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Once a wrong T-shirt has been bought from online shops, it may be easy to get a _______.





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更多“Once a wrong T-shirt has been …”相关的问题


Errors that will not cause the trial balance to be unequal()
A.Recording the same erroneous amount for both the debit and the credit parts of a transaction

B.Recording the same transaction more than once

C.Postinga part of a transacton correcdly asa debit or credit but to the wrong account

D.errors in the individual accounts.

E.Failure to record transaction or to post a transaction



Errors that will not cause the trial balance to be unequal:().
A. Recording the same erroneous amount for both the debit and the credit parts of a transaction

B. Recording the same transaction more than once

C. Posting a part of a transaction correctly as a debit or credit but to the wrong accounts

D. errors in the individual accounts

E. Failure to record a transaction or to post a transaction



do withgo through withgetgo wrongbe in control of1.You will have to ___________ the pro

do with

go through with


go wrong

be in control of

1.You will have to ___________ the project once you start.2.Most of the articles we read yesterday have to _______ America’s role in the world since the end of WWII.3.When anything _________ with the engines, they called for Daniel for help.4.Marion is the person ____________ all medical decisions at the hospital.5.I wanted to _____ the interview over with as quickly as possible for I felt really sick of talking to that host.



Which of the following statement is right according to this article? (More than one an

Which of the following statement is right according to this article? (More than one answer)

A.Microsoft's evolution to the post PC era has been a fascination of this blog for several years now as the company's once flagship Windows becomes irrelevant in a world dominated by smart phones and tablet computers.

B.The launch of Windows 8 and the Surface tablet were the great hope for the company, but it appears the business model that built Microsoft into one of the world’s biggest companies is doomed. Microsoft is shifting to the post-PC era where Windows has little role.

C.WordPerfect was horribly, horribly wrong in judging the market.

D.Computer was capable of thinking by itself.



材料:At 1800,the hydraulic steering system failed once again.The master realized he would


At 1800,the hydraulic steering system failed once again.The master realized he would require shore assistance to rectify the problem,and diverted towards Portland using the thruster to steer by.The weather at this time was south-south-west force 5.At about three hours later,the thruster drive unit failed due to a leaking fuel injector pipe on the power unit.This was replaced using the spare carried on board.Immediately following the engine restart,an adjacent fuel line failed causing shut down of the unit.With no fuel line spares available,the thruster power unit could not be used.The failure of this unit,and that of the main hydraulic steering system,left the vessel without any steering capability.

At 2155,with the weather deteriorating and no steering,the master contacted the Portland Coastguard and a“Pan pan”message was broadcast.A tow to Portland Harbor was arranged and she arrived alongside at 0240 the following morning.The subsequent investigation found that the main hydraulic steering system failure was due to a seized shuttle valve in the main hydraulic solenoid valve block.The solenoid valve had been recently overhauled.It was thought that the“O”rings fitted to the shuttle valve were of either the wrong type or a defective one.The valve had seized in such a position that hydraulic pressure by-passed the system preventing use of the hand steering.


The vessel was steered by thruster because ________ failed.

A.the hydraulic steering system

B.the solenoid valve

C.the thruster driving unit

D.the hand steering

The time that the thruster drive unit failed was ________ hrs.A.1800




When the hydraulic steering system failed,________.A.the hand steering system could still be used

B.the auto steering system could still be used

C.both hand and auto steering system were out of use

D.neither and steering system nor auto steering system was out of use

The real reason that caused the hydraulic steering system to fail was that ________.A.no fuel line spare were available

B.the weather was deteriorating

C.the“O”rings fitted to the shuttle valve were of either the wrong type or a defective one

D.the thruster power unit failed




All communication begins with the sender and ends with the receiver . The sender is responsible for successful conveyance . The sender ’s personality , beliefs , cultural and educational background al influence the message and it is important for the sender to be aware of this as he or she is encoding the message . Simply put , encoding is translating information into symbols that represent the ideas or concepts of the message that needs sending . These symbols are usualy words in written or spoken form . To ensure successful communication , the sender should know as much about his or her audience - the receiver - as possible in order to focus and support the encoding process .

In addition to this awareness of self and encoding , the sender must choose the proper channel for conveying the message . Using the wrong channel may result in miscommunication . Like the sender , receivers are influenced by internal factors : their personality , their receptivity to the message or their relationship to the sender . Additionally , their current feelings , mood , or state of mind can affect a message . Once the message moves through the channel , the receiver then decodes it . The receiver Uses his or her own experience and the context of the message to interpret its meaning .

Feedback is the return message from the receiver to the sender . It is feedback that enables the sender to know whether the message was received successfully or not . Therefore it is essential to the communication process .

This process , though very common , is fraught with potential breakdown at every turn . Spoken or writen language is inherently easy to misinterpret . In conclusion , effective and successful communication takes place when the message is successfully received and the receiver provides the sender with desirable feedback .

1. The sender ’ s gender also influences the message .

2. Encoding is a process that translating information into symbols which serve as the ideas or concepts of the message that wil be sent later .

3. These symbols are usualy wrds and sentences in written form .



The aim of the teacher is to get his pupils as quickly as possible over the period in whic
h each printed symbol is looked at for its shape, and arrive at the stage when the pupil looks at words and phrases, for their meaning, almost without noticing the shapes of these separate letters.

When a good reader is at work, he does not look at letters, nor even at words, one by one, however quickly; he takes in the meaning of two, three, or four words at a time, in a single moment. Watch carefully the eyes of a person who is reading, and it will be seen that they do not travel smoothly along the lines of print, but they move by jumps separated by very short stops. The eyes of a very good reader move quickly, taking long jumps and making very short halts (停顿); the eyes of a poor reader move more slowly, taking only short jumps and stopping longer at each halt. Some- times, when he meets a difficulty, he even goes backwards to see again what has already been looked at once.

The teacher’s task is therefore clear: it is to train his pupils to take in several words at a glance (one "eye jump" ) and remove the necessity for going backwards to read something a second time.

This shows at once that letter-by-letter, or syllable-by-syllable (音节), or word-by-word reading, with the finger pointing to the word, carefully fixing each one in turn, is wrong, It is wrong because such a method ties the pupil’s eye down to a very short jump. Moreover, a very short jump is too short to provide any meaning or sense; and it will be found that having struggled with three or four words separately, the pupil has to look at them again, all together and in one group, in order to get the meaning of the whole phrase.

Which of the following is closest in meaning to the first paragraph?

A.Pupils should be trained to reach quickly the stage of reading without having to concentrate on the separate symbols.

B.Pupils should look at each printed symbol for its meaning as well as for its shape.

C.Teachers should help their pupils avoid looking at the shape of the printed symbols.

D.Teachers should tell their pupils the different stages of their study.



Once upon a time there was a peasant (1) wife died,leaving him with two children-twins
-a boy and a girl. For some years the poor man lived on alone (2) the children ,caring for them as best as he could;but everything in the house seemed to go wrong without a woman to look after (3) and at last he made up his (4) to marry again. feeling that a wife would bring pease and order to his household and take care of his (5) children.So he married, and in the following several (6) children were born to him;(7) peace and order did not come to the household.For the (8) was very cruel to the twins,and beat them,and half-starved them,and constantly drove them out of the house;for her one idea was to get them out of the way.All day she thought of nothing (9) how she could get rid of them;and at last an evil idea came into her head.She determined to send them out into the great gloomy wood (10) awicked witch lived.




D. his













5) A.motherly


























Passage Four Dressing fashionably was very important in fourteenth-century Spain. This

Passage Four

Dressing fashionably was very important in fourteenth-century Spain. This was especially true for any man who considered himself an aristocrat or dandy. Before going out, a well-dressed man would put on his finest boots, one of his embroidered caps and his favorite beard, dyed to match the color of his clothing.

Believe it or not, false beards were once as popular as neckties are today. Beards had for years considered a sign of strength and manhood, and the bigger and thicker they were, the better. Those unfortunates who had little facial hair were forced by custom into wearing false beards made of horsehair. Soon, however man in the Spanish fashion world was wearing them too, while many quite substantial real beards were shaved off to make way for the false variety.

By day, the fashionable dandy might wear a yellow or a crimson beard to impress his friends, but in the evening a long black beard was proper for serenading his senorita, Any color or shape of beard could be had.

However, as you can imagine, the growth of this unusual custom created many interesting problems. People with similar beards were mistaken for one another. Creditors could not find debtors, and police often arrested the wrong people, while the real villain escaped wearing their hairy disguises. The price of horsehair skyrocketed. Finally, King Philip IV of Aragon put a stop to all the foolishness by outlawing the wearing of false beards.

46. What is the passage mostly concerned with?

A. The size of beards.

B. The color of beards.

C. Varieties of false beards.

D. The custom of wearing false beards.



.[A] Thus a joke is laughed at for its own sake, even though there is an independen


[A] Thus a joke is laughed at for its own sake, even though there is an independent value in laughter, which lightens our lives by taking us momentarily outside ourselves. Why should not something similar be said of works of art, many of which aspire to be amusing in just the way that good jokes are?

[B] All discussion of the value of art tends, therefore, to turn from the outset in the direction of criticism: Can there be genuine critical evaluation of art, a genuine distinction between that which deserves our attention and that which does not? (And, once again, the question may be extended to objects of natural beauty.)

[C] Art is held to be a form. of education, perhaps an education of the emotions. In this case, it becomes an open question whether there might not be some more effective means to the same result. Alternatively, one may attribute a negative value to art, as Plato did in his Republic, arguing that art has a corrupting or diseducative effect on those exposed to it.

[D] Artistic appreciation, a purely personal matter, calls for appropriate means of expression. Yet, it is before anything a process of “cultivation”, during which a certain part of one’s “inner self” is “dug out” and some knowledeg of the outside world becomes its match.

[E] If I am amused it is for a reason, and this reason lies in the object of my amusement. We thus begin to think in terms of a distinction between good and bad reasons for laughter. Amusement at the wrong things may seem to us to show corruption of mind, cruelty, or bad taste; and when it does so, we speak of the object as not truly amusing, and feel that we have reason on our side.

[F] Such thinkers and writers believe that art is not only an end in itself but also a sufficient justification of itself. They also hold that in order to understand art as it should be understood, it is necessary to put aside all interests other than an interest in the work itself.

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