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Although "lie detectors" are widely used by governments, police departments and businesses

, the results are not always accurate. Lie detectors are commonly【C1】______as emotion detectors, for their aim is to【C2】______bodily changes that contradict what a 28 says. The lie detector records changes【C4】______heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and the electrical【C5】______of the skin. In the first part of the【C6】______, you are electronically connected to the ma chine and【C7】______a few neutral questions("what is your name?" etc). Your physical reactions serve【C8】______the standard for evaluating what comes【C9】______. Then you are presented with a few【C10】______questions among the neutral ones("When did you rob the hank?" ). The idea is that if you are【C11】______, your body will reveal the truth, even if you try to【C12】______it. Your heart rate and breathing will change【C13】______as you respond to the question.

That is the theory, but psychologists have found that lie detectors are simply not【C14】______. Since most physical changes are the same across【C15】______emotions, lie detectors cannot tell【C16】______you are feeling angry, nervous or excited.【C17】______people may be tense and nervous【C18】______the whole procedure. They may react physiologically to a certain word("bank")not because they robbed it, but because they recently used a bad check. In either【C19】______, the machine will record a "lie" .

On the other hand, some practiced liars can lie【C20】______hesitation, so the reverse mistake is also common.






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The Carnegie Foundation report says that many colleges have tried to be" all things to all
people". In doing so, they have increasingly catered to a narrow minded careerism while failing to cultivate a global vision among their students. The current crisis, it contends, does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends. The problem is that in too many academic fields, the work has no context; skills, rather than being means, have become ends. Students are offered a variety of options and allowed to pick their way to a degree. In short, driven by careerism," the nation' s colleges and universities are more successful in providing credentials (文凭) than in providing a quality education for their students." The report concludes that the special challenge confronting the undergraduate college is one of shaping an" integrated core" of common learning. Such a core would introduce students "to essential knowledge, to connections across the disciplines, and in the end, to application of knowledge to life beyond the campus."

Although the key to a good college is a high-quality faculty, the Carnegie study found that most colleges do very little to encourage good teaching. In fact, they do much to undermine it. As one professor observed:" Teaching is important, we are told, and yet faculty know that research and publication matter most." Not surprisingly, over the last twenty years colleges and universities have failed to graduate half of their four-year degree candidates. Faculty members who dedicated themselves to teaching soon discover that they will not be granted tenure(终身任期), promotion, or substantial salary increases. Yet 70 percent of all faculty say their interests lie more in teaching than in research. Additionally, a frequent complaint among young scholars is that" There is pressure to publish, although there is virtually no interest among administrators or colleagues in the content of the publications."

One of the reasons for the current crisis in American colleges and universities is that______.

A.a narrow vocationalism has come to dominate many colleges

B.students don' t have enough freedom in choosing what they want to learn

C.skills are being taught as a means to an end

D.students are only interested in obtaining credentials



The mystery in question is none other than the human embryo cloned a la Dolly. The aim
is not to produce people. Through "therapeutic"(治疗的)cloning, scientists would create embryos to harvest stem cells, which may hold the key to treating a wide range of disease. But like most passionate debates, the real issue 一 commercialization 一 sits quietly in the background of the emotional chaos. The debate erupted across the industrially advanced world on January 22nd when Britain became the first European country to legalize the creation of cloned human embryos. Members of the European Parliament almost immediately expressed their shock and condemned the decision. Yet in many ways, the new law is a logical extension of rules dating back over a decade. Since 1990, UK researchers could create and use embryos for limited research purposes, namely to treat infertility and detect birth defects. The new law widens the field of study to include stem cells, which experts say could revolutionize medicine, offering the possibility of transplants to treat scores of illnesses from Parkinson's disease to diabetes (糖尿病).No one has yet applied for a license to perform. such experiments, according to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, which will carefully screen each request. No other uses of cloning would be allowed and a new law has been promised to explicitly (明确地)ban reproductive cloning.

As expected, the most rigid opposition has come from the Catholic Church, which considers the embryo to be a living person from the moment of conception. Cloning aside, even research involving "spare" embryos (created for infertility treatments but not used. is condemned because it is morally wrong to use a person for the benefit of someone else. At the opposite end of the spectrum (范围)lie the hardcore utilitarians (功利主义)of science and business, who are generally astute (精明的)enough not to announce their politically incorrect views: namely that the embryo isjust another batch of cellular sludge (淤积;淤沉)that can and should be used like any other biological resource in the pursuit of medical research.

1.The purpose of therapeutic cloning is to.()

A.produce people

B.commercialize stem cells

C.treat various diseases

D.clone human embryo in Dolly

2.What triggered the debate across the industrial countries?()

A.The commercialization of cloned human embryos.

B.Legalizing the creation of cloned human embryos in Britain.

C.A theoretical flaw in the experiment of human embryos cloning.

D.The European Parliament's harsh criticism on the UK's decision.

3.In the 1990s the British researchers use embryos basically to.()

A.harvest stem cells

B.reform. the system of medical care

C.treat infertility and detect birth defects

D.study the possibility of organ transplants

4.The Catholic Church argue against human embryos cloning because.()

A.cloning creates spare embryos

B.it considers the embryo to be a living person

C.it may lead to reproductive cloning

D.it's morally wrong to use a person for the benefit of another one

5.The utilitarians of science and business think.()

A.human embryos cloning is a hard choice

B.it's politically incorrect to clone human embryos

C.the embryos should be used like any other biological resource

D.human embryos are important samples in the pursuit of medical research



It is easy to detect the physical differences between originals and copies.()

It is easy to detect the physical differences between originals and copies.()



[ ] It may be possible to detect that a counterpart is lying by observing body language.[ ] It may be possible to detect that a counterpart is lying by observing body language. ()








Machine testing is designed to detect the maximum number of errors.()


DCD:Data Carder Detect,载波侦测指示,有时简称CD(Cartier Detect)。当调制解调器收到对方调制解

DCD:Data Carder Detect,载波侦测指示,有时简称CD(Cartier Detect)。当调制解调器收到对方调制解调器送来的信号(载波Carrier)时,此灯会亮,代表已能和对方调制解调器传送【 】。





Chokwe Selassie is on a mission to help drivers avoid potholes(路面坑洼). The eighth-grad

Chokwe Selassie is on a mission to help drivers avoid potholes(路面坑洼). The eighth-grader was inspired to kick off his mission on a recent morning, when his mother was driving him to school. Their car was damaged as it went over a huge pothole in the middle of the street in their hometown of Jackson, Mississippi. "I decided I was going to do something about the pothole prob-lem in my city," Chokwe says. His solution: an app(手机应用) that warns drivers when there is a pothole ahead.

Chokwe developed the app with his friends Rodriguez Ratliff and Emmanuel Brooks. "When the app detects a potheole, it is highlighted(突出显示) in red," Chokwe says. "And if you get close to the pothole, your phone will warn you. " Drivers can also use the app to report any pot-holes" they encounter, and to look for other routes they can take to avoid roads that have them.

The app relies on Current available information about the streets of Jackson. "It works by u-sing the city&39; s 311 call system, so it uses information already stored in a database," Chokwe says.

(79) Through the call system, citizens dial 3-1-1 to report non-emergency problems--whiCh in-clude potholes. Chokwe and his friends determined that focusing on the 10 busiest streets in Jack-son would give them a large enough sample size to test the prototype(原型).

(80) Although the app isn&39; t yet available for sale, Chokwe is already looking for ways to im-prove it. The prototype remains limited&39;to 10 streets in Jackson, but he hopes to add more, so that it includes every street in the city. And then he wants to go even farther. "I want to keep working on the app until it&39; s nationwide," Chokwe says.

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.A Solution to Traffic Jams

B.An App to Detect Potholes

C.Pothole Problems in Big Cities

D.Poor Road Conditions

The phrase kick off in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to__________.A.leave




People use the 311 call system to report__________.A.emergencies

B.terrorist attacks


D.child abuse

The prototype focuses on __________ streets in Jackson.A.10




According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Chokwe developed the app all by himself.

B.People can buy this app from the online store.

C.His mother' s car was once damaged over a pothole.

D.The app works by using the city's 911 call system.









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