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1 don’t know if it tomorrow.If it , we won’t go hiking.

A.rains; rains

B.will rain; rains

C.rains; will rain

D.will rain; will rain

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更多“1 don’t know if it tomorrow.If…”相关的问题


Americans dont like being inquired about their choice of voting, because().

A.they dont want others to know about it

B.they are afraid to being murdered

C.they dont want others to support their choice of voting

D.they are not sure of their own choice of voting



My watch doesnt work at all, I dont know where to get it _________.


B.to be repaired


D.being repaired





第 61 题 根据提示写一张延期举行报告会的书面通知。(2)另定时间:8月1日,星期四,上午9点










I dont know what about it



“很抱歉,这里没有这个人”,用英语最妥当的表述是()A.Im sorry, there is no one here.B.Im


A.Im sorry, there is no one here.

B.Im sorry,there is no one by that name here.

C.Im sorry,I dont know him

D.I dont understand what you said



Those boys dont know much about society; thats why theyre so easily ().
Those boys dont know much about society; thats why theyre so easily ().

A.taken in

B.taken off



Im tired of your complaints. Just listen to me. _.
Im tired of your complaints. Just listen to me. _.

A.What a pleasure

B.I dont know

C.Thanks a lot

D.Im serious



听力原文:W: Hey, Tom. Whats up? Where are you off to? M: Im on my way to the bank. I have
to open a savings account. Want to come? W: Sure. Wait a minute. M: OK.(a little while later) W: You just said you wanted to open a savings account? M: Yes. W: They usually have two kinds of deposit — time deposit and current deposit. M: What is the minimum deposit for a savings account? W: Sorry, I dont know, but how much money do you want to deposit to start with? M: Two thousand dollars. W: Thats big enough for both, Im sure. M: You know the interest rate, dont you? W: For current deposit it is very low. M: I dont mind that. I want to put my money in the bank just to be on the safe side. W: Good idea. M: Is it convenient to withdraw money from my savings account here? W: Its very easy. You just need to fill out a withdrawal form. and hand in your chequebook together with it, and everything will be OK. M: Do they use a password? W: Yes, you can if you like. M: Do I have to show anything as proof of identification? W: No. They want nothing. Just tell them your name and address. Thats all. M: Thank you. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. How much money does the man want to deposit to start with? 10. What does the man want to do in the bank? 11. How can the man withdraw money from his savings account? 12. According to the conversation, what do we know about the interest rate?9.

A.To buy some national savings bonds.

B.To open a savings account.

C.To inquire about the interest rate.

D.To withdraw some money.



Jeff is talking about his first business trip next week, and Mary wishes him good luck

Mary: What do you () to do for your holiday?

Jeff: Come on, it went up in smoke. I have to go on a () with my boss.

Mary: Wow, you are going on a business trip next week? Where?

Jeff: Xiamen.

Mary: By plane or by train?

Jeff: (). You know our boss is afraid to fly () high anxiety.

Mary: Actually, its not so () flying if you dont look out of the window.

Jeff: Good idea!

Mary: Well, Xiamen is a () to be on holiday, you know.

Jeff: I know. But a business trip is tiring to me.

Mary: Oh, take it easy. Maybe it wont be as bad as you (). I like taking an occasional business trip for a change of pace.

Jeff: I hope so.

Mary: I think you should take advantage of this good opportunity to go on a business trip with our boss and gain his favor.

Jeff: Hey, that sounds like a really good idea. I think it ().

Mary: You know, I;ve dreamed a thousand times of () on the beach in Xiamen.

Jeff: So have I. But its not always nice and sunny there. Sometimes its ().

Mary: Come on, I dont think the weather will spoil your trip. Anyhow, I hope you have a nice trip.

Jeff: Thanks a lot



Although English not as old as Chinese, it is spoken by mary pople aound the world every day Egish seakers are always ceting ne words, and we are often able to know where most words come from.Sometimes, however, no one may really know where a word comes from. Did you ever think about why hamburgers are clld hamburgers, especially when they are not made with ham(火腿)? About a hundred years ago, some men went to America from Europe. They came from a big city inGermany called Hamburg They did not speak good English, but they ate good food. When some Americans saw them eating round pieces of beef,they asked the Germans what it was. The Germans did not understand the question and answered, "We come from Hamburg." One of these Americans owned a restaurant, and had an idea. He cooked some round pieces of beef like those which the men from Hamburg ate. Then he put each between two pieces of bread and started selling them. Such bread came to be called "hamburgers'. Today "hamburgers" are sold in many countiesaround the world.Whether this story is true or not, it certainly is interesting. Knowing why any word has a certain meaning is iteresting, too. This reason, for mostEnglish words, can be found in any large English dictionary.

1.According to the writer. English is not so old as Chinese.()


2.Hamburg is a city in Germany. ()


3.According to the story,hamburges are made only with beef. ()


4.According to the writer, knowing why any word has a certain meaning is interesting. ()


5.According to the story, the word "hamburger' comes from England because Germans dont speak good English. ()




Self-motivation is basically the ability to get yourself to take action whether you feel l
ike it or not. Many people have a【B1】______when it comes to motivation in general. It can【B2】______being lazy or unproductive, but in actuality, no one is really lazy. If you are not capable of getting yourself to do certain things that you know you should be doing, its because you dont have a strong enough reason to do it. What can you do to help【B3】______your self-motivation? One thing you can do is start giving yourself stronger reasons to be performing certain things such as【B4】______your goals. Once you have a goal and strong enough reasons to take action, your self-motivation will automatically start to increase. Your reasons can be both positive and【B5】______. You can either do something because you want to get【B6】______out of completing a task or you want to avoid the【B7】______of not completing the task. Either way, the reasons need to be strong enough to move you into action. The bottom line is that if you want to increase your self-motivation, you will need to start designing a more compelling future for yourself.【B8】______powerful reasons why you should take action. When you have a strong purpose and【B9】______feed your mind with self-improvement motivation material, you will start to become more and more【B10】______and will begin to take more action.




Part A 66. Suppose that you have been a regular of a hotel for many years. But during the
last 2days, the air-conditioner didn t work and nobody came to clean your room. Write a letter of com-plaint to the hotel manager. Your letter should include: 1 ) a description of the situation2) complaint about the situation3) your request You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, use "Wang Lin" instead. You dont need to write the address.

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