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Was there a course you found particularly challenging? 2019-08-02 Which of your courses did you like the least? 2019-08-02 What led you to select your major? You minor? 2019-08-02 题库1.What extracurricular activities were you involved in? What made you choose those? Wh 2019-08-02 Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of o 2019-08-02 Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues 2019-08-02 宝洁8大经典问题的中英文对照版1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/d 2019-08-02 What are your expectations to Unilever Management Trainee Program? 2019-08-02 Why are you interested in applying Unilever? (No more than 300 letters) 2019-08-02 Tell us you strength which make yourself different from other applicants? (No more than 2019-08-02