题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

— Do you know John’s new address? Here’s his mail and I want to send it to him.— __

— Do you know John’s new address? Here’s his mail and I want to send it to him.

— __________.

A. Sorry, I don’t think I will do this.

B. Well, we used to be roommates.

C. Well, we will never meet again.

D. Sorry, we didn’t get along before he moved.

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更多“— Do you know John’s new addre…”相关的问题


Who's the woman who's standing behind Jack? 一 ________________________ A. Do

Who's the woman who's standing behind Jack?

一 ________________________

A. Do you know how long Jack's going to be in town?

B. Which one? The one with the big hat?

C. He is my uncle, John's father.



—Do you know John ’s new address? Here ’s his mi l and I want to send it to him.— _

—Do you know John ’s new address? Here ’s his mi l and I want to send it to him.

— ___________________.

A. Sorry, I don ’t think I will do this.

B. Well, we used to be roommates.

C. Well, we will never meet again.

D. Sorry, we didn ’t get along before he moved.



Curtis: Who do you think is the murderer in this story?Greg:I think it's Mr. John

Curtis: Who do you think is the murderer in this story?

Greg:I think it's Mr. Johnson, because he was in the house at the time of the murder.

Curtis: No, __________

A. you never know.

B. but you may be mistaken.

C. but you are on the right track.

D. I don't know either.



— Do you know John’s new address? Here’s his mail and I want to send it to him.


A.Sorry, I don’t think I will do this.

B.Well, we used to be roommates.

C.Well, we will never meet again.

D.Sorry, we didn’t get along before he moved.



Dialogue TwoJohn: Oh Anne, that was a wonderful dinner. That‘s the best meal I‘ve had in

Dialogue Two

John: Oh Anne, that was a wonderful dinner. That‘s the best meal I‘ve had in a long time.

Anne: Oh, thank you! Thank you very much.

John: Can I give you a hand with the dishes?

Anne: Uh-uh, don‘t bother. ___ 5 ___ Hey, would you like me to fix some coffee?

John: Uh, thanks a lot. I‘d love some. Uh, would you mind if I smoke?

Anne: Why, not at all. Here, let me get you an ashtray.

John: Aw, thanks very much...Oh, Anne,___ 6 ___

Anne: Actually, I‘ve only just learned how, you know. It‘s because I‘ve been taking these courses.

John: Why, I can‘t cook at all, can‘t even boil an egg.

Anne: No kidding.___ 7 ___ you could take a couple of classes over at Sheridan College and learn how to do it too.

John: Aw, thanks a lot.

第5题__________ 查看材料

A.I didn"t realize you were such a good cook.

B.I" 11 do them myself later.

C.Well, you know, if you want to,

D.Do you make it by yourself?



How much do you know about John Steinbeck, the author of Lesson Six? (about 350 words
How much do you know about John Steinbeck, the author of Lesson Six? (about 350 words

How much do you know about John Steinbeck, the author of Lesson Six? (about 350 words)



Do you know why John didn‘ t __________at the party yesterday evening?A.show off

Do you know why John didn‘ t __________at the party yesterday evening?

A.show off

B.show down

C.show up

D.show in



阅读理解My cousin, John, is a university student. Last year he went to Italy and stayed there for two months. I was surprised that John was able to have such a long

阅读理解My cousin, John, is a university student. Last year he went to Italy and stayed there for two months. I was surprised that John was able to have such a long holiday because he never has any money.

“How did you manage it, John” I asked. “I thought you were going to stay for two weeks,”

“It was easy,” John answered. “I got a job.”

“A job!” I exclaimed. “What did you do?”

“I gave English lessons to a grocer,” John answered. “His name is Luigi. We have become great friends.”

“But you’re not a teacher,” I said.

“I told Luigi I couldn’t teach,” John explained. “But he insisted on having conversation lessons. He wanted to practice his English. He has a lot of American customers, so it is important for him to speak English. I spent three hours a day talking to him. In return he gave me a room, three meals a day and a little pocket money.”

“Did your pupil learn much English?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” John said. “But I learned a lot of Italian!”

1. The cousin of the author is _________.

A)a university student

B) an Italian grocer

C) a tour guide

D) a news reporter

2. How long did John spend in Italy?

A)A week.

B)Two weeks.

C) A month.

D) Two months.

3. The author thought John could not have spent such a long holiday because _________.

A) John did not have money with him

B)John did not like Italy very much

C)John was traveling all by himself

D)John would miss his family very much

4. What do we know about John’s job?

A) John was paid well for his English lessons.

B) John gave English conversation lessons to an Italian.

C) Luigi learned a lot of English from his American customers.

D)Luigi did not know any English before John taught him.

5. What do we know about Luigi?

A) He showed John around during his stay in Italy.

B) He was angry because he learned nothing from John.

C)Every day he spent some time teaching John Italian.

D) He did not care whether John had teaching experience or not.

6. What does the underlined word “exclaimed” (Para. 4) probably mean?

A) cry out

B) laugh


D)stand up



Firstly, allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Brown, manager of the company. __

A. My name is John Brown, manager of the company. _____.

B.You must be mistaken. I don’t know you at all

C.How do you do, Mr. Brown? Very happy to see you

D.Hello, Brown! I haven’t seen you for ages

E.Hi, John! Welcome to China



Speaker A : Firstly,allow me to introduce myself.My name is John Brown,manager of the comp

SpeakerB :____________

A.You must be mistaken. I don’t know you at all.

B.Hello, Brown! I haven’t seen you for ages.

C.How do you do, Mr. Brown? Very happy to see you.

D.Hi, John! Welcome to China.

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