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Good writing should be difficult and straight.()

Good writing should be difficult and straight.()


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更多“Good writing should be difficu…”相关的问题


Giving a mark or words like ‘good’ or ‘very good’ will not be very helpful for studen
ts to develop their writing skills. Therefore, what elements should our feedback include?



Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage to state
your views on the topic: health and diet. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the outline below: it is necessary to keep a balanced diet should it is important to do regular exercises it is essential to keep in good spirits / in a positive mood renew our spirits and release our stress. Be bound to keep healthy How to Keep Healthy



The resources of the library can be helpful even when we are doing something very informal
, such as trying to devise a better way to measure attitudes toward music or looking for a better way to teach mathematics. The library can be equally helpful when we are doing something very formal, such as writing a dissertation (学位论文) or preparing an article for publication in a professional journal. In either case, our goal should be to use the library as a useful tool to help us understand and solve our problem.

The following sections of this chapter will describe specific resources available in many libraries. In some cases you may already be aware of a resource and may use it frequently and successfully. In other cases you may be completely unfamiliar with a resource. Your goal should be to become aware of what is available and to know how to use each of these resources to help you solve the problem they are designed to solve.

When educators have a piece of information that they want to share with their colleagues, they often make this information available in professional journals or at professional meetings. It would often be useful to have access to such information, and this chapter will describe the special services that enable us to locate such information.

1. The library resources can be helpful when we _______.

A.want to find a better way to measure attitudes toward music

B.are preparing a paper for a professional journal

C.are writing a dissertation

D.All of the above

2.The familiarity of readers with different resources _______.

A.is more or less the same

B.varies slightly

C.differs greatly

D.should not be different

3.The author believes that _______.

A.library resources should be used frequently and completely

B.library resources cannot be made good use of if they are not available to us

C.one is supposed to be aware of the library resources that are usually not available

D.one is supposed to have good knowledge and make good use of resources

4.When educators wish to share some information with their colleagues, they often _______.

A.publish it in a professional journal

B.attend professional meetings

C.get access to it in the library

D.make use of some library services

5. The chapter in question _______.

A.mainly deals with the ways of dissertation writing

B.presents information on publishing papers in professional journals

C.introduces some library services

D.describes some professional meetings



A.it'sfull B.Goodquestion C.Ibetthatwasfun D.Goodidea E.Iusedto F.fewercars G.Look

A. it's full

B. Good question

C. I bet that was fun

D. Good idea

E. I used to

F. fewer cars

G. Look

H. Hey

A: Why is there never a bus when you want one?

B: (56) . There aren't enough buses on this route.

A: Sometimes I feel like writing a letter to the paper.

B: (57) . You should say that we need more subway lines, too.

A. Yeah. There should be more public transportation in general.

B: And (58) ! There's too much traffic.

A: (59) , is that our bus coming?

B: Yes, it is. But look, (60)

A: Oh, no! Let's go and get a cup of coffee. We can talk about this letter I'm going to write.



Taking Notes in Class Taking good notes is a three-stage process _____________ (1) th

Taking Notes in Class Taking good notes is a three-stage process _____________ (1) there are certain things you should do before class, during class, and after class. Before class. Review your notes from the previous class session before you come to class. This will help you remember what _____________ (2) and get you ready to understand new information your teacher provides. Also, complete all assigned readings before you come to class. During class. Keep your attention _____________ (3) what your teacher is saying. Listen for “signal statements” that tell you that what your teacher is about to say is important to write in your notes. Write quickly by writing ____________ (4) words such as “med” for “medicine”, using symbols such as “%” for “percent”, and writing short sentences. After class. Rewrite your notes to make them more complete by changing abbreviated words into whole words. Make your notes __________ (5) accurate by answering any questions you had when writing your notes in class. You may ask your teacher or other students for help.


A、in that

B、in which




A、was covered

B、is covered


D、are covering


A、focusing on

B、focus on

C、is focused on

D、focused on













Given the lack of fit between gifted students and their schools, it is not surprising that
such students often have little good to say about their school experience. In one study of 400 adults who had achieved distinction in all areas of life, researchers found that three-fifths of these individuals either did badly in school or were unhappy in school. Few MacArthur Prize fellows, winners of the MacArthur Award for creative accomplishment, had good things to say about their precollegiate schooling if they had not been placed in advanced programs. Anecdotal (名人轶事) reports support this. Pablo Picasso, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Oliver Goldsmith, and William Butler Yeats all disliked school. So did Winston Churchill, who almost failed out of Harrow, an elite British school. About Oliver Goldsmith, one of his teachers remarked, "Never was so dull a boy. " Often these children realize that they know more than their teachers, and their teachers often feel that these children are arrogant, inattentive, or unmotivated. Some of these gifted people may have done poorly in school because their gifts were not scholastic. Maybe we can account for Picasso in this way. But most fared poorly in school not because they lacked ability but because they found school unchallenging and consequently lost interest. Yeats described the lack of fit between his mind and school: "Because I had found it difficult to attend to anything less interesting than my own thoughts, I was difficult to teach." As noted earlier, gifted children of all kinds tend to be strong-willed nonconformists. Nonconformity and stubbornness (and Yeats's level of arrogance and self-absorption) are likely to lead to Conflicts with teachers.

When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers. A writing prodigy (神童) studied by David Feldman and Lynn Goldsmith was taught far more about writing by his journalist father than his English teacher. High-IQ children, in Australia studied by Miraca Gross had much more positive feelings about their families than their schools. About half of the mathematicians studied by Benjamin Bloom had little good to say about school. They all did well in school and took honors classes when available, and some skipped grades.

The main point the author is making about schools is that______.

A.they should satisfy the needs of students from different family backgrounds.

B.they are often incapable of catering to the needs of talented students.

C.they should organize their classes according to the students' ability.

D.they should enroll as many gifted students as possible.



Learning how to write is like taking a course in public speaking. I’ d ask whether any
one in class had ever taken such a course. Invariably a few hands would go up.

“What did you learn in that course?” I’d ask.

“Well, the main thing was learning how to face an audience ... not to be inhibited(拘谨 )... not to be nervous

Exactly, when you take a course in public speaking nowadays, you don’ t hear much about grammar and vocabulary. Instead, you’ re taught how not to be afraid or embarrassed, how to speak without a prepared script, how to read out to the live audience before you. Public speaking is a matter of overcoming your long-standing nervous inhibitions.

The same is true of writing. The point of the whole thing is to overcome your nervous inhibitions, to break through the invisible barrier that separates you from the person who’ ll read what you wrote. You must learn to sit in front of your typewriter or dictating machine and read out to the person at the other end of the line.

Of course, in public speaking, with the audience right in front of you, the problem is easier. You can look at them and talk to them directly. In writing, you’ re alone. It needs an effort of your experience or imagination to take hold of that other person and talk to him or her. But that effort is necessary -- or at least it’ s necessary until you’ve reached the point when you quite naturally and unconsciously “talk on paper

1、The topic of the passage is ________

A、how to be a good writer

B、how to be a good speaker

C、how to express yourself with your words

D、how to get rid of nervousness in public speaking

2、The public speech course mainly teaches students ______

A、how to make an attractive speech using perfect grammar and vocabulary

B、how to express themselves exactly and vividly

C、how to collect data needed and organize it

D、how to get over their nervousness when making a speech

3、The similarity between making a public speech and writing is that _______

A、you have to do a lot of preparation work beforehand

B、 you should get over your nervous inhibitions

C、 you should know grammar and vocabulary well to accomplish them

D、 both of them have audience

4、In the opinion of the author, public speaking is much easier than writing because _______

A、public speaking requires less effort than writing

B、 it’ s unnecessary for you to write a lot for speech and you can say anything as you like

C、 you face the audience directly in public speaking; while writing is otherwise

D、 in public speaking, the audience have to listen to you whether they like it or not

5、The author of this passage probably is a ________


B、 politician

C、 writer

D、 professor



The 26()of an application is far more often the fault of the applicant, for many appli
The 26()of an application is far more often the fault of the applicant, for many appli

cants do not set about their task in the right way. They do not study the job requirements 27()enough and dispatch applications to all and sundry (所有的人) in the hope that one will bear fruit (奏效). The personnel manager of a textiles manufacturer for example 28()for designers. He was willing to consider young people 29()working experience provided they had good ideas. The replies contained many remarks like this,"At school I was good at art", "I like drawing things" and even "I write very interesting stories". Only one applicant was sensible enough to30() samples of her designs. She got the job.

Personnel managers emphasize the need for a good letter of application. They do not look for the finest writing paper or perfect typing, but it is 31() to expect legible writing on a clean sheet of paper, not a piece torn roughly from an exercise book.

As soon as the applicant is lucky enough to receive an invitation to attend all interviews, he 32()acknowledge the letter and say he will attend. But the manager does not end there. The wise applicant will fill in the interval making himself familiar with Some activities of the company he hopes to33()applicants have not the faintest idea 34() the company does and this puts them 35() a great disadvantage when they come to answer the questions that will be put to them in the interview.


















Learning how to write is like taking a course in public speaking. I' d ask whether a
nyone in class had ever taken such a course. Invariably a few hands would go up.

"What did you learn in that course?" I'd ask.

"Well, the main thing was learning how to face an audience ... not to be inhibited(拘谨 )... not to be nervous Exactly, when you take a course in public speaking nowadays, you don' t hear much about grammar and vocabulary. Instead, you' re taught how not to be afraid or embarrassed, how to speak without a prepared script, how to read out to the live audience before you. Public speaking is a matter of overcoming your long-standing nervous inhibitions.

The same is true of writing. The point of the whole thing is to overcome your nervous inhibitions, to break through the invisible barrier that separates you from the person who' ll read what you wrote. You must learn to sit in front of your typewriter or dictating machine and read out to the person at the other end of the line.

Of course, in public speaking, with the audience right in front of you, the problem is easier. You can look at them and talk to them directly. In writing, you' re alone. It needs an effort of your experience or imagination to take hold of that other person and talk to him or her. But that effort is necessary -- or at least it' s necessary until you've reached the point when you quite naturally and unconsciously "talk on paper.

1.In the opinion of the author, public speaking is much easier than writing because().

A、public speaking requires less effort than writing

B、it' s unnecessary for you to write a lot for speech and you can say anything as you like

C、you face the audience directly in public speaking; while writing is otherwise

D、in public speaking, the audience have to listen to you whether they like it or not

2.The topic of the passage is().

A、how to be a good writer

B、how to be a good speaker

C、how to express yourself with your words

D、how to get rid of nervousness in public speaking

3.The public speech course mainly teaches students().

A、how to make an attractive speech using perfect grammar and vocabulary

B、how to express themselves exactly and vividly

C、how to collect data needed and organize it

D、how to get over their nervousness when making a speech

4.The similarity between making a public speech and writing is that().

A、you have to do a lot of preparation work beforehand

B、you should get over your nervous inhibitions

C、you should know grammar and vocabulary well to accomplish them

D、both of them have audience

5.The author of this passage probably is a ().







It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame the
m for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with crises; that they talk too much about certain problems and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships. I believe it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young.

Young people often irritate (激怒) their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in music and entertainers. This is not their motive. They feel isolated from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles annoy their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style. and taste.

Sometimes you are resistant, and proud because you do not want your parents to approve of what you do. If they approve, it looks as if you are betraying your own age group. But in that case, you are assuming that you are the loser; you cannot win but at least you keep your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents’ control. But it ignores the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself.

If you intend to control your life, cooperation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially your parents, into doing things the way you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will offer you the authority to do what you want to do.

1.This passage is primarily meant for().




D、psy chologists

2.the libraray resources can be helpful when we().

A、want to find a berrer way to measure attitudes toward music

B、are preparing a paper for a professional jouornal

C、are writing a dissertation

D、all of the above

3.The familiarity of readers with different resources().

A、is more or less the same

B、varies slightly

C、difers greatly

D、should not be different

4.The chapter in question().

A、mainly deals with the ways of dissertation writing

B、 presents information on publishing papers in professional journals

C、 introduces some library services

D、describes some professional meetings

5.When educators wish to share some information with their colleagues, they often,().

A、publish it in a professional journal

B、attend professional meetings

C、get access to it in the library

D、make use of some library services

6.The author believes that().

A、library resources should be used frequently and completely

B、 library resources cannot be made good use of if they are not available to us

C、one is supposed to be aware of the library resources that are usually not available

D、one is supposed to have good knowledge and make good use of resources

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