题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conve

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:W: The undergraduates could hardly understand the French lecture which was given last week.

M: Neither could the graduate students.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The graduate students could understand the lecture.

B.Neither the undergraduate students nor the graduate students could understand the lecture.

C.Both the undergraduate students and the graduate students could understand the lecture.

D.The undergraduate students could understand the lecture.

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Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required

Section A

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D.

It is the general manager who makes the ______decisions in business.







Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. T

Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D.


A.He does not have a phone.

B.He will make the call for her.

C.The woman can use his phone.

D.The phone is out of order.



Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questi

Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.


A.About 3 miles.

B.You can take the No. 2 bus.

C.In half an hour.

D.It's very near.



Section ADirections: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of e

Section A

Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

听力原文:M: I've noticed that you get letters from Canada from time to time. Would you mind saving the stamps for me? My sister collects them.

W: My roommate already asked for them.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.She will save stamps for the man's sister.

B.She can't give stamps to the man's sister.

C.She will no longer get letters from Canada.

D.She has given the stamps to the man's roommate.



Section ADirections: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translationS
ection A Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. One of the chief concerns of wildlife management is the protection and improvement of the nature habitat so that animals have enough food and water to survive. Wildlife management involves care of the soil to produce good vegetation it also involves care of plants, not only as a source of food, but also as protection. Animals need cover to hide from their natural enemies and to raise their young safely. Just as crops are harvested wildlife too must sometimes be ’harvested’. By allowing limited hunting, good management can control certain species that threaten to overpopulate their habitat.



Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

What determines the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were【S1】______. The study of how genes and environment interact to influence【S2】______activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important【S3】______to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology influences mind, brain and behavior.Any research that suggests that【S4】______to perform. certain behaviors are based in biology is controversial. Who wants to be told that there are limitations to what you can【S5】______based on something that is beyond your control, such as your genes? It is easy to accept that genes control physical characteristics such as sex, race and eye color. But can genes also determine whether people will get divorced, how【S6】______they are, or what career they are likely to choose? A concern of psychological scientists is the【S7】______to which all of these characteristics are influenced by nature and nurture(养育) , by genetic makeup and the environment. Increasingly, science【S8】______that genes lay the groundwork for many human traits. From this perspective, people are born【S9】______like undeveloped photographs: The image is already captured, but the way it【S10】______appears can vary based on the development process. However, the basic picture is there from the beginning.

A) abilities I) extent

B) achieve J) indicates

C) appeal K) proceeds

D) complaints L) psychological

E) contributions M) raised

F) displayed N) smart

G) essentially O) standard H) eventually














Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Plagiarism is the practice of dishonestly claiming or implying original authorship of material which one has not actually created, such as when a person incorporates material from someone else's work into his own work without attributing it. The United States of America Office of Research Integrity【C1】______ plagiarism as "the appropriation of another person's idea, processes, results or words without【C2】______ appropriate credit". Moreover, Shakespeare's appropriation of stories into his plays may be considered plagiarism except that Shakespeare【C3】______ claimed that the stories were his own.

Within academia, plagiarism is seen as【C4】______ dishonesty and is a serious and punishable academic offense.

There is little academic research into the frequency of plagiarism. Any research that has taken place has【C5】______ on universities (high educations). Of the【C6】______ of cheating (including plagiarism, inventing data and cheating during an exam), students admit to plagiarism more than any other. 25% to 90% of students admit to plagiarism. However, this figure【C7】______ considerably to 20% and 10% when students are asked about the frequency of "serious" plagiarism (such as copying most of an assignment, or purchasing a【C8】______ paper from a website).

Plagiarism is not necessarily the same as copyright infringement(侵害), which occurs when one violates copyright law. The copying of a few sentences for a【C9】______ is fair use under copyright law, but, if not attributed to the true【C10】______ , it is plagiarism.

A) increases I) never

B) focused J) complete

C) social K) decreases

D) forms L) depended

E) quotation M) author

F) ever N) defined

G) giving O) paragraph

H) academic




Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

The more time children spend watching television the poorer they perform. academically, according to three studies published on Monday.【S1】______television viewing has been blamed for increasing rates of childhood obesity(肥胖)and for aggressive behavior, while its【S2】______on schooling have been inconclusive, researchers said.

But studies published on the topic in this month' s Archives of Pediatrics(小儿科)& Adolescent Medicine concluded television viewing【S3】______to have an adverse effect(反作用)on academic pursuits. For【S4】______, children who had televisions in their bedrooms--and【S5】______watched more TV--scored lower on standardized tests than those who did not have sets in their rooms. In contrast, the study found having a home computer with【S6】______to the Internet resulted in comparatively higher test scores.

"Consistently, those with a bedroom television but no【S7】______home computer had, on aver age, the lowest scores and those with home computer but no bedroom television had the highest scores," wrote study author Dina Borzekowski of Johns Hopkins University.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has【S8】______parents to limit children' s television viewing to no more than one to two hours per day--and to try to keep younger Children away from TV altogether.

In two other studies published in the same journal, children who【S9】______watched television before the age of 3 ended up with lower test scores later on, and children and adolescents who watched more television were less【S10】______. to go on to finish high school or earn a college degree.

A)Inadequate I)urged

B)available J)Excessive

C)regularly K)instance

D)therefore L)reception

E)access M)tended

F)likely N)Ordinary

G)impact O)Limitless





Section ADirections: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incompl

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

That experiences influence subsequent behaviour is evidence of an obvious but nevertheless remarkable activity called remembering. Learning could not occur without the function popularly named memory. Constant practice has such an effect on memory as to lead to skillful performance on the piano, to recitation of a poem, and even to reading and. understanding these words. So-called intelligent behaviour demands memory, remembering being a primary requirement for reasoning. The ability to solve any problem or even to recognize that a problem exists depends on memory. Typically, the decision to cross a street is based on remembering many earlier experiences.

Practice (or review) tends to build and maintain memory for a task or for any learned material. Over a period of no practice what has been learned tends to be forgotten; and the adaptive consequences may not seem obvious. Yet, dramatic instances of sudden forgetting can be seen to be adaptive. In this sense, the ability to forget can be interpreted to have survived through a process of natural selection in animals. Indeed, when one's memory of an emotionally painful experience leads to serious anxiety, forgetting may produce relief. Nevertheless, an evolutionary interpretation might make it difficult to understand how the commonly gradual process of forgetting survived natural selection.

In thinking about the evolution of memory together with all its possible aspects, it is helpful to consider what would happen if memories failed to fade. Forgetting clearly aids orientation in time, since old memories weaken and the new tend to stand out, providing clues for inferring duration. Without forgetting, adaptive ability would suffer; for example, learned behaviour that might have been correct a decade ago may no longer be. Cases are recorded of people who (by ordinary standards) forgot so little that their everyday activities were full of confusion. Thus forgetting seems to serve the survival of the individual and the species.

Another line of thought assumes a memory storage system of limited capacity that provides adaptive flexibility specifically through forgetting. In this view, continual adjustments are made between learning or memory storage (input) and forgetting (output). Indeed, there is evidence that the rate at which individuals forget is directly related to how much they have learned. Such data offer gross support of contemporary models of memory that assume an input-output balance.

According to Para.1, memory plays an important role in______.



Section III Reading Comprehension(60 minutes)Part ADirections :Read the following four te

Section III Reading Comprehension

(60 minutes)

Part A

Directions :

Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.

Text 1

Inflation has just exploded. The real problem is that we have an underlying rate of inflation-an impetus of wages chasing prices-of maybe 9 percent that is heading towards 10 percent. There also have been tremendous shocks in energy ,food and housing prices ,making it worse.

By the end of the year ,we will be in a situation where year in ,year out, we can look forward to at least 10 percent inflation. And the question will be: How much worse will oil ,food and housing prices make that?

The situation has degenerated to the point that the only way to turn it around is to think of some very extreme changes in policy. A policy of gradualism ,where you're talking about a mild re- cession and another l t0 2 million people unemployed ,won't make much difference. Postponing ac-tion just means that inflation presses further and is even more difficult to deal with.

You have to start with revenue and monetary restraint. All the burden now is on monetary poli-cy. We should shift to a much more restrictive revenue policy and an easier monetary policy. To be Significant ,the 1981 budget should be cut by at least 20 billion dollars from 616 billion President Carter proposed. That's a major cut in government programs-and very hard to do. It's impossible if you save defense and all the programs indexed for changes in the cost of living.

So it means cuts across the board in every area-including the indexed programs ,such as So-cial Security and food stamps. State and local-government revenue-sharing programs are another ma-jor candidate. You've also got to reopen the 1980 budget and cut that.

Then I would favor wage and price controls to break the impetus of the wage-price interaction .In order to get quick results ,l 'd set the standard around 5 0r 6 percent for both wages and prices .Basically ,you're aiming to cut the rate of inflation in half the first year. There would be no excep-tions ,but you would focus on large corporations and .major labor settlements.

For the special sectors where the big shocks have occurred ,controls won't work .lnstead ,you need additional policies in each one of those areas.

There are no cheap or easy solutions to the inflation problem. My answer is to take all the things that everybody wants to do ,and instead of choosing among them ,do all of them. We've got to think in terms of a comprehensive program.

41.ln the author's opinion ,the high inflation rate in the US was accompanied by

[ A] energy crises.

[ B ] mounting wages.

[ C] housing shortage.

[ D] shrinking market.



Section Ⅱ Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer t

Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points) Text 1 It is curious that StephenKoziatekfeels almost as though he has to justify his efforts to give his students a better future. Mr.Koziatek is part of something pioneering. He is a teacher at a New Hampshire high school where learning is not something of books and tests and mechanical memorization, but practical. When did it become accepted wisdom that students should be able to name the 13th president of the United States but be utterly overwhelmed by a broken bike chain?

As Koziatek knows,there is learning in just about everything. Nothing is necessarily gained by forcing students to learn geometry at a graffitied desk stuck with generations of discarded chewing gum. They can also learn geometry by assembling a bicycle.

But he’s also found a kind of insidious prejudice. Working with your hands is seen as almost a mark of inferiority.Schools in the family of vocationaleducation“have that stereotype..that it’s for kids who can’t make it academically,”he says.

On one hand,that viewpoint is a logical product of America’s evolution.Manufacturing is not the economic engine that it once was.The job security that the US economy once offered to high school graduates has largely evaporated.More education is the new principle.We want more for our kids,and rigitfully so.

But the headlong push into bachelor’s degrees for all -and the subtle devaluing of anything less-misses an important point:That’s not the only thing the American economy neds.Yes,a bachelor’s degree opens more doors.But even now,54 percent of the jobs in the country are middle-skill jobs,such as construction and high-skill manufacturing.But only 44 percent of workers are adequately trained.

In other words,at a time when the working class has turned the country on its political head,frustrated that the opportunity that once defined America is vanishing,one obvious solution is staring us in the face.There is a gap in working-class jobs,but the workers who need those jobs most aren’t equipped to do them.Koziatek’s Manchester School of Technology High School is trying to fill that gap.

Koziatek’s school is a wake-up call.When education becomes one-size-fits-all,it risks overlooking a nation’s diversiy of gifts.

21.A brokan bike chain is mentioned to show students’ lack of______.

A.mechanical memorization

B.academic training

C.practical ability

D.pioneering spirit

22.There existsthe prejudice that vocational education is for kids who______.

A.are financially disadvantaged

B.are not academically successful

C.have a stereotyped mind

D.have no career motivation

23.We can infer from Paragraph 5 that high school graduates______.

A.are entitled to more “ducational privileges

B.are reluctant to work in manufacturing

C.used to have more job opportunities

D.used to have big financial concerns

24.The headlong push into bacheloi’s degrees for all_____.

A.helps create a lot of middle-skill jobs

B.may narrow the gap in working-class jobs

C.is expected to yield a better-trained workforce

D.indicates the overvaluing of higher education

25.The author’s attitude toward Koziatek’s school can be described as_____.





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