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Before liberation, many laboring people were lack food and clothes.()

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Before liberation, many laboring people were () food and clothes.



Before liberation, many laboring people were enough of food and clothes.()



Before liberation, many laboring people were share of food and clothes.()



Before liberation, many laboring people were short of food and clothes.()



Before liberation, many laboring people were () food and clothes.

A.enough of


C.share of

D.short of



Blocks of "high-rise" flats have been built in large numbers in London and in many other b
ig cities. Just after the Second World War these big, twenty-to-thirty storey buildings, hundreds of feet in height, were thought to be the ideal solution to the housing problem. For on the one hand, there was severe housing shortage, but on the other hand, there was lack of space to build houses in urban areas. Blocks of "high-rise" flats seemed at first to be able to solve the problem, since they can offer more families to live in on less land. The beautiful, modem apartments in the high-rises were much sought after by people who lived downtown.

Hundreds of the vast blocks had been built before anyone began to doubt about whether they were good solutions or not. Are they suitable places for people, children especially, to live in? A well-known British architect, who personally designed many of these buildings, now believes that the high-rises may well make those people who have been housed in them suffer a great deal.

Evidence has been collected by social workers, which suggests that people do suffer. They complain about severe loneliness and deep depression living within these great towers. People also talk about lack of communication with others, no easy access to a playground for children, no chances for adults to get familiarized with each other. Many people say that they have lived next door to each other for years in the same building, but they never know who their neighbors are. Some experts say that a large number of people living in the high-rises suffer from mental disorder and even developed criminal tendencies. As a result of these new discoveries, plans for new high-rise blocks are being reconsidered. We Chinese are now building up many high-rises in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Perhaps we should also reconsider the idea too.

There was a big housing problem after the Second World War ______.

A.in London

B.in the rural areas

C.in many big cities

D.in many countries



______ so many people in this country been out of work as today. A) More than ever before B)

______ so many people in this country been out of work as today.

A) More than ever before B) Never before have

C) There were never D) There never before



Text 3Thirty- two people watched Kitty' Genovese being killed right beneath their windows.

Text 3

Thirty- two people watched Kitty' Genovese being killed right beneath their windows. She was their neighbor. Yet none of them helped her. Not one even called the police. Was this gunman cruelty? Was it lack of feeling about one' s fellow man?

"Not so," say scientists John Barley and Bib Fatane. These men went beyond the headlines to probe the masons why people didn't act. They found that a person has to go through two steps before he can help. First he has to notice that is an emergency. Suppose you see a middle - aged man fall to the side - walk. Is he having a heart attack? Is he in a coma (昏迷) from diabetes(糖尿病) ? Or is he about to sleep off a drunk? Is the smoke coming into the room from a leak in the air conditioning? Is it "steam pipes" ? Or is it really smoke from a fire? It' s not always easy to tell if you are faced with a real emergency.

Second, and more important, the person faced with an emergency must feel personally responsible. He must feel that he must help, or the person won' t get the help he needs. The researchers found that a lot depends on how many people are around. They had college students in to be "tested". Some came alone. Some came with one or two others. And some came in large groups. The receptionist started them off on the "tests". Then she went into the next room. A curtain divided the "testing room" and the room into which she went. Soon the students heard a scream, the noise of file cabinets falling and a cry for help. All of these had been pre - recorded on a tape - recorder. Eight out of ten of the students taking the test alone acted to help. Of the students in pairs, only two out of ten helped. Of the students in groups, none helped.

In other words, in a group, Americans often fail to act. They feel that others will act. They, themselves, needn't. They do not feel any direct responsibility. Are people bothered by situations where people are in trouble? Yes. Scientists found that the people were emotional, they sweated, they had trembling hands. They felt the other person's trouble. But they did not act. They were in a group. Their actions, were shaped by the actions of those they were with.

31. The purpose of this passage is______.

A) to explain why people fail to act in emergencies

B) to explain when people will act in emergencies

C) to explain what people will do in emergencies

D) to explain how people feel in emergencies



A Russian Experience It was almost midnight, yet the streets were bathed in a soft, shimmering ligh

A Russian Experience

It was almost midnight, yet the streets were bathed in a soft, shimmering light. The sun had just gone down and twilight would soon give way to night. We were strolling along the Nevsky Prospekt, a wide avenue stretching four kilometres and filled with people, music and street entertainers. This was St. Petersburg in August and it seemed the city was out to celebrate the long summer nights. We had just left the home of newly found Russian friends and after a wonderful traditional dinner decided to have some exercise before going to bed.

It has always been my dream to visit St. Petersburg. Absorbed by Russian history since childhood, I wanted to see it all for myself. Now, thanks to Perestroika, tourists are welcomed into Russia and St. Petersburg with its rich, cultural history is a popular choice.

We flew in from Stockholm and from the air immediately noticed a well-planned city with apartment blocks built in semi-circles with central courtyards and gardens. Not only did this seem practical, but the idea behind the design was to shelter residents from the fierce winter winds. The city was built by European architects in the 18th and 19th centuries and remains one of Europe's most beautiful cities. Straddling the wide River Neva, the city is made up of almost 5o islands connected by some 31o bridges. No wonder the sight of elegant buildings along the canals reminded me of Paris, Amsterdam and Venice.

I hadn't met many Russian people but I had an intense love for their country and traditions and was passionate about art and literature. Russian writers such as Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky reach the very soul of ordinary Russians, and this I find intriguing. It was no different when I finally found myself in Russia. People were openly friendly and eager to discuss any aspect of their lives in their beloved Motherland. No matter how bad the economy, somehow these people have the ability to see the positive aspects of their lives, whatever their circumstances. We met an attractive woman from Moscow, and we fast became friends and it was she who invited us into the home of some dear friends of hers.

The apartment block was in an elegant area of St. Petersburg and was probably a palace in the past but now converted into apartments of four floors. The entrance through a narrow hallway was dark and dull and there was an old fashioned lift on the ground floor with steel folding gates that clanged shut, after which the lift moved very slowly upwards. It was quicker to walk up the staircase.

Our host, Yuri Petrochenkov, himself an artist, warmly greeted us at the door. He was tall with gray hair pulled into a tail. His open, friendly manner and twinkling eyes showed a sense of humor and his English with a thick accent made him an entertaining host. Nelly, his wife, spoke little English but understood a great deal more.

We were ushered into their main room, which served as a living-room, dining room and TV area. There was an air of intimacy in the room, as though it was the core part of this family. Many parties, social and political discussions and family gatherings take place here. We were honored to be there and I felt ashamed that I had absolutely no Russian language to attempt to communicate in. Why is it that people of the English-speaking world take for granted that the rest of the world should speak English? I had always meant to learn Russian and had enrolled for courses in the past but they never started because of lack of numbers.

Our meal was a feast in itself. We weren't offered wine, just vodka in little shot glasses and before drinking there is always a toast. Some nine vodkas later, Yuri was in fine form and had found a drinking partner in my husband!

Wandering along the river, we agreed that not only had we found new friends, but we had just spent probably the most enjoyable experience of our trip to Russia. This is what travel is all about to get to the heart and soul of the people and to try to understand and experience a little of what makes others tick.



Being not far from the sea, London is famous __1__ its fogs. The worst of them happene
d on December 4,1952. All movement in the town came to a stop. It was almost impossible to drive or ride in anything. The streets which led into the center were filled with __2__ that moved two miles an hour. Soon, however, the traffic was stopped. Being left by their drivers, the buses and cars stood empty in the streets. Many who usually travel by bus took underground (地铁). But there were __3__ many people there that the gates had to be closed. Being caught in the fog, people felt their way along the walls of houses with one hand, while they put out __4__ in front of them so as not to knock against something or somebody.

At the Opera House (大歌剧院) they got through the first act of La Traviata before so much fog had spread into the building that the __5__ could not see the conductor (乐队指挥).

It was a terrible fog, indeed, and as many as 4,000 people in London lost their lives.


B.the other





B.the other





B.the other





B.the other





B.the other






Breakfast 1 If you have to miss one meal a day (or if you want to do so), which meal


1 If you have to miss one meal a day (or if you want to do so), which meal will cause you fewest health problems if you don't eat it? If they have to make a decision of this type, most people (especially dieters or very busy people) will choose to skip breakfast

2 However, many experts in the field of health consider breakfast (the meal which "breaks" your "fast" which started the night before) to be the most important meal of the day. If we eat a good breakfast, they say, we will have the energy and nutrients we need to begin our working day with vigor and hopefully with good humor. Nevertheless, many people skip breakfast or substitute a donut and a cup of coffee for a well-balanced meal What happens if we ignore the importance of breakfast?

3 One recent study conducted in the United States tesled a large number of people Participants included both males and females who ranged in age from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given a variety of breakfast, and sometimes, they had to skip breakfast completely. Special tests, including blood tests and endurance tests, were setup to analyze how well the participants, bodies functioned when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast.

4 The results showed that if a person eats an adequate breakfast. he or she will work more efficiently and more productively than if he or she skips breakfast or eats a very poor breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a persofl,s work involves mental activity The study showed that if schoolchildren eat fruit, eggs, bread, and milk before going to school, they will learn more quickly and will be able to concentrate on their lessons for a longer period of time than if their breakfast diet is inadequate

5 The study also showed that, contrary to what many people believe, if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry if they skip breakfast that they eat so much for lunch and end up gaining weight instead of losing. So remember, if you are on a diet, skipping breakfast will not help you. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals

Questions 21-30 are based on Passage .

21. The word "dieters" means "those who restrict themselves to a special diet in order to control their weight"

22. In the word "breakfast", "fast" probably means "going without food"

23. Many experts in the field of health think that breakfast is most important in a

working day.

24. Some people will substitute a donut and a cup of coffee for a regular breakfast

25. Those participating in the experiment were all adults.

26. During the experiment, these people were given very good breakfast

27. Special tests were set up to analyze how the participants, bodies functioned when they had eaten particular breakfast

28. The results showed that if a efficiently eats a big breakfast, he or she will work

29.The study showed that if schoolchildren have adequate breakfasts before going to school

30. We can safely say skipping breakfast will help one lose weight

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