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阅读理解HOW DO YOU CREATE A CULTURE OF INNOVATION?Have you noticed the courage buried in



Have you noticed the courage buried in the word encourage? To create a culture in which innovation flourishes takes courage. Determined innovators are always courageous enough to establish a culture in which innovation is greatly encouraged and rewarded. Here are three ways to do that.

Put innovation at the heart of strategy, and persist it in every message. Think of innovation strategy as a pyramid: big bets at the top, a few projects in development in the middle, and a broad base of continuous improvements, lasting contributions, and early-stage new ideas at the bottom.

Define jobs around innovation. Make it a job prerequisite. Consider 3M’s move to become one of the first companies to tell professionals that they could spend 15 percent of their time on projects of their own choosing. Now many high-tech companies know that they can’t get the best talent without providing this kind of flexibility. And some of those self-selected, self-organized projects might even result in a blockbuster product or line of business. For 3M, it was the Post-it note.

Recognize innovation in every part of the company. To build a culture of creativity and innovation, Gillette developed an innovation fair in which every unit could show off its most promising new concepts. It shows that everyone has a role to play in a culture of innovation.

To go from idea to successful innovation requires a great deal of support and collaboration. When people are surrounded by constant communication and encouragement, they can find the courage to try, fail, redo, and try again.


1. What is necessary in creating innovation culture?{A; B; C}




2. How does 3M create its innovation culture?{A; B; C}

A. Put innovation at the heart of strategy, and persist it in every message.

B. define jobs around innovation.

C. Recognize innovation in every part of the company.

3. The word prerequisite in “Make it a job prerequisite” means {A; B; C}.

A. required as a prior condition

B. going after

C. prior to request

4. How does Gillette create its innovation culture?{A; B; C}

A. Put innovation at the heart of strategy, and persist it in every message.

B. define jobs around innovation.

C. Recognize innovation in every part of the company.

5. The formation from idea to innovation needs {A; B; C}.

A. discussion and revise

B. failure and courage

C. support and cooperation

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阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。Mary JohnsonA、Good morning, Mr. Liu


Mary JohnsonA、Good morning, Mr. Liu! How good to see you! Have you had a nice journey?

Liu Hua:_____

Mary:May I introduce an old friend of mine to you? Tony Smith is an architect and has a special interest in bridge design.


Liu Hua:How do you do? Mr. Smith. Nice to meet you.

Tony:Nice to see you, too. I know, you are the design leader of the Island & Tunnel Project of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. It’s my honor to meet you here.

Liu Hua: _____

Tony:It is said that the bridge is the longest cross-sea bridge in the world. How long is it?

LiuHua:Sure. You know, this bridge connects Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau. It has a total length of 49.968 km, of which 35.578 km will be built over the sea.


Mary:It sounds fantastic. I also want to see it when it’s finished.

LiuHua:No problem, you are welcome!

Mary:Now we’ll send you to the hotel and you can take a rest there. We’ll have a meeting on bridge design tomorrow morning.

Liu Hua:_____

Tony:You’re welcome.

A. How do you do? Mr. Liu.

B. That’s great! I hope someday I can witness such a miracle!

C. Thank you very much for your help.

D. Glad to see you, too, Mary. Indeed, it’s been a very nice journey.

E. Thank you very much.



阅读理解阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容判断文章后的句子是正确(T)还是错误(F)。MANAGING ONESELF




We live in an age full of opportunitiesA、If you are smart enough, and have got ambition and keep pushing forward, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession, no matter where you started out.

But with opportunity comes responsibility. Companies today aren't managing their employees' careers. Professional workers must be their own chief executive officers (CEO). It's up to you to strive for your place, to keep yourself engaged and productive during a working life that may last around 50 years. To do those things well, you'll need to have a deep understanding of yourself — not only what your strengths and weaknesses are, but also how you learn, how you work with others, what your values are, and where you can make the greatest contribution, because only when you operate from strength can you achieve true excellence.

History's great achievers — Napoléon, da Vinci, and Mozart — have always managed themselves. But they are so unusual both in their talents and in their accomplishments as to be considered rare exceptions. Now, most of us, even those of us with modest talents, will have to learn to manage ourselves. We will have to learn to develop ourselves. We will have to place ourselves where we can make the greatest contribution. And we will have to stay mentally alert and engaged during a 50-year working life, which means knowing how and when to change the work we do.


1. Companies today are responsible for employee's career. {T; F}

2. It is the CEO who decides your place. {T; F}

3. You need to understand your company well so that you can do things well. {T; F}

4. Understanding yourself means knowing well about your strengths, weaknesses, your values, how you learn, how you do with others and so on. {T; F}

5. Ordinary people cannot manage themselves well. {T; F}



阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误。WHAT DO YOU SAY IN A COVER LETTER?A cover letter is a let



A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV). How do you write a successful cover letter? Bear these points in mind, and you'll always make a great impression.

Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Writing more than one page is usually unnecessary. If it is sent in an email, writing three short paragraphs is quite sufficient.

Explain why you are sending a résumé. Don't make the reader guess what you are asking for.

Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organization – a flyer posted in your department, a web site, a family friend who works at the organization, etc.

Convince the reader to look at your résumé. The cover letter will be seen first. Therefore, it must be very well written and targeted to that employer.

Call attention to your background – education, leadership, experience – that is relevant to the position you are seeking.

Provide any information specifically requested in the job advertisement that might not be covered in your résumé, such as availability date, or references.


1. A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résumé.{T; F}

2. The cover letter is usually more than one page.{T; F}

3. There is no need to explain why you are sending a résumé.{T; F}

4. The cover letter must be very well written.{T; F}

5. Education background is irrelevant to the position you are seeking.{T; F}



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。Read the text and decide


Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).


How to introduce yourself on the first day of work?If you are looking for some ideas, here are some tips for you.

Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions. You're new and it's better to do something right the first time than have to do it again. Nobody expects you to know everything.

Smile a lot and be as friendly as possible to everyone you meet –no matter what their position is or how important they are! Use your lunch hours to get together with your co-workers. Get to know them and their interests.

Pay attention to the rumours, but don't join them. You don't want to be thought as a gossip.

Don't complain about your boss, any co-workers, or the job you did before. Continue to arrive early and don't rush out of the door at the end of the day.

Keep a positive attitude and an open mind. Your life has changed and you will get used to it.

1. Nobody expects you to know everything on the first day at work.{T、F}

2. You're new, so you shouldn't ask any questions.{T、F}

3. You should be friendly to both your co-workers and the leaders.{T、F}

4. It's not polite to learn about the interests of your co-workers.{T、F}

5. You can leave your office as quickly as you can at the end of the day.{T、F}



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。How often should filing


How often should filing be done? It depends on how busy the office is. In very busy organizations, filing is done at least every day. In a small or less busy office, filing can be done once or twice a week.

Filing Equipment. Tools that people use in sorting out documents range from small instruments such as paper clips, office pins and staplers to big machines such as photocopiers, printers and paper shredders.

Kinds of Files. Documents taken out very often are usually kept in clip foldersB、otherwise they are often kept in lever arch files. Besides, suspension files and box files are also used for different purposes.

What should be filed? People need to file documents that are sent to or received from by other people or organizations. These documents can be letters, reports, financial records, policy documents, etc.

* Filing should be done every day in each office.{T、F}

* It is necessary to do filing no less than once every week in a small office.{T、F}

* Only big instruments are useful in sorting out files.{T、F}

* If you need always read the documents, you can put them into lever arch files.{T、F}

* The company's annual reports usually need to be filed.{T、F}



阅读理解:根据上下文,补全对话内容。A. Are you ready?B. Would you please tell me a little b


A. Are you ready?

B. Would you please tell me a little bit about yourself

C. Why do you want to apply to our university?

D. What can I do for you?

E. What are you particularly good at?

_Bai Mei is talking with Molly about how to prepare for a college interview._

BAI MEI: Molly, I'm preparing for an online interview with a professor. You know, I applied to a US graduate school.

MOLLY: Great.{A; B; C; D; E}?

BAI MEI: I wonder if you could act as the professor to practice interviewing with me in advance.

MOLLY: Well, My pleasure.{A; B; C; D; E}?

BAI MEI: OK, I'm ready.

MOLLY:{A; B; C; D; E}, your education background, first?

BAI MEI: I graduated from Peking University, majoring in Information Technology.

MOLLY:{A; B; C; D; E}?

BAI MEI: I'm good at computer programming.

MOLLY: Sounds good.{A; B; C; D; E}?

BAI MEI: I believe your university is prominent in the field. I like the study program and your college environment. Besides, I've found great references for the school on the internet.

MOLLY: It seems that you've done a lot of preparation for this interview.

BAI MEI: Yes, indeed.

_(The interview practice continues …)_"



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。Meetings are very common


Meetings are very common nowadays. They can be weekly, monthly or annually. Some people think most meetings feel like a waste of time. They seem pointless and boring at times.

Then how do you run an effective meeting?

First, assign roles, such as greeter, timekeeper and note taker, so that you, the organizer, can be free to lead discussions and presentations.

Next, take charge from the start. Everyone will listen to you and join your discussion if you take charge in every aspect of the meeting. Show everyone that you really know what you are talking about, and everything that you talk about is useful.

Most important of all, follow the agenda. At the end of the meeting, spend a little extra time for the participants to discuss anything that needs to be immediately discussed but which may not have been on the agenda.

Always ask the participants questions to speak their minds and keep them interested. Remember that a good meeting is a two-way communication. Be open to everyone's opinion, ideas, and suggestions. Don't forget to thank them for the ideas they present.

And finally, close the meeting with everyone knowing what is expected of them and what they should do for the following weeks.Then, send out meeting minutes within a few days, while everyone still remembers the points.

1. A successful meeting should have different people to play different roles. {T、F}

2. Generally people only discuss the items listed on the agenda in a successful meeting.{T、F}

3. An unsuccessful meeting might be full of single-way communication. {T、F}

4. When the meeting is closed, it means there is nothing to do in the following weeks. {T、F}

5. Minutes should be sent out to the participants within a month after the end of the meeting. {T、F}



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。Cross training is traini


Cross training is training an employee to do a different part of the organization's work. Training worker A to do the task that worker B does and training B to do A’s task is cross training. Cross training is good for managers because it provides more flexibility in managing the workforce to get the job done. On the other hand, cross training has some benefits for the employees as well. It lets them learn new skills, makes them more valuable, keeps them stimulated and reduces worker boredom.

Cross training can be used in almost any position in almost any industry.I cross trained some of my design engineers to go on field installation trips and get first hand knowledge of how their designs worked, or didn’t work, in the field. Cashiers can be trained to stock shelves and stockers trained to cashier. This allows you to quickly open additional registers if the customer queue gets too long.

As you prepare cross training plans, you need to consider both the company benefits and the employee benefits. Carefullyselect the employees to be cross trained. Some people like to learn new things. Some are more comfortable sticking to what they know. Don’t decide which employees are ready for a change based on their age or performance.

1. Cross training is training an employee to do a different job in a different company. {T、F}

2. Cross training is beneficial not only for managers but also for employees.{T、F}

3. Cross training can apply to almost any position and almost any industry.{T、F}

4. Not all employees are suitable to be cross trained.{T、F}

5. You can decide which employees to be cross trained according to their age.{T、F}



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”Whatever projects you do


Whatever projects you do, you need to have a clear and accurate action plan. Here are a few ideas to make a good action plan.

First, know your goals. If you don't know where you're going, you're likely to end up anywhere, or even nowhere. The action plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed (SMART). It will take you toward the completion of that goal.

Next, list the necessary strategies that will be used to realize the goals. Be clear about very important events, and also any hidden difficulties you may meet. Break large tasks into smaller ones. Set deadlines for each task. Without clear deadlines, some tasks may never get completed.

Thirdly, follow your plan and don't stop until it's finished. Once your plan is made and shared with the team, the next step is simpleA、take daily action and make sure that everyone is doing their part.

Finally, change the date if you must, but never give up on the goals. Sometimes unexpected situations and events can appear and prevent you from finishing the tasks on time. If this happens, do not be discouraged – change your plan and continue working to meet your goals.

1. Whether you need to have a clear action plan depends on what kind of project you do.{T、F}

2. SMART stands for “suitable, measurable, achievable, relevant, timed”.{T、F}

3. When making an action plan, you'd better take possible difficulties into consideration.{T、F}

4. Don't change your plan even if some unexpected events happen.{T、F}

5. This passage is mainly about how to make a good action plan.{T、F}



阅读理解HOW TO HANDLE A BAD PERFORMANCE REVIEWGetting a bad performance review can make



Getting a bad performance review can make you feel angry, unappreciated, defeated, and hopeless. But it's not the end of the world. Remember that the way you respond to this appraisal can make all the difference in the next one. Even if you believe that the review is inaccurate and that your boss is completely wrong, you will benefit by reacting in a mature, adult manner. Here are some suggestions:

Stay calm. Relax. Breathe. Do not overreact and be objective. Especially, do not say things that will likely be regretted later. Besides, the person giving the performance review may or may not be the one who has written the bad review.


It's best to listen attentively. And make comments or remarks only when asked for them. Besides, during the performance review, you will be given the chance to respond and may disagree.


Don't be intimidated by the bad performance review and want to quit the job; instead, learn from it. Also, if the organization allows their employees to make a written statement on their own behalf, do make one. It is important for the worker to show why she does not agree with the bed performance review; for instance, an employee may express their different understanding and, at the same time, a willingness to comply with any constructive suggestions.


A way to improve a bad performance review is to set self-reviews, that is, establish performance standards. Another way to improve a bad review is to learn more about what the manager, supervisor, or boss wants or expects from his/her employees. Learning what it was that caused a bad performance review helps to improve professional growth and encourages as well as motivates the worker to do better in order to receive a good review next time.


1. What should you do when you are given a bad performance review?{A; B; C}

A. Argue with your boss.

B. Make immediate remarks.

C. Stay calm and listen carefully.

2. What should you do after you are given a bad performance review?{A; B; C}

A. Quit your job immediately.

B. Insist on making comments.

C. Learn from the review.

3. What should you do if you do not agree with the bad performance review?{A; B; C}

A. Tell the boss directly that you do not agree with the review.

B. Make a written statement on your own behalf if it is allowed.

C. Do not express your different understanding in a written statement.

4. How do you improve a bad performance review?{A; B; C}

A. Understand the established performance standards.

B. Learn more about what the employee wants or expects.

C. Learn what the person who gives the review may think.

5. Why should we understand the cause of a bad performance review?{A; B; C}

A. Because it helps the employee to get promoted immediately.

B. Because it encourages and motivates the worker to do better.

C. Because it prevents the employee from professional growth.

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