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A. job B. idea C. opinion D. work


B. idea

C. opinion

D. work

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阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。PPHC and Gooseneck


PPHC and Gooseneck are two organizations that do similar community work. Each has hired a new staff member to make contact with and provide services to new parents.

Elainehas accepted a job with PPHC. She has a degree in psychology but has never done this type of work before. On her first day, after showing her to her desk and introducing her tocolleagues, the director gives her a town map and a list of the names of the families she will be responsible for, and wishes her luck. After lunch, Elaine sets out to contact the families, worried about what she’ll do or say when she meets them.

Mark has a degree similar to Elaine’s, and has just been hired by Gooseneck. On his first day, he learns thathis job will consist of training for the next week. Mark spends two days going on family visits with experienced staff members, and discusses with them what they did and why. He role-plays some situations with other staff members, and gets some direct instruction from them. By the following week, when he’s on his own, he feels he has a pretty good idea of what he needs to do, and how to go about it. And he knows that his training will continue.

Which situation would you rather be in, being thrown into the thick of things with no trainingor being trained to preparefor the work you’re going to do?

1. What are PPHC and Gooseneck? {A、B、C}

A. They are two companies that do similar business.

B. They are two organizations that do different community work.

C. They are two organizations that do similar community work.

2. Which degree does Elaine have? {A、B、C}

A. Psychology degree.

B. Physiology degree.

C. Sociology degree.

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? {A、B、C}

A. Elaine has done this type of community work so her organization doesn’t provide staff training.

B. Markhas a clear idea of his job after the training.

C. Mark knows his training comes to an end.

4. How is Mark trained to be prepared for his work? {A、B、C}

A. Mark spends two days on family visits with experienced staff members and discuss with them.

B. Mark role-plays some situations with other staff members and gets some direct instruction from them.

C. Both A and B.

5. What is the main idea of the passage? {A、B、C}

A. The importance of training.

B. Different training ways.

C. Elaine’s and Mark’s work experience.



PPHC and Gooseneck are two organizations that do similar community work. Each has hired a new staff member to make contact with and provide services to new parents.

PPHC and Gooseneck are two organizations that do similar community work. Each has hired a new staff member to make contact with and provide services to new parents.

Elaine has accepted a job with PPHC. She has a degree in psychology but has never done this type of work before. On her first day, after showing her to her desk and introducing her to colleagues, the director gives her a town map and a list of the names of the families she will be responsible for, and wishes her luck. After lunch, Elaine sets out to contact the families, worried about what she'll do or say when she meets them.

Mark has a degree similar to Elaine's, and has just been hired by Gooseneck. On his first day, he learns that his job will consist of training for the next week. Mark spends two days going on family visits with experienced staff members, and discusses with them what they did and why. He role-plays some situations with other staff members, and gets some direct instruction from them. By the following week, when he's on his own, he feels he has a pretty good idea of what he needs to do, and how to go about it. And he knows that his training will continue.

Which situation would you rather be in, being thrown into the thick of things with no training or being trained to prepare for the work you're going to do?

21. What are PPHC and Gooseneck?

A. They are two companies that do similar business.

B. They are two organizations that do different community work.

C. They are two organizations that do similar community work.

22. Which degree does Elaine have?

A. Psychology degree.

B. Physiology degree.

C. Sociology degree.

23. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Elaine has done this type of community work so her organization doesn't provide staff training.

B. Mark has a clear idea of his job after the training.

C. Mark knows his training comes to an end.

24. How is Mark trained to be prepared for his work?

A. Mark spends two days on family visits with experienced staff members and discuss with them.

B. Mark role-plays some situations with other staff members and gets some direct instruction from them.

C.Both A and B.

25. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The importance of training.

B. Different training ways.

C. Elaine's and Mark's work experience.



阅读理解HOW DO YOU CREATE A CULTURE OF INNOVATION?Have you noticed the courage buried in



Have you noticed the courage buried in the word encourage? To create a culture in which innovation flourishes takes courage. Determined innovators are always courageous enough to establish a culture in which innovation is greatly encouraged and rewarded. Here are three ways to do that.

Put innovation at the heart of strategy, and persist it in every message. Think of innovation strategy as a pyramid: big bets at the top, a few projects in development in the middle, and a broad base of continuous improvements, lasting contributions, and early-stage new ideas at the bottom.

Define jobs around innovation. Make it a job prerequisite. Consider 3M’s move to become one of the first companies to tell professionals that they could spend 15 percent of their time on projects of their own choosing. Now many high-tech companies know that they can’t get the best talent without providing this kind of flexibility. And some of those self-selected, self-organized projects might even result in a blockbuster product or line of business. For 3M, it was the Post-it note.

Recognize innovation in every part of the company. To build a culture of creativity and innovation, Gillette developed an innovation fair in which every unit could show off its most promising new concepts. It shows that everyone has a role to play in a culture of innovation.

To go from idea to successful innovation requires a great deal of support and collaboration. When people are surrounded by constant communication and encouragement, they can find the courage to try, fail, redo, and try again.


1. What is necessary in creating innovation culture?{A; B; C}




2. How does 3M create its innovation culture?{A; B; C}

A. Put innovation at the heart of strategy, and persist it in every message.

B. define jobs around innovation.

C. Recognize innovation in every part of the company.

3. The word prerequisite in “Make it a job prerequisite” means {A; B; C}.

A. required as a prior condition

B. going after

C. prior to request

4. How does Gillette create its innovation culture?{A; B; C}

A. Put innovation at the heart of strategy, and persist it in every message.

B. define jobs around innovation.

C. Recognize innovation in every part of the company.

5. The formation from idea to innovation needs {A; B; C}.

A. discussion and revise

B. failure and courage

C. support and cooperation



Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry in the collecting of those f
ascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo. One of the questions that is always asked of me is 1 I became an animal collector in the first 2 .The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos. According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any 3 was not the conventional"mamma"or"daddy", 4 the word "zoo", which I would 5 over and over again with a shrill 6 until someone 7 me up, would take me to the zoo. When I 8 a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great 9 of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time 10 the countryside in search of fresh specimens to 11 to my collection of pets. 12 on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student 13 , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches, 14 were not easy to keep at home. When I left, I 15 had enough money of my own to be able to 16 my first trip and I have been going 17 ever since then. Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of 18 , it is certainly a job which will appeal 19 all those who love animals and 20 .

1. A. how B. where C. when D. whether

2. A. region B. field C. place D. case

3. A. clarity B. emotion C. sentiment D. affection

4. A. except B. but C. except for D. but for

5. A. recite B. recognize C. read D. repeat

6. A. volume B. noise C. voice D. pitch

7. A. close B. shut C. stop D. comfort

8. A. grew B. was growing C. grow D. grown

9. A. many B. amount C. number D. supply

10. A. living B. cultivating C. reclaiming D. exploring

11. A. increase B. include C. add D. enrich

12. A.Later B.Further C.Then D.Subsequently

13. A. attendant B. keeper C. member D. aide

14. A. who B. they C. of which D. which

15. A. luckily B. gladly C. nearly D. successfully

16. A. pay B. provide C. allow D. finance

17. A. normally B. regularly C. usually D. often

18. A. expectations B. sorrows C. excitement D. disappointments

19. A. for B. with C. to D. from

20. A. excursion B. travel C. journey D. Trip



Career Change :A. People who are thinking about changing careers are often afraid

Career Change

A. People who are thinking about changing careers are often afraid of what will happen if they quit their job. Will they find another one? Will they like another field as well as the one they are in now? Will they be able to grow and advance in a new organization?

B. As these questions come to mind, they should try to figure out the answers so they can reach a decision. Although there is a high rate of unemployment in some countries, there are usually jobs for skill ed workers who ca use computers or other equipment. Those who have specialized training in these areas can generally find a position without too much effort.

C .The question of whether they' II like another field more than their current one is also a crucial one. While it' s nice to dream about having another job , the reality may be that they aren't suited for it. For example , if an architect likes to cook but has no idea about how to run a business , it may be risky for him to open a restaurant. He can cook for his friends on weekends and satisfy his dreams of being a chef in that way.

D. Another good way for a person to find out if she will be successful in a new field is to try it out as a part-time job. Being an event planner sounds glamorous but helping friends with parties or weddings might show her that it also very stressful. However, if she has the creativity and organization necessary for such a position , she can continue to plan events for friends until she builds up a reputation. Then she can leave her current job to look for a job in event planning knowing that she' ll be successful in this area.

E. Once a person has found his or her specialty and decides on the change , it' s necessary to stick with it until the business gets off the ground. This usually takes about five years. If the move has been from one company to another, the person should stay until it is clear he is doing a good job and can advance to a higher position. Following this advice will make the transition smoother and the career change successful.

For each question , choose the best answer based on the reading sage. Write A , B , C or D on your Answer Sheet.

21. According to the reading , people who think about changing careers generally____.

A. quit their jobs

B. are afraid of quitting their jobs

C. find another one right away

D. grow and advance in a new organization

22. There is a high rate of unemployment in some countries , but skilled workers____.

A. lose their jobs

B. try to reach a decision

C. use computers

D. with training can still get jobs

23. If a person dreams about doing another job,____.

A. he is suited for it

B. he can run a business

C. he still may not be able to do it

D. he will be satisfied as a chef

24. Having a part-time job____.

A. is a good way to try another career

B. sounds glamorous

C. is very stressful

D. builds up a person' s career

25. You should stay in a new career at least fiv years because____.

A. it' s your specialty

B. you moved from one company to another

C. you can do a good job and advance in that time

D. the transition will smoother



Values are priorities that tell you how to spend your time, right here, right now. The
main benefit of knowing your values is that you will gain tremendous clarity and focus, but ultimately you must use that newfound clarity to make consistent decisions and take committed action. So the whole point of discovering your values is to improve the results you get in those areas that are truly most important to you. Once you know and understand your personal values, you can consult them whenever you need to make a key decision. Should you accept the new job you’ve been offered? Should you pursue a new relationship now? How much time should you spend with your family? These can be tough decisions without a clear right or wrong answer. You may choose to answer them differently at different points in your life. Your values list provides a shortcut for making these decisions intelligently. When you're confronted with such a decision, you pull out your list and check the prioritization of values. Then ask yourself, “What would a person with these values choose to do in this situation?” It’s usually the prioritization of your values that will answer the question. For example, if you’re offered a job promotion that will shift your work weeks from 40 hours to 60 hours but double your salary, should you take it? If values like success and achievement are at the top of your list, you’ll probably say yes. If freedom and family are at the top, you'll likely decline the promotion. By clarifying your values, you've already done the hard thinking required to discover what’s most important to you. So now when you're confronted with such decisions, you're able to reduce them to a values comparison, and the final decision falls into place. If the promotion equates to increased success but reduced peace in your mind, then you can compare those values to learn whether it's a good idea or not. Your goal is to increase your fulfillment of your highest values without sacrificing them to lower values. Remember that this is only one of many paradigms for making decisions. As such it has limitations, but you should find that it brings clarity to your decision-making.

(1)What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Values are priorities that tell you how to spend your time.

B. Values help one decline a job promotion.

C. The values list helps one make clear and consistent decisions.

D. Values have limitations when making decisions.

(2)What is NOT TRUE about the benefit of understanding your own values?

A. You can spend more time with your family.

B. You will gain tremendous clarity and focus.

C. It improves the results you get in those truly important areas.

D. You can consult them whenever you need to make a key decision.

(3)Under what circumstance one may need to make a key decision?

A. Where can you have your dinner with your family?

B. When will you have an appointment with a friend?

C. How can you get a seat in a concert?

D. Should you accept the new job you've been offered?

(4)How can you know what is most important to you when making a key decision?

A. By consulting your best friend.

B. By checking the prioritization of values.

C. By finding some useful books in a library.

D. By searching what other people do online.

(5)What is the goal one should keep in mind when making a decision?

A. To get more money.

B. To have more time with family.

C. To fulfill the highest values.

D. To get promoted quickly.



Which of the following might be appropriate to answer the question like “ What is your salary expectation ”

A.“ I think I can be offered with high salary because I have confidence in mysel


B.I have got a pretty good idea of the range by looking through similar job postings, recruitment firm salary guides or websites like Glassdoor and find other jobs are higher paid than your company. ”

C.“ Based on my research, comparable positions with candidates with a similar background to mine are paying between $50,000 to$60,000, so I would like to be paid in the midpoint of that rang


D.“ Based on my research, comparable positions with candidates with a similar background to mine are paying between $50,000 to$60,000, so I would like to be paid with the higheset amount. ”









Which of the following might be appropriate to answer the question like “ What is your salary expectation ”

A.“ I think I can be offered with high salary because I have confidence in mysel


B.I have got a pretty good idea of the range by looking through similar job postings, recruitment firm salary guides or websites like Glassdoor and find other jobs are higher paid than your company. ”

C.“ Based on my research, comparable positions with candidates with a similar background to mine are paying between $50,000 to$60,000, so I would like to be paid in the midpoint of that rang


D.“ Based on my research, comparable positions with candidates with a similar background to mine are paying between $50,000 to$60,000, so I would like to be paid with the higheset amount. ”










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