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Most animals have little connection with animals of different kind, unless they hunt t

hem for food. Sometimes, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partnership (伙伴关系 ) which does good to both of them. You may have noticed some birds sitting on the backs of sheep. This is not because they want a ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites (寄生虫 ) on sheep. The sheep allow the birds to do so because they remove the cause of discomfort. So although they can manage without each other, they do better together.

Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The relationship develops until the two partners cannot manage without each other. This is so in the corals (珊瑚 ) of the sea. In their skins they have tiny plants act as "dustman", taking some of the waste products form. the corals and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. If the plants are killed, or are ever prevented from lighting so that they cannot live normally, the corals will die.

1、Some birds like to sit on a sheep because ().

A、they can eat its parasites

B、 they depend on the sheep for existence

C、 they enjoy traveling with the sheep

D、 they find the position most comfortable

2、The underlined word "they" in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to ().

A、birds and parasites

B、birds and sheep

C、parasites and sheep

D、sheep, birds and parasites

3、What does the second paragraph mainly discuss? ()

A、Some animals and plants depend on each other for existence.

B、 Some animals and plants develop their relationship easily.

C、 Some plants depend on each other for foo

D、 Some animals live better together.

4、What does this article talk about? ()

A、Two kinds of animals for a partnership.

B、Most animals only have connection with animals.

C、The connection between the living things.

D、Corals have some connection with plants.

1A 2B 3A 4C
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更多“Most animals have little conne…”相关的问题


You know how I know animals have souls Because on average, the lowest animal is a lot nicer and kinder than most of the human beings that inhabit this Earth. ()


Most animals have little connection with animals of different kind, unless they hunt t
hem for food. Sometimes, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partnership (伙伴关系 ) which does good to both of them. You may have noticed some birds sitting on the backs of sheep. This is not because they want a ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites (寄生虫 ) on sheep. The sheep allow the birds to do so because they remove the cause of discomfort. So although they can manage without each other, they do better together.

Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The relationship develops until the two partners cannot manage without each other. This is so in the corals (珊瑚 ) of the sea. In their skins they have tiny plants act as "dustman", taking some of the waste products form. the corals and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. If the plants are killed, or are ever prevented from lighting so that they cannot live normally, the corals will die.

1、Some birds like to sit on a sheep because ().

A、they can eat its parasites

B、 they depend on the sheep for existence

C、 they enjoy traveling with the sheep

D、 they find the position most comfortable

2、The underlined word "they" in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to ().

A、birds and parasites

B、birds and sheep

C、parasites and sheep

D、sheep, birds and parasites

3、What does the second paragraph mainly discuss? ()

A、Some animals and plants depend on each other for existence.

B、 Some animals and plants develop their relationship easily.

C、 Some plants depend on each other for foo

D、 Some animals live better together.

4、What does this article talk about? ()

A、Two kinds of animals for a partnership.

B、Most animals only have connection with animals.

C、The connection between the living things.

D、Corals have some connection with plants.



Passage Two The lion may be the most famous of all the predators of Africa, but one of

Passage Two

The lion may be the most famous of all the predators of Africa, but one of the most fascinating is the wild dog. Wild dogs are fairly small, averaging seventy pounds, with round, fanlike ears that look too big for their heads. They have shaggy brown coats with scattered patches of white. One of these animals by itself looks harmless or even comical. But when they band together, in packs of up to forty, the wild dogs become dangerous predators that tirelessly run down and kill animals that are many times their own size.

Wild dogs have to be good hunters in order to feed their large families; a single female can have as many as sixteen pups at a time. But usually only one female in a pack breeds at a time, and all the pack members help to care for the young. At first, the pups feed on their mother's milk. Then the other dogs begin to bring back meat from the kill, carrying it in their stomachs and throwing it up when the pups come running to them to beg for food. Finally, the young dogs begin to go along on hunts. At this time one of the most striking differences between wild dogs and lions can be seen. When a pride of lions makes a kill, the adult males always eat their fill first. But the wild dogs let the pups feed first, even when they are still too young to really help in making the kill.

36. A good title for this passage would be ______.

A. Africa's Wild Dogs

B. Killers of the Plains

C. Predators of Africa

D. The Greedy Lion



The Italian doctor Severino Antinori has announced plans to offer human cloning facilities in his pr
ivate fertility clinics. Antinori is already f______ for previous controversies such as helping grandmothers to have babies. Yet this time he is not alone in p______ the idea of human cloning. US scientists are working with him on this project, and a r______ group -- the Raelians -- have also announced their intention to offer the service. Of course, with so many couples d______ for a child yet unable to conceive through traditional IVF treatments, there is no s______ of volunteers. It would probably not work trying to prevent cloning, thus some form of regulation is almost i______. At the moment, cloning techniques are far from p______ and most attempts to clone animals end up in f______.


Passage Four Most people do not think of fishes and other sea animals as having voices, a

Passage Four

Most people do not think of fishes and other sea animals as having voices, and of those who are aware of the fact that many of them can "speak", few understand that these "conversations" have significance. Actually, their talk may be as meaningful as much of our own. For example, some sea animals use their "voices" to locate their food in the ocean expanses (广阔的区域); others use their "voices" to let their fellows know of their locations; and still others, as a means of obtaining mates. Sometimes, "speaking" may even mean the difference between life and death to a sea animal. It appears in some cases that when a predator (食肉动物) approaches, the prey (被捕的动物) depends on no more than the sounds it makes to escape.

Fish sounds are important to man, also. By listening to them, he can learn a great deal about he habits of creatures that make them, the size of the School they form, the patterns of their migrations, and the nature of the environments in which they live. He can also apply this nformation to the more effective utilization of the listening spots he has set up to detect enemy submarines (潜水艇). A knowledge of fish sounds can avoid confusion and unneeded effort when a "new" sound is picked up and the sound sentry (哨兵) must decide whether or not to call an alarm.

46. Among the people who know that many sea animals have voices, few ______.

A. know the meaning of their conversations

B. realize that they can communicate with each other

C. realize that they can make speeches

D. could understand their conversations



The loss of biological diversity has become most spectacularly noticeable in extinct
ion or decline of populations of large and well-known animals.Many animal species have become extinct since the 1700’s, among them the California grizzly bear, the dodo, and the passenger pigeon.Hundreds of other animal species are threatened.In North America, endangered species include the black-footed ferret, the California condor, the desert tortoise, and the whooping crane.

Most species in danger of extinction anywhere in the world are suffering from the intrusion (侵入) of human beings.The Asian elephant, for example, has become an endangered species due to the expansion of the human population throughout its range in southern Asia.In Africa, the African elephants are being killed off for their tusks.Monkeys and other primates throughout the world are threatened by hunting, capture for medical use, and the destruction of their habitats.And the rhinoceroses, lions, and other large mammals of the African savanna (grassy plains with scattered trees) compete for land and life with some of the most rapidly growing human populations in the world.

The loss of biological diversity is most severe, however, in the tropical rain forests.The forests of the tropics are particularly vulnerable to disturbance because the soils have a low capacity for retaining nutrients.Most of the forests’ nutrient elements are held in the tissues of plants.When loggers and farmers destroy existing plant cover, the nutrients are washed from the land into streams, and the land itself becomes less able to support life.Destruction of these forests destroys the habitat of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of species from such creatures as the howler monkey and indigo macaw, to less visible species of plants, insects, and microbes, many of which are not yet known to science.

1.The author points out that species extinction ().

A.is most noticeable in North America

B.is mainly taking place among large animals

C.quickened with industrialization of the society

D.never took place before the 1700’s

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned with regard to human intrusion?

A.Elephants are killed off for their tusks

B.Some primates are hunted for medical use

C.Growing human population results in the competition for land and life among animals

D.Men live increasingly on animals as their source of food.

3.The chief cause of the gradual disappearance of biological diversity is ().

A.human cruelty

B.human interference

C.the increase of human population

D.the disappearance of the forests

4.In tropical forests,().

A.animals live a hard life due to competition

B.a lot of species die out for lack of food

C.rains constitute the major threat to species

D.a greater number of animals are yet to be known

5.It can be inferred that species extinction ().

A.proceeds of a faster rate than noticeable

B.is the worst among well-known animals

C.is the most severe in Africa

D.is chiefly due to competition among species



In the animal rights (), much is made of the volume of pain these animals () in the na
In the animal rights (), much is made of the volume of pain these animals () in the na

me of medical science. Activists deny that we are trying to help and say it is () of our evil and cruel (). A more reasonable argument, however, can be advanced in our (). Life is often () to animals and human beings. Teenagers are flung from trucks and suffer severe head (). Young children () able to walk find themselves at the bottom of swimming pools while a parent is occupied with something else. From everyday germs to gang (), no life is free of pain. Physicians hoping to relieve the eternal suffering of these tragedies have only three choices: 1) create an animal model of the problem to understand the process and test new therapies; 2) experiment on human beings (some experiments will succeed, most will fail); or 3) leave medical knowledge static, hoping that () discoveries will lead us forward.



Trees have a spectacular (壮丽的;奇观的) survival record. Over a period of more than 400 m

Trees have a spectacular (壮丽的;奇观的) survival record. Over a period of more than 400 million years, they have evolved as the tallest, most massive, and longest-lived organisms ever to inhabit the Earth. Yet trees lack a means of defense that almost every animal has: trees cannot move away from destructive forces. Because they cannot move, all types of living and nonliving enemies—fire, storms, microorganisms, insects, other animals and, later, humans—have wounded them throughout their history. Trees have survived because their evolution has made them into highly compartmented (分隔的) organisms: that is, they wall off injured and infected wood.

In that respect trees are radically different from animals. Fundamentally, animals heal, they preserve their life by making billions of repair, installing (安置) new cells or rejuvenated (恢复活力的) cells in the positions of old ones. Trees cannot heal; they make no repairs. Instead, they defend themselves from the consequences of injury and infection by walling off the damage. At the same time they put new cells in new positions; in effect, they grow a new tree over the old one every year. The most obvious results of the process are growth rings, which are visible on the cross section of a trunk, a root, or a branch.

The author's main purpose in this article is to explain the______.

A.life cycle of a tree

B.way trees survive

C.importance of trees to human progress

D.dangers trees face from natural disasters



Why do Westerners love their pets so much, almost as if they were their children? I su
Why do Westerners love their pets so much, almost as if they were their children? I suppose one reason is that for more than one hundred years many children's books in England and in America were animal stories.By this we mean stories that gave the animals human names, human voices, human emotions, and even faces that look almost human.Many of these stories taught a moral lesson, like honesty or kindness or hard work.My mother read animal stories to me as a child, and my wife and I read some of the same animal stories to my boys when they were small, and now they read animal stories to their children.Some are the same stories about dogs and cats and rabbits and horses.So children in America grow up with good feelings toward animals. Many families would like to have a purebred dog or cat, that is an animal whose parents come from a single kind of animal.But purebred animals are expensive.And those that are registered with a special dog or cat club are even more expensive since there is a written record of their ancestors for many generations.What often happens is that a family's first pet will come from some friend whose pet has had babies.Or they may get a pet from an animal shelter.Every city and many smaller towns have a humane society which cares for animals that are found and for animals which people no longer want.They try to find the owner of lost pets and to find homes for the others.Over the years my wife and I and our children have gotten some very nice dogs for our family from animal shelters, usually at no cost.

But some families do not want a house dog or a house cat.They want an outside dog or cat.So the animal stays outsides the house most of the time.Special dog houses are made for such dogs to use, especially at night in the colder parts of North America.

1.Why do Western people love their pets so much? ()

A.Because their children don't have many friends.

B.Because they have leisure time and enough money.

C.Because they are influenced by animal stories.

D.Because they regard pets as their children.

2.Since they have heard a lot of animal stories, American children tend to () .

A.love animals when they grow up

B.treat animals rudely

C.live with animals

D.dislike animals

3.A purebred dog refers to a dog()

A.which is brought up by one family

B.whose parents come from the same area

C.whose parents belong to the single kind of dog

D.which is bred in a pure house

4.How do most Americans get their first pet? ()

A.They buy it from a pet shop

B.They pick up one from the street

C.They always get one from the animal shelter

D.They get it from their friends

5.Not all pets stay with their masters in the house all the time for().

A.it's good for them to stay outside

B.people think they are dirty

C.Some people don't want a house dog or a house cat

D.they don't like to stay in their masters' house



There are different ideas about pets in different parts of the world.In most cultures,
animals are in a worse position than human beings.In some cases, however, people treat their pets like members of their families, or perhaps better.In the United States and Europe, there are special shops that sell clothing and food for cats and dogs.

In many countries of the world, there is special food for pets.It is common for big markets in many places to sell cat food and dog food.However, in a small town in France, there is a special restaurant for dogs.Dogs are the only customers.There is seating for twenty of them.The dogs choose from a variety of dishes on the menu.

Of course, in most parts of the world, pets don’t live in such wealth and comfort.P eople treat their pets in a more practical way.People own cats and dogs because they keep away mice and other unwanted animals.Owners have some loving feelings for their pets, but they do not see them as equal to family members.In most places in the world, there isn't any special clothing or fine food for animals.There aren’t any special restaurants for dogs.

Pets around the world live in a great variety of ways, just as people do.

21.According to the passage, in most countries _______________.

A.animals are in a worse position than human beings

B.people treat their pets like members of their families

C.there are special shops that sell clothing for dogs and cats

D.pets such as dogs and cats are very popular

22.According to the passage, there are _________________.

A.a few restaurants for dogs in every city in France

B.many owners of dogs and cats in the United States and Europe

C.no dogs or cats that wear clothing

D.some people who treat their pets far better than they treat their children

23.For many people, pets may have a more practical function because _______________.

A.pets are often useful companions for old people

B.cats and dogs can be used to keep away mice

C.pets can sometimes be sold to make money

D.some pets may show loving feelings for their owners

24.In your opinion, which of the following sentences is probably true?

A.Dogs and cats like to wear expensive clothing.

B.Many people visit the dog restaurant in France.

C.In some cases, animals have better food and clothing than people.

D.People in every part of the world like to buy fine clothing for their pets.

25.The main idea of this reading passage is _______________.

A.Dogs enjoy fine restaurants

B.A rich cat can afford to go to any restaurant

C.It is stupid to have special food and clothing for animals

D.People treat pets in very different ways in different parts of the world



Generally speaking, people want to keep a wild animal as a pet for one of many reasons: th
ey want to impress other people by owning an unusual, uncommon animal as a pet. In no case is the happiness of the animal at the heart of the matter.

If you do want to own a wild animal, for instance a fox (usually a little larger than your average house cat), you have to take this test first: go to your nearest Humane Society Shelter and bring home a grown cat and a very active dog. Raise them and be with them; consider them your best friends. Do not leave them alone for more than 9 hours in any given day; do not hit them or shout at them; and do not abuse them in any way. If, after two years, both animal are alive and are still with you without your caging them or locking them in a part of your home most of the day, then maybe you have what it takes to own a wild animal.

If the test sounds stupid or unworkable, or if you just can’t bring yourself to stand such unlovable animals for two years, then you are not suited to owning a fox.

The problem here is in the definition of the word pet. A pet is something you keep in your house or around your yard as a companion---- a companion who is usually prevented from escaping one way or another. Some animals---- dogs and cats, will voluntarily stay with a human even if given the chance to get away. In this sense, dogs and cats are true pets. Please don’t make the life of some wild animals a living hell by trying to raise one as a pet.

Which reason is true for people keeping a wild animal as a pet in the passage?

A.They want to show off to other people

B.Wild animals are orderly.

C.They just want to keep a wild animal for business purpose

D.They love wild animals heartily.

To pass the test, you must make it certain that ____.A.you take the trying animals with you most of the time

B.you are kind to the trying animals

C.the trying animals are still in good condition in two years.

D.all of the above

It can be inferred that of all the animals mentioned in the passage a ____ is the most difficult one to keep as a pet.A.wild pig




According to the author, you can raise a wild animal if you ____.A.think the test ridiculous

B.can’t bear dogs and cats

C.may work more than 9 hours

D.may raise the trying animals well for 2 years.

What does the word “ hell” in the last sentence mean?A.The miserable place after death

B.A place of great suffering

C.Sufferers in a miserable place

D.Evil and dark forces.


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