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One day two scientists were quarrelling about whose watch was better, the German one or th

e Japanese one. Since they were scientists, they decided to do an experiment to test the watches. They went into their lab and filled a basin with water, put the watches in, waited for 20 minutes and took them out.

They could see there was something wrong with both watches. They observed them for several hours before speaking to each other. They both silently found that the German watch was losing 60 minutes and the Japanese are doubled that.

The scientist with the Japanese watch then slowly raised his head and said, "Both watch are out of work, but my watch is right more often than yours, so it's better." The scientist with the German watch went home without saying a word.

The two scientists were quarrelling at the beginning of the story, because ______.

A.the Japanese watch was better

B.the German watch was better

C.each of them thought his own watch was better than the other's

D.both the watches were wrong

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One day two scientists were quarrelling about whose watch was better, the German one Japan
ese one. Since they were scientists, they decided to do an experiment to test the watches They went into their lab and filled a basin with water, put the watches in, waited for 20 minutes and took them out.

They could see there was something wrong with both watches. They observed them for several hours before speaking to each other. They both silently found that the German watch was losing 60 minutes and the Japanese are doubled that.

The scientist with the Japanese watch then slowly raised his head and said," Both watch are out of work, but my watch is right more often than yours, so it's better. "The scientist German watch went home without saying a word.

The two scientists were quarrelling at the beginning of the story, because __________.

A.the Japanese watch was better

B.the German watch was better

C.each of them thought his own watch was better than the other's

D.both the watches were wrong



The two scientists were quarrelling at the beginning of the story, because ______.A.the Ja

The two scientists were quarrelling at the beginning of the story, because ______.

A.the Japanese watch was better

B.the German watch was better

C.each of them thought his own watch was better than the other's

D.both the watches were wrong



听力原文:One way that scientists learn about man is by animals, such as mice, rats and mon

听力原文: One way that scientists learn about man is by animals, such as mice, rats and monkeys. The scientists in this laboratory are experimenting on mice. They are studying the relationship between diet and health. At this time over one hundred experiments are going on in this laboratory.

In this experiment, the scientists are studying the relationship between the amount of food the mice eat and their health. The mice are in three groups. All three groups are receiving the same healthy diet. But the amount of food that each group is receiving is different. The first group is eating one cup of food each day, the second is eating two cups, and the third group of mice is eating three cups.

After three years, the healthiest group is the one that is only eating one cup of food each day. The mice in this group are thinner than normal mice. But they are more active. Also they are living longer. Mice usually live tot two years. Most of the mice in this group are still alive after three years. The second group of mice is normal weight. They are healthy, too. They are active, but not as active as the thinner mice. But they are only living about two years. The last group of mice spends most of the day eating or sleeping. They are not very active. These mice are living longer than the scientists thought: about a year and a half. But they are not healthy. The experiment is still going on. The scientists hope to finish their studies in two years.





D.A,B and C



听力原文:One way that scientists learn about man is by animals, such as mice, rats and mon

听力原文: One way that scientists learn about man is by animals, such as mice, rats and monkeys. The scientists in this laboratory are experimenting on mice. They are studying the relationship between diet and health. At this time over one hundred experiments are going on in this laboratory.

In this experiment, the scientists are studying the relationship between the amount of food the mice eat and their health. The mice are in three groups. All three groups are receiving the same healthy diet. But the amount of food that each group is receiving is different. The first group is eating one cup of food each day, the second is eating two cups, and the third group of mice is eating three cups.

After three years, the healthiest group is the one that is only eating one cup of food each day. The mice in this group are thinner than normal mice. But they are more active. Also they are living longer. Mice usually live for two years. Most of the mice in this group are still alive after three years. The second group of mice is normal weight. They are healthy, too. They are active, but not as active as the thinner mice. But they are only living about two years. The last group of mice spends most of the day eating or sleeping. They are not very ac tire. These mice are living longer than the scientists thought: about a year and a hell But they are not healthy. The experiment is still going on. The scientists hope to finish their studies in two years.





D.A, B and C



听力原文:One way that scientists learn about man is by animals, such as mice, rats and mon

听力原文: One way that scientists learn about man is by animals, such as mice, rats and monkeys. The scientists in this laboratory are experimenting on mice. They are studying the relationship between diet and health. At this time over one hundred experiments are going on in this laboratory.

In this experiment, the scientists are studying the relationship between the amount of food the mice eat and their health. The mice are in three groups. All three groups are receiving the same healthy diet. But the amount of food that each group is receiving is different. The first group is eating one cup of food each day, the second is eating two cups, and the third group of mice is eating three cups.

After three years, the healthiest group is the one that is only eating one cup of food each day. The mice in this group are thinner than normal mice. But they are more active. Also they are living longer. Mice usually live for two years. Most of the mice in this group are still alive after three years. The second group of mice is normal weight. They are healthy, too. They are active, but not as active as the thinner mice. But they are only living about two years. The last group of mice spends most of the day eating or sleeping. They are not very active. These mice are living longer than the scientists thought: about a year and a half. But they are not healthy. The experiment is still going on. The scientists hope to finish their studies in two years.





D.A, B and C.



听力原文:One way that scientists learn about man is by animals, such as mice, rats and mon

听力原文: One way that scientists learn about man is by animals, such as mice, rats and monkeys. The scientists in this laboratory are experimenting on mice. They are studying the relationship between diet and health. At this time over one hundred experiments are going on in this laboratory.

In this experiment, the scientists are studying the relationship between the amount of food the mice eat and their health. The mice are in three groups. All three groups are receiving the same healthy diet. But the amount of food that each group is receiving is different. The first group is eating one cup of food each day, the second is eating two cups, and the third group of mice is eating three cups.

After three years, the healthiest group is the one that is only eating one cup of food each day. The mice in this group are thinner than normal mice. But they are more active. Al so they are living longer. Mice usually live for two years. Most of the mice in this group are still alive after three years. The second group of mice is normal weight. They are healthy, too. They axe active, but not as active as the thinner mice. But they are only living about two. years. The last group of mice spends most of the day eating or sleeping. They are not very active. These mice are living longer than the scientists thought: about a year and a half. But they are not healthy. The experiment is still going on. The scientists hope to finish their studies in two years. 32.According to the passage,what animals are often used by scientists to learn about man?





D.A, B andC

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