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()makes a promise that she will make webs to save Wilbur.



C.the rat

D.the horse

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更多“()makes a promise that she wil…”相关的问题


Which of the following is true of a promissory note?()

A.It is a three-party instrument

B.It is not an order to pay

C.The party who makes the promise is the lender

D.The payee cannot transfer a note to a third party



Not only _______ a promise, but he also kept it.A、did he madeB、he madeC、did he makeD、he

Not only _______ a promise, but he also kept it.

A、did he made

B、he made

C、did he make

D、he makes



Why we all tend to struggle with tasks that promise future upside in return for effor
ts we take now?

A.That’s because it makes their future self feel more real—making the future benefits of saving also feel more weighty.

B.That’s because our brain’s reward system is so highly responsive to our social standing.

C.That’s because it’s easier for our brains to process concrete rather than abstract things, and the immediate hassle is very tangible compared with those unknowable, uncertain future benefits.

D.That’s because the guilty pleasure helps dilute your brain’s perception of the short-term “cost” of exercising.



What is the process for packing credit______?
A、In order to complete the production, stocking and loading, the exporter submits the original L/C to the bank as proof, and after the bank has reviewed it correctly, the loan provided to the exporter 60-80% of the amount of the L/C

B、The importer makes loans to the exporter at 60-80% of the amount of the L/C in order to receive the goods

C、The importer applies to the bank for a loan with a bill of lading as collateral in order to receive the goods

D、In order to complete the export of foreign exchange, the bank provides loans to exporters at 60-80% of the amount of the th L/C



a. The similarities between a note and a bill are as follows: (1)The ______ of a note is same as th

a. The similarities between a note and a bill are as follows:

(1)The ______ of a note is same as that of a bill.

(2)The ______ of a note shall be deemed to correspond with the acceptor of a bill.

(3)The ______ of a note shall be deemed to correspond with the drawer of an accepted bill payable to drawer's order.

b. The differences between a bill and a note are as follows:


(1)A bill is an unconditional order to pay.

(2)A bill has three basic parties, namely drawer. drawee and payee.

(3)Where payable after date, a bill is generally accepted.

(4)An acceptance can be conditional.

(5)Before acceptance the drawer is primarily liable for payment, but after acceptance, the acceptor becomes primarily liable for payment.

(6)A bill can be accepted for honour.

(7)A bill can be drawn in a set.


(1)A note is an ______.

(2)A note has two basic parties namely ____________.

(3)A note is ____________.

(4)A promise to pay can ______.

(5)A maker is always the party __________________.

(6)A note ______ accept for honour.

(7)A note ______ be drawn in a set.



Stress and pressure-filled days have become an almost normal part of contemporary life, du
e to the ever-growing demands of careers, home maintenance, parenting responsibilities, and community involvement. Because of this, there is a general consensus that just doing all that daily needs to be done is an emotionally intense and complex process. In fact, a wit once commented, "Living these days is like a grammar lesson: the past is perfect; the present is tense."

Technology makes it more difficult to separate ourselves from work. In times past, it was possible to have a stressful workplace, go home, and relax. Since less work was mental and more was physical, it was relatively easy to remove oneself —physically and mentally —from it. The sophisticated communication technology available today was not yet developed. In contrast to the "good old days," it is no longer possible for busy men and women to go home or go on vacation and truly "get away from it all." It becomes difficult to relax when you are carrying a beeper that may go off any minute. The result is higher levels of stress in men and women because technology enables others to "find them anywhere."

It is ironic that much technology is designed to make work easier and faster; presumably, this will make life easier for those who must operate the technology, but such is not the case. Witness the prophetic words of the great philosopher John Stuart Mill (1806- 1873): "It is questionable if all the mechanical inventions yet made have lightened the day's toil of any human being." How true this is despite the promise of "miraculous" new machinery ranging from a "new and more efficient" vacuum cleaner to the most sophisticated computer. The solution to living well lies not in new and better technology, but in the selective disuse of it so that life can be enjoyed in a more emotionally fulfilling way.

This passage mainly discusses ______.

A.modern man's life that is filled with stress and pressure

B.new technology that has failed to make modern man's life comfortable

C.the negative impact of advanced technology on men's psychological well-being

D.the contrast between contemporary life and life in the past



SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: Picture the most beautiful face you have ever seen. Then ask yourself what it is about that face that makes it so lovely. That question may be difficult to answer. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But is it possible to explain the beauty of a human face using math?

According to many scholars throughout history, the answer could be yes. Most very attractive faces have proportions consistent with what is known as the "golden ratio." This ratio can best be understood by thinking of it as a rectangle. In a golden rectangle, the long side is 1.618 times longer than the short side. Therefore, the value of the golden ratio is equal to 1.618. The proportions of the golden rectangle are thought to reflect perfect symmetry. If we frame. a gorgeous face inside of a golden rectangle, the dimensions of each will correspond perfectly. The face is beautiful because it is symmetrical.

Amazingly, the golden ratio is found in many manifestations of beauty—not just in beautiful faces. The dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt conform. to the golden ratio. And the famous Greek Parthenon contains many golden rectangles. Moreover, the famous fifteenth-century Italian artist, Leonardo da Vinci, deliberately used the golden ratio in his paintings. Not surprisingly, the face of da Vinci's Mona Lisa matches the golden rectangle.

What's the characteristic of most attractive faces?

A.There is no answer.

B.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

C.Most of attractive faces look like Mona Lisa.

D.Most attractive faces have golden ratio.



听力原文:W: Roger, any problems in your Korean study?M: The biggest problem with me is the

听力原文:W: Roger, any problems in your Korean study?

M: The biggest problem with me is the Korean vocabulary. It really makes me frustrated.The pronunciation and usage put me into great confusion as l keep forgetting them.

W: I guess first of all,you can narrow down the vocabulary sphere. I mean, try to learn “core” vocabulary,the words with high frequencies of occurrence.

M: That sounds quite reasonable. Do you think I can find in bookstores a book or dictionary where such kinds of words are listed?

W: Yes, definitely. Another thing, the first several occurrences of strange words ale very important words are remembered best if they are learnt quickly with a few presentations. You may not have much trouble in remembering swear words,may you?

M: No. They're very impressive and quite memorable. I don't even need to practice them.

W: That's it! For other words lat don't have such a strong effect, you have to make yourself highly attentive and sensitive. If not,later practice and repetition don't seem to work so well.

M: I see.

W: The last thing I'll say is that if you want to remember something for periods long than a year or two, you need to space the presentations over quite long intervals of days, say 30 days A more frequent interval doesn't promise you longer remembrance.

M: Really? I have thought every word should be practiced as often as possible within a short time span.

W: No. How the word is practiced is much more important than how often it is practiced.

M: You really do me a great favor, Teresa.


A.He keeps forgetting the important things he has to do.

B.He has great difficulty remembering Korean words.

C.He can't find the most helpful Korean dictionary.

D.His pronunciation of Korean words confuses others.



Istanbul & Faces

Titled "Timeless City: lstanbul & Faces", the Turkey photography exhibition celebrates the 30th anniversary of lstanbul and Shanghai's sistership. The 42-year-old photographer focuses on the distinctive(独特的)historical quarters and the atmosphere that spreads in Istanbul. His work also pays respects to its people as well, with well-defined portraits.

Date: Till Jan. 18, 10a. m. -4p. m.

Venue: Shanghai Art Collection Museum.

Knitted Works

The knitted(编织的)show is aimed at raising awareness of post natal depression. The works were created by more than 20 mothers from different cities. All the knitted dolls and other works will be sold with the profits(利益)going to charity when the exhibition ends. If you are interested in the knitted works, you can order a special piece.

Date: Till Jan. 1, 7A.m. -9p. m.

Venue: BI Jinxiu Fun.

Old Shanghai Teahouse

The newly-opened zone at Shanghai Dungeon features nostalgic sets and experiences for visitors to have "scary fun". Visitors can wear traditional Chinese costumes and take photos with the performers.

Date: Daily, 11A.m.-8p. m.

Venue: Mosaic Shanghai Mail.

Musical Titanic

The Tony Awards winning musical "Titanic" is in Shanghai with more than 100 characters cast. The impressive stage effects promise to take the audience to the bottom of the ocean.

Date: Tlna2,2p.m. -7:30p.m.

Venue: SAIC Shanghai Culture Square.

1.Where should you go if you want to learn more about Turkey's history?()

A.Shanghai Art Collection Museum.

B.Mosaic Shanghai Mail.

C.B1 Jinxiu Fun.

D.SAIC Shanghai Culture Square.

2.What can we know about knitted works?()

A.People can have a talk with the creators.

B.All the works can be sold when the show begins.

C.The show offers people chances to learn how to make one.

D.They were made by people from different places.

3.What makes the Musical Titanic special?()

A.Its opening time is the longest.

B.It raises money for a special purpose.

C.It offers a lifelike experience under water.

D.It allows interacting with performers.

4.Why is the knitted(编织的)show held?()

A.raising awareness of post natal depression

B.helping audiences become creative

C.helping enhance Shanghais tourism

D.helping Shanghai people love art tradition

5.Which word cannot be used to describe visitors' experience at Old Shanghai Teahouse?()







Maybe it is true that we don't know what we have got until we lose it, but it is
also true that we don' t know what we have been missing until it arrives. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don’t expect love in return; but be content that love has grown in your own heart.

It takes an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Don’t rely on one's appearance; it can deceive. Don’t rely on wealth; even that fades away. Rely on someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts others, too. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. Happiness waits for those who cry, those who have been hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past. You can't go on well in life until you let your past failures and heartaches go off. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you are the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

(1)You should rely on someone who makes you smile_______________.

A、because a smile can make your dark time easier.

B、because a smile is bright.

C、because you have nothing.

D、because you can believe someone

(2)What does the word “assurance” mean in the first paragraph?





(3)In the third paragraph, “Always put yourself in other's shoes” means_______________.

A、you should try other's shoes before you buy it.

B、you should make yourself small enough.

C、you should consider from another person's aspect.

D、None of the above.

(4) If you are the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying when you die, you are





(5)What has been mentioned in the passage?

A、to tell us not to demand too much

B、to warn us not to believe in appearance

C、to consider other people and learn to forgive

D、all of the above

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