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When your American friends introduce you to their friends, you should()

A.ask him the reason

B.be proud of it

C.relax and enjoy it

D.tell him that you don't like that

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更多“When your American friends int…”相关的问题


When you enter an American home and hear Let me take your coat, you should know that(

A.its extremely hot indoors

B.your coat must be wet

C.wearing a coat indoors is uncomfortable

D.its an American custom to take off ones coat in this situation



When you enter an American home and hear Let me take your coat, you should know that()

A.your coat must be wet

B.its extremely hot indoors

C.wearing a coat indoors is uncomfortable

D.its an American custom to take off ones coat in this situation



When you see an American cleaning his bike, you may greet him by saying “()”.

A.So, youre cleaning your bike

B.Hello, youre doing a good job

C.Hello, youre a capable man

D.So, your bike is dirty



When you are invited by your American friend to his or her house for dinner, you should arrive ______.

A.on time

B.10minutes earlier than the scheduled time

C.15minutes later than the scheduled time



You call your American friend in the phone to see if he is free to play basketball with you. When he first answers the phone, you want to begin with some small talk. You should say:

A."Hey, what are you doing"

B."Hey, how are you doing"



When many American parents don’t know how to deal with their children they seek advice f


B.B.parent training courses





Note! Your writing ability will also be assessed in this section of the test.

Case 1 When Zhang Tao traveled in America , he lived in the home of his American friend , Bill. Once after he had traveled back ,

he found Bill was in a bad mood. When he asked what the problem was , Bill told Zhang Tao that his son Adam got furious about the noise Zhang made when walking upstairs and also because he was using too much water in the solar powered shower and Adam had to have his shower in cold water. Bill told Zhang Tao that he should walk more softly in future , and have a fast shower to save water. Zhang Tao felt uneasy.

How could the host set such rules for his guest?!


Why did Zhang Tao feel uneasy?



Individualism, independence, and self-reliance are perhaps the most distinctive American c
haracteristic. American "individualism" is 【C1】______ a good thing, it does not mean being 【C2】______ , each person is expected to make 【C3】______ for himself or herself about all aspects of life 【C4】______ , career, and home. The nuclear family (mother, father, and children) is an important aspect of American society. 【C5】______ usually has much less influence on the behavior. of any individual in it 【C6】______ it generally true in china. Children are 【C7】______ from an early age to be self-reliant taking care of their clothes and bedrooms, perhaps helping to cook and 【C8】______ and to begin thinking for themselves and even learning to manage their own money. Parents provide advice and assistance of course, 【C9】______ when their children are young, but the importance of the individual is 【C10】______ . This is reflected in American 【C11】______ such as "Think for yourself', "Do your 【C12】______ thing." and "You are the master of your own fate." 【C13】______ concentrating on the individual, Americans 【C14】______ a greater personal responsibility for the decisions they make and the actions they take. This principle applies 【C15】______ all aspects of life, including the family, social relations, finances, business, law academics, and medicine.





D.considered as



Passage Five In the 1900's, American townspeople usually washed and brushed their teeth

Passage Five

In the 1900's, American townspeople usually washed and brushed their teeth and combed their hair in the kitchen. Or they kept a water pitcher (大水罐) and a wash basin in their rooms and took care of these things there.

The bathtub was a wash tub (澡盆) filled with water from the stove. If you were small enough you could sit down by drawing your knees to your chest, Otherwise, you washed yourself standing up. Often all the women and girls in the family bathed together. Then the men and boys did. In most families this was Saturday-night because Sundays they went to church.

A small number of families did have running water. But that depended on Whether there was a water system where they lived and on whether they could afford the plumbing (水管实施 ). Some people had bathtubs in their homes as early as 1895. But many others did not have their first bath in a bathtub until 1910 or later when they were fifteen or sixteen years old.

51. In the first paragraph, "took care of" means ______.

A. kept

B. looked after

C. used

D. kept and used



Your passport is your official identification as an American citizen. In American, most pe
ople never consider obtaining a passport unless they are planning a trip out of the country. In Europe, where travel from one country to another is much more common, almost everyone carries a pass- port. A passport is final proof of identity in almost every county in the world.

In 1979 almost 15 million American held passports. Most of these passports were obtained to travel outside the country because, except for a few Western nations, passports are required to enter every country.

And if you travel abroad, you must have a valid passport to return the country. When traveling abroad, you will need a passport for identification when exchanging dollars for francs or marks or other foreign currency. You may also need your passport to use a credit card, buy an airplane ticket or check into a hotel. As a passport is an official U.S. document, it is valuable as identification in any emergency overseas, such as floods, fires or war.

Don’t confuse passports and visas. Whereas a passport is issued by a country to its citizens, a visa is official permission to visit a country granted by the government of that country. For some years, many countries were dropping their visa requirements, but that trend has reversed. They may be obtained from the embassy of the country you wish to visit.

Passport applications are available at passport agency offices in large cities like Boston, New Y ork, or Chicago. In smaller cities, applications are available at post offices and at federal courts. To get your first passport, you must submit the application in person, along with a birth certificate and two pictures.

The main purpose of this passage is to___________.

A.discuss traveling in other countries

B.distinguish between passports and visas

C.discuss the financial uses of a passport

D.provide information about passports

Passports are beneficial for___________.A.exchanging currency

B.using a credit card

C.checking into hotels

D.all of the above

We can conclude from the passage that_________.A.passports are more important than visas

B.visas and passports are the same thing

C.foreign government issue visas instead of passports

D.visas are required to obtain passports

The passage suggests that_________.A.Most people don’t realize how important passports are

B.passports aren’t important once you are in the country you’ve chosen to visit

C.passports are simple to obtain through the mail

D.passports are obtained at the embassy once you enter a country.

As used in this passage, the word “valid” in the second paragraph means__________.A.foreign





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