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I have always found country life most【C1】______The city, a place for business is only to b

e visited; it is not an ideal place for【C2】______residence. People may say that the city can provide you with the best【C3】______life can offer. Your friends are always【C4】______for an informal chat or an evenings entertainment. The【C5】______exhibitions, films or plays are always within easy reach. Shopping, too, is always a pleasure. But what about the hustle and bustle of city life? The city dweller neverhas a moment【C6】______peace; he is always【C7】______. And what about the noise and pollution of the city? Day and night the city is in uproar with its unceasing traffic. The air is polluted with poisonous gases emitted by the smokestacks of factories. Country life is in many aspects【C8】______city life. For one thing, the people there are friendly. People are【C9】______with one another. You can never【C10】______receive a friendly nod or a kind word from anyone you chance to meet.






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I have always found country life most【76】. The city, a place for business is only to be vi
sited; it is not an ideal place for【77】residence. People may say that the city can provide you with the best【78】life can offer.

Your friends are always【79】for an informal chat or an evening's entertainment. The【80】exhibitions, films or plays are always within easy reach. Shopping, too, is always a pleasure. But what about the hustle and bustle of city life? The city dweller neverhas a moment【81】peace; he is always【82】. And what about the noise and pollution of the city? Day and night the city is in uproar with its unceasing traffic. The air is polluted with poisonous gases emitted by the smokestacks of factories.

Country life is in many aspects【83】city life. For one thing, the people there are friendly. People are【84】with one another. You can never【85】receive a friendly nod or a kind word from anyone you chance to meet.








根据以下内容回答题:When I was a boy,children always objected(1)wearing school uniform. but


When I was a boy,children always objected(1)wearing school uniform. but teacherswere(2)on it because they said all of US looked(3).0therwise,they said,children would compete with(4)and the poorer children would be unhappy because people would see how poor they were.In recent years,however,many schools have(5)the idea of making children wear uniform. but funnily enough,now that children can wear(6)they like,they have adopted a uniform. of their own.When some journalists visited a London school,they found that aU the boys and girls were dressed in jcans.One girl said she would rather die than wear a coat instead of a jersey because(7)wants to look different(8)the other children in the class.Parents may not be as happy about th.is as children,but they(9)to be,because this new kind of uniform. is one that the children like,not something they have been forced to wear,and it is also(10)cheaper than school uniform. used to be.

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改错:Three passions have governed my life

Three passions have governed my life: the longing for love, the search into knowledge, and the unbearable __1__pity for the suffering of mankind.I have sought of love, first, because it brings ecstasy--ecstasy so great because I would often have __2__sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness which one shivering consciousness __3__looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, then, because in the __4__union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven where saints and poets __5__have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might

seem too good for human life, this is what--at last--i have found.

With equal passionate I have sought knowledge. I have wished __6__to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine...A little this, but not much, I have achieved. __7__Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible,led upward toward the heavens. But it always pity brought __8__me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors,helpless old people--a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty and pain make a mock of what __9__human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot,and I too suffer. This has been my life. I have found it worth of living, and would gladly live it again if the chance __10__were offered me.



改错:Middle age has its compensations.

Middle age has its compensations. Youth is bound hand and foot with the shackles of public opinion. Middle age enjoys freedom.I remember that when i left the school i said to myself: __1__"Hence forward. I can get up when i like and go to bed when i like." That of course was an exaggeration, and i soon found that whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to achieve it. But by the time you have reached middle age you discovered how __2__much freedom it was worth to sacrifice in order to achieve any aim that __3__you have on view. When i was a boy i was tortured by shyness, __4__and middle age has to a great extent brought me a relief of this. I __5__have now no such feeling and i save myself much discomfort. I always hated cold water, but for many years i bath in cold seas because __6__i wanted to be like everybody. __7__It was until quite late in life that i discovered how easy it was __8__to say:"i don't know." i find with middle age no one expects me to walk twenty-five miles, or to play a scratch game of golf, or to dive from a height of thirty feet. This is all to the good and makes life pleasant, but i should no longer care if they do. That is what makes __9__youth unhappy, the vehement anxiety to be like other people, and that is what makes middle age intolerable, the reconciliation with __10__oneself.



Sylvester and I are watching television advertisements because we need information for
a class research project. We have to discuss realism and fantasy (幻想) in television advertising, and so we are looking for examples of distortions (歪曲) and falsehoods in television commercials. The question we are asking is, "Is the commercial true to life, or does it offer an unreal picture of the product? "

Sylvester is keeping track of the distortions, and he already has quite a long list. He says that all housewives seem to live in lovely homes, dress beautifully, and love their household chores. They smile and boast about floor waxes and proudly display their dirty laundry, dusty tabletops, and filthy ovens. In addition, he has never seen men doing housework. Sylvester thinks that this view of family life is filled with distortions.I am keeping track of the people who appear in the advertisements. I have found handsome men courting the All-American Girl, and they are always recommending brand X toothpaste or brand Y cologne. I see teenagers and children surrounded by their friends, having wonderful times at parties and at school, and they are usually enjoying large harmonious family gatherings. I think that these advertisements are also filled with fantasy.Sylvester and I have concluded that much of American life is pictured unrealistically in commercials. Teenagers do not always have fun at parties, and very few people love doing chores. People do have problems, but few of these are ever shown in commercials. Instead, we watch Cinderella (灰姑娘) discover a miracle floor wax, finish the kitchen chores, and waltz off to the ball. Our heads are filled with these fantasies, and they also suggest that, for any problem, brand Z will provide the instant cure. Sylvester and I will have very few facts and a lot of fantasy to write about in our research reports.

1.Judging from the context, Sylvester and the author are most probably ____.


B、teacher and student

C、father and son

D、research workers

2.Sylvester has found that in advertisements housewives ____.

A、are sad and tired

B、enjoy doing their housework

C、have their husbands help them

D、never touch dirty things

3.The author thinks that life of teenagers shown in commercials is ____.




D、true to life

4.Sylvester and the author have come to the conclusion that commercials ____.

A、truly reflect American life

B、lack in fantasy

C、seldom give expression to people's real problems

D、give great fun to children

5.The most suitable title for the passage would be ____.

A、A Class Research Project

B、American Life As Shown by TV

C、Beautiful Commercials

D、Distortions in TV Advertisements



The most extraordinary dream I ever had was one in which I fancied that, as I was going in
to a theater, the cloak-room attendant (21) me in the lobby and insisted on my (22) my legs behind. I was not

surprised; but I was considerably annoyed. I said I had (23) heard of such a rule at any respectable theater (24) , and that I considered it a most absurd regulation. The man replied that he was very (25) , but that those were his instructions. People complained that they could not get to and from their (26) comfortably, because other people's legs were always in the (27) ; and it had, therefore, been decided that (28) should leave their legs outside. It seemed to me that the management, in making this order, had gone (29) their legal right; and, under ordinary circum- stances, I should have disputed it. However, I didn't want to (30) a disturbance; and (31) I sat down and meekly prepared to comply with the demand. I had never before (32) that the human leg could be unscrewed. I had always (33) it was more securely fixed. But the man showed me how to undo them, and I found that they came off (34) easily. The discovery did not surprise (35) any more than the original request that I should take them off. Nothing does surprise one in a dream.


A. called

B. helped

C. stopped

D. met



_____________. “I have found my place in the market. People love the individuality
and I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing a nondescript. shape turn into something almost lifelike,” he says.

[A]Graham has become increasingly busy, supplying flat-packed weathervanes to clients worldwide.

[B]Graham decided to concentrate his efforts on a weathervane business. He had served an apprenticeship as a precision engineer and had worked in that trade for 15 years when he and his wife, Liz, agreed to swap roles—she went out to work as an architectural assistant and he stayed at home to look after the children and build up the business.

[C]Last month, a local school was opened with his galleon ship weathervane hoisted above it.

[D]“For centuries, weathervanes have kept communities in touch with the elements, signaling those shifts in wind direction that bring about changes in the weather,” he explains.

[E]Graham has no plans for expansion, as he wants to keep the business as a rural craft.

[F]Graham has now perfected over 100 original designs. He works to very fine detail, always seeking approval for the design of the silhouette from the customer before proceeding with the hand-cutting.



Passage One Sharon Keating was worried about her kids when she got a divorce. Her da

Passage One

Sharon Keating was worried about her kids when she got a divorce. Her daughter, says, "I was feeling.., like down and sad and even though I didn't really show it."

Judith Wallerstein says problems from divorce can stay for many years. They can show up when the kids are adults. As adults the kids have trouble.

Wallerstein studied 93 children over a generation. The results can only be found in her book.

She says children of divorce are more likely to have problems with drugs. They are far more likely to seek therapy. About 40-percent of them do not marry. Their marriages fail at nearly twice the usual rate. It is hard for them to trust. They are afraid of failing.

Critics say Wallerstein had too few children in her study. Other things may be the cause of the kid's problems. The study does not compare kids from divorced families with kids from "healthy" families.

Wallerstein's families divorced a generation ago. Times have changed. People feel different about divorce. Today programs like Kid's Turn try to lessen some of the effects of divorce with family counseling. Talking about their feelings helps the kids get through it.

Since they know more about the problems, maybe the kids will be able to handle it.

31. Children of divorce ______.

A. are always happy

B. Sometimes feel sad but don't really show it

C. are not affected

D. are always very angry



I stood up ______ him and said I had always found him to be honest.







There came a guest who had booked a standard room. But after checking, I found that there
was no standard left. I checked the record of this guest, and found that he had always booked deluxe rooms.

I felt that it was perfect chance to up-sell. I checked the booked room with the guest, “Thank you very much for your reliance on our hotel, Mr. Gao. It’s my pleasure to serve you. This time, you have ordered a standard large-bed non-smoking for three nights, right?” “Yes.”

”I suggest you are on a business, right? I’d like to suggest you try our executive floor. It’s newly decorated, and you will enjoy the top-level service. And there are many preferential treatments.”

“Really? Then what preferential treatments can I have if I take that?”

“Mr. Gao, you need to use the internet to deal with you business, right? The Internet service is not free, but you may have one-hour free Internet use each day if you take the ECF. In addition, 80 yuan’s free laundry service, 6 tins of free soft drinks, and so on. And for all of these, you will only need to pay another 20 yuan.”

Here I stopped to observe the reaction of the guest. He kept silence for a while, looking hesitated. Then I said. “Maybe your concern is not how much you will pay, but rather whether the room is worth the price. Would you like to make your decision after having a look at the show room?”

The guest felt very hard to turn down my warm-hearted offer, so he decided to take an executive room for three nights.

30、The guest booked a deluxe room in Lisa’s hotel()

31、Lisa wanted to earn more money by recommending a higher-priced room()

32、The guest can use the Internet for free is he takes the executive room()

33、Lisa really knew why the guest hesitated()

34、At last, the guest accepted Lisa’s suggestion()

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