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首页 > 全部 > 职业技能鉴定 > 海船船员 > 三管轮
大功率柴油机活塞冷却方式大多采用()。A.循环冷却B.振荡冷却C.开式冷却D.喷射冷却 2021-02-17 The pump has a constant stroke and the amount of fuel delivered is regulated by rotating _ 2021-02-14 船用大型柴油机单体式气缸的特点是()。Ⅰ.由气缸体与气缸套组成Ⅱ.气缸体与气缸套之间组成冷却水空 2021-02-14 Voltage will always lead current in a/an _____.A.capacitive circuitB.inductive circuitC.ma 2021-02-14 During the watch keeping at sea, routine adjustments should be ____.A.made and noted as re 2021-02-14 启动手柄推至启动位置柴油机不能用压缩空气启动,可能的故障有()。Ⅰ.启动控制阀不开启Ⅱ.主启动阀不 2021-02-14 Under ISM Code the ship to which it applies has to carry ____.A.an International Ship Secu 2021-02-14 A vessel is equipped with two ships service generatorsGenerator 1 is rated at 900 kW and g 2021-02-14 In the voyage, when carrying out abandon ship drill, should be test every time.A.the emerg 2021-02-14 连杆螺栓结构特点有()。Ⅰ.螺纹多为精加工细牙螺纹Ⅱ.杆身最小直径应等于或小于螺纹内径Ⅲ.杆身最小 2021-02-14