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Which type of letter is considered a goodwill letter?A.A letter of acknowledgmentB.A pos

A.A.A letter of acknowledgment

B.B.A positive response

C.C.A routine request

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Which type of letter is considered a goodwill letter().

A.A letter of acknowledgment

B.A positive response

C.A routine request

D.All of the above would be considered a goodwill letter










He prefers to type a letter _______.A. to sit idleB. that sit idleC. to sitting idleD.

He prefers to type a letter _______.

A. to sit idle

B. that sit idle

C. to sitting idle

D. rather than sit idle



_______ carefully, this letter is very beautiful.A、TypeB、TypingC、TypedD、To typed




D.To typed



She asked Mr.Palmer if she () type the letter right then.







Many foreigners who have not visited Britain call all the inhabitants English, for they ar
e used to thinking of the British Isles as England. (1)_____, the British Isles contain a variety of peoples, and only the people of England call themselves English. The others (2)_____ to themselves as Welsh, Scottish, or Irish, (3)_____ the case may be; they are often slightly annoyed (4)_____ being classified as "English".

Even in England there are many (5)_____ in regional character and speech. The chief (6)_____ is between southern England and northern England. South of a (7)_____ going from Bristol to London, people speak the type of English usually learnt by foreign students, (8)_____ there are local variations.

Further north regional speech is usually " (9)_____ " than that of southern Britain. Northerners are (10)_____ to claim that they work harder than Southerners, and are more (11)_____ They are open-hearted and hospitable; foreigners often find that they make friends with them (12)_____ Northerners generally have hearty (13)_____: the visitor to Lancashire or Yorkshire, for instance, may look forward to receiving generous (14)_____ at meal times.

In accent and character the people of the Midlands (15)_____ a gradual change from the southern to the northern type of Englishman.

In Scotland the sound (16)_____ by the letter "R" is generally a strong sound, and "R" is often pronounced in words in which it would be (17)_____ in southern English. The Scots are said to be a serious, cautious, thrifty people, (18)_____ inventive and somewhat mystical. All the Celtic peoples of Britain (the Welsh, the Irish, the Scots) are frequently (19)_____ as being more "fiery" than the English. They are (20)_____ a race that is quite distinct from the English. (289 words)

Notes: fiery 暴躁的,易怒的。

A.In consequence

B.In brief

C.In general

D.In fact



?Look at the statements below and the information about training courses.?Which course (A,

?Look at the statements below and the information about training courses.

?Which course (A, B, C or D) does each statement (1 -7) refer to?

?For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

?You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


This course looks at the administrative functions of a bank's loans department, e. g. dealing with credit applications and keeping records of loan transactions. We will use real application forms of the type that administrative staff in loan departments regularly handle. It will be particularly useful for experienced staff with clay-to-day administrative responsibility for loan portfolios. Although most clients choose to enjoy our beautiful premises, the course can be run at the client company or elsewhere.


On this advanced course you will build up a database of a company's cash flow over time and identify and interpret patterns of change. You will analyze the cash flow of a few sample companies and use your analysis to judge their ability to settle their debts. This course will help you perform. an advanced cash flow analysis of your own company.


Open to anyone who completed our introductory course on legal contracts in business, this course looks at the legal principles involved when a company takes out a loan, and outlines how to take legal action against a company that defaults on its repayments. You will compare the interests and responsibilities of both parties to a loan contract.


This is a course for those new to leasing. It will provide you with a basic understanding of why companies prefer to lease property or machinery, rather than buy. You will learn about both the expenses and tax benefits of leasing and you will study a variety of lease agreements and the laws relating to them.

This course is for people who know nothing about the topic.



Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C)and D).

You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. The challenge of writing a powerful cove letter(附信) can lead job candidates to search endlessly for advice, but be careful. While you likely will find some valuable advice, you may come across a few tips that could mislead you.

“You need a lengthy cover letter. ” This probably is one of the “bad cover letter tips. ” Think about it :hiring managers have piles of resumes and cover letters to review. If yours is longer than the rest, it might not get read at all. Aim to get all of your points across in three brief paragraphs: a clear introduction that lets employer know which job you are applying for and why you are interested in the position; a paragraph that includes a few specific examples of how to have excelled(擅长) in past roles that are relevant to the open position; and a concluding paragraph that tells employers how you will benefit their company and requests a future meeting.

“Your cover letter is less important than your resume. ” Some hiring managers shove(随手扔) cover letters to the side, but most do not. Because you never know what type of hiring manager you are dealing with, it is best to submit a nice cover letter. While some employers place less emphasis on cover letters, others decide who to interview based on them. Remember that the point of a cover letter is to tell employers something that makes them want to meet you.

36.Why should job candidates be careful when searching for advice to write a cover letter?

A.Some tips are not practical.

B.Some tips could be misleading.

C.It is impossible to get useful tips.

D.It is difficult to find valuable tips.

38.According to the passage, the introductory paragraph of a cover letter should include .

A.your request for a job interview

B.the position you are interested in

C.some examples of your achievements

D.your education background and degree

39.Which of the following should be included in the concluding paragraph of a cover letter?

A.Your expected salary.

B.Your hobbies and interests.

C.Your request for a meeting.

D.Your professional background.

37.Why shouldn’t you write a lengthy cover letter?

A.Hiring managers may not read it at all.

B.Well-written cover letters may be read first.

C.It is difficult to write a good long cover letter.

D.You are unable to express your points clearly.

40.According to the writer, the purpose of a cover letter is to .

A.urge the employer to read your resume

B.please your potential employer

C.get the employer to meet you

D.show off your achievements




&8226;Read this text taken from an article on theories of management,&8226;Choose the best

&8226;Read this text taken from an article on theories of management,

&8226;Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.

&8226;For each gap 9-14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.

&8226;There is an example at the beginning (O).

Don't follow that theory - think for yourself!

In the 1990s, according to US author Eileen Shapiro, managers have abandoned the right to manage. She argues that managers in the USA have lost confidence. (0) H

She describes a corporate culture which is extremely defensive and which has as its motto 'Managers should always follow the latest short-lived management theory, no matter how irrelevant it may be'. (9) In turn, these have been followed blindly by managers who have given up their central responsibility - taking decisions about their own business in their own particular circumstances.

"I really believe a manager's job is to manage", she says. But increasingly, she feels, they do everything but that. (10) That's because this, the identification of problems and opportunities, is the scariest part of management. Managers try to avoid the anxiety it brings by simply applying the latest theory to any problem. (11) Managers should, she believes, confront these head-on.

It is not that Ms Shapiro does not believe in cutting out unnecessary management layers and opening up organisations. Her criticism is that theories are often presented unthinkingly as solutions and are applied by managers who do not really understand what they are saying.

"Theories are often regarded as if they are some sort of miraculous cure for any type of problem", she says. "However, many projects have failed because theories have been applied which were not appropriate to the situation." (12) The blame for this inappropriate application of theories lies, she claims, mainly at the door of consultancy firms. It is difficult for big firms of consultants to specialise sufficiently. They cannot hope to offer exactly the service that a company requires at a price which the client is able to afford. (13) This is worse than having no help at all.

One of the most serious potential consequences of following theories without considering whether they are appropriate or not is a loss of staff morale and motivation. Obviously, this is something to be avoided. (14) However, Ms Shapiro believes that, unfortunately, unless managers begin again to take responsibility for their own actions that is exactly what will happen.

A. They therefore end up developing generalised solutions which are offered to clients regardless of an organisation's specific problems.

B. There are many firms of consultants offering help to companies.

C. No manager in their right mind would want to work with an angry, cynical or alienated workforce.

D. Just because a course of action has succeeded in one context, it does not mean it will be right in other circumstances.

E. From 'mission statements' to 're-engineering' she shows how one theory has replaced another in quick succession.

F. But in doing so, they often fail to address the real issues.

G. They fail to tackle the central management task, which is diagnosis.

H. They therefore no longer have the courage or the ability to take responsibility for their decisions.




Which organization is sending this letter?A.Las Vegas Gardening ClubB.Las Vegas Community

Which organization is sending this letter?

A.Las Vegas Gardening Club

B.Las Vegas Community Association

C.Landscaping Design Division

D.A farming tool manufacturer

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