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He usually goes to school on ___foot.





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更多“He usually goes to school on _…”相关的问题


He goes to _______ church every Sunday. _______ church he usually goes to has the seat
ing rnfor over a thousand.

A、a; The

B、/; The

C、the; The

D、a; /



He usually goes to beijing by ().A.an airB.airC.the airD. airing

A.an air


C.the air

D. airing



He usually goes out for ___ walk in ___ evening.

A.a, the

B.a, /

C.the, /

D./, /



He goes to ______ church every Sunday. ______ church he usually goes to has _______ s
eating for over _______ thousand.

A.a… The…the…a






He often watches TV, but _______ goes to the movies.


(B) seldom

(C) once

(D) usually



He usually spends his holidays in the mountains though _____ he goes to the seaside instead.







改错:You send your children off to school and put them in the teacher's hands.

You send your children off to school and put them in the teacher's hands. Did you ever wonder what goes through a teacher's mind as he or she tries to teach your kids? Did you ever wonder how the __1__teacher expects from you, the parent? Parents can be supportive or suspicious. Then can be help to __2__the teacher , or be in need of help themselves. Some teachers think parents are too hard with their children. __3__Here is how one teacher puts:" I usually have the __4__problem of parents coming in and telling me how they really treat the kids.They tell me they stand by __5__them when they do their homework. They check their work and get a big fuss over grades. The criticize __6_the kids over everything having to do with the school. __7__My response usually is‘Well, you know, he is really a good kid. He's fine in my class. Maybe you should not be so that strict with him.’" Teachers want parents __8__to know they are professional at working with children. They have observed many children and parents .Because of this, and because of their specialised training,teachers can be realistic to children. Teachers know __9__that parents want their children to do well and to behave well. The teachers want this, either. But they know what __10__children should be able to do at different ages and stages.They expect 8-year-old work and behavior. from 8-year-olds and 12-year-old work and behavior. from 12-year-olds.



To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor: you must be able to hold

the attention and interest of your audience;you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under your control;and you must be able to act what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear.

Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not sit motionless before his class: he stands the whole time he is teaching;he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanations, and his face to express feelings. Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about.

The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn't mean that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage,for there are very important differences between the teacher's work and the actor's.The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart;he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he plays certain part,even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed beforehand.What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem natural on the stage.

A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play: they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if they don't understand something, they say so. The teacher therefore has to suit his act to the needs of his audience, which is his class. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must invent it as he goes along.

I have known many teachers who were fine actors in class but were unable to take part in a stage play because their brains wouldn't keep discipline: they could not keep strictly to what another had written.

1、 What is the text about? _____

A、 How to become a good teacher.

B、 What a good teacher should do outside the classroom.

C、 What teachers and actors could learn from each other.

D、 The similarities and differences between a teacher's work and an actor's.

2、 In what way is a teacher's work different from an actor's? _____

A、 The teacher must learn everything by heart.

B、 The teacher knows how to control his voice better than an actor.

C、 The teacher has to deal with unexpected situations.

D、 The teacher has to use more facial expressions.

3、 The main difference between students in class and a theatre audience is that _____.

A、 students can move around in the classroom

B、 students must keep silent while theatre audience needn't

C、 no memory work is needed for the students

D、 the students must take part in their teacher's plays

4、 A good teacher's voice _____.

A、 should be clear and fully under his control

B、 should not be too loud or too low

C、 should be fixed before he goes to class

D、 All of the above.

5、 Why does a good teacher make gestures while speaking? _____

A、 To make his meaning clearer.

B、 To draw the attention of his class.

C、 To express feelings.

D、 All of the above.



David’s mother insisted that he ____before ten every night.A. must go to bedB. goes to

David’s mother insisted that he ____before ten every night.

A. must go to bed

B. goes to bed

C. go to bed

D. has gone to bed



Bill Stone is not an astronaut—he is the world's most famous caver. Leading large internat
ional teams and backed by sponsors like the National Geographic Society, he has mounted more than 50 major expeditions to measure the depth of the most hostile reaches of inner space. Spending weeks underground, his crews have traveled deep inside our planet to the remotest locations touched by humans. Nobody is better at what he does, but this gives him limited satisfaction. He is consumed by ideas for how humanity could explore space and wants to personally establish a privately funded base on Jupiter(木星). It is, he thinks, nothing less than destiny.

A reasonable observer might choose other words: obsession, fantasy. Bill possesses neither great wealth nor extensive political connections. He is an engineer and runs Stone Aerospace, a company so small that when FedEx rings, he usually signs for the package himself. So to hear Bill talk—"It's not a big leap for me to go to Jupiter. For Bill, caves are a proving ground. The experience gained there will help people explore outer space.

But now, after spending nearly three decades on the margins of the space industry, Bill is closer than he's ever been to proving that caves are the best earthly training ground for exploring space. Backed by a $5-million fund from NASA, he is developing a robot called DepthX that may turn out to be the most advanced autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) ever. NASA hopes to someday use a robot like Bill Stone's DepthX to explore Europa, a frozen moon of Jupiter and one of the most probably places in our solar system to support life. Like its inventor, DepthX is a caver, most capable of searching harsh environments. Its theoretical mission, though, is bold even by Bill's standards: a hunt for extraterrestrial(地球外的) life on Europa.

Innovator Bill Stone plans to drop one of the world's most advanced underwater robots, DepthX, into the deepest hole on Earth. If all goes well, this thing just might help get him to Europa DepthX's first major field trial will take place this month in Mexico's Zacatén Cenote, the world's deepest hole. For Bill's future space ambitions to have any chance, he needs to impress the new generation of wealthy space-loving investors. To do that, he needs to ace(取得好成绩) this first trial and, at 54 years old, he needs to do it fast. As one of his oldest friends puts it, "Time is running out for Bill."

What have Bill Stone and his teams accomplished?

A.They have explored many caves and reached the deepest cave in our planet.

B.They have sponsored the National Geographic Society to explore caves.

C.They have explored the outer space and set up funds for it.

D.They }rave explored and measured the deepest gave in Jupiter.

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