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It would seem that the cure for school phobia()

A.is completely successful

B.does not always work

C.is quick and simple

D.is impossible

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更多“It would seem that the cure fo…”相关的问题


Who designed the first helicopter? Who(1)one of the most famous pictures in th

e world? Who knew more about the human body than most(2)? There is an answer

(3)all these questions - Leonardo de Vinci (达芬奇),Leonardo may have been the greatest genius(4)have ever known. He lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his inventions seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldn' t(5)a helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked. But Leonardo(6)an inventor. He was one of the greatest a rtists of his day. By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master painter, and as he got older he became(7)more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand ten different ways(8)he was ready to paint.Many of Leonardo' s wonderful paintings are still with(9) today. You may know one of his most famous works the(10)woman known as theMona Lisa.

1.A. took












4.A.the scientists

B.the artists

C.the world






6.A.was just

B.wasn't just


D.was no longe



















My mother never let herself get down. No matter how bad things were, she stayed cheerful.
Even though we had a hard life, she still maintained the attitude that everything was fine. I remember her coming home tired from her job at the restaurant and saying that we were lucky. We didn't have a lot of clothes or toys, but my mother always made sure we had enough to eat.

Her love and devotion for my brother and me made our lack of material possessions seem insignificant. Even today, if I were given a choice between having love at home and wealth, I would want it just the way I had it. I grew up poor in material things but rich in love.

Since my father was never around long enough to teach me physical things or to play games with me, I didn't succeed in any competitive sport. My mother did her best as a substitute, throwing a ball with me in the lot(空地) behind our house, but it wasn't the same. She was too protective of me, and I didn't have enough confidence in my own abilities to really try anything physically demanding.

The story suggests that the author is______his mother.

A.proud of

B.worried about

C.pitiful for

D.concerned about



The Bosses SpeakJohn Stuart is an executive recruitment specialist who has turned to writi

The Bosses Speak

John Stuart is an executive recruitment specialist who has turned to writing. The result is this book, based on interviews with twenty Chief Executives.

Each top manager--none of them famous names, surprisingly--is given a short chapter, and there is some introductory material and a conclusion. This means you can jump from one person to another, in any order, which is good for people who are too busy to read a book form. cover to cover. For a management book it isn't expensive, although whether it's good value for money is doubtful.

Some of the twenty interviewees started their own businesses, while others joined a company and fairly new in their position, and others have had years of experience, though, strangely, Stuart doesn't seem interested in these differences. The interviewees work in everything, from retailing to airlines to software, and it is this variety that forms the main theme of Stuart's book.

I have to say that Stuart's approach annoys me. He rarely stays at a distacne from his interviewees, who are mostly presented in their own, positive words. If this were always the case, at least you would know where you were. But he seems to dislike certain interviewees. As a result, I don't know whether to accept any of his opinions.

It also means that the book gives no clear lessons. At the very least, I expected to learn what makes a successful Chief Executive. But these people seem to share two types of qualities. Some of them are very common, suggesting that anyone can be equally successful, which is definitely not the case. And the other qualities are ones which most successful bosses I've seen definitely do not have. So in the end I'm no wiser about what really goes on.

Perhaps I'm being unfair. As long as you don't think about whether you'd like them as friends, and pay no attention to most of the advice they give, the most readable parts are where the bosses describle their route to their present position.

Stuart seems to think that his book would be useful for people aiming for the top, and that it might even make a few want to start their own company; but, in fact, what they could learn here is very limited Seen as light business reading for a doctor or teacher, though, this book would provide some good entertainment.

The reviewer suggests that one advantage of the book is that ______ .

A.it is better value than other management books.

B.it does not need to be read right through.

C.it is about well-known people.



Job or money? Would you quit your job if you didn’t need the money?In a 1990 poll by t

Job or money?

Would you quit your job if you didn’t need the money?In a 1990 poll by the Gallop Organization,many people said quitting work was an imprtant reason to be rich.Yet researchers find that work is one of life’s chief satisfactions for people.

Consider W.Berry Fowler.In 1979,Fowler started a tutoring company that became so successful he was able to sell out and retire in 1978一a multimillionaire at 40. He bought a 50-foot cabin cruiser(可住宿的游艇)and a house in Hawaii,and busied himself vacationing.

But after five years of perpetual vacation,nower began to miss the challenges of work.So in 1992,he bought a fitness chain for children and now spends 75 hours a week immersed in balance sheets and staff meetings.“My best days on the golf course weren’t half as much fun as a good day at the office.”he says.

A job,studies show,is more than a paycheck.Doing something Well can increase confidence and self—worth.When sociologist H.Ray Kaplan surveyed 139 lottery(彩票)millionaires,he discovered 60 percent continued working at least a year after they’d won.

If jobs are so important,wouldn’t salary size be a gauge(标准尺)of job satisfaction?Americans think so.A survey conducted last year by Roper Starch Worldwide,Inc.,found that almost 70 percent of the respondents said they would be happier if their families had twice as much household income.Yet studies show that job satisfaction comes less from how much people earn than from the challenge of their jobs and the control they are able to exert.work that doesn’t engage a person will never seem rewarding,no matter how lucative(有理可图的)it becomes.

第 8 题 The Gallop poll shows many people want to be rich in order not to work.



C.Not mentioned



It has been proven that on the Earth, the closer one stays to the Earth, the more slowly time would seem to go.()


After watching my mother deal with our family of five, I can't understand why her answer t
o the question, "What do you do?" is always, "Oh, I'm just a housewife." JUST a housewife? Anyone who spends most of her time in meal preparation and cleanup, washing and drying clothes, keeping the house clean, leading a scout troop, playing taxi driver to us kids when it's time for school, music lessons or the dentist, doing volunteer work for her favorite charity, and making sure that all our family needs are met is not JUST a housewife. She's the real Wonder Woman.

Why is it that so many mothers like mine think of themselves as second-class or something similar? Where has this notion come from? Have we males made them feel this way? Has our society made "going to work" outside the home seem more important than what a housewife must face each day?

I would be very curious to see what would happen if a housewife went on strike. Dishes would pile up. Food in the house would run out. No meals would appear on the table. There would be no clean clothes when needed. High boots would be required just to make it through the house scattered with garbage. Walking and bus riding would increase. Those scout troops would have to break up. Charities would suffer.

I doubt if the man of the house would be able to take over. Oh, he might start out with the attitude that he can do just as good a job, but how long would that last? Not long, once he had to come home each night after work to more household duties. There would be no more coming home to a prepared meal; he'd have to fix it himself. The kids would all be screaming for something to eat, clean clothes and more bus fare money. Once he quieted the kids, he'd have to clean the house, go shopping, make sure that kids got a bath, and fix lunches for the next day. Once the kids were down for the night, he might be able to crawl into an unmade bed and try to read the morning newspaper. No, I don't think many males are going to volunteer for the job. I know I don't want it. So, thanks, mom! I'll do what I can to create a national holiday for housewives. It could be appropriately called Wonder Woman Day.

By what means do the children of the author's family go to school?

A.They take school bus.

B.They take a taxi.

C.Their mother drives for them.

D.Scout troop sends them to school.



If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. () what a




D.Think of



The answer would seem to lie in nuclear power stations.



According to the passage, a good response to this practice would be to()

A.balance the noise with moments of silence

B.eat enough food in order to quiet the stomach

C.use our brains to improve modern technology

D.realize that the sounds seem to be extreme, but are not



It would seem to the author that tests like College Entrance Scholastic Aptitude Test are()

A.generally unreliable

B.generally reliable





If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so _________.
If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so _________.

A. difficulty

B. difficult.

C. difference

D. different

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