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Parents can no more be friends to their children than teachers can be to their students. F 2021-03-22 Most people would be impressed by the high quality of medicine available to most Americans 2021-03-21 A.working asB.serving withC.joining toD.taking in 2021-03-21 About a century ago more people would not have appreciated the study of a foreign language 2021-03-21 Ask why most people are right-handed, and the answer might fall along the same lines as wh 2021-03-20 Several years ago during the dot-com passion, Manhattan lawyer John Kennedy sometimes wore 2021-03-19 Some 23 million additional U.S. residents are expected to become more regular users of the 2021-03-19 A: Could you break a 20-dollar bill for me? B: ______A.OK. How much is it?B.How can I help 2021-03-18 The passage is mainly written to ______.A.introduce a new conceptB.compare different energ 2021-03-18 Within a large concrete room, cut out of a mountain on a freezing-cold island just 1,000 k 2021-03-18