extend use of pictures in books and to simplify the language, even at senior levels. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge recently held joint conferences to discuss the noticeably rapid decline in literacy among their undergraduates.

Pictures are also used to help motivate children to read because they are beautiful and eye-catching. But motivation to read should be provided by listening to stories well read, where children imagine in response to the story. Then, as they start to read, they have this experience to help them understand the language. If we present pictures to save children the trouble of developing these creative skills, then I think we are making a great mistake.

Academic journals ranging from educational research, psychology, language learning, psycholinguistics, and so on cite experime

A.they read too loudly

B.there are too many repetitive words

C.they are discouraged from using their imagination

D.they have difficulty assessing its meaning

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