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听力原文:When you see a clever advertisement in a newspaper, do you say to yourself, "Ah,

听力原文: When you see a clever advertisement in a newspaper, do you say to yourself, "Ah, that's good. I'd like to have one of those"? Or do you say, "What lies are they telling this time? It can't be very good or they wouldn't have to advertise it so cleverly"? Both of these people exist; the first are optimists; the second, pessimists and realists.

Advertisements can be extremely useful if they are honest; if, let us say, you have broken your pen and you want to buy another, the first thing to do is to look at as many advertisements for pens as you can find. That will help you to choose the model, color and price that suit you. Advertisements save a lot of time and trouble by putting sellers in touch with buyers in a quick and simple way. If the advertisements are true and accurate, the customers will be satisfied and will probably buy from the same firm next time and advise their friends and acquaintances to do the same.

The really dishonest advertiser hopes to sell his goods quickly and to make a large profit on them before the customer's reactions begin. He knows that no customers will buy from him a second time, and that none will recommend his products to their friends. But there are also semi-dishonest advertisers. They make claims for their products which they know perfectly well to be incapable of verification, like advertising that a certain toothpaste contains a particular substance—which it in fact does—knowing that this substance is in fact neither beneficial nor harmful to the teeth. Such advertisements do not tell downright lies, but their advertising is deliberately misleading.


A.Trust all advertisements and make purchases accordingly.

B.Get suitable colors and prices from advertisements.

C.Doubt the truthfulness of advertisements.

D.Admire the clever ways advertisements are made.

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更多“听力原文:When you see a clever adv…”相关的问题


听力原文:M: I haven't read that newspaper yet. When you've finished, may I see it?W: I'll

听力原文:M: I haven't read that newspaper yet. When you've finished, may I see it?

W: I'll give it to you right now. I have to check our dinner anyway.

Q: z What is the woman doing besides reading the newspaper?


A.Eating dinner.

B.Writing a check.


D.Making a phone call.



听力原文:W: Whtre you doing here M: I’m prepring my fishing tools.W: Wht for M: I’m g听力
原文:W: Whtre you doing here M: I’m prepring my fishing tools. W: Wht for M: I’m going to fish with some of my friends. W:re you fond of fishing M: Yes. I like fishingfter schoolnd on Sundys. W: When did you get such hobby M: Longgo. You know, my fther is fond ofnd very goodt fishing. When I ws child, he took me to the riverside to see him fishing. I found fishing very interesting then. Well, wht’s your hobby W: I’m very interested in mking home movies. But I hven’t got movie cmer. M: Ilso like tking photosnd I hve Jpnese-mde cmer. W: I tke lot of photos, too. But I’m more interested in the history of film, so I relly enjoy using film cmer. I’ll buy one of my own somedy. Wht is the mn doing now He is fishing. B.He is prepring for fishing. C.He is tking photos.

A.He is fishing.

B.He is preparing for fishing.

C.He is taking photos.



听力原文:M: Good morning, Miss Smith. I’m sorry to trouble you.W: Good morning, nottll听力
原文:M: Good morning, Miss Smith. I’m sorry to trouble you. W: Good morning, nottll. Plese be seted. Wht cn I do for you M: It’sbout my son. W: He isn’t in trouble. I hope he’s doing well inll his lessons. He’ll do well in the exms. M: Except in Chinese, I’mfrid. He sys tht he is little wek in Chinese. W: Is he I’m sorry to her tht. M: Tht’s why I’ve come to see you. I’m worriedbout his Chinese. He my fll the others when he comes bck. W: Wht do you men M: We’ll go bck to London for holidy for two months. We hven’t been bck for three yers. M: I see. I think tht mybe his Chinese techer cn give him some homework to do during the holidy. He won’t fll behind the others when he comes bck. Why does the mn go to see the womn Becuse he will go bck to Englnd. B.Becuse his son will go bck to Englnd. C.Becuse he is concernedbout his son’s studies.

A.Because he will go back to EnglanD

B.Because his son will go back to EnglanD

C.Because he is concerned about his son’s studies.



听力原文:Ask the average American,"What is freedom?"You will probably hear,"It's being abl

听力原文: Ask the average American,"What is freedom?"You will probably hear,"It's being able to do what I want to do." When Americans think of freedom, they often think of individualism.They see themselves more as individuals than as members of a family or social group.

In American culture.freedom means equality.The Declaration of Independence states that"all men are created equal."That does not mean equal in abilities or status.For Americans,equality refers to equal worth and equal opportunity. Every individual should have an equal chance to improve his life.True,America has not always lived up to that ideal.For many years,Native Americans,African Americans and immigrants have protested their unequal treatment. But American culture still teaches that people can work hard and fulfill their dreams.Whether this idea is true or not,people hear rags-to-riches stories often enough to confirm it in the minds of many people.

Freedom arouses strong feelings for Americans.The idea of liberty binds people together in this"land of the free." However,problems still exist.One individual's freedom can conflict with the rights of others. Someone once said,"You have the freedom to swing your fist around if you want.But your freedom ends where my nose begins."People can also become too concerned about their own rights.They might demand special treatment.However,the path to freedom is not completely smooth.Even so,for Americans,no other road is really worth traveling.

What do Americans often think of when thinking of freedom?



C.Social group.




听力原文:Would you like an appointment today or tomorrow?(A) Yes, I' d like to see you. (B

听力原文:Would you like an appointment today or tomorrow?

(A) Yes, I' d like to see you.

(B) She' s just been appointed.

(C) I can't make it today.







听力原文:W: Excuse me. Do you live here?M: Yes, I've lived here in Edinburgh all my life.M

听力原文:W: Excuse me. Do you live here?

M: Yes, I've lived here in Edinburgh all my life. My name's Rory McDonald. How do you do?

W: Hi, I'm Chris Hudson from Phoenix, Arizona. I'm an oil engineer. I'm on my way to London on business.

M: How long are you staying in Edinburgh?

W: Just a day. What can I see here in twenty-four hours?

M: Well, most tourists want to visit the Castle. It's on Castle Rock. It's where the Scottish government used to be. From there you can walk down the Royal Mile.

W: What's the Royal Mile?

M: It's a narrow street of medieval houses. It's worth seeing. Then you really should visit Holyrood Palace.

W: Who lives in the Palace?

M: No one, except the Queen when she comes to Edinburgh, which is usually once a year. But the kings and queens of Scotland used to live there be fore Scotland was united with England.

W: When was that?

M: That was...er, let me see 2. in 1603.

W: You seem to know a lot about Scottish history.

M: Aye, well, I'm a McDonald of the McDonald clan. You know there are clans in Scotland, and we're all proud of our history.

W: I'd like to buy something as a souvenir of the trip. What should I buy?

M: Why don't you buy some sweaters? Scottish sweaters are famous for their quality. And you must buy some whiskey. Of course you know that's our national drink.

W: Yes, I've already bought the whiskey.

M: Good. But remember you mustn't put ice in it. That spoils the flavor!

W: Oh, we Americans put ice in everything!


A.She comes to visit this famous town.

B.She comes to visit her friend.

C.She comes to Edinburgh on business.

D.She is on her way to London on business.



听力原文:W: Where have you been I never see you in the dorm any more.M: That’s because I

听力原文:W: Where have you been I never see you in the dorm any more.M: That’s because I听力原文:W: Where have you been I never see you in the dorm any more. M: That’s because I moved off campus at the beginning of this semester. Q: What does the man mean ()

A.He doesn’t live in the dormitory any more

B.He came back to school this semester.

C.He’s busy moving into a new room.

D.He can’t talk about it right now.



听力原文:W: Can I help you, sir? Or would you like to see the menu?M: No, thank you. I've

听力原文:W: Can I help you, sir? Or would you like to see the menu?

M: No, thank you. I've already known what to order. Just two steaks and a chicken soup and a salad.

Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?


A.In a grocery store.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a department store.



听力原文:Do you happen to know when I should return Jones’ call ()





听力原文:M: Can you tell me when I can catch the next bus to the Medical School It seems

听力原文:M: Can you tell me when I can catch the next bus to the Medical School It seems听力原文:M: Can you tell me when I can catch the next bus to the Medical School It seems like I’m going to be late for my class this morning. It’s already 7:38. W: Well, you just missed a bus by 4 minutes. Then you’ll have to wait another 15 minutes for the next one. Q: When did the bus leave according to the conversation ()




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