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Our new type of treadmill_________release next month.

A.is due to

B.is due for

C.is due

B、is due for
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Our new type of treadmill is () release next month.

A.due to

B.due for




Formal consent for this new type of treatment was obtained from each patient and the study () to our institution's guidelines concerning medical ethics (伦理)
Formal consent for this new type of treatment was obtained from each patient and the study () to our institution's guidelines concerning medical ethics (伦理)



Advertising follows us everywhere. Whenever we turn on the television, listen to the radio
or open a newspaper or a magazine, we are bombarded with advertisements. They invite us to try a new type of orange juice, wear X-brand jeans or watch the latest film. They beg us to notice the difference and discover the advantages. They exist to make us want what they are selling.

Strangely, the more we are exposed to advertising, the less we notice it. We get so used to seeing advertisements everywhere that they become largely invisible, as if they were another part of our everyday lives. But does that mean that we are no longer affected by them?

One advertising expert believes that the special power of advertising lies in the fact that we do not pay much attention to it. Dr. Krugman, who was head of research for a major advertising company for many years, says that the less we notice ads, the more we are affected by them. Dr. Krugman believes that when we stop noticing advertisements, we lower our defenses, allowing the messages of the advertisements to be taken in and stored, ready to be triggered into action at the right moment. He says that the effects of advertising on the individual are small, but over a period of time they have a powerful effect on the masses.

A market analyst says that all advertising, no matter how innocent, is misleading in some way.

When asked about the power of advertising in research surveys, most people agree that it works, but not on them. Almost everyone believes that they have complete control over how thousands of ads they see every day affect them.

Ads exist to make people want______.

A.a new type of orange juice

B.X-brand jeans

C.to watch the latest film

D.what they advertise



The brain is a seemingly endless library, whose sh...

The brain is a seemingly endless library, whose shelves house our most precious memories as well as our lifetime’s knowledge. But is there a point where it reaches capacity. The answer is no, because brains are more sophisticated than that. Instead of just crowding in, old information is sometimes pushed out of the brain for new memories to form. Precious behavioral studies have shown that learning new information can lead to forgetting. But in a new study, researchers demonstrated for the first time how this effect occurs in the brain. In daily life, forgetting actually has clear advantages. Imagine, for instance, that just lost your bank card. The new card you receive will come with a new personal identification number(PIN). Each time you remember the new PIN, you gradually forget the old one. This process improves access to the relevant information, without old memories interfering. And most of us may sometimes feel the frustration of having old memories interfere with new, relevant memories. Consider trying to remember where you parked your car in the same car park you were at a week earlier. This type of memory (where you are trying to remember new, but similar information) is particularly vulnerable to interference. When we acquire new information, the main automatically tries to incorporate(合并) it within existing information by forming associations. And when we retrieve(检索) information, both the desired and associated but irrelevant information is recalled. The majority of previous research has focused on how we learn and remember new information. But current studies are beginning to place greater emphasis on the conditions under which we forget, and its importance begins to be more appreciated. A very small number of people are able to remember almost every detail of their life. While it may sound like an advantage to many, people with this rare condition often find their unusual ability burdensome. In a sense, forgetting is our brain’s way of sorting memories, so the most relevant memories are ready for retrieval. Normal forgetting may even be a safety mechanism to ensure our brain doesn’t become too full. What does the passage say about forgetting?

A、It can enlarge our brain capacity.

B、It helps get rid of negative memories.

C、It is a way of organizing our memories.

D、It should not cause any alarm in any way.



Passage TwoThe brain is a seemingly endless library, whose shelves house our most precious

Passage Two

The brain is a seemingly endless library, whose shelves house our most precious memories as well as our lifetime’s knowledge. But is there a point where it reaches capacity?

The answer is no, because brains are more sophisticated than that. Instead of just crowding in, old information is sometimes pushed out of the brain for new memories to form.

Previous behavioural studies have shown that learning new information can lead to forgetting. But in a new study, researchers demonstrated for the first time how this effect occurs in the brain.

In daily life, forgetting actually has clear advantages. Imagine, for instance, that you lost your bank card. The new card you receive will come with a new personal identificatipn number (PIN). Each time you remember the new PIN, you gradually forget the old one. This process improves access to relevant information, without old memories interfering.

And most of us may sometimes feel the frustration of having old memories interfere with new, relevant memories. Consider trying to remember where you parked your car in the same car park you were at a week earlier. This type of memory (where you are trying to remember new, but similar information) is particularly vulnerable to interference.

When we acquire new information, the brain automatically tries to incorporate (合并)it within existing information by forming associations. And when we retrieve (检索) information, both the desired and associated but irrelevant information is recalled.

The majority of previous research has focused on how we learn and remember new information. But current studies are beginning to place greater emphasis on the conditions under which we forget, as its importance begins to be more appreciated.

A very small number of people are able to remember almost every detail of their life. While it may sound like an advantage to many, people with this rare condition often find their unusual ability burdensome.

In a sense, forgetting is our brain’s way of sorting memories, so the most relevant memories are ready for retrieval. Normal forgetting may even be a safety mechanism to ensure our brain doesn’t become too full.

What have past behavioural studies found about our brain?

A.Its capacity actually knows no limits

B.It grows sophisticated with practice

C.It keeps our most precious memories until life’s end

D.New information learned pushes old information out

What do people find about their rare ability to remember every detail of their life?A.It adds to the burden of their memory

B.It makes their life more complicated

C.It contributes to their success in life

D.It constitutes a rare object of envy

What is the benefit of forgetting?A.It frees us from painful memories

B.It helps slow down our aging process

C.It facilitates our access to relevant information

D.It prevents old information from forming associations

What does the passage say about forgetting?A.It can enlarge our brain capacity

B.It helps get rid of negative memories

C.It is a way of organising our memories

D.It should not cause any alarm in any way

What is the emphasis of current studies of memory?A.When people tend to forget

B.What contributes to forgetting

C.How new technology hinders memory capacity

D.Why learning and forgetting arc complementary




MemoTo:Human Resource ManagementFrom:P.Neal Date:Feb.28Re:Tokyo interviewsI am really ex

To:Human Resource Management

From:P.Neal Date:Feb.28

Re:Tokyo interviews

I am really excited about the opportunity that the International Job Fair in April presents lo our firm.By recruiting at an overseas location9 we increase our chances of attracting employees with global awareness.I o ensure that we hire employees who will fit into our corporate culture^ I have listed some suggestions for the interview team.

(1)Determine early in the interview if the employee is a team player.Aside from the obvious work-experience questions, find out what type of learning environment the interviewee preferred in school and what sports and hobbies he or she enjoys.Use this line of questioning to get to know younger applicants who do not have a lot of formal work experience.

(2) In the interviewt find out the interviewee 1 s attitude toward other languages and cultures.How many languages has he or she studied? Would the prospective employee be willing to go through language training if

assigned to our new branch office?

(3) If possible* look at portfolios on site to get a sense of the interviewees9 artistic accomplishments and check up on local references in the interviewee's country.

(4) Clearly communicate our company,s goals and bring back some great recruits!

21.Who is this memo directed to?


B.The interview team

C.Prospective employees

22.Recruiting at an international job fair will help the company find employees who

A.fit the corporate culture

B.are team players

C.have global awareness

23.Why does the author suggest the interview team ask interviewees questions about their hobbies?

A.To know whether the interviewees enjoy playing sports.

B.To know whether the interviewees are team players.

C.To know whether the interviewees have work experience.

24.The new employees must be ________.

A.willing to participate in language training

B.able to speak several languages

C.capable of learning any language quickly

25.What should the intervieweesportfolios demonstrate?

A.Excellent references

B.Sensible components

C.Artistic merit



When we meet another person for the first time, we are actually flooded with new informati
on. Almost at once, we notice his appearance, style. of dress, and monner of speech. Furthermore, as we listen to what he has to say and observe the things he does, we begin to form. some ideas of what kind of person hisand what he intends to do. As you know from your own experience, though, we do not only gather these separate pieces of information. Instead, we go further and combine them into a unified picture. In short, we form. an overall im pression of each person we meet-an impression that can be favorable or unfavorable. But how precisely do we perform. this task? How do we combine so much different information into a clear first impression with such quick speed? A great deal of research has been performed on this question, and resulits point to the following answer: We perform. this task through a special type of averaging.

Expressed very simply our impressions of others seem to represent a weighted average of all information that can be gathered about them. That is, they reflect a process in which all information we have about others is averaged to gether—but with some facts, or input receiving greater sense. For example, in forming an impression of a new boss you would probably be influedced to a much greater degree by how this person gives you orders (whether respectfully or not ) than by the color of his or her eyes. The fact that not all information about other persons affects our impressions of them to the same degree, raises an important question: Just what kinds of input receive the greatest weight? Again research provides some revealing(发人深思) an-swers.

This passage is mainly about_______.

A.how our first impressions are expressed

B.how our first impressions are formed

C.how we can favorably impress others

D.how first impression affect our lives

Research has shown that first impressions are generally more influenced by______.A.the way others spesk

B.appearance and styule of dress

C.all information we have

D.certain types of information at hand

The word “weight”in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_______.A.amount




The following paragraph will most probably siscuss______.A.wrong first impression of other people

B.selected information for forming first impression

C.the importance of first impression in job situation

D.ways of making good first impression

According to the passage, the first impression is_______.A.the result of quick look

B.not based on enough information

C.a combination of pieces of information

D.the observation of what a person does




There are signs of promising market for our particular type of product and there is little doubt tha
t a really active agent could ______ a big increase in our sales.

A.bring out B.bring up C.bring about D.bring in



I don’t think he can operate the new type of computer.英译汉



I bought a new type of cell-phone, which was the ___________ of all my classmate.A. a

I bought a new type of cell-phone, which was the ___________ of all my classmate.

A. admire

B. wish

C. respect

D. envy

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