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What advice did his father give him().

A.Get to know yourself better.

B.Watch what others do carefully.

C.Always listen to your father.

D.You can’t always do what you want.

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更多“What advice did his father giv…”相关的问题


听力原文:Why did Bill give this advice Why did Bill give this advice Because Tom always d

听力原文:Why did Bill give this advice Why did Bill give this advice Because Tom always d听力原文:Why did Bill give this advice Why did Bill give this advice Because Tom always does ______ of what people have advised.



Let us ask what were the preparation and training Abraham Lincoln had for oratory, whether
political or forensic.

Born in rude and abject poverty, he never had any education, except what he gave himself, till he was approaching manhood. Not even books wherewith to inform. and train his mind were within his reach. No school, no university, no legal faculty had any part in training his powers. When he became a lawyer and a politician, the years most favourable to continuous study had already passed, and the opportunities he found for reading were very scanty. He knew but few authors in general literature, though he knew those few thoroughly. He taught himself a little mathematics, but he could read no language save his own, and can have had only the faintest acquaintance with European history or with any branch of philosophy.

The want of regular education was not made up for by the persons among whom his lot was cast. Till he was a grown man, he never moved in any society from which he could learn those things with which the mind of an orator to be stored. Even after he had gained some legal practice, there was for many years no one for him to mix with except the petty practitioners of a petty town, men nearly all of whom knew little more than he did himself.

Schools gave him nothing, and society gave him nothing. But he had a powerful intellect and a resolute will. Isolation fostered not only self-reliance but the habit of reflection, and indeed, of prolonged and intense reflection. He made all that he knew a part of himself. His convictions were his own—clear and coherent. He was not positive or opinionated and he did not deny that at certain moments he pondered and hesitated long before he decided on his course. But though he could keep a policy in suspense, waiting for events to guide him, he did not waver. He paused and reconsidered, but it was never his way to go back on a decision once more or to waste time in vain regrets that all he had expected had not been attained. He took advice readily and left many things to his ministers; but he did not lean on his advisers. Without vanity or ostentation, he was always independent, self-contained, prepared to take full responsibility for his acts.

It is said in the second paragraph that Abraham Lincoln ______.

A.was illiterate

B.was never educated

C.was educated very late

D.behaved rudely when he was young



I wonder ___I should take his advice or not.







I don’t know ______ I should take his advice or not.







Let us ask what were the preparation and training Abraham Lincoln had for oratory whether
political or forensic.

Born in rude and abject poverty, he never had any education, except what he gave himself, till he was approaching manhood. Not even books wherewith to inform. and train his mind were within his reach. No school, no university, no legal faculty had any part in training his powers. When he became a lawyer and a politician, the years most favorable to continuous study had already passed, and the opportunities he found for reading were very scanty. He knew but few authors in general literature, though he knew those few thoroughly. He taught himself a little mathematics, but he could read no language save his own, and had only the faintest acquaintance with European history or with any branch of philosophy.

The want of regular education was not made up for by the persons among whom his lot was cast. Until he was a grown man, he never moved in any society from which he could learn those things with which the mind of an orator was to be stored. Even after he had gained some legal practice, there was for many years no one for him to mix with except the petty practitioners of a petty town, men nearly all of whom knew little more than he did himself.

Schools gave him nothing, and society gave him nothing. But he had a powerful intellect and a resolute will. Isolation fostered not only self-reliance but the habit of reflection, and, indeed, of prolonged and intense, reflection. He made all that he knew a part of himself. His convictions were his own—clear and coherent. He was not positive or opinionated and he did not deny that at certain moments he pondered and hesitated long before he decided' on his course. But though he could keep a policy in suspense, waiting for events to guide him, he did not waver. He paused and reconsidered, but it was never his way to go back on a decision once more or to waste time in vain regrets so that all he had expected had not been attained. He took advice readily and left many things to his ministers; but he did not lean on his advisers. Without vanity or ostentation, he was always independent, self-contained, prepared to take full responsibility for his acts.

The implication of the second paragraph is that Abraham Lincoln______

A.was illiterate

B.was never educated

C.was never provided with any regular education

D.behaved rudely when he was young



We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. "Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?" "When I got that great job, did Jerry really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?" When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it's too late.

Why do we go wrong about our friends--or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, "you're a lucky dog". Is he really on your side? If he says, "You're a lucky guy" or "You're a lucky gal", that's being friendly. But "lucky dog"? There's a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn't see it himself. But bringing in the "dog" bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.

How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture (体态)? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

1. From the questions in the first paragraph we can learn that tile speaker ().

A. feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to him

B. feels he may not have "read" his friends' true feelings correctly

C. thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, Helen

D. is sorry that his friends let him down

2. In the second paragraph, the author uses the example of "You're a lucky dog" to show


A. the speaker of this sentence is just being friendly

B. this saying means the same as "You're a lucky guy' or "You're a lucky gal"

C. sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the words

D. the word "dog" shouldn't be used to apply to people

3. This passage tries to tell you how to().

A. avoid mistakes about money and friends

B. bring the "dog" bit into our conversation

C. avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you

D. keep people friendly without trusting them

4. In listening to a person, the important thing is().

A. to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyes

B. to listen to how he pronounces his words

C. to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his posture

D. not to believe what he says

5. If you followed the advice of the writer, you would().

A. be able to get the real meaning of what people say to you

B. avoid any mistakes while talking with people who envy you

C. not lose real friends who say things that do not please you

D. be able to observe people as they are talking to you



He took ______ as to what he should do. A) his friend's advise B) his friend's advi

He took ______ as to what he should do.

A) his friend's advise B) his friend's advices

C) an advice of his friend D) his friend's advice



We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistake
s are about people."Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?" "When I got that great job, did Jerry really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?" When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad.But when we look back, it's too late.

Why do we go wrong about our friends--or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning.And if we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words.Suppose someone tells you, "you're a lucky dog".Is he really on your side? If he says, "You're a lucky guy" or "You're a lucky gal", that's being friendly.But "lucky dog"? There's a bit of envy in those words.Maybe he doesn't see it himself.But bringing in the "dog" bit puts you down a little.What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.

How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture (体态)? The look in his eyes? Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

1.From the questions in the first paragraph we can learn that tile speaker _____.

A.feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to him

B.feels he may not have "read" his friends' true feelings correctly

C.thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, Helen

D.is sorry that his friends let him down

2.In the second paragraph, the author uses the example of "You're a lucky dog" to show that __________.

A.the speaker of this sentence is just being friendly

B.this saying means the same as "You're a lucky guy' or "You're a lucky gal"

C.sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the words

D.the word "dog" shouldn't be used to apply to people

3.This passage tries to tell you how to __________.

A.avoid mistakes about money and friends

B.bring the "dog" bit into our conversation

C.avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you

D.keep people friendly without trusting them

4.In listening to a person, the important thing is __________.

A.to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyes

B.to listen to how he pronounces his words

C.to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his posture

D.not to believe what he says

5.If you followed the advice of the writer, you would __________.

A.be able to get the real meaning of what people say to you

B.avoid any mistakes while talking with people who envy you

C.not lose real friends who say things that do not please you

D.be able to observe people as they are talking to you



We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistake
s are about people."Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?" "When I got that great job, did Jerry really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?" When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad.But when we look back, it's too late.

Why do we go wrong about our friends--or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning.And if we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words.Suppose someone tells you, "you're a lucky dog".Is he really on your side? If he says, "You're a lucky guy" or "You're a lucky gal", that's being friendly.But "lucky dog"? There's a bit of envy in those words.Maybe he doesn't see it himself.But bringing in the "dog" bit puts you down a little.What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.

How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture (体态)? The look in his eyes? Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

1.From the questions in the first paragraph we can learn that tile speaker ().

A.feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to him

B.feels he may not have "read" his friends' true feelings correctly

C.thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, Helen

D.is sorry that his friends let him down

2.In the second paragraph, the author uses the example of "You're a lucky dog" to showthat ().

A.the speaker of this sentence is just being friendly

B.this saying means the same as "You're a lucky guy' or "You're a lucky gal"

C.sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the words

D.the word "dog" shouldn't be used to apply to people

3.This passage tries to tell you how to ().

A.avoid mistakes about money and friends

B.bring the "dog" bit into our conversation

C.avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you

D.keep people friendly without trusting them

4.In listening to a person, the important thing is ().

A.to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyes

B.to listen to how he pronounces his words

C.to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his posture

D.not to believe what he says

5.If you followed the advice of the writer, you would ().

A.be able to get the real meaning of what people say to you

B.avoid any mistakes while talking with people who envy you

C.not lose real friends who say things that do not please you

D.be able to observe people as they are talking to you



Why did the authur ask the group questions in Paragraph 3 ?

A.To persuade them to save for the future.

B.To ask for advice on holidays abroad.

C.To know more about each person.

D.To show them what he meant.

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