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All means must be used to ____ SARS _____.

A.prevent…from spreading

B.prevent…to spread

C.protect…from spreading

D.protect…to spread

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Passage Three Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not

Passage Three

Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them; our purpose is to prepare them for life. As soon as we realize this fact, we will understand that it is very important to choose a system of education which will really prepare children for life. It is not enough just to choose the first system of education one finds, or to continue with one's old system of education without examining it to see whether it is in fact suitable or not.

In many modern countries, it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for all—whether rich or poor, clever or stupid—one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough; we find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees than there are jobs for them to fill. Because of their degrees, they refuse to do what they consider "low" work; and, in fact, work with the hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries.

But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we will die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we would have terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants because everyone is ashamed to do such work, scientists have to waste much of their time doing housework.

In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to prepare for life, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever job is suited to his brain and ability, and secondly, we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work, or to scorn someone else's. Only such a type of education can be called valuable to society.

44. Education is______.

A. a purpose

B. a means

C. fashionable

D. the first system



听力原文:On June 17, 1744, the officials from Maryland and Virginia held a talk with the I

听力原文: On June 17, 1744, the officials from Maryland and Virginia held a talk with the Indians of the Six Nations. The Indians were invited to send boys to William and Mary College. In a letter the next day they refused the offer as follows:

We know that you have a high opinion of the kind of learning taught in your colleges, and that the costs of living of our young men, while with you, would be very expensive to you. We are convinced that you mean to do us good by your proposal; and we thank you heartily. But you must know that different nations have different ways of looking at things, and you will therefore not be offended if our ideas of this kind of education happen not to be the same as yours. We have had some experience of it. Several of our young people were formerly brought up at the colleges of the northern provinces; they were taught all your sciences; but when they came back to us they were bad runners, ignorant of every means of living in the woods, they were totally good for nothing.

We are, however, not the less obliged by your kind offer, though we refuse to accept it, and to show our grateful sense of it. If the gentlemen of Virginia will send us a dozen of their sons, we will take care of their education, teach them in all we know and make men of them.


A.The educational values of the Indians.

B.The colleges of the northern provinces.

C.The talk between the Indians and the officials.

D.The problems of the Americans in the mid-eighteenth century.



This project must be completed ___as scheduled.A.in vainB.at mostC.in advancedD.by all

This project must be completed ___as scheduled.

A.in vain

B.at most

C.in advanced

D.by all means



We must get there ______ before he has a chance to break the news to her.A.by no meansB.by

We must get there ______ before he has a chance to break the news to her.

A.by no means

B.by all means

C.at no means

D.in all means



We must get there by all ____ before he has a chance to break the news to her.







contacts(交往)between japan and the rest of the world have grown a great deal in the twentieth century .in the last thirty years , business contacts between japan and the west have become very important .many foreign companies now have offices in japan and japanese businessmen do business around the world .

differences between japanese and western ways of doing business , however , often bewilder the foreign businessman and make doing business in japan difficult for foreigners .

the american businessman , for example , wants to start talking business immediately .he wants quick decisions .he does not wait .the japanese , on the other hand , likes to arrive at decisions gradually after giving them a great deal of thought .another thing foreign businessmen have difficulty in understanding is when a japanese means “ yes ” or “ n o ”.this is because of cultural difference between japanese and western society which makes it difficult for a japanese to say “ no ”directly .

in english , it is easy to say “ no ” to something we do not want to do .but in japan it is very difficult to say “ no ”, to refuse an invitation or a request with “ no ”, or a similar phrase , is felt to be impolite .it is thought to be selfish and unfriendly .so instead of saying “ no ”.these enable them to avoid hurting other people 's feelings .however , this often makes communication with the japanese difficult for foreigners to understand and folow .

49.Paragraph one tells us that().

A.It is not always easy for foreigners to do business in Japan

B.Japan is a very important country for businessmen

C.business contacts between japan and the west are important

D.Japanese businessmen do business all around the world

50.The word “ bewilder ” in the paragraph 2 probably means().





51.From the passage we can know that().

A.American businessmen do things more quickly than Japanese ones

B.american businessmen like to say “ yes ” and “ no ”

C.Americans usually say what they are thinking

D.Americans do not express themselves clearly

52.It is not easy for Japanese to say “ No ” to something because Japanese().

A.are very selfish

B.are very polite

C.have different cultures from others

D.can not communicate wel

53.The passage tell us that().

A.Japanese businessmen are good at business

B.Foreign businessmen should first try to understand Japanese

C.Foreign businessmen must be more polite

D.if you want to succeed you must learn from japan



When the writer says,“This is not going to be put right overnight”, he means ().A. we mus

When the writer says,“This is not going to be put right overnight”, he means ().

A. we must solve the problem very quickly

B. there is no completely fair thing all over the world

C. we need a long time to change the unfair reality

D. the problem that women lose will be solved soon



Which statement concerning reserve sources of energy for GMDSS is FALSE ________.A.While t

Which statement concerning reserve sources of energy for GMDSS is FALSE ________.

A.While the ship is at sea,there must be available at all times a supply of electrical energy sufficient to operate the radio installations and to charge any batteries used as part of a reserve source of energy

B.Both the VHF and MF/HF installations must be simultaneously supplied

C.A means of ensuring a continuous supply of electrical power must be provided to all GMDSS equipment that could be affected by an interruption in power

D.If a UPS or equivalent is used to supply power to the ship's GPS receiver or other source of positional information,a means must be provided to ensure the continuous supply of the information in the event of a failure to the ship's main or emergency source of power



A.Because we can succeed only by making mistakes.B.Because it is necessary for us to m

A.Because we can succeed only by making mistakes.

B.Because it is necessary for us to make mistakes if we want to be successful.

C.Because making mistakes means giving us more useful knowledge.

D.Because all the book knowledge is gained by making mistakes.



Text 2 In studying both the recurrence of special habits or ideas in several districts, a
nd their prevalence within each district, there come before us ever-reiterated proofs of regular causation producing the phenomena of human life, and of laws of maintenance and diffusion conditions of society, at definite stages of culture. But, while giving full importance to the evidence bearing on these standard conditions of society, let us be careful to avoid a pitfall which may entrap the unwary student. Of course, the opinions and habits belonging in common to masses of mankind are to a great extent the results of sound judgment and practical wisdom. But to a great extent it is not so.

That many numerous societies of men should have believed in the influence of the evil eye and the existence of a firmament, should have sacrificed slaves and goods to the ghosts of the departed, should have handed down traditions of giants slaying monsters and men turning into beasts—all this is ground for holding that such ideas were indeed produced in men’s minds by efficient causes, but it is not ground for holding that the rites in question are profitable, the beliefs sound, and the history authentic. This may seem at the first glance a truism, but, in fact, it is the denial of a fallacy which deeply affects the minds of all but a small critical minority of mankind. Popularly, what everybody says must be true, what everybody does must be right.

There are various topics, especially in history, law, philosophy, and theology, where even the educated people we live among can hardly be brought to see that the cause why men do hold an opinion, or practise a custom, is by no means necessarily a reason why they ought to do so. Now collections of ethnographic evidence, bringing so prominently into view the agreement of immense multitudes of men as to certain traditions, beliefs, and usages, are peculiarly liable to be thus improperly used in direct defense of these institutions themselves, even old barbaric nations being polled to maintain their opinions against what are called modern ideas.

As it has more than once happened to myself to find my collections of traditions and beliefs thus set up to prove their own objective truth, without proper examination of the grounds on which they were actually received, I take this occasion of remarking that the same line of argument will serve equally well to demonstrate, by the strong and wide consent of nations, that the earth is flat, and night-mare the visit of a demon.

第26题:1. The author’s attitude towards the phenomena mentioned at the beginning of the text is one of _____.

[A] skepticism

[B] approval

[C] indifference

[D] disgust

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