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The two Harvard economists note in their study that, for much of the 20th century,A.enroll

The two Harvard economists note in their study that, for much of the 20th century,

A.enrollment kept decreasing in virtually all American colleges and universities

B.the labor market preferred high-school graduates to college graduates

C.competition for university admissions was far more fierce than today

D.the gap between the earnings of college and high-school graduates narrowed

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请选择下面这句话的正确翻译。 在哈佛的两年里,扎克伯格于2004年2月4日,在他的大学宿舍里推出了Facebook。

A.Within two years at Harvard, Zuckerberg had launched Facebook from his dormitory room, on February 4, 2004.

B.In two years at Harvard, Zuckerberg has launched Facebook from his dormitory room, on February 4, 2004.

C.In two years at Harvard,Zuckerberg had discovered Facebook in his dormitory room, in February 4, 2004.

D.Within two years at Harvard, Zuckerberg had launched Facebook in his dormitory room, which is February



Researchers at Harvard Business School have found that the most managerial behaviors n
o fundamental things;enabling people to move in their work and treating them as human beings, What do you think of these two managerial behaviors? What are the for someone, like yourself, who is studying management?



Passage Two Started in 1636, Harvard University is the oldest of all the many coll

Passage Two

Started in 1636, Harvard University is the oldest of all the many colleges and universities in the United States. Yale, Princeton, Columbia and Dartmouth were opened soon after Harvard.

In the early years, these schools were much alike. Only young men went to college. All the students studied the same subjects, and everyone learned Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Little was known about science then, and one kind of school could teach everything that was known about the world. When the students graduated, most of them became ministers (大臣) or teachers.

In 1782, Harvard started a medical school for young men who wanted to become doctors. Later, lawyers could receive their training in Harvard's law school. In 1825, besides Latin and Greek, Harvard began teaching modern languages, such as French and German. Soon it began teaching American history.

As knowledge increased, Harvard and other colleges began to teach many new subjects. Students were allowed to choose the subjects that interested them.

Today, there are many different kinds of colleges and universities. Most of them are made up of smaller schools that deal with (涉及) special fields of learning. There's so much to learn that one kind of school can't offer it all.

36. The oldest university in the US is______.

A. Yale

B. Princeton

C. Harvard

D. Columbia



David:OK, the interviews are on Friday.This is the shortlist of candidates for the job
there are four people.

Xiaoyan: Looking at their application forms, there are some very good people here with a lot of skills.The advertisement in the newspaper was good.

David:This one looks very intelligent.His CV says he was at Harvard and Bristol universities.Yes, they are all young and experienced.

Mark:Any attractive!

David:Do you mean good-looking in their photos, or attractive personality?

Mark:Personality, of course! We want someone relaxed and easygoing as well as bright.

David:Yes,we’re a small team, so to be friendly is important.

Xiaoyan: As well as personality, the important skills are web-design, website management, training skills and French, am I right?

1、The interviews last two days.()

2、There are four people on the shortlist of candidates.()

3、A candidate’s personality is more important than his or her skills.()

4、All four candidates were at Harvard and Bristol Universities.()

5、The team are looking for people with four skills: web-design, website, management, training skills and French.()















Net income is used to describe an increase in econ


What, then, is a good education at the end of the twentieth century? Some educators sugges
t that it should include foreign languages and the study of foreign cultures;a mastery of English, including the ability to write and speak well, because communications have become all-important in the modern world. and also because “a person who doesn't speak and write Clearly doesn't reason clearly either” ; some knowledge of the social sciences(sociology, psychology)that deal with human relations and human problems;some basic knowledge of modem information systems, since the educated professionals of tomorrow will have to understand their machines. Is that all? “No, of course not. ”answer the educators, “We have not mentioned the two great building blocks of education:history and literature!”

Is this truly the best modern education? Perhaps. But every educator would add or subtract a few subjects. And no matter what list of courses would be offered, it would not be approved by all. Not only do the professors have their own ideas on the matter, but the students have theirs' too. “I don't believe, ”protested a Harvard student when his university revised its programs, “I don't believe that colleges have the fight to define what an educated person is. ”But then, who has?



Should a leader strive to be loved or feared? This question, famously posed by Machiavelli
, lies at the heart of Joseph Nye's new book. Mr. Nye, a former dean of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, is best known for promoting the idea of "soft power", based on persuasion and influences, as a counterpoint to "hard power", based on coercion (强迫) and force.

Mr. Nye has now turned his attention to the relationship between power and leadership, in both the political and business spheres. Machiavelli, he notes, concluded that "one ought to be both feared and loved, but as it is difficult for the two to go together, it is much safer to be feared than loved." In short, hard power is preferable to soft power. But modern leadership theories have come to the opposite conclusion.

The context of leadership is changing, they observe, and the historical emphasis on hard power is becoming outdated. In modern companies and democracies, power is increasingly diffused and traditional hierarchies (等级制) are being undermined, making soft power ever more important. But that does not mean coercion should now take a back seat to persuasion, Mr. Nye argues. Instead, he advocates a synthesis of these two views. The conclusion of The Powers to Lead, his survey of the theory of leadership, is that a combination of hard and soft power, which he calls "smart power", is the best approach.

The domination theoretical model of leadership at the moment is, apparently, the "transformational leadership pattern". Mr. Nye has performed a valuable service in rounding up and summarizing the various academic studies and theories of leadership into a single, slim volume. He examines different approaches to leadership, the morality of leadership and how the wider context can determine the effectiveness of a particular leader. There are plenty of anecdotes and examples, both historical and contemporary, political and corporate.

Leadership is a slippery(狡猾的) subject, and as he depicts(描述) various theories, even Mr. Nye never quite nails the jerry to the wall. He is at his most interesting when discussing the moral aspects of leadership—in particular, the question of whether it is sometimes necessary for good leaders to lie—and he provides a helpful 12-point summary of his conclusions. A recurring theme is that as circumstances change, different sorts of leaders are required, a leader who thrives in one environment may struggle in another, and vice versa. Ultimately that is just a fancy way of saying that leadership offers no easy answers.

According to the passage, the reason why Mr. Nye is so popular is that ______.

A.he advocates that leaders should be feared

B.he advocates the importance of persuasion and influence

C.he was once the leader of Harvard

D.he thinks that coercion should give way to persuasion








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