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You should judge by yourself and don ’t always follow the _______of your brother.A) l

You should judge by yourself and don ’t always follow the _______of your brother.

A) lead

B) image

C) item

D) behavior

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更多“You should judge by yourself a…”相关的问题


Judge the similar meaning of the couple sentences.Once you choose a career you should be

Judge the similar meaning of the couple sentences.

Once you choose a career you should be stuck in it forever.

If you are unsatisfied with your career for any reason, you can always change it.



You should not judge an Internet friend only by his promise or convincing words.()


You should judge by yourself, and not always follow your brother’s ().







A man had to go to court, and he asked his lawyer which judge would be hearing the case.
His lawyer told him and asked, “ Do you know him?”

The man answered, “No, but I wanted to know his name so that I could send him a dozen bottles of good wine.”

The lawyer was terribly shocked. “You cannot do that,” he said. “You would seriously break the law, and you will surely lose the case.”

Some weeks later, the case was heard, and the man won it. As he was leaving the court, he said to his lawyer, “My present to the judge was quite successful, wasn’t it?”The lawyer was even more shocked than before, and said, “ What? Did you really send him that wine after what I told you?”

“Yes, certainly,” answered the man. “But I put my opponent’s name on the card which I sent with the wine.”

1. The word “him” in the sentence “Do you know him?” refers to ______.

A. the man

B. the man’s opponent

C. the man’s lawyer

D. the judge

2. The man’s lawyer told him______.

A. he should not break the law

B. he should send good wine to the judge

C. he would be sure to lose the case if he didn’t send good wine to the judge

D. he would be sure to win the case

3. The man won the case because ______.

A. he did as his lawyer said

B. he didn’t break the law

C. he sent the present to the judge, but he didn’t use his own name

D. he didn’t send good wine to the judge

4. The lawyer was even more shocked when he found that his man ______.

A. won the case

B. lost the case

C. didn’t listen to him

D. did a good deed

5. From what the man did, we know______.

A. he was an honest man

B. he was a tricky man

C. he was a bad man

D. he was not good or bad



2、正手发球后判断来球的方向。当对方回接到正手位时,向移动方向蹬地,移动身体重心,运用适宜的步法,快速找好击球位置。当对方回接到反手位时,移动至侧身位,此时应让出足够的空间,这样才可以做出合理的技术动作。 After forehand serve, judge the direction of the ball. When the opponent returns to forehand, push the ground, move body weight, and use appropriate footwork to quickly find the hitting position. When the opponent returns to backhand, move to backhand corner. At this time, you should create enough space to make a good stroke.


Even a careful motorist may commit a motoring offence. In this case,

Even a careful motorist(开汽车的人 ) may commit a motoring offence (违法 ).In this case, he will appear in a police court .This is a court ruled by a judge without a jury (陪审团 ).A judge has powers to pass sentence for relatively minor offences only ;serious charges are dealt with by a judge and a jury.

In certain cases, a motoring offender may choose to go before a judge and a jury ,instead of appearing before just a judge .A court is also used for the conduct of preliminary investigations to dedermine whether or not a motoring offender shall appear for trial in a higher court.

When his case comes up in court ,the motorist hears his name called by the clerk of the court, and comes forward to identify himself.The judge then calls for the policeman who charged the offender and asks him to give evidence.

He is expected to ive an account of what happened when the offence was committed and to mention any special circumstances.For example the offence may have been partly due to the foolishness of another motorist.It would be unwise for the motoring offender to exaggerate this.It will not help his case to try to blame someone else for his own mistake. If you are guilty ,it is of course wise to admit it and say you're sorry for committing the offence and taking up the court's time .Judges are not heartless and a motorist may be lucky enough to hear one say :“ You've got good reasons ,but you have broken the law and I'll have to impose a fine .Pay five pounds.Next case.”

Some short-tempered people forget that both policemen and judges have a public duty to perform,and aren rude to them. This does not pay! A judge will not let off an offender merely because he is respectful,but a polite law-breaker may certainly hope that the judge will extend him what tolerance the law permits.

31、Even a careful motorist may be asked to go to a police court for______.

A、an injury

B、a motoring offence

C、refusing to pay a fine

D、being rude to the policeman

32、The underlined word “ one ” (paragraph 5) refers to _____.

A、a jury member

B、a police officer

C、a motorist

D、a judge

33、A motoring offender is usually charged by ______.

A、a judge

B、a jury

C、a policeman

D、another motorist

34、It is foolish for a motoring offender to _______.

A、overstate another motorist's mistake

B、mention someone else's foolishness

C、argue that he is not guilty

D、choose to go before a jury

35、If a man knows that he is guilty, he should ______.

A、be polite to the policeman and the judge

B、try his best to appear before just a judge

C、save the court's time and pay the fine

D、admit the wrong and say sorry to the court



Do you sometimes argue about what seems to you to be simple fact? Do you argue whether it’s cold outdoors or whether the car in front of you is going faster than the speed limit? If you get into

186. Do you sometimes argue about what seems to you to be simple fact? Do you argue whether it’s cold outdoors or whether the car in front of you is going faster than the speed limit? If you get into such arguments, try to think about the story about the six blind men and the elephant. The first blind man who felt the elephant’s trunk said it was like a snake. The second who felt the elephant’s side said it was like a wall, while the third said it was like a spear as he touched the animal’s tusk. The fourth, who had hold of the elephant’s tail insisted that it was like a rope. The fifth man said it looked like a tree as he put his arms around one of the elephant’s legs. The sixth, who was tall and got hold of the elephant’s ears, said it was like a huge fan. Each man’s idea of the animal came from his own experience. So if someone disagrees with you about a “simple fact”, it’s often because his experience in the matter is different from yours. To see how hard it is for even one person to make up his mind about a “simple fact”, try this simple experiment. Get three large bowls. Put ice water in one. Put hot water in the second. Put lukewarm water in the third. Now put your left hand in the ice water. Put your right hand in the hot water. After thirty seconds, put both hands in the lukewarm water. Your right hand will tell you the water is cold. You left hand will tell you it’s hot! [共5题]

(1) What makes people think about simple facts differently?

(A) The fact that simple facts differ from one another.

(B) The fact that people have different experience in the same simple fact.

(C) The fact that people often disagree with on another.

(D) The fact that it’s hard to make up one’s mind about simple facts.

(2) Which of the following temperature is the closest to the meaning of the word “lukewarm” in the last paragraph?

(A) Above 0℃. (B) Above 40℃. (C) Above 20℃. (D) Below 0℃.

(3) The writer’s advice is ________.

(A) we should never think about simple facts

(B) we should never judge something with a one-sided view

(C) we should not agree about simple facts

(D) we must learn from the six blind men

(4) After reading the last paragraph, we may think of ________.

(A) Newton’s law

(B) Crallilao’s theory of falling objects

(C) Einstein’s theory of relativity

(D) Marx’s On Capital

(5) The main idea of this passage is ________.

(A) people often judge something according to his own experience

(B) people often agree about simple facts

(C) it’s hard for a person to make up his mind about a simple fact

(D) don’t care too much about simple facts



A jury should not the silence of a defendant as a sign of guilt____.







Why are so many people so afraid of failure? Quite simply because no one tells us how
to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth. We forget that failure is part of the human condition and that every person has the right to fail.

Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her child’s hastily making table as ―Perfect! even though it couldn’t stand on uneven legs. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails science, his teacher is unfair or stupid.

The trouble with failure-prevention methods is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time —and that it’s possible to enjoy a game even when you don’t win. A child who’s not invited to a birthday party, who doesn’t make the honor roll or the baseball team, feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick comfort prize or say, ―It doesn’t matter because it does. The young should be allowed to experience disappointment —and be helped to master it.

Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts grown-ups and children alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you can learn to use it. Step one is to ask ―Why did I fail? Control the natural impulse to blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. Second, is the goal you’re to reach the right one? Think about this question. ―If you dosucceed in this, where will it get me? This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldn’t be doing anyhow. The third thing to keep in mind about failure is that it’s part of life. Learn to ―live with yourself even though you may have failed. Remember, ―You can’t win themall.

(1) The main idea of this passage is ().

A、why people are afraid of failure

B、the trouble with failure prevention methods

C、how to deal with failure

D、both A and C

(2) According to the passage, which of the following is not true?

A、Most parents think failure may hurt their children.

B、Most parents do not want their children know they have failed.

C、A mother describes her child’s work ―perfect because she didn’t want to hurt him.

D、If a child fails a subject, he should blame his teacher.

(3) According to the writer, ().

A、parents should tell their children to think nothing of not being chosen into a baseball team

B、children should be encouraged to get rid of disappointment all by themselves

C、parents should judge what their children have done as it is

D、children should learn to enjoy a game that they won’t win

(4) The last paragraph tells us ().

A、there are three methods to deal with failure

B、there are some methods to deal with failure

C、failure is not enjoyable

D、failure is part of life

(5) ―Live with yourself in the last line may mean ().

A、to tolerate yourself when you fail

B、to face failures all by yourself

C、to live in a house alone

D、to support yourself when you fail



The judge instructed the()that he should tell the whole truth.

A. owner

B. sponsor

C. witness

D. adviser

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