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Words like male and female are gradable antonyms. ()

Words like male and female are gradable antonyms. ()

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What is sex? What is gender? Sex is determined by genetic codes that program biologica

l features.The words like “man”,“woman”,“male”and“female” indicate sexual identities.Gender is 1 complex than sex.For example,you might think of gender 2 the cultural meaning of sex.Since the first cry in this world,individuals are besieged with communications reflecting cultural prescriptions for gender.Gender 3 continues with interactions between parents,teachers,peers,and the media.Through our interactions with 4 ,we receive constant messages that reinforce females’ conformity to femininity and males’ to masculinity.For instance,parents may say to their daughter 5 are jumping and laughing too boisterously,“Behave like a girl!”,while they may tell their 6 son,“Be a man.No tears!” This means that individuals are not born with a gender,but are gendered. 7 some people resist gender socialization,the intensity and pervasiveness of social prescriptions for gender ensure most females will become feminine and most males will become masculine. So gender is a social 8 ,not an individual characteristic.Everyone is consciously or unconsciously gendered the 9 he or she 10 .

















A、all others

B、the other

C、any other


































According to the componential analysis, the words girl and woman differ in the featur







Pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items are

A.doctor and patient

B.husband and wife

C.male and female

D.teacher and student



The word “son” meaning “one’s male child” and the word “sun” meaning “a star that is


B.perfect homonyms


D.polysemic words



Who talks more,women or men? The seemingly conflicting evidence is resolved

by the difference between what I call public and private speaking.More men feel comfortable doing "public speaking," while more women feel comfortable doing "private" speaking.Another way of capturing these differences is by using the terms report-talk and rapport-talk.For most women, the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport: a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships. Emphasis is placed on displaying similarities and matching experiences. From childhood, girls criticize their friends who try to stand out or appear better than others. People feel their closest connections at home, or in places where they feel at home -- with one or a few people they feel close to and comfortable with -- in other words, during private speaking. But even the most public situations can be approached like private speaking.

For most women,talk is primarily a means to preserve independence and negotiate and maintain status in a hierarchical(等级制度的) social order.This is done by exhibiting knowledge and skill,and by ho1ding center stage through verbal performance such as torytelling,joking,or conveying information.From childhood,men learn to use talking as a way to get and keep attention.Therefore,they are more comfortable speaking in 1arger groups made up of people they know 1ess well,in the broadest sense,"public speaking”. But even the most private situations can be approached like public speaking,more like giving a report than establishing rapport.

21.A similar term for "private talking" is ___________.



[C]persuasive talk

[D]women's talk

22.When women talk,they tend to________.

[A]admire their friends who stand out

[B]make others feel at home

[C]approach public situations like private talking

[D]seek close relationship with other speakers

23. Men talk in order to________.

[A]make new friends

[B]share experience

[C]argue with others

[D]attract attention

24. The purpose of this passage is to _______.

[A]contrast the male and female talking styles

[B]prove that men talk more effectively than women

[C]analyze why men and women are different

[D]draw people's attention to the difference between men and women

25. Which of the following is true?

[A]Men talk more than women.

[B]Men feel more comfortable making a public speech than women.

[C]Men are more knowledgeable than women.

[D]Men are more independent than women.



When Thomas Keller, one of America's foremost chefs, announced that on Sept. 1 he would ab
olish the practice of tipping at Per Se, his luxury restaurant in New York City, and replace it with a European--style. service charge, I knew three groups would be opposed: customers, servers and restaurant owners. These three groups are all committed to tipping—as they quickly made clear on Web sites. To oppose tipping, it seems, is to be anticapitalist, and maybe even a little French.

But Mr. Keller is right to move away from tipping—and it's worth exploring why just about everyone else in the restaurant world is wrong to stick with the practice.

Customers believe in tipping because they think it makes economic sense. "Waiters know that they won't get paid if they don't do a good job" is how most advocates of the system would put it. To be sure, this is a tempting, apparently rational statement about economic theory, but it appears to have little applicability to the real world of restaurants.

Michael Lynn, an associate professor of consumer behavior. and marketing at Cornell's School of Hotel Administration, has conducted dozens of studies of tipping and has concluded that consumers' assessments of the quality of service correlate weakly to the amount they tip.

Rather, customers are likely to tip more in response to servers touching them lightly and leaning forward next to the table to make conversation than to how often their water glass is refilled—in other words, customers tip more when they like the server, not when the service is good. Mr. Lynn's studies also indicate that male customers increase their tips for female servers while female customers increase their tips for male servers.

What's more, consumers seem to forget that the tip increases as the bill increases. Thus, the tipping system is an open invitation to what restaurant professionals call "upselling": every bottle of imported water, every espresso and every cocktail is extra money in the server's pocket. Aggressive upselling for tips is often rewarded while low-key, quality service often goes unrecognized.

In addition, the practice of tip pooling, which is the norm in fine-dining restaurants and is becoming more common in every kind of restaurant above the level of a greasy spoon, has ruined whatever effect voting with your tip might have had on an individual waiter. In an unreasonable outcome, you are punishing the good waiters in the restaurant by not tipping the bad one. Indeed, there appears to be little connection between tipping and good service.

It may be inferred that a European-style. service ______.

A.is tipping-free

B.charges little tip

C.is the author's initiative

D.is offered at Per Se




Who talks more,women or men? The seemingly conflicting evidence is resolved by the difference between what I call public and private speaking.More men feel comfortable doing "public speaking," while more women feel comfortable doing "private" speaking.Another way of capturing these differences is by using the terms report-talk and rapport-talk.For most women, the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport: a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships. Emphasis is placed on displaying similarities and matching experiences. From childhood, girls criticize their friends who try to stand out or appear better than others. People feel their closest connections at home, or in places where they feel at home -- with one or a few people they feel close to and comfortable with -- in other words, during private speaking. But even the most public situations can be approached like private speaking.

For most women,talk is primarily a means to preserve independence and negotiate and maintain status in a hierarchical(等级制度的) social order.This is done by exhibiting knowledge and skill,and by ho1ding center stage through verbal performance such as torytelling,joking,or conveying information.From childhood,men learn to use talking as a way to get and keep attention.Therefore,they are more comfortable speaking in 1arger groups made up of people they know 1ess well,in the broadest sense,"public speaking”. But even the most private situations can be approached like public speaking,more like giving a report than establishing rapport.

21.A similar term for "private talking" is ___________.



[C]persuasive talk

[D]women's talk

22.When women talk,they tend to________.

[A]admire their friends who stand out

[B]make others feel at home

[C]approach public situations like private talking

[D]seek close relationship with other speakers

23. Men talk in order to________.

[A]make new friends

[B]share experience

[C]argue with others

[D]attract attention

24. The purpose of this passage is to _______.

[A]contrast the male and female talking styles

[B]prove that men talk more effectively than women

[C]analyze why men and women are different

[D]draw people's attention to the difference between men and women

25. Which of the following is true?

[A]Men talk more than women.

[B]Men feel more comfortable making a public speech than women.

[C]Men are more knowledgeable than women.

[D]Men are more independent than women.



阅读:THE CLASSROOM is a man's world, where boys get two thirds of the teachers' attention

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

THE CLASSROOM is a man's world, where boys get two thirds of the teachers' attention — even when they are in a minority— taunt (辱骂) the girls without punishment, and receive praise for sloppy work that would not be tolerated from girls. They are accustomed to being teachers' pets, and if girls get anything like equal treatment, they will protest eagerly and even wreck lessons.

These claims are made in a book out this week, written by Dale Spender, a lecturer at the London University Institute of Education. She argues that discrimination against girls is so deeply in co educational schools that single sex classes are the only answer. Her case is based on tape recordings of her own and other teachers' lessons. Many of them, like Spender, had deliberately set out to give girls a fair chance. “Sometimes,” says Spender, “I have even thought I have gone too far and have spent more time with the girls than the boys.”

The tapes proved otherwise. In 10 taped lessons (in secondary school and college), Spender never gave the girls more than 42 per cent of her attention (the average was 38 percent) and never gave the boys less than 58 percent. There were similar results for other teachers, both male and female. In other words, when teachers give girls more than a third of their time, they feel that they are cheating the boys of their rightful share. And so do the boys themselves. “She always asks the girls all the questions,” said one boy in a classroom where 34 per cent of the teachers' time was allocate d to girls. “She doesn't like boys, and just listens to the girls.” said a boy in another class, where his sex got 63 per cent of teacher attention. Boys regarded two thirds of the teacher's time as a fair deal — and when they got less they caused trouble in class and even complained to higher authority. “It's important to keep their attention,” said one teacher, “Otherwise, they play you up something awful.” Spender concludes that, in mixed classes, if the girls are as boisterous and pushy as the boys, they are considered “unladylike”, if they are docile and quiet, they are ignored.

26. If boys are better treated in class, ____ would be better.

A) single sex classes and co educational classes B) co educational classes

C) single sex classes D) None of the above

27. Dale Spender obtained the evidence for her claims by ____ .

A) her own lessons in secondary school and college

B) the other teachers' tape recordings

C) both male and female teachers

D) tape recordings of her own and other teachers' lessons

28. What are the boy's reactions when girls are given more attention?

A) They will keep the teachers' attention again.

B) They will make some trouble and complain to the headmaster.

C) They will play up the teacher something awful.

D) They will feel they are cheated by teachers.

29. The word “boisterous” in the last paragraph probably means ____.

A) rough B) brave C)troublesome D) emotional

30. The best title for this passage would be ____.

A) boys are teachers' pets

B) boys do better in co educational classes

C) single sex classes are better than co eduationed classes

D) girls do better than boys



Words like man and woman are gradable antonyms. ()

Words like man and woman are gradable antonyms. ()



Words like dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and mermaid, are meaningful but they identify no
entities in the real world.()

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