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在柴油机运转管理中的机械检查内容主要有()。Ⅰ.柴油机运转声音Ⅱ.柴油机运动部件工作温度Ⅲ.燃油系 2021-02-10 活塞环的泵油现象主要是由于()。A.气缸滑油太多B.存在搭口间隙C.存在天地间隙D.环弹性不符要求 2021-02-10 The furnace of an oil fired boiler should be _____ before the operating burner is lit.A.fi 2021-02-10 离心泵关小排出阀时,其轴向推力________。A.增大B.减小C.不受影响D.因泵而异 2021-02-10 Which of the fluids listed is normally used to condense the primary refrigerant in a shipb 2021-02-10 液压调速器的补偿针阀开度过大,();针阀开度过小,()。A.油量调节过度/油量调节不足B.油量调节不足/ 2021-02-10 气缸套水侧出现穴蚀的特征是()。A.裂纹B.锈斑C.水垢D.光亮的孔穴 2021-02-10 When sailing in cold zones, the____ should be drained of water.A.the ventilation pipeB.the 2021-02-10 It is well known that the whole power distribution of the ship’s electrical services mainl 2021-02-10 水环泵从某封闭容器抽气,该容器中真空度越大,抽气量________。A.越大B.越小C.不受影响D.因不同情 2021-02-10