题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

America, the land of opportunity, the land of the free.” I, 1______, have a hard time believing it. Have you ever heard of the American Dream? It is the2______ belief of Americans that every person, 3______ poor their beginnings, can change his life. Anyone can work his way from the 4_____up to the top. 5______, we would listen to stories about our greatgrandparents. They traveled here from a 6______ country for their opportunity to make it big. We would dream of 7______ it big for ourselves. “Your greatgrandfather came to this country with 8______ the shirt on his back and built his company from the ground up.” This was how the story9______ went. Something has changed, 10______. Americans are increasingly 11______ this idea as untrue. They see it as nothing but an empty12_____. They have a cynical13______ and they don’t believe that they will ever be rich or powerful. They believe that past generations 14______ all of the resources and power. These people will do 15______ to keep it for themselves.Money rules this country. 16______ the rich become leaders. And they approve rules to help their rich friends take 17______ of the workers. They are more than happy to give you a job, 18_____ you accept their terms. You must agree to work for low wages, 19______ increasing their profits.If you work very hard, you can 20______ the bank for a small house and car and a couple of children. That is the American dream today.1.Afor onceBfor oneCfurthermoreDmoreover2.AfundamentalBexperimentalCmentalDoriginal3.Ano matter whyBno matter whatCno matter howDno matter when4.AbelowBendCbottomDrear5.ALiving in the pastBFor the pastCIn the pastDAll in the past6.AdistantBinstantCconstantDreluctant7.AmakeBmakingCmarkDmarking8.Anothing else andBno one butCanything butDnothing but9.AvirtuallyBusuallyCrituallyDgradually10.AthoughBinsteadCtooDeither11.ApossessingBdepressingCdistressingDdismissing12.AassuranceBconsensusCpromiseDcompromise13.AoutsetBoutletCoutgoDoutlook14.AgrippedBgrabbedCheldDsnapped15.Ajust as wellBjust as soonCnot just anythingDjust about anything16.AStillBOnlyCSoDAs17.AadvantageBbenefitCadvanceDutmost18.AsuppliedBprovidedCassignedDequipped19.AthereforeBsoCtherebyDnearby20.AswallowBborrowCownDowe

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更多“America, the land of opportuni…”相关的问题


Throughout its history, America has been a land defined by religious faith and freedom.()


The first () came from Europe to America, the new land in the early 17th century.







Which is not the major environment issues of America?()A、Air pollutionB、Water shortageC

Which is not the major environment issues of America?()

A、Air pollution

B、Water shortage

C、Loss of agricultural land




Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?()A、China has more railway

A.China has more railways than Americ

B.America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.

C.Both America and China's climates vary greatly.

D.America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than Chin



The two areas on which the modem American writers concentrated their criticism were_______.

A. the failure of communication among Americans

B. the failures of American society

C. the extreme prosperity of America

D. the paradise of New Land



Passage Two The earliest immigrants to North America found Indians already living there. T

Passage Two

The earliest immigrants to North America found Indians already living there. The Indians numbered about 500,000 at that time. Their society was a primitive society, but they lived peacefully and welcomed the white strangers to the land. However, these early immigrants from Europe didn't want to share the land with the natives. They killed off many of the Indians, seized their land or pushed them off to lands farther away. Today the Indians, not more than halfa million, live in poverty and misery on the land on which they were once masters.

The earliest immigrants were the Spanish, who settled in the southern part of what is now the US The next large group were the English, after the English came the French, Dutch, Irish, Germans, and other nationality groups, mostly European.

Another early group to arrive were the Negroes. But they were brought in as slaves from Africa. They didn't win freedom till generations later.

40. Who were the earliest people living in North America?

A. The Spanish.

B. The English.

C. The Negroes.

D. The Indians.



Thousands of years before Columbus came to the New World, the American Indians entered Nor
th America by crossing a narrow strip of land that once connected Alaska and Siberia. The migrants entered a new world in which there were no people at all. But there were many animals to hunt, and there were forests where nuts, roots and berries could be gathered.

(27) When the Europeans came to the New World, the Indians, at first, taught the settlers how to plant corn, bake fish, make canoes and smoke tobacco. In return, the whites introduced horses, guns, gun-powder and alcohol. But at last, there were struggles for land, and the struggles could have only one result-war. When the wars were over, all Indians were moved to large tracts of land called reservations. Now, some of them, embittered by past mistreatment, are determined to preserve their tribal life; some wish to modernize the reservations. These alternatives, with many variations, are what most Indians have chosen-a future in modern technology and education, or the revival of ancient tradition and treaties.

The Indians entered North America______.

A.with Columbus

B.before Columbus did

C.after Columbus' arrival

D.in the 18th century



American Dreams There is a common response to America among foreign writers:the US is a

American Dreams

There is a common response to America among foreign writers:the US is a land of extremes where the best of things qre just as easily found as the worst.This is a cliche(陈词滥调).

In the land of black and white,people should not be too surprised to find some of the biggest gaps between the rich and the poor in the world.But the American Dream offers a way out to everyone.(46) No class system or govemment stands in the way.

Sadly,this old argument is no longer true.Over the past few decades there has been a fundamental shift in the structure of the American economy.

The gap between the rich and the poor has widened and widened.(47)

Over the past 25 years the median US family income has gone up 18 per cent.For the top 1 per cent,however,it has gone up 200 per cent.Twenty-five years ago the top fifth of Americans had an average income 6.7 times that of the bottom fifth.(48)

Inequalities have grown worse in different regions.In California,incomes for lower class families have fallen by 4 per cent since 1969.(49) This has led to an economy hugely in favor of a small group of very rich Americans.The wealthiest 1 per cent of households now control a third of the national wealth.There are now 37 million Americans living in poverty.At 12.7 per cent of the population,it is the highest percentage in the developed world.

Yet the tax burden on America’s rich is falling,not growing.(50) There was an economic theory holding that the rich spending more would benefit everyone as a whole.But clearly that theory has not worked in reality.

A.Nobody is poor in the US.

B.The top 0.01 per cent of households has seen its tax bite fall by a full 25 percentage points since 1980.

C.For upper class families they have risen 41 per cent.

D.Now it is 9.8 times.

E.As it does so,the possibility to cross that gap gets smaller and smaller.

F.All one has to do is to work hard and climb the ladder towards the top.



The agriculture revolution in the nineteenth century involved two things: the inventi
on of labor-saving machinery and the development of scientific agriculture. Labor-saving machinery naturally appeared first where labor was scarce. "In Europe", said Thomas Jefferson, "the object is to make the most of their land, labor being sufficient; here it is to make the most of our labor, land being abundant." It was in America, therefore, that the great advances in nineteenth-century agricultural machinery first came. At the opening of the century, with the exception of a crude (粗糙的) plow, farmers could have carried practically all of the existing agricultural tools on their backs. (80) By 1860, most of the machinery in use today had been designed in an early form. The most important of the early inventions was the iron plow. As early as 1890 Charles Newbolt of New Jersey had been working on the idea of a cast-iron plow and spent his entire fortune in introducing his invention. The farmers, however, would have none of it, claiming that the iron poisoned the soil and made the weeds grow. Nevertheless, many people devoted their attention to the plow, until in 1896, James Oliver of South Bend, Indiana, turned out the first chilled-steel plow.

The Word "here" (Para, 1, Line 3) refers to ______.



C.New Jersey




请根据短文内容,回答题。 Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?When people argue about whether coffee


Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?

When people argue about whether coffee is good for health, they&39;re usually thinking of the health of the coffee drinker. Is it good for your heart? Does it increase blood pressure? Does it help you concentrate? However, coffee affects the health of the human population in other ways, too.<br>

Traditionally, coffee bushes were planted under the canopy (树冠) of taller indigenous (土生土长的) trees. However, more and more farmers in Latin America are deforesting the land to grow full-sun coffees. At first, this increases production because more coffee bushes can be planted if there aren&39;t any trees. With increased production come increased profits.<br>

Unfortunately, deforesting for coffee production immediately decreases local wildlife habitat.<br>

Native birds nest and hide from predators (捕食者) in the tall trees and migrating birds rest there.<br>

Furthermore, in the long term, the full-sun method also damages the ecosystem because more chemical fertilizers and pesticides are needed to grow the coffee. The fertilizers and pesticides kill insects that eat coffee plant, but then the birds eat the poisoned insects and also die. The chemicals kill or sicken other animals as well, and can even enter the water that people will eventually drink.<br>

Fortunately, farmers in Central and South America are beginning to grow more coffee bushes in the shade. We can support these farmers by buying coffee with such labels as "shade grown" and "bird friendly". Sure, these varieties might cost a little more. But we&39;re paying for the health of the birds, the land, ourselves, and the planet. I think it&39;s worth it.

What is the main idea of this passage? 查看材料

A.Farmers are changing the way they grow coffee

B.Coffee is becoming more expensive to produce

C.Shade-grow coffee is more expensive than sun-grow coffee

D.People should buy shade-grown coffee



阅读题:A growing world population and the discoveries of science may alter this pattern of distribution in the future

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

A growing world population and the discoveries of science may alter this pattern of distribution in the future. As men slowly learn to master diseases, control floods, prevent famines, and stop wars, fewer people die every year; and in consequence the population of the world is steadily increasing. In 1925 there were about 2,000 million people in the world; by the end of the century there may well be over 4,000 million.

When numbers rise the extra mouths must be fed. New lands must be brought under cultivation, or land already farmed made to yield larger crops. In some areas the accessible land is so intensively cultivated that it will be difficult to make it provide more food. In some areas the population is so dense that the land is parceled out in units too tiny to allow for much improvement in farming methods. Were a large part of this farming population drawn off into industrial occupations, the land might be farmed much more productively by modern methods.

There is now a race for science, technology, and industry to keep the output of food rising faster than the number of people to be fed. New strains of crops are being developed which will thrive in unfavorable climates: there are now farms beyond the Arctic Circle in Siberia and North America; irrigation and dry-farming methods bring arid lands under the plough, dams hold back the waters of great rivers to ensure water for the fields in all seasons and to provide electric power for new industries; industrial chemistry provides fertilizers to suit particular soils; aeroplanes spray crops to destroy locusts and many plant diseases. Every year some new means is devised to increase or to protect the food of the world.

31. The author says that the world population is growing because _____.

A) there are many rich valleys and fertile plains

B) the pattern of distribution is being altered

C) people are living longer

D) new land is being brought under cultivation

32. The author says that in densely populated areas the land might be more productively farmed if _____.

A) the plots were subdivided

B) a large part of the people moved to a different part of the country

C) industrial methods were used in farming

D) the units of land were made much larger

33. We are told that there are now farms beyond the Arctic Circle. This has been made possible by _____.

A) producing new strains of crops

B) irrigation and dry-farming methods

C) providing fertilizers

D) destroying pests and disease

34. Which of these words is nearest in meaning to the word "strains"?

A) types B) sizes

C) seeds D) harvests

35. The author's main purpose is to _____.

A) argue for a belief B) describe a phenomenon

C) entertain D) propose a conclusion

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