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下列各 Most of us would shy away from making purchases in a foreign country ff we didnt k

now the exchange rate. Yet, ff privacy is the true currency of the Interuet, as many argue, millions of us are doing that very thing every day. i Meanwhile, Internet giants amend their privacy policies in ways that allow them to harvest and sell even more of our personal data. While privacy campaigners protest, users generally vote with their clicks and carry on regardless. So should we conclude the Interuet generation is happy to trade its privacy for free or cheaper Web services? Not according to Nicola Jentzsch of the German Institute of Research in Berlin, and colleagues, who last week published research showing that most people prefer to protect their personal data when given a choice and that a significant proportion are willing to pay extra to do so. The researchers directed 443 students to a website offering tickets for a real movie showing, sold by two different uendors (商贩). Although the tickets were subsidized, the volunteers, who were able to purchase one, two, or no tickets, had to pay most of the cost themselves. When both vendors offered tickeks at the same price but only one required customers to enter their cell phone number, the more privacy-friendly yendor got 83% of sales. When participants were offered the santo choice, but with an additional charge of 50 euro cents from the privacy-friendly cinema, its market share fell to 31%. "It turns out that when you are good on privacy you can charge more and make a greater profit," says Alessandro Acquisti of the University of Cambridge, one of the authors of the study, published by the European Network and Information Security Agency. "What people say in surveys is that they care about privacy, but what they actually do is spend their time constantly updating their status on Facebo0k," says Acquisti. "This has led some to conclude that people no longer care about privacy. This new data, along with similar work we have done in the U. S, shows this is not the case, and that the desire for privacy is not dead after all. " According to the passage, many people believe that

A.we can benefit from selling our personal data

B.Internet giants should perfect their privacy policies

C.our privacy is the true currency of the Internet

D.privacy campaigners should vote with their clicks

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更多“下列各 Most of us would shy away …”相关的问题


We should be most obliged if you would send us details of the lines you () forexport.







A.We are of the opinion that if you could increase your order to 3,000 pieces, we would allow a 5% discount###SXB###B.The oil price has risen sharply, so there is no possibility for us to cut the price to the extent you expected###SXB###C.We accept that our price is a bit higher than that of other suppliers, however, the quality of other companies do not measure up to ours. Besides, we offer 5-year warranty, while most of the other suppliers offe


Would you let us have your most favourable firm offers of January,2009 for 10,000 pai
r of mens leather shoes?



A.We are of the opinion that if you could increase your order to 3,000 pieces, we would allow a 5% discount#B.The oil price has risen sharply, so there is no possibility for us to cut the price to the extent you expected#C.We accept that our price is a bit higher than that of other suppliers, however, the quality of other companies do not measure up to ours. Besides, we offer 5-year warranty, while most of the other suppliers offe


A.We are of the opinion that if you could increase your order to 3,000 pieces, we would allow a 5% discount###SXB###B.The oil price has risen sharply, so there is no possibility for us to cut the price to the extent you expected###SXB###C.We accept that our price is a bit higher than that of other suppliers, however, the quality of other companies do not measure up to ours. Besides, we offer 5-year warranty, while most of the other suppliers offe


The passage mainly tells us that______.A. money is the most important thing B. there

The passage mainly tells us that______.

A. money is the most important thing

B. there is something more important than money

C. we should look into their eyes while talking to people

D. the more money you have, the less happy you would be



A.We are of the opinion that if you could increase your order to 3,000 pieces, we would allow a 5% discount#B.The oil price has risen sharply, so there is no possibility for us to cut the price to the extent you expected#C.We accept that our price is a bit higher than that of other suppliers, however, the quality of other companies do not measure up to ours. Besides, we offer 5-year warranty, while most of the other suppliers offe


I would be much obliged if you could take the matter up with your Owners or Agents on the
damage sustained and also request them to send their representative to us together with yours as soon as possible with a view to ascertaining the extent of the damage. This sentice is most likely appeared in a letter submitted to the ______.

A.captain of a ship

B.port captain





About the courses in US colleges, which of the following is NOT TRUE?()

A.Subjects of arts, sciences and languages are taken by most first year students

B.There are a number of other courses for students to choose from besides their major ones

C.Students would still get certain credits if they do not attend the courses

D.A typical course load means the credits of courses a student has for one semester



根据以下资料回答下列各 : In the following text.some sentences have been removed.For Qu
estions 41—45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks.There are two extra choices,which do not fit in any of the blanks.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points) Even if we could make it impossible for people to commit crimes,should we?Or would doing so improperly deprive people of their freedom? This may sound like a fanciful concern,but it is an increasingly real one.The new federal transportation bill,for example,authorized funding for a program that seeks to prevent the crime of drunken driving not by raising public consciousness or issuing stiffer punishments—but by making the crime practically impossible to commit.(41)______ The Dadss program is part of a trend toward what I call the“perfect prevention”of crime:depriving people of the choice to commit an offense in the first place.The federal government’s Intelligent Transportation Systems program,which is creating technology to share data among vehicles and road infrastructure like traffic lights,could make it impossible for a driver to speed or run a red light.(42)______ Such technologies force US to reconcile two important interests.On one hand is society’s desire for safety and security.On the other hand is the individual’S right to act freely. Conventional crime prevention balances these interests by allowing individuals the freedom to commit crime,but punishing them if they do. The perfect prevention of crime asks US to consider exactly how far individual freedom extends.Does freedom include a“right”to drive drunk.for instance?It is hard to imagine that it does.(43)______ For most familiar crimes(murder,robbery,rape,arson),the law requires that the actor have some guilty state of mind,whether it is intent,recklessness or negligence. (44)______ In such cases,using technology to prevent the crime entirely would not unduly burden individual freedom;it would simply be effective enforcement of the statute.Because there is no mental state required to be guilty of the offense,the government could require,for instance.that drug manufacturers apply a special tamper-proof coating to all pills,thus making the sale of tainted drugs practically impossible,without intruding on the thoughts of any future seller. But because the government must not intrude on people’s thoughts,perfect prevention is a bad fit for most offenses.(45) ______ Even if this could be known,perhaps with the help of some sort of neurological scan,collecting such knowledge would violate an individual’s freedom of thought. Perfect prevention is a politically attractive approach to crime prevention,and for strict— liability crimes it is permissible and may be good policy if implemented properly.But for most offenses,the threat to individual freedom is too great to justify this approach.This is not because people have a right to commit crimes;they do not.Rather,perfect prevention threatens our right to be free in our thoughts,even when those thoughts turn to crime. A.But there is a category of crimes that are forbidden regardless of the actor’s state of mind:so.called strict—liability offenses.One example is the sale of tainted drugs. Another is drunken driving. B.The Dadss program,despite its effectiveness in preventing drunk driving,is criticized as a violation of human rights because it monitors drivers’behavior. and controls individual’s free will. C.And the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of l998 has already criminalized the development of technologies that can be used to avoid copyright restrictions,making it effectively impossible for most people to illegally share certain copyrighted materials, including video games. D.If the actor doesn’t have the guilty state of mind,and he commits crime involuntarily,in this case,the actor will be convicted as innocent. E.Perfect prevention of a crime like murder would require the ability to know what a person was thinking in order to determine whether he possessed the relevant culpable mental state. F.The program,the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety(Dadss),is developing in vehicle technology that automatically checks a driver’s blood—alcohol level and,if that level is above the legal limit,prevents the car from starting. G.But what if the government were to add a drug to the water supply that suppressed antisocial urges and thereby reduced the murder rate? This would seem like an obvious violation of our freedom.We need a clear method of distinguishing such cases. ___________

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