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When sheer survival is at stake, it is more import

ant to avoid a "bad" year than to maximize the output in better years. ()

A.in suspense

B.under threat

C.in difficulty


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更多“When sheer survival is at stak…”相关的问题


An on-load release system on a survival craft means the cable can be released ______.A.onl

An on-load release system on a survival craft means the cable can be released ______.

A.only when the load is taken off the cable

B.only when there is a load on the cable

C.only when activated by the controls at the lowering station

D.at any time



Which step should be taken,if possible,when the vessel must be abandoned because of a dist
ress situation ________.

A.Alert the Coast Guard by using the survival craft's portable INMARSAT unit

B.Program the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel's location and situation

C.Place the SART and EPIRB in the“ON”position and secure them to the survival craft

D.No additional steps are needed as the SART and EPIRB will both automatically float free and operate properly



Which step should be taken, if possible, when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress situation?

A.Program the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel’s location and situation

B.No additional steps are needed as the SART and EPIRB will both automatically float free and operate properly

C.Alter the Coast Guard by using the survival craft’s portable

D.Place the SART and EPIRB in the “ON” position and secure them to the survival craft



Thousands of years ago, ten of our very distant ancestors were hungry. They went out and p
icked berries or dug up roots to eat. Four of them chose poisonous food and died. The remaining six noticed that their food was safe to eat. They told their children, who, in turn, passed the message on to their descendants. In this way, habit became a vital factor in the survival of mankind : if you ate the right plant, you lived; if you wanted to make your own experiments, you would probably die.

The importance of habit on the survival of the human species is an interesting matter. Even today, most of us hesitate when we are invited to eat a new type of food or drink something we have not tasted before. Even if the food or drink is offered by a friend, we are usually not at all anxious to experiment and accept the offer.

When you get up tomorrow morning, notice which shoe or sock you put on first. Then notice which one you put on first on other days. You may discover that (a) you tend to put on one shoe or sock first every day, and that (b) if you are right-handed, you usually deal with your left shoe or sock first. If you try to change this habit, you may find it uncomfortable or annoying, and you will soon return to your old habit.

When it comes to other matters, we often follow a fixed pattern. We sleep in one or two favorite ways. We often follow familiar routes even when they are not the shortest or best. We often wear a watch on the same wrist even when there is no real reason for doing so. (83)In hundreds of other ways, we show that we are creatures of habit, following fixed patterns of behavior. This characteristic can help us to survive but it can be a barrier to progress too. We must be alert and not let a beneficial factor become a harmful one.

The best title for this passage might be _____.

A.Habit—a Barrier to Progress

B.The Survival of Mankind

C.Various Patterns of Human Behavior

D.We Are Creatures of Habit



Let’s increase experiments with other forms of energy, and let’s not be afraid__1__co
sts. It is a matter of survival and there will be no time for experimenting when the oil__2__. Meanwhile, let's be thrifty and use oil only__3__necessary. The days of oil galore are over. Let's design engines which are more efficient. Let's use engines __4__small power wherever possible. Let's replace liquid fuel by solid fuel wherever possible. For power plants liquid fuel is not essential.__5__aeroplanes it is. And there is plenty of coal available.


A. for

B. with

C. of

D. to


A. runs off

B. runs up

C. runs down

D. runs out


A. than

B. when

C. while

D. where


A. in

B. with

C. at

D. by


A. For

B. To

C. With

D. Towards



How much living space does a person need? What happens when his space needs are not met? S
cientists are making experiments on rats to try to determine the efforts of over crowded conditions on man. Recent studies have shown that the behaviour of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have enough living space, they eat well, sleep well and produce their young well. But if their living conditions become too crowded, their behaviour and even their health change obviously. They can't sleep and eat well, and signs of fear and worry become clear. The more crowded they are, the more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus, for rats, population and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is enough space not only satisfactory, but necessary for human survival?

The writer is mainly talking about ______.

A.a person's living space needs

B.building and floors

C.equipment and conditions

D.population and violence



Man’s mind is his tool Of survival.The mind is used to gain,use,store,and recall knowled
ge.It is his mind that enables a famer t0 know what t0 plant,when to harvest it,how to prepare food from the result.It is his mind that enables a hunter to know what he needs to make a spear,how t0 make it,and how to use it.And it is his mind that enables a blacksmith to know how t0 make iron tools.In short,it i s the mind that enables a person to know what to d0 in order tOosurvive.

Man’s mind allows long—range planning and thinking.It enables such long—range planning as required for farming,hunting,and tool making.These efforts require the ability to form. concepts of long—term cause and effect chains.“I need t0 make a spear tonight SO I can hunt tomorrow and have food for the next 7 days.”There may be environments where people could survive for a while without long—range planning,but without the results 0f knowledge like spears,fire,and 0ther technologies,people would get out—bred by Other animals and die out。

Man’s mind is his tool for survival,but like all tools,it must be properly used.The mind makes good use 0f knowledge,and knowledge can only be 0btained through reason.Without reason,there is no knowledge,and thus no survival。

You must recognize reality and act in accordance with it in order t0 be successful.To the extent that you use reason as your method of judgment in knowledge and action,you will survive and flourish .If you ignore or escape form. reality you will suffer and die.

It is very important t0 note that survival by reason requires the freedom to act according t0 your reason.That is why people d0 not develop well in the control of others,and can not survive when they are subject t0 foree that destroys their ability to act on reason.

26.It is his mind that enables a farmer t0 know how to_______.

A.make spears

B.hunt for animals

C.make iron tools

D.cultivate crops

27.The first two paragraphs show that man’s mind______.

A. is his basic means Of survival

B. enables him to act at will

C. is used to protect themselves

D. helps him 100k int0 reality

28. In order to survive,man should_______.

A.be conquered by 0thel"allimals

B.make a long—range plan for the future

C.1earn to recall knowledge

D.1earn to think reasonably

29.Without the results Of knowledge like spears,fire,and Other technologies,people_____.

A.Could only survive for7 days

B.would kill off a11 the animals

C.would be controlled by 0thers

D.would disappear from the earth

30.It is reasonable that if people want to survive,they should______.

A.develop well in the control of others

B.ignore or escape from reality

C.have freedom to act on reason

D.be subject to certain environments



Bears vary as much in character and habits as they【C1】______ in size. Although a few kinds
, such as grizzlies and polar bears, are fierce, most are【C2】______ and only become violent when their food supplies or young are【C3】______ . 【C4】______ to common belief, they will not hug victims to death. They are usually quiet【C5】______ when feeding or when challenged by other bears.

Except during the mating season, bears live【C6】 ______ lives. They prefer to roam in areas【C7】______ by humans. Most tend to stay within certain【C8】______ Black bears,【C9】______ , usually stay within an area of about 14 square miles (36 square kilometers). Although they remain【C10】______ a particular range, most bears do not have a【C11】______ resting place, preferring【C12】______ to wander.

Despite the fact that bears in the wild are used to【C13】______ , most of them can【C14】______ easily to life in captivity. Zookeepers agree that bears are【C15】______ the shrewdest and most【C16】______ of animals kept in zoos. Performing bears have been popular features in【C17】______ since the Middle Ages. They can be taught such tricks【C18】______ wrestling and boxing, dancing, blowing a bom, riding a bicycle, and sliding on a toboggan.

Survival in the wild can be【C19】______ for bear cubs. They begin life as hairless, extremely small, and helpless creatures【C20】______ to open their eyes for about a week. A 200-pound (90-kilogram) black bear may have cubs weighing only 8 ounces (230 grams ) each. Even a newborn grizzly weighs only about 1 pound (0.5 kilogram) and measures only 9 inches (23 centimeters) from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. There are from one to four, but usually two, cubs to a litter born anytime between November and March.








[A] sheer [B] mostly [C] rarely [D] right



How much living space does a person need? What happens when his space requirements are not
adequately met? Sociologists and psychologists are conducting experiments on rats to try to determine the effect of overcrowded conditions on man. Recent studies have shown that the behavior. of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have adequate living space, they eat well, sleep well, and reproduce well.

However, if their living conditions become too crowded, their behavior. patterns and even their health perceptibly change. They cannot sleep or eat well, and signs of fear and tension become obvious. The more crowded they are, the more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus for rats, population and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is adequate space not only desirable, but also essential for human survival?

This passage is mainly about ______.

A.living space and behavior

B.population and living conditions

C.interesting experiments on rats

D.a natural law for human society

What is the purpose of the experiments described in the passage?A.To determine how much living space a rat needs.

B.To see what happens when rats live in a limited space.

C.To know the likely effects of inadequate living space on human beings.

D.To find out the relationship between population and living conditions.

How would rats behave when their living conditions become too crowded?A.They eat a lot and become friendly to others.

B.They sleep little and act quite peacefully.

C.They eat little but sleep soundly.

D.They become nervous and tend to be war-like.

The passage suggests that overcrowded conditions ______.A.are directly related with population

B.may cause an increase in violence

C.may lead to high birth rate

D.may bring about pollution problems


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