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Why does the author compare the trade unions with managers incompaniesA.They are both infl 2021-03-14 A.Trying to sketch a map.B.Painting the dining room. C.Discussing a 2021-03-14 【C2】A.fundamentallyB.basicallyC.undoubtedlyD.actually 2021-03-14 【C5】A.revealB.watchC.inspectD.observe 2021-03-14 According to Paragraph 4 we may say that ______.A.a certain pattern of behavior. can work 2021-03-14 Unlike downturns past,European nations have kept unemployment figures low relative to the 2021-03-14 It seems that smaller ants perform. more of the______.A.construction tasksB.domestic tasks 2021-03-14 From the passage we may say that ______.A.any Internet-related firm is sure to make high p 2021-03-14 A.By reading a newspaper ad.B.By seeing a commercial on TV.C.By listening to the morni 2021-03-14 A.Get the university’s approval in advance.B.Follow Susan’s advice about travelin 2021-03-14