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Doctors have said that as many as 50% of patients don't take medicine ().

A.like directed

B.to be directed

C.as directed

D.so that directed

C、as directed
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Doctors have said that as many as 50 percent of patients don't take medicine _____()

A.like directed

B.to be directed

C.as directed

D.thus directed



Exercise B: Complete the following sentences with what you have remembered. 1. The Garzas
1____ Felipe to the hospital. Doctors at the hospital had terrible news for the Garzas. " Felipe’s 2_____,” the doctors said: “ We can’t save him.” 2. She has to have regular 3_____, and she has to take 4_____ every day. But she is living a normal life.



A report published today by British doctors showed some worrying trends, but also some p
ositive signs that in the long- term the country’s health might improve. The report was based on two years of interviews with family doctors about their patients.

The doctors expressed concern that patients were eating too much and were generally overweight. The doctors said this was particularly worrying as they were seeing more and more young people with weight problems. But it was not just their patients eating too much concerned doctors, but the quality of the food as well.

The doctors said that many of their patients led busy lives and did not have time to cook traditional meals. Because of this many of them were turning to unhealthy fast foods. Sales

of this type of food have been increasing steadily over the last decade, although there were signs that the rate of growth is declining. The doctors felt that there was a clear link between over- consuming of fast food and health problems among their patients.

But the report was not all bad news. The doctors interviewed also reported an increased awareness of the importance of healthy eating among their patients. Many reported an increase

in the number of patients they see who had switched to a healthy organic diet.

41.The report was_____________________.

A). mainly bad news B). all bad news C). all good news D). mainly good news 42. The doctors expressed concern about the problem of ___________________. A). patient’s eating too much B). patient’s quality of the food

C). both the patient’s eating too much and low quality of the food. D). old patients’ overweight

43.The doctors said that many of their patients didn’t cook traditional meals because__________________.

A). patients led busy lives and they have no time to cook the traditional meals. B). patients liked to have some fast food.

C). patients believed that traditional cook were not delicious D). patients often went out for dinner

44. At the moment sales of fast food______________. A). are growing rapidly B). are growing slowing C). are declining

D). are at the same speed as before

45. Doctors report that more of their patients _________________. A). are aware of the importance of healthy eating B). don’t care about healthy eating

C). are stopping eating fast foods D). turn to fast food more often



Has a doctor ever given you a note to take to the drugstore for some medicine? Are yo
u able to read the note easily? Some doctors write clearly but most doctors do not. Chemists have more chances to read doctors' notes but sometimes doctors write so badly that even the chemist can't read them.

One day a lady wrote to a doctor inviting him to have dinner at her house. The doctor wrote an answer, but he didn't write clearly and the lady could not read it.

"What shall I do?" she said to her husband, "I don't know whether he is coming or not. I don't want to give him a telephone call and say that I can't read his writing." Her husband thought a moment, then he had an idea. "Thank you" said his wife. "That's a very good idea."

She went to the drugstore and gave the doctor's note to the chemist. The chemist looked at it very carefully. Then he said politely, "Could you wait a moment, madam?" He went to the back of the drugstore. After a few minutes he returned, carrying a large bottle. He gave the bottle to the lady and said, "Three times a day and one spoonful at a time."

1)、A chemist is a person who sells medicine.



2)、The lady wrote the doctor a letter because she wanted to invite him to dinner.



3)、The husband thought the letter was for the chemist.



4)、After reading the story, we know the chemist could read the doctor's note.



5)、The author thinks that some doctors write notes clearly.





仔细阅读:Saying they can no longer ignore the rising prices of health care, some of the most influential medical groups

Saying they can no longer ignore the rising prices of health care, some of the most influential medical groups in the nation are recommending that doctors weigh the costs, not just the effectiveness of treatment, as they make decisions about patient care.

The shift, little noticed outside the medical establishment but already controversial inside it, suggests that doctors are starting to redefine their roles, from being concerned exclusively about individual patients to exerting influence on how healthcare dollars are spent.

In practical terms, the new guidelines being developed could result in doctors choosing one drug over another for cost reasons or even deciding that a particular treatment-at the end of life, for example-is too expensive. In the extreme, some critics have said that making treatment decisions based on cost is a form. of rationing.

Traditionally, guidelines have heavily influenced the practice of medicine, and the latest ones are expected to make doctors more conscious of the economic consequences of their decisions, even though there's no obligation to follow them. Medical society guidelines are also used by insurance companies to help determine reimbursement(报销)policies.

Some doctors see a potential conflict in trying to be both providers of patient care and financial overseers.

"There should be forces in society who should be concerned about the budget, but they shouldn't be functioning simultaneously as doctors," said Dr. Martin Samuels at a Boston hospital. He said doctors risked losing the trust of patients if they told patients, "I'm not going to do what I think is best for you because I think it's bad for the healthcare budget in Massachusetts."

Doctors can face some grim trade-offs. Studies have shown, for example, that two drugs are about equally effective in treating macular degeneration, an eye disease. But one costs $50 a dose and the other close to $2,000. Medicare could save hundreds of millions of dollars a year if everyone used the cheaper drug. Avastin, instead of the costlier one, Lucentis.

But the Food and Drug Administration has not approved Avastin for use in the eye, and using it rather than the alternative, Lucentis, might carry an additional, although slight, safety risk. Should doctors consider Medicare's budget in deciding what to use?

"I think ethically(在道德层面上)we are just worried about the patient in front of us and not trying to save money for the insurance industry or society as a whole," said Dr. Donald Jensen.

Still, some analysts say that there's a role for doctors to play in cost analysis because not many others are doing so. "In some ways," said Dr. Daniel Sulmasy, "it represents a failure of wider society to take up the issue."

57.What do some most influential medical groups recommend doctors do?

A.Reflect on the responsibilities they are supposed to take.

B.Pay more attention to the effectiveness of their treatments.

C.Take costs into account when making treatment decisions.

D.Readjust their practice in view of the cuts in health care.

58.What were doctors mainly concerned about in the past?

A.Specific medicines to be used.

B.Professional advancement.

C.Effects of medical treatment.

D.Patients' trust.

59.What may the new guidelines being developed lead to?

A.The redefining of doctors' roles.

B.Conflicts between doctors and patients.

C.Overuse of less effective medicines.

D.The prolonging of patients' suffering.

60.What risk do doctors see in their dual role as patient care providers and financial overseers?

A.They may be involved in a conflict of interest.

B.They may be forced to divide their attention.

C.They may have to use less effective drugs.

D.They may lose the respect of patients.

61.What do some experts say about doctors' involvement in medical cost analysis?

A.It may add to doctors' already heavy workloads.

B.It will help to save money for society as a whole.

C.It results from society's failure to tackle the problem.

D.It raises doctors' awareness of their social responsibilities.



A scientific panel convened by the World Health organization recommended guidelines on Fri
day for doctors conducting clinical studies of SARS patients. The panel urged doctors to apply the guidelines in analyzing the masses of potentially useful information about various therapies that were collected in this year’s epidemic. Much of that information has not been published or analyzed.

"It is a matter of urgency to get better analysis and review," said Dr. Simon Mardel, a WHO official who led the two-day meeting that ended on Friday. He said thousands of potential therapies and compounds had been tested so far as researchers try to determine treatments for SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. "We recognize that having no treatment for SARS is hindering our ability to control an epidemic in so many ways." He said.

In the epidemic earlier this year, various treatments, like drugs to fight the virus or strengthen the immune system, as well as traditional Chinese medicine, were delivered under emergency conditions, in widely different settings and countries to patients suffering from varying stages of the illness. Those conditions--generally without standardized measurements or controlled situations-- have made it hard to interpret results.

Standard supportive therapy like nursing, and in severe cases the use of mechanical respirators (呼吸器) to help patients breathe, is the mainstay (主要支持) of SARS care, and helped many patients survive. But doctors still do not know how best to treat SARS patients who have breathing difficulties, Dr. Mardel said. One method is invasive ventilation. A second method involves blowing oxygen into the lungs through a mask. Both carry the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital employees. Without proper analysis, the panel was unable to say definitively which treatment worked best, or which caused the most harm. "There is a lack of shared information," Dr. Mardel said, noting that a lot of data have not been published.

The panel also agreed on guidelines that would allow doctors to conduct quick and safe clinical trials, a process that generally takes years to complete. The World Health organization, a United Nations agency did not release the guidelines. Dr. Mardel said they were flexible because no one knew where, when and in what setting SARS would return. Experts in many countries have already listed the treatments they want to test, and the health agency is leaving these decisions to individual nations.

Guidelines recommended by the scientific panel can be used for______.

A.gathering potentially useful information about various therapies collected

B.conducting clinical studies of SAR8 patients

C.determining treatment for SARS

D.published all the information about SARS



In the United States, about 750, 000 persons have suffered AIDS. More than one half of the
m have died.

But doctors say evidence also shows there is no reason for persons to become terrified by the disease. The AIDS virus is spread during sex with an infected partner, or by infected blood. But doctors say their studies show the disease is not spread through normal, close social activities.

A study by one research team was printed in the New England Journal of Medicine. The doctors studied one-hundred-one family members who lived with AIDS and lived in crowded conditions. The family members shared many personal goods with the patients. These included toothbrushes, drinking glasses, beds, towels and toilets.

Doctors said only one family member—a five-year-old girl—got the AIDS virus. They note, however, that the girl's mother had the disease. They believe the girl probably was born with the virus. No other family member in the study got the AIDS virus or showed any signs of the disease.

The head of the study, Gerald Friedland, said if the disease is not easily spread in crowded homes, it also will not spread easily in factories, offices, schools and other public places. (67) Doctor Friedland said the study also shows there is no reason to punish AIDS patients and to force them to live separately from other persons.

American health officials recently warned, however, that some health care workers should take special care. The report noted the AIDS virus is carried in blood and other body fluids. It said health care workers should put protective covers over their eyes and skin during medical operations, dental work, or other times when the patient may bleed.

(68)In the United States, most AIDS patients are homosexual people, people taking drugs, people who used infected needles, and persons who received infected blood. More recent studies show the AIDS virus also can be spread during heterosexual(异性的)relations. It can spread either from the man to the woman, or from the woman to the man.

Doctors say there is no reason for people to be frightened about AIDS because______.

A.it is not deadly

B.few people are infected with AIDS

C.the AIDS virus is not spread in everyday social activities

D.the AIDS virus is not spread during sex



填空:Years ago, doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life. In particular

Questions 36-45 are based on the following passage.

Years ago, doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life. In particular, when older patients ____36____ of pain, they were told it was a natural part of aging and they would have to learn to, live with it.

Times have changed. Today, we take pain ____37____. Indeed, pain is now considered the fifth vital, as important as blood pressure, temperature, breathing rate and pulse in ____38____a person's well-being. We know that chronic(慢性的) pain can disrupt (扰乱的) a person's life, causing problems that ____39 ____ from missed work todepression.

That's why a growing number of hospitals now depend upon physicians who ____40____ in pain medicine. Not onlydo we evaluate the cause of the pain, which can help us treat the pain better, but we also help providecomprehensive therapy for depression and other psychological and social ____41____ related to chronic pain. Suchcomprehensive therapy often ____42 ____ the work of social workers, psychiatrists (心理医生) and psychologists, aswell as specialists in pain medicine.

This modem ____43____ for pain management has led to a wealth of innovative treatments which are more effectiveand with fewer side effects than ever before. Decades ago, there were only a ____44 ____number of drugs available, andmany of them caused ____45 ____ side effects in older people, including dizziness and fatigue. This created a double-edged sword: the medications helped relieve the pain but caused other problems that could be worse than the painitself.


















Mrs. Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class. 威克斯老师正在读报纸上的一个故
事给她班上的学生听。 The story said:

"Were you ever in a hospital when you were small? How did you feel?" The doctors in Children's Hospital are asking for money for children's toys. Some children in the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks. Toys are needed to keep the sick children happy and quiet. Money for them can be sent to the hospital.

After Mrs. Weeks read the story,she said,"This story gave me an idea."

"You want us to bring some money for the toys." "We could bring some of our own toys for the children in the hospital, "said the boys and the girls one after another.

"Well, your ideas would be nice, "Mrs. Weeks said, "but mine is different."

"We could make some toys, "shouted one of them.

Mrs. Weeks smiled. "Do you think you could make toys?" she asked.

"Yes, yes, "the whole class answered.

"Great! Let's begin to make toys tomorrow, "said Mrs. Weeks.

On Saturday afternoon,Mrs. Weeks took the children to the hospital with the toys made by her students. The children in the hospital felt very happy to see the toys. So did the children in the class.

A few days later,Mrs. Weeks read another newspaper story to the class:

Some school pupils brought toys to Children's Hospital last week. The toys were made by the pupils of Grade Three in Green Street School. The doctors said,"We have never had so many wonderful toys. Our children are very happy with them. They say,'THANK YOU,GRADE THREE.'"

(1)、The first newspaper story was mainly about sick children in children's Hospital.



(2)、Let the class make some toys and give them to the children in the hospital was in Mrs. Weeks' mind.



(3)、At first,the doctors in Children's Hospital wanted to get some money to buy toys for the sick children.



(4)、From the passage we can learn that what Mrs. Weeks really wanted to do is to ask her class to save money for toys.



(5)、The author's tone in this passage is enthusiastic.





Brain-dead Mother Dies after Giving Birth A brain-dead woman who was kept alive for three

Brain-dead Mother Dies after Giving Birth

A brain-dead woman who was kept alive for three months so she could deliver the child she was carrying was removed from life support on Wednesday and died, a day after giving birth.

"This is obviously a bittersweet time for our family," Justin Torres, the woman's brother-in-law, said in a statement.

Susan Torres, a cancer-stricken, 26-year-old researcher at the National Institutes of Health, suffered a stroke in May after the melanoma (黑瘤) spread to her brain.

Her family decided to keep her alive to give her foetus (胎儿) a chance. It became a race between the foetus' development and the cancer that was destroying the woman's body.

Doctors said that Torres' health was getting worse and that the risk of harm to the foetus finally outweighed the benefits of extending the pregnancy.

Torres gave birth to a daughter by Caesarean section (剖腹产手术) on Tuesday at Virginia Hospital Center. The baby was two months premature and weighed about a kilogram. She was in the newborn intensive care unit.

Dr Donna Tilden-Archer, the hospital's director of neonatology (新生儿学), described the child as "very vigorous." She said the baby had responded when she received stimulation, indicating she was healthy,

Doctors removed Torres from life support early Wednesday with the consent of her husband, Jason Torres, after she received the final sacrament (圣礼) of the Roman Catholic Church.

"We thank all of those who prayed and provided support for Susan, the baby and our family," Jason Torres said in a statement. "We especially thank God for giving us little Susan. My wife's courage will never be forgotten."

English-language medical literature contains at least 11 cases since 1979 of irreversibly brain-damaged women whose lives were prolonged for the benefit of the developing foetus, according to the University of Connecticut Health Center.

Dr Christopher McManus, who coordinated care for Susan Torres, put the infant's chances of developing cancer at less than 25 per cent. He said 19 women who have had the same aggressive form. of melanoma as Torres have given birth, and five of their babies became iii with the disease.

Susan Torres died soon after

A.she suffered a stroke.

B.she became brain-dead.

C.she was diagnosed with cancer.

D.she gave birth to a baby.



翻译句子The doctors said that he would gain his mobility back and be able to function
normally, it would just take time.

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