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It's too early for getting up.(英译中)

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The school has only been open for six months, so it's too early to _______ its su







根据以下内容回答题:In the United States,it is not customary to telephone someone very earl
y in the morning.If you telephone him early in the day,while he is shaving or having breakfast,the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention.The same mean-ing is attached to telephone calls made after l l:00 P.m.If someone receives a call during sleeping hours,he assumes it"s a matter of life ot death.The time chosen for the call communi-cares has its importance. In social life,time plays a very important part ineveryday life.In the U.S.A.guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four davs before the party date.But it is not true in all countries.In other areas of the world,it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.The meaning of time differs in dif-ferent Darts of the wodd.Thus,misunderstandings arise between people from cultures that treat time differentlv.Promptness is valued highly in American life.If people are not prompt,they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible.In the U.S.no one would think of keep-ing a business associate waiting for an hour,it would be too impolite.A person who is 5 mi-nutes late.he wm say a few words of explaination,though perhaps he will not complete the sentence

“The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 P.m…”Here “attached”means







Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the d
iffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened between. As was discussed before, it was not until the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre- electronic(61), following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the(62)of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communications revolution(63)UP, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading on through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures into the 20th-century world of the motor car and the air plane. Not everyone sees that process in(64). It is important to do so.

It is generally recognized,(65), that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century,(66)by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, although its impact on the media was not immediately(67). As time went by, computers became smaller and more powerful, and they became "personal" too, as well as(68), with display becoming sharper and storage(69)increasing. They were thought of, like people,(70)generations, with the distance between generations much(71).

It was within the computer age that the term "information society" began to be widely used to describe the(72)within which we now live. The communications revolution has(73)both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time, but there have been(74)view about its economic, political, social and cultural implications. "Benefits" have been weighed(75)"harmful" outcomes. And generalizations have proved difficult.







Concrete Another thing to remember in connection with concrete is that you are not allowed


Another thing to remember in connection with concrete is that you are not allowed very much leeway for errors in either measurements or location. Once you have a solid mass of concrete set in place, it is going to stay there. You have a difficult job ahead of you if you try to remedy a mistake. Make very sure, before you fill the form, that everything is where and how you want it.

There are numerous rules regarding the proper mixing handing, and finishing of concrete, but the essential one concerns the amount of water to use. The less water in the mix, the less the finished job will shrink. The less water used, the harder and more enduring the job after it has set.

The amateur concrete worker is plagued with two desires. One is to use enough Water to have the concrete nice and soft and easy to push around. You have been warned against that. The second is to take off the wooden forms too early, to see what the job looks like. That is really fatal. If the forms are stripped off too soon, while the concrete is still green, two things are likely to happen—you are almost sure to break off corners or edges, and you are likely to cause a major crack or defect in the body of the work. An excellent rule is to wait until you are sure the concrete is properly' hardened, and then wait another day before removing the forms.

The best title for this selection would be:________.

A.Concrete and Its Uses

B.Rules for Working with Concrete

C.Concrete, the Homeowner's Joy

D.Concrete, a Test of Character



It is too early to tell our exact move before the regulation takes ().在规则生效之前

It is too early to tell our exact move before the regulation takes ().在规则生效之前告知我们的具体措施还为时过早。







The four of us get up early and meet at the golf course before eight o'clock-oth

The four of us get up early and meet at the golf course before eight o'clock-otherwise, it gets too crowded.(英译汉)



•Read the article below about exporting and the questions. •For each question

•Read the article below about exporting and the questions.

•For each question (13-18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

Problems Potential Exporters Are Facing

Many firms fail to succeed, because when they begin exporting they have not researched the target markets or developed an international marketing plum. To be successful, a firm must clearly define its goals, objectives and potential problems. Secondly, it must develop a definitive plan to accomplish its objectives, regardless of the problems involved. Unless the firm is fortunate enough to possess a staff with considerable expertise. It may not be able to take this crucial first step without qualified outside guidance.

Often top management is not committed enough to overcome the initial difficulties and financial requirements of exporting. It can often take more time and effort to establish a firm in a foreign market than in the domestic one. Although the early delays and costs involved in exporting may seem difficult to justify when compared to established domestic trade, the exporter should take a more objective view of this process and carefully monitor international marketing efforts through these early difficulties. If a good foundation is laid for export business, the benefits derived should eventually outweigh the investment.

Another problem area is in the selection of the foreign distributor. The complications involved in overseas communications and transportation require international distributors to act with greater independence than their domestic counterparts. Also, since a new exporter's trademarks and reputation are usually unknown in the foreign market, foreign customers may buy on the strength of the distributing agent's reputation. A firm should therefore conduct a thorough evaluation of the distributor's facilities, the personnel handling its account, and the management methods employed.

Another common difficulty for the new exporter is the neglect of the export market once the domestic one booms, too many companies only concentrate on exporting when there is a recession. Others may refuse to modify products to meet the regulations or cultural preferences of other countries. Local safety regulations cannot be ignored by exporters. If necessary modifications are not made at the factory, the distributor must make them, usually at a greater cost and probably not as satisfactorily. It should also be noted that the resulting smaller profit margin makes the account less attractive.

If exporters expect distributing agents to actively promote their accounts, they must be trained, and their performance continually monitored. This requires a company marketing executive to be located permanently in the distributor's geographical region. It is therefore advisable for new exporters to concentrate their efforts in a few geographical areas until there is sufficient business to support a company representative. The distributor should also be treated on an equal basis with domestic counterparts. For example, special discount offers, sales incentive programmes and special credit terms should be available.

Considering a joint-venture or licensing agreement is another option for new exporters. However, many companies still dismiss international marketing as unviable. There are a number of reasons for this. There may be import restrictions in the target market, the company may lack sufficient financial resources, or its product line may be too limited. Yet, many products that can compete on a national basis can be successful in the majority of world markets. In general, all that is needed for success is flexibility in using the proper combinations of marketing techniques.

In the first paragraph, the writer su

A.get professional advice.

B.study international marketing.

C.identify the most profitable markets.

D.have different objectives to other exporters.



From the passage we can ge the idea that the fuzzy computer would need only a few dozen lines of programming to do its job.()


It's too early to predict the ________ of the meeting.A outletB outbreakC outsetD

It's too early to predict the ________ of the meeting.

A outlet

B outbreak

C outset

D outcome



It is too early to _____ the outcome of the negotiations between the worker’s union and the company’s leadership

A.set up

B.speculate about

C.look for

D.get off

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