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The book tells ______ life story of John Smith, who left ______ school and worked for a newspaper at

the age of 16.

A) the, the B) a, the C) the, / D) a, /

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更多“The book tells ______ life sto…”相关的问题


This book tells()life story of John,who left()school and worked for a factory at 16.







Matching the following sentence with its meaning:I read a book last night.A.you read par

A.you read part of a book last night

B.tells us your intention, but maybe you didn’t do it at all

C.tells us what you were doing last night

D.you finished reading the whole book



The book tells you how you can live simply and ____ (enjoy)
The book tells you how you can live simply and ____ (enjoy)



The book tells us about the author's life about writings()


B.as much as

C.as well as

D.as well



The first sentence of the passage tells us that___________ A.most history books we

The first sentence of the passage tells us that___________

A.most history books were written by conquerors, generals and soldiers

B.those who really helped civilization forward are not mentioned in any history book

C.conquerors, generals and- soldiers should not be mentioned in history books

D.history books tells us far more about conquerors and soldiers than about those who really helped civilization forward



Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you ought to read, you probably won’t have fun. But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another til



Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a __21__ shop, no assistant wi
ll come near to you and say, "Can I help you?" You needn't buy anything you don't want. You may try to find out __22__ the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is not interested in selling any book at all.

There is a story which tells us about a good shop. A medical student __23__ a very useful book in the shop, but it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn't get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read __24__ at a time. One day, however, he couldn't find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book __25__, "I put it there so as not to be sold out," said the assistant. Then he left the student to go on with his reading.



B.in a corner



E.a little



B.in a corner



E.a little



B.in a corner



E.a little



B.in a corner



E.a little



B.in a corner



E.a little



Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a(1)shop, no sstant will come near to you and say, "Can 1 help you?" You need't buy anything youd on't want. You may try to find out (2)the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. it seems that he is not intere sted in slling any book at all There is a story which tells us about agood shop. A medical student(3)a very useful book in the shop, but it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn't get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read(4)at a time. One day, however, he couldn't find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book(5). "I put it there so as not to be sold out" said the assistant. Then he left the student to go on with his reading.

(1)A. goodBa ltte;C .found ;D .where;E. in a corner

(2)A.found;B.where;C.good;D.altle;E.ina corner

(3)A.good;B.where;C. Found;D.in a corner;E.a ltte

(4)A.found;B.ina corner;C.good;D .a ltte;E.where

(5)A.found;B.where;C.good;D.aitt;E.in a corner



回答下列各题: A)Are you at a loss for creative book report ideas for your students?If
yes.then this article will help you make reading and reviewing books more creative for your class.In an age of PSPs,Xbox,anime and gaming arcades,reading has lost its foothold in the list of hobbies that children tend to cite. Most of the reading that kids do today,comes in the form. of compulsory books that they need to read for school and maybe that is the reason they find reading to be an insurmountable and boring task.If you want to inculcate the love for languages and literary masterpieces in your students and want them to devour books everyone should read,then a good way of going about the same would be to get them to start working on creative book report ideas.While working on creative ideas for book reports,your students will have to understand the book in a way that allows them to come up with new ways to present to the class,the essence of the book. B)As a teachel while egging your students to activate their creative gray cells.you will have to help them out with basic ideas that they can work on.Depending on the age bracket that your students belong to,the creative book report ideas will vary.This is so,not just because of the varying attention spans that children of various age groups posses but also because of the amount of work that kids can put into the report.While a middle school student wiIl be comfortable handling a handy cam,a student from elementary school will be more fascinated if he is working with paints and puppets.So do you want to know how to write a book report creatively?In this article.we will list out for you,a couple of good creative book report ideas for elementary students and for middle school students. C)A book report sandwich is a good creative idea for book reports.As a teacher you can get drawings of a sandwich on sheets of Paper that are of the color of the ingredients of your sandwich,for example,a cream sheet of paper to resemble mayonnaise,red to represent tomato and likewise.Ob. viously,each ingredient should be cut in a way that when assembled together,it looks like a sandwich.Now,give each of your students one of these book sandwiches to create their book report. It can start with the name of the book and the author’s name on the top slice of the sandwich.The second ingredient can have the summary of the book on it.Each subsequent ingredient can have a description of the main characters,the setting of the book,the plot,and then his or her views about the book.Once they are done with their book reports,they can staple the book sandwich together and then,you can create a class bulletin board with all the book report sandwiches on display. D)One of the good techniques to retell a story,it is also one of the favorite creative book report ideas among students.The job that the student will have is to read the book and then pick a few objects at his/her home which will allow him/her to retell the story in a way that makes it interesting for his/ her audience.Every time he/she picks out an object from the bag to report the book he/she has read, there has to be a valid connection between the book and the object,which the student can first ask the audience to guess and then go ahead and explain it.This idea is spin—off on the normal show and tells and allows for an interactive book report session. E)This is one of the creative ideas for book reports in which.as the teacher, you will have to divideyour class into groups and give them one book each.The students can then read the book and get together and write a play and act it out for the class.To give a deeper insight into the book,one of the students can play the role of the author and as a group,the students can try and recreate the thought Drocess of the author.The student playing the role of the author can then interrupt the play at lmportant iunctllres and talk about the reasons for these twists in the play and how he/she came up with these plot lines. F)As a voung adult,your student’s fascination may go beyond the immediate concerns of the book. He/she may want to understand the circumstances in which the book was written,the times then,the events happening in the world and get the author’s perspective about the book.Encourage your students to mink on those lines.Divide the class into pairs and give each pair one book to read.Let them then do the roles of the author and a journalist.You can have an interview session in front of the class.enabling them to dissect the book and get a peek into the author’s world. G)In a technology—obsessed world,it maybe a very tiny minority of your class that does not get excited with the Drospect of shooting a film.One of the best creative book report ideas for middle school, you will need to divide the class into groups and give them at least two months to adapt the book that thev have been assigned,into a film.The movie should have a well—adapted screenplay,and allother prerequisites,like a lighting engineer,sound engineer, costume designer,etc.At the end of the given time,the film can be screened in front of the class and then discussed. H)If you are on the lookout for good individual creative book report ideas,then this one could be for you.Assign every student a book and then ask them to start maintaining a diary,from the author’sDoint of vie w.Ask them to come up with imaginary incidents from the author’s life and use historical events to explain why the author wrote the book in a certain manner.Alternately, you can also ask your students to give a surrogate ending to the story. I)These are just few of the options that you could use to inspire your students to come up with creative book report ideas.As kids we tend to be more imaginative and creative .Encourage your students to mink om of the box and appreciate them for their efforts.This will help you have a class that is not only lively and inquisitive by nature but also a class that will cultivate a love for words. Teachers can create a class bulletin board to display all the book report sandwiches after their students finish their reports.



Text 3What accounts for the astounding popularity of Dr.Phil McGraw? Why have so many TV v
iewers and book buyers embraced this tough warrior of a psychologist who tells them to suck it up and deal with their own problems rather than complaining and blaming everyone else? Obviously, Oprah Winfrey has a lot to do with it. She made him famous with regular appearances on her show, and is co-producing the new “Dr.Phil” show that’s likely to be the hottest new daytime offering this fall. But we decided to put Dr. Phil on the cover not just because he’s a phenomenon. We think his success may reflect an interesting shift in the American spirit of time. Could it be that we’re finally getting tired of the culture of victimology?

This is a tricky subject, because there are very sad real victims among us. Men still abuse women in alarming numbers. Racism and discrimination persist in subtle and not-so-subtle forms. But these days, almost anyone can find a therapist or lawyer to assure them that their professional relationship or health problems aren’t their fault. As Marc Peyser tells us in his terrific profile of Dr. Phil, the TV suits were initially afraid audiences would be offended by his stern advice to “get real!” In fact, viewers thirsted for the tough talk. Privately, we all know we have to take responsibility for decisions we control. It may not be revolutionary advice (and may leave out important factors like unconscious impulses). But it’s still an important message with clear echoing as, a year later, we contemplate the personal lessons of September 11.

Back at the ranch (livestock farm)—the one in Crawford, Texas—President Bush continued to issue mixed signals on Iraq. He finally promised to consult allies and Congress before going to war, and signaled an attack isn’t coming right now (“I’m a patient man”). But so far there has been little consensus-building, even as the administration talks of “regime change” and positions troops in the gulf. Bush’s team also ridiculed the press for giving so much coverage to the Iraq issue. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld called it a “frenzy,” and Press Secretary Ari Fleischer dismissed it as “self-inflicted silliness.” But as Michael Hirsh notes in our lead story, much of the debate has been inside the Republican Party, where important voices of experience argue Bush needs to prepare domestic and world opinion and think through the global consequences before moving forward. With so much at stake, the media shouldn’t pay attention? Now who’s being silly?

第31题:Faced with diversified issues of injustice, Dr. Phil McGraw advised that people should __.

[A] strongly voice their condemnation of those responsible

[B] directly probe the root of their victimization

[C] carefully examine their own problems

[D] sincerely express their sympathy for the victims

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