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Facts About Food:Everywhere on earth there are"food specialists"with opposite (or different) opinions on

Facts About Food

Everywhere on earth there are"food specialists"with opposite (or different) opinions on the best kinds of nutrition for various purposes. A lot of people believe that the healthiest diets are high in fiber ,vitamins ,and minerals but low in fat ,cholesterol ,sugar,and salt. Some nutritionists say the perfect eating plan contains mostly carbohydrates without much protein. In contrast , other scientists say people need high-protein meals with meat, chicken , fish , or milk products and only small amounts of grains , potatoes , breads , rice , and noodles. One famous diet plan allows only certain foods at certain times-protein with protein, carbohydrates with carbohydrates , fruits alone , and so on. Some eaters stay away from all meat and maybe even fish and milk products. They get their protein from plants , mostly beans. Others want only high-fiber food. These people may not eat white bread or white rice or even cooked vegetables. So what is the best way to eat and be healthy? The discussion of food facts will go on far into the future.

The necessary substances and elements for human life and health are water, protein, carbohydrates ,fats , vitamins, and minerals. Most kinds of food contain some or all of the required nutrients , but these substances have different effects on people. Various ingredients and dishes affect the mind in different ways. and some kinds of nourishment have better effects on the brain than others. For instance. can broccoli increase brain power? Maybe so. Low levels of some of the B vitamins can cause a decrease in memory and thinking ability , nutritionists say, but dark green vegetables , like broccoli , contain a lot of these nutrients. Another example of a"memory helper"is lecithin-a substance from soybeans , also found in high-fiber foods like nuts and whole grains. High-protein foods influence the mind in more helpful ways than dishes high in sugar and carbohydrates. And the caffeine in coffee or tea may help thinking. Of course , its effects don't last long.

In many places outside big cities , food with more than four legs is part of good, healthy home cooking. Fried or grilled ants are a tasty but expensive snack in Colombia , South America. In various parts of Mexico , over 300 types of insects serveas food. In southern Africa. many people like to eat at least one kind of caterpillar or worm. They enjoy it fried , dried , or cooked in tomato sauce. In Thailand , cooks create a spicy hot pepper sauce with water bugs. In Vietnam , grasshoppers filled with peanuts are a special dish. And in some regions of China,bugs are not only a part of meals but an important ingredient in medicine too. Most kinds of insects have high nutritional value. They contain a l0t of protein , vitamins , and minerals. Many people like their taste. They are everywhere on the planet. They add to the variety of people' s diets. For several reasons , insects are an important kind of food in the global diet , and they may become a more common ingredient in the future.

The growing similarities in diet and eating habits around the world are influencing people of various cultures in different ways. For example, Western foods are damaging health in the industrialized island country of Japan. Instead of small meals of seafood , rice , and vegetables ,the typical Japanese diet ow includes large amounts of meat ,dairy products. And desserts like tiramisu , a rich Italian dish full of chocolate , cheese , and sugar. According to Japanese health researchers , such changes in eating habits are related to a great increase in health problems such as heart disease , strokes , cancer , and diabetes. On the other hand , the changing global diet is having the opposite effect on the people in the Czech Republic. The government of this European nation no longer supports meat and dairy products financially , so the cost of these foods is going up. In contrast , fresh fruits and vegetables are becoming more widely available from private markets and stands. Cooks are even serving salads to schoolchildren ,and families are eating healthier home-cooked meals. For these reasons ,fewer Czech men are having heart attacks , the women are l0sing a l0t of weight , and most people are living healthier lives.

Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write"T"for True and"F"for False on the Answer Sheet.

6. The best way to eat is to eat only small amounts of carbohydrates.

7. Most kinds of food contain fats , vitamins and minerals.

8. High-fiber food like nuts and whole grains can influence people' s memory.

9. Four legs insects serve as food in many places in the world.

10. Japanese health researchers consider Italian tiramisu is the key factor that relates to health problems in Japan.

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On New Year’s Eve, various kinds of food are prepared in order to menisfest their devo






Unexpectedly, her friend came ______ the eve of her wedding.







Eve: ()?Ivy: I am fine, thank you. And you?

A.How do you do

B.How are you

C.Are you well again

D.What about your health



Which one is wrong about Adam and Eve

A.Adam is created as “god-like” and given the mandate to rule over all the earth

B.Eve is given life directly by God

C.Their disobedience leads first to sexual self-consciousness and shame

D.They are ejected from paradis




(阅读理解题)Advertising is a form. of selling. It makes you want to buy a product or

(阅读理解题)Advertising is a form. of selling. It makes you want to buy a product or a service. In order to attract your interest it uses various approaches. One is the emotional approach. For example, consider an advertisement for a blanket. It is beautifully printed in full color. It shows a young woman looking dreamily at a pretty blanket. “To you a blanket is more than a source of warmth,” it says. “You need beauty as well as a good night’s sleep.” Looking at the advertisement, you may feel flattered. You may feel yourself different from those who buy blankets simply for warmth. And so you may want to have one yourself. In the same way, a man may buy a certain make of car just because he wants to impress his friends. This seems ridiculous, of course, since people buy a car as a means of transportation. But there are many people who secretly feel that a certain car will give them prestige. To realize this, you have only to look at TV commercials in which nice-looking cars are shown together with people everyone admires. On the contrary, when a man buys a delivery truck for his business that is not the case. Here he will not try to seem important as he may when he buys a luxury car. What he has in mind is a truck that will do its job efficiently. Similarly, a woman buying a refrigerator will not be led by her emotions so easily. She wants to know such facts as how much food it can hold and whether the food is easy to reach. In such cases, advertising is generally straightforward. It gives you the facts about a product rather than an idea. Generally, advertisements use either the emotional or the rational approach, or a combination of the two. Advertising reflects our way of living. This is one reason why an American university has recently set up a place storing historical records for TV commercials that have been used in the past. They will be useful in learning why people really behaved, thought, and acted as they did in the days when these commercials appeared on TV.

(1).What does advertising sell?

A、A product or a service

B、Emotion or ration

C、Facts or ideas

D、Impression or prestige.

(2).What will you feel when looking at the advertisement at which a beauty is looking dreamily?

A、to be worried

B、to be relaxed

C、to be praised and pleased

D、to be cheated

(3).Which “make” in the following sentences is the same as the one (underlined) in Para. 2?

A、My parents always make me do my homework before I go out

B、With blood pouring from his leg, he made it to a nearby house

C、It’s one of the most popular makes of satellite phone on the market

D、None of the above

(4).Which of the following commodities should use the emotional approach in advertising according to the passage?

A、delivery truck



D、washing machine

(5).According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT true?

A、Advertising can help us to know how people live in the past

B、The emotional approach focuses on the customers’ feelings while the rational approach concentrates on the products’ functions

C、What you buy should make others think highly of you

D、To some degree, TV commercials can help people make decisions.



Which of the following statements about news stories is TRUE?A.News stories reflect the op

Which of the following statements about news stories is TRUE?

A.News stories reflect the opinions of the publisher and editor.

B.News stories contain both facts and opinions.

C.News stories tell the facts without any comments.

D.News stories express the writers' opinions.



Thomas Malthus published his Essay on the Principle of Populationalmost 200 years ago. Eve

Thomas Malthus published his Essay on the Principle of Population

almost 200 years ago. Ever since then, forecasters have being warning 【M1】 ______

that worldwide famine was just around the next comer. The fast-growing

population's demand for food, they warned, would soon exceed their 【M2】 ______

supply, leading to widespread food shortages and starvation.

But in reality, the world's total grain harvest has risen steadily over the

years. Except for relative isolated trouble spots like present-day Somalia, 【M3】 ______

and occasional years of good harvests, the world's food crisis has remained 【M4】 ______

just around the comer. Most experts believe this can continue even as ff 【M5】 ______

the population doubles by the mid-21st century, although feeding l0 billion

people will not be easy for politics, economic and environmental reasons. 【M6】 ______

Optimists point to concrete examples of continued improvements in yield.

In Africa, by instance, improved seeds, more fertilizers and advanced 【M7】 ______

growing practices have more than double com and wheat yields in an 【M8】 ______

experiment. Elsewhere, rice experts in the Philippines are producing

a plant with few stems and more seeds. There is no guarantee that plant 【M9】 ______

breeders can continue to develop new, higher-yielding crop, but most 【M10】______

researchers see their success to date as reason for hope.




(1) Which of the fol1owing sentences is WRONG acco

(1) Which of the fol1owing sentences is WRONG according to the passage?

A、Franciso Goya was perhaps the first truly political artist.

B、Art history concentrates on religious beliefs, enoti ons and psychology only.

C、hrt can provide information about the everyday activities of anci ent people.

D、Infornation and facts about politics are given objectively in history.

(2) History books are objective because ( ).

A、it can help us understand historical facts better

B、opinions about facts are not expressed

C、personal and emotional opinions are expressed through it

D、it vill nake the vievers angry and sad about history

(3) The two pictures The Third of May, 1808 and Guernica mentioned in paragraph 2 show that ().

A、art can reflect political life of a country

B、history books present objective inf ornation

C、artists are very similar even over a hundred years

D、art is subjective

(4) According to the passage, what might be found in Islamic paintings?





(5) The passage is mainly discussing ( ).

A、the influence of artists on art history

B、the difference betreen general history and art history

C、the development of art history

D、what we can learn from art



The book mentioned in this passage is written for readers who().A. are intelligent colleg

The book mentioned in this passage is written for readers who().

A. are intelligent college students and lay person who do not know much about science

B. are good at producing various gadgets

C. work in a storehouse of dried facts

D. want to have a superficial understanding of science

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