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Music first () her when she was four years old.





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听力原文:M: Did you buy a birthday present for your sister, Susan?W: Not yet, but I've bee

听力原文:M: Did you buy a birthday present for your sister, Susan?

W: Not yet, but I've been thinking about getting her a tape. She is fond of classical music.

Q: Which tape would Susan like best?


A.The Best of Jazz.

B.Classical Favorites.

C.Christmas Carols.

D.Rock Music Collection.



W: How can I get the information of a job opening first?M:Develop your network of conta

W: How can I get the information of a job opening first?

M:Develop your network of contacts, attend industry events, such as fairs or conferences, and be a member of industry organizations.

Q: What is not recommended to do by the man?

A.Develop her own contacts.

B.Attend industry events.

C.Learn new contacting skills.

D.Be members of industrial organizations.



Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she w
as ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters asking for admission to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling.

In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon(外科医师), but a serious eye problem forced her to give up the idea.

Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her own hospital , she also set up the first medical school for women.

(1) Why couldn’t Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?

A.She couldn’t get admitted to medical school.

B.She decided to further her education in Paris.

C.A serious eye problem stopped her.

D.It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States.

(2) What main obstacle almost destroyed Elizabeth’s chances for becoming for a doctor?

A.She was a woman.

B.She wrote too many letters.

C.She couldn’t graduate from medical school.

D.She couldn’t set up her hospital.

(3) How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital?

A.Eight years B.Ten years

C.Nineteen years D.Thirty-six years

(4) According to the passage, all of the following are “firsts” in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell,

A.became the first woman physician.

B.was the first woman doctor.

C.and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children.

D.set up the first medical school for women.

(5) Elizabeth Blackwell spent most of her lift in_______.



C.the United States

D.New York City



Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. In the nearly six
ty two years of his life that followed, he built a literary fame unsurpassed (无法超越)in the twentieth century.

As a boy he was taught by his father to hunt and fish along the shores and in the forests around Lake Michigan. The Hemingways had a summer house in northern Michigan, and the family would spend the summer months there trying to stay cool. Hemingway would either fish the different streams that ran into the lake, or would take the small boat out to do some fishing there. He would also go squirrel hunting in the woods, discovering early in life the peace to be found while alone in the forest or going through a stream. It was something he could always go back to throughout his life, and though he often found himself living in major cities like Chicago, Toronto and Paris early in his life, once he became successful he chose somewhat isolated places to live in.

When he wasn't hunting or fishing his mother taught him the good points of music. She was a skilled singer who once had wished a life on stage, but at last settled down with her husband and spent her time by giving voice and music lessons to local children, including her own. Hemingway was never talented for music and suffered through singing practices and music lessons, however, the musical knowledge he got from his mother helped him share in his first wife Hadley's interest in the piano.

Ernest Hemingway died in______.







阅读:In this age of Internet chat, videogames and reality television, there is no shortageof mindless activities

Questions 61-65 are based on the following passage.

In this age of Internet chat, videogames and reality television, there is no shortageof mindless activities to keepa child occupied. Yet, despite the competition,my 8-year-old daughter Rebecca wants to spend her leisure timewriting shortstories. She wants to enter one of her stories into a writing contest, a competitionshe won last year.

As awriter I know about winning contest, and about losing them. I know what it islike to work hard on astory only to receive a rejection slip from thepublisher. I also know the pressures of trying to live up to a reputationcreatedby previous victories. What if she doesn't win the contest again? That's thestrange thing about being aparent. So many of our own past scars and dashedhopes can surface.

Arevelation (启示)came last week when I asked her, "Don't you want to win again?" "No," she replied, "I just want to tell the story of an angel going to first grade."

I hadjust spent weeks correcting her stores as she spontaneously(自由地)told them. Telling myself that Iwas merely an experienced writerguiding the young writer across the hall, I offered suggestions forcharacters,conflicts and endings for her tales. The story about a fearful angelstarting first grade was quickly "guided" by meinto the tale of alittle girl with a wild imagination taking her first music lesson. I had turnedher contest into mycontest without even realizing it.

Stayingback and giving kids space to grow is not as easy as it looks. Because I knowvery little about farmanimals who use tools or angels who go to first grade, Ihad to accept the fact that I was coopting (借用)mydaughter'sexperience.

Whilestepping back was difficult for me, it was certainly a good first step that Iwill quickly follow with moresteps, putting myself far enough away to give herroom but close enough to help if asked. All the while I will bereminding myselfthat children need room to experiment, grow and find their own voices.

61、What do we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Children do find lots of fun in many mindlessactivities.

B.Rebecca is much too occupied to enjoy herleisure time.

C.Rebecca draws on a lot of online materials forher writing.

D.A lot of distractions compete for Children'stime nowadays.

62、What did the author say about her own writingexperience?

A.She did not quite live up to her reputation as awriter.

B.Her way to success was full of pains andfrustrations.

C.She was constantly under pressure of writingmore.

D.Most of her stories had been rejected bypublishers.

63、Why did Rebecca want to enter this year'swriting contest?

A.She believed she possessed real talent forwriting.

B.She was sure of winning with her mother's help.

C.She wanted to share her stories with readers.

D.She had won a prize in the previous contest.

64、The author took great pains to refine herdaughter's stories because ____

A.she believed she had the knowledge andexperience to offer guidance

B.she did not want to disappoint Rebecca whoneeded her help so much

C.she wanted to help Rebecca realize her dream ofbecoming a writer

D.she was afraid Rebecca's imagination might runwild while writing

65、What's the author's advice for parents?

A.A writing career, though attractive, is not forevery child to pursue.

B.Children should be allowed freedom to growthrough experience.

C.Parents should keep an eye on the activitiestheir kids engage in.

D.Children should be given every chance to voicetheir opinions.



Her father foster her interest in music,()


Text 2William Shakespeare described old age as" second childishness"-no teeth, no eyes, no

Text 2

William Shakespeare described old age as" second childishness"-no teeth, no eyes, no taste. In the case of taste he may, musically speaking, have been more perceptive than he realised. A paper in Neurology by Giovanni Frisoni and his colleagues at the National Centre for Research and Care of Alzheimers's Disease in Italy, shows that frontotemporal dementia can affect musical desires in ways that suggest a regression ,if not to infancy,then at least to a patient's teens.

Frontotemporal dementia, a disease usually found with old people, is caused, as its name suggests,by damage to the front and sides of the brain. These regions are concerned with speech, and with such"higher"functions as abstract thinking and judgment.

Two of such patients intrigued Dr Frisoni. One was a 68-year-old lawyer, the other a 73-year- old housewife. Both had undamaged memories, but displayed the sorts of defect associated with frontotemporal dementia-a diagnosis that was confrrmed by brain scanning.

About two years after he was first diagnosed, the lawyer, once a classical music lover who re-ferred to pop music as"mere noise" , started listening to the Italian pop band "883". As his command of language and his emotional attachments to friends and family deteriorated, he continued to listen to the band at full volume for many hours a day. The housewife had not even had the lawyer's love of classical music, having never enjoyed music of any sort in the past. But about a year after her diagnosis she became very interested in the songs that her ll-year-old granddaughter was listen ing to.

This kind of change in musical taste was not seen in any of the Alzheimer's patients, and thus appears to be specific to those with frontotemporal dementia. And other studies have remarked on how frontotemporal-dementia patients sometimes gain new talents. Five sufferers who developed artistic abilities are known. And in another case, one woman with the disease suddenly started composing and singing country and western songs.

Dr Frisoni speculates that the illness is causing people to develop a new attitude towards novel experiences, Previous studies of novelty-seeking behaviour suggest that it is managed by the brain'sright frontal lobe. A predominance of the right over the left frontal lobe, caused by damage to the

latter,might thus lead to a quest for new experience. Alternatively, the damage may have affected

some specific nervous system that is needed to appreciate certain kinds of music. Whether that is a

gain or a loss is a different matter. As Dr Frisoni puts it in his article, there is no accounting for


46. The writer quotes Shakespeare mainly to

[A] praise the keen perception of the great English writer.

[B] support Dr. Frisoni 's theory about a disease.

[C] start the discussion on a brain disease.

[D] show the long history of the disease.



No one in my family could believe Allegra had any disability

, much less one as severe as hers. To them a disability was physical, something you could see. They knew her as a happy, normal child. That's how it is with a learning disability -you don't see obvious physical symptoms.

But as she grew out of preschool, she would pretend to read-I knew she was pretending because the book was upside down. She withdrew into her own world where she could fantasize about being a ballet dancer, a Broadway actress or a figure skater. In the real world, ballet classes and music lessons led only to confusion, frustration and, ultimately, disappointment.

As for school, there was no way she could be included in a mainstream classroom. I went through every special school in New York, only to be told over and over: "She doesn't belong here." The last blow came a few months after the diagnosis, when I was at a pay phone on 72nd Street, waiting for an answer from the very last school on my list. Finally a cold voice came on-I can still hear it-and said: "I'm sorry, but we feel this isn't the place for her." I hung up and stared at the phone in tears.

I had lived my life as the daughter of Henry Ford II, and for the first time in my life I faced a problem that neither money nor position could solve. I nearly gave up, but I knew I couldn't. Without me, my daughter stood no chance of making it.

21 .According to the first paragraph, Allegra's problem was _ .

A. psychological B. obvious C. physical D. invisible

22. Allegra was disabled in that _.

A. she was unable to learn like a normal child

B. she was always reading with her book upside down

C. she isolated herself from other children in her class

D. she was living in her dreams in conflict with the real world

23 .The expression "a mainstream classroom"(para. 3) refers, to _.

A. the last blow B. the last school

C. special schools D. normal education

24. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _.

A. the author would ask Henry Ford II for help

B. the author would continue to help her daughter

C. the author would leave New York for the sake of her daughter

D. the author had to use money or position to deal with the problem

25.The phrase "making it" (para. 4) probably means _.

A. becoming a figure skater B. becoming a ballet dancer

C. becoming successful D. getting proper treatment



She owes her gift ____ music ___ her mother.

A.of; to

B.for; to

C.in; for

D.on; by



Anna is our only daughter. My wife and I have two sons, and Anna is the youngest in th
e family, but she's twenty-five now. Anna was not well when she was little. It was a very worrying time and she stayed at home a lot. She was seen first by the local doctors, and then she was sent to a specialist in Cardiff where she was diagnosed as diabetic. It was my wife who mainly took care of her then. I am not very good at looking after little children. I suppose I am a bit traditional in that way. But when she grew up a bit, we spent a lot of time together. We loved walking and talking and discussing life. We still love it today. We get on very well. Although she looks like me (tall, dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin), she takes after her mother: she is artistic and musical, and like her mother she's attractive. She loves looking after animals - she has two dogs, three cats and a goat. She lives in a little house in the country. I like animals too. I like riding and hunting, but Anna hates hunting. She thinks it's cruel. We discuss it a lot. She is quiet and a bit shy with strangers. I am more outgoing and I love meeting new people. But she's not boring - actually, she's very funny. She always has lots of stories of her life in the country. She's an art and music teacher in a little village school. She is very good-natured. Anna says we brought her up well, and she's going to bring her children up to be honest and loyal. But I think she was easy to bring up. I don't remember ever telling her off.

1.According to the passage, when Anna was a child, she ().

2. It can be inferred from the passage the author thinks looking after little children is ().

3. What does 'take after' mean in the first sentence of Para. 2?

4. My daughter and I have little in common in terms of ().

5. From the passage, we can see the author's description of his daughter is ().

(1).A、got an illness

B、was very queer

C、didn't look like the author

(2).A、his advantage

B、mainly a woman's responsibility

C、really enjoyable

(3).A、look after

B、be different from

C、look like

(4).A、loving walking and talking


C、loving animals




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