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He may be best known for inventing electric light bulb,phonograph and motion picture camera,but()he creates failures.



C.at least

D.not necessarily

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更多“He may be best known for inven…”相关的问题


He may be best known for inventing electric light bulb, phonograph and motion pictur



C.at least

D.not necessarily



Passage Three To a philosopher, wisdom is not the same as knowledge. Facts may be known in

Passage Three

To a philosopher, wisdom is not the same as knowledge. Facts may be known in enormous numbers without the knower of them loving wisdom. Indeed, the person who possesses encyclopedic (学识渊博的) information may actually have a genuine contempt (轻视) for those who love and seek wisdom. The philosopher is not content with a mere knowledge of facts. He desires to combine and evaluate facts, and to examine beneath the obvious to the deeper orderliness behind the immediately given facts. Insight into the hidden depths of reality, perspective (洞察) on human life and nature in their entirety, in the words of Plato, to be a spectator of time and existence--these are the philosopher's objectives. Too great an interest in the small details of science, may, and often does, obscure these basic objectives.

Philosophers assume that the love of wisdom is a natural gift of the human being. Potentially every man is a philosopher because in the depths of his being there is an intense longing to penetrate to the meaning of the mysteries of existence. The inner deep longing expresses itself in various ways prior to any actual study of philosophy as a technical branch of human culture. Consequently every human being in so far as he has ever been or is a lover of wisdom has, to that extent, a philosophy of life.

41. The title below that best expresses the idea of this passage is ______.

A. The Potential Philosopher

B. The Philosophy of Plato

C. The Philosopher Versus the Scientist

D. The Philosopher Defined



My Heart's in the Highlands is one of the best known poems written by Robert Burns in which he pored his unshakable love for his homeland. ()


He hs written some very good poems, but he is ________ known for his short storiesthe best
B.moreCHe hs written some very good poems, but he is ________ known for his short storiesthe best B.more C.better D.the most

A.the best



D.the most



He is()to be the best surgeon doctor in this town.

A.reputed known

B.replied to know

C.required knowing

D.researched knew



He is()to be the best surgeon doctor in Paris this town.

A.reputed known

B.replied to know

C.required knowing

D.researched knew



My Heart’s in the Highlands is one of the best known poems written by Robert Burns in which he pored his unshakable love for his homeland.()


Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. During the Christmas s

Passage Three

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

During the Christmas shopping rush in London, a story was reported of a tramp(流浪者)who, apparently no fault of his own, found himself locked in a well. known chain store late on Christmas Eve. No doubt the store was crowded with last. minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get home. Presumably all the proper security checks were made before the store was locked and they left to enjoy the three-day holiday untroubled by customers desperate to get last-minute. Christmas presents.

However that may be, our tramp found himself alone in the store and decided to make the best of if. There was food, drink, bedding and camping equipment, of which he made good use. There must also have been television sets and radios. Though it was not reported if he took advantage of these facilities, when the shop re-opened, he was discovered in bed with a large number of empty bottles beside him. He seems to have been a man of good humor and philosophic temperament-as indeed tramps very commonly are. Everyone else was enjoying Christmas, so he saw no good reason why he should not do the same. He submitted(屈服), cheerful enough, to being taken away by the police. Perhaps he had had a better Christmas than usual. He was sent to prison for seven days. The judge awarded no compensation to the chain store for the food and drink our tramp had consumed. They had, in his opinion, already received valuable free publicity from the coverage the store received in the newspapers and on television.

The tramp was locked in the store______.

A. through an error of his own

B. due to the mistake of Christmas shoppers

C. by accident

D. through a trick of his



The 16th century, known as the "Age of Genius" , was a complicated (复杂) and
The 16th century, known as the "Age of Genius" , was a complicated (复杂) and

difficult time to live. Many countries fought for the power and riches of the newly discovered Americas. Men introduced new ideas which demanded great changes in older ideas. Despite these problems and possibly because of them , wonderful things were done by the greatest of men.

It is indeed difficult to know why in some periods you find many men of genius while in others you may find few. The "Age of Genius", however, produced some of the greatest thinkers, painters, authors, and scientists.

In Italy during the High Renaissance (文艺复兴), a period of the "Age of Genius", three famous painters started their work. They were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael.

Leonardo da Vinci is famous not only for his beautiful pain tings but also for his talent in the sciences. One of his best - known painting is the "Mona Lisa." Michelangelo was also a man of many talents. He was an artist; he wrote poems; he drew plans for buildings; and he worked with other forms of art. His best- known work is the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome (罗马西斯教堂).

Raphael was known for his painting. He made well-balanced pictures out of many different actions.

1. Another name for the 16th century is the ________.

A. Classical A ge

B. Middle Ages

C. "Age of Genius"

D. Age of Renaissance

2. To know why in some periods you find many intelligent men and few in other is __________.

A. an easy thing to do

B. a very difficult thing to do

C. not important

D. unneces sary

3. Which of the following statements is implied in the first paragraph of the passage?

A. Geniuses are born talented.

B. Geniuses are often produced in the same age.

C. Fighting for the riches of the newly - discovered Americas produced geniuses.

D. A period during which new ideas were replacing older ideas might produce geniuses.

4. _________ is famous for his paintings and for his talent in science.

A. Raph ael

B. Leonardo da Vinci

C. Michelangelo

D. Mona Lisa

5. Michelangelo is known for __________.

A. his Mona Lisa

B. his paintings in Sistine Chapel

C. his well-balanced pictures

D. his contributions to science



Should a leader strive to be loved or feared? This question, famously posed by Machiavelli
, lies at the heart of Joseph Nye's new book. Mr. Nye, a former dean of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, is best known for promoting the idea of "soft power", based on persuasion and influences, as a counterpoint to "hard power", based on coercion (强迫) and force.

Mr. Nye has now turned his attention to the relationship between power and leadership, in both the political and business spheres. Machiavelli, he notes, concluded that "one ought to be both feared and loved, but as it is difficult for the two to go together, it is much safer to be feared than loved." In short, hard power is preferable to soft power. But modern leadership theories have come to the opposite conclusion.

The context of leadership is changing, they observe, and the historical emphasis on hard power is becoming outdated. In modern companies and democracies, power is increasingly diffused and traditional hierarchies (等级制) are being undermined, making soft power ever more important. But that does not mean coercion should now take a back seat to persuasion, Mr. Nye argues. Instead, he advocates a synthesis of these two views. The conclusion of The Powers to Lead, his survey of the theory of leadership, is that a combination of hard and soft power, which he calls "smart power", is the best approach.

The domination theoretical model of leadership at the moment is, apparently, the "transformational leadership pattern". Mr. Nye has performed a valuable service in rounding up and summarizing the various academic studies and theories of leadership into a single, slim volume. He examines different approaches to leadership, the morality of leadership and how the wider context can determine the effectiveness of a particular leader. There are plenty of anecdotes and examples, both historical and contemporary, political and corporate.

Leadership is a slippery(狡猾的) subject, and as he depicts(描述) various theories, even Mr. Nye never quite nails the jerry to the wall. He is at his most interesting when discussing the moral aspects of leadership—in particular, the question of whether it is sometimes necessary for good leaders to lie—and he provides a helpful 12-point summary of his conclusions. A recurring theme is that as circumstances change, different sorts of leaders are required, a leader who thrives in one environment may struggle in another, and vice versa. Ultimately that is just a fancy way of saying that leadership offers no easy answers.

According to the passage, the reason why Mr. Nye is so popular is that ______.

A.he advocates that leaders should be feared

B.he advocates the importance of persuasion and influence

C.he was once the leader of Harvard

D.he thinks that coercion should give way to persuasion

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