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Scientists around the world are racing to learn how to rapidly diagnose, treat and stop th

e spread of a new, deadly disease. SARS—Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome—was 【31】______ for the first time in February 2003 in Hanoi, 【32】______ since then has infected more than 1,600 people in 15 countries, killing 63. At this 【33】______ , there are more questions than answers surrounding the disease. Symptoms start 【34】______ a fever over 100.4 degrees F, chills, headache or body 【35】______. Within a week, the patient has a dry cough, which might 【36】______ to shortness of breath. In 10% to 20% of cases, patients require 【37】______ ventilation to breathe. About 3.5% die from the disease. Symptoms 【38】______ begin in two to seven days, but some reports suggest it 【39】______ take as long as 10 days. Scientists are close to 【40】______ a lab test to diagnose SARS. In the meantime, it is diagnosed by its symptoms. There is no evidence 【41】______ antibiotics or anti-viral medicines help, 【42】______ doctors can offer only supportive care. Patients with SARS are kept in isolation to reduce the risk of 【43】______ . Scientists aren't sure yet, but some researchers think it's a 【44】______ discovered corona virus, the family of viruses that cause some common colds. Most cases appear to have been passed 【45】______ droplets expelled when infected patients cough or sneeze. Family members of infected people and medical workers who care 【46】______ them have been most likely to 【47】______ the illness. But recent developments in Hong Kong suggest that the 【48】______ might spread through air, or that the virus might 【49】______ for two to three hours on doorknobs or other 【50】______ . Health experts say it is unlikely, though, that sharing an elevator briefly with an infected person would be enough to pass the virus.





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更多“Scientists around the world ar…”相关的问题


Scientists around the world are working hard to ______a cure for Aids.







()no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around th

A.Were there

B.If there are

C.If there have been



Scientists think a fidgeting habit to be ______()

A.a way to lose fat

B.a nervous habit annoying the people around

C.a better kind of exercise than slow running

D.a habit of thin people



Why are Amold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5?[A] To prove th

Why are Amold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5?

[A] To prove their popularity around the world.

[B] To reveal the public’s fear of immigrants.

[C] To give examples of successful immigrants.

[D] To show the powerful influence of American culture.



Most of the pioneers of low-temperature physics expected gases to liquefy, but none of the
m predicted superconductivity. This phenomenon was discovered in 1911 by Onnes while he was studying frozen mercury.

More than 40 years passed before physicists were able to offer an explanation for superconductivity. The accepted theory, developed in the 1950s, holds that the fundamental behavior. of electrons changes at very low temperatures because of the effects of quantum mechanics. Electrons are tiny particles that make up the outer part of an atom, circling rapidly around the nucleus of the atom. In a regular conductor—a metal that conducts an electric current—the outermost electrons are not bound tightly to the atoms, and so they move around relatively freely. The flow of these electrons is an electric current.

At normal temperatures, a conductor's electrons cannot move completely freely through the metal because they are "bumped around" by the metal's atoms. But according to the leading theory of superconductivity, when a metal is very cold, electrons form. pairs. Then, like couples maneuvering on a crowded dance floor but never colliding, the paired electrons are able to move unimpeded through the metal. In pairing up, it seems, the electrons are able to "blend together" and move in unison without resistance. This explanation seems to account for superconductivity at extremely low temperatures, but in 1986 scientists in Switzerland found that some metal-containing ceramics are superconductors at much higher temperatures. By 1992, scientists had developed ceramics that become superconducting at - 297'F, and some researchers speculated that room-temperature superconductors may be possible. Scientists are still trying to formulate a theory for high-temperature superconductivity.

The new ceramic materials can be maintained at their superconducting temperatures, with relatively inexpensive liquid nitrogen rather than the much colder and much more costly liquid helium required by metal superconductors. The cost difference could make superconductivity practical for many new technologies. For example, magnetically levitated trains, which require superconducting electromagnets, would be much cheaper to build than they are now. Superconducting devices might also be used for advanced power transmission lines and in new types of compact, ultrafast computers. But for the time being, superconductivity is finding application mostly in scientific research and in some kinds of medical imaging devices.

The flow of an electric current in a regular conductor is made possible by the fact that______.

A.electrons circle rapidly around the atom

B.the outermost electron move relatively freely around the atom

C.the innermost electrons stick to the atom

D.the outermost electrons are bound tightly to the inner ones



Section AAccording to a new school of scientists, technology has been overlooked as a forc

Section A

Section AAccording to a new school of scientists,

According to a new school of scientists, technology has been overlooked as a force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge.【51】Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius but by more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.【52】" In short, " a leader of the new school contends "the scientific revolution, as we call it, has been largely caused by the improvement, invention and use of a series of instruments that have expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.

【53】Over the years, tools, and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. The modern school that hails technology argues that such masters as Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, and Einstein, and inventors such as Edison, attached great importance to and derived great benefit from, crafty information and technological devices of different kinds that were used in scientific experiments.

The centerpiece of the argument for technology was an analysis of Galileo’s role at the start of the scientific revolution. The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motion.【54】Galileo’s greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth. But the real hero of the story, according to the new school of scientists, were improvements in the machinery used for making eye-glasses.

Federal policy is necessarily involved in the technology vs. genius dispute.【55】Whether governments should increase financing for pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which of the two is seen as the driving force.




Which of the following examples of thoughts does not belong to unexamined cultural identity stage?

A.“There are a lot of non-Japanese people around me,and it gets pretty confusing to try and decide who I am.”

B.“I don’t have a cultur

E.I’m just an American”.

C.“My parents tell me about where they lived,but what do I care I’ve never lived th


D.“Why do I have to learn who was the first black woman to do this or that I’m just not too interesteD.”



In the opinion of many Americans and Europeans, we only began to really explore our world
in the sixteenth century. According to them, the sailors of the ancient world did not explore distant parts of the world; they did not have the necessary knowledge or skills for long sea journeys. However, the people who have this opinion are forgetting two important facts of history.

First, sometimes early scientists have an idea which is correct, but scientists in later centuries do not believe it. For example, about 270 B. C., a Greek scientist had an idea which we all believe today: The earth moves around the sun. But for the following 1,600 years scientists did not believe this. In their opinion, the sun clearly moved around the earth. They discovered the truth again only in the fifteenth century!

The second fact of history that many people forget is this: Ancient does not mean primitive. For example, the ancient Egyptians knew a great deal about the stars; they used this knowledge to find their way across the oceans. Two thousand years ago a Greek scientist who lived in Egypt calculated the distance around the earth. The results of his calculations were close to the real distance we know today! So the ancients had a great deal of scientific knowledge. They also had skills which equaled the skills of to- day. For example, 1,300 years ago and before, fishermen in Ireland built their boats of wood and leather. Today some fishermen in Ireland still make boats of the same de- sign. They use tools and materials which are not very different from the tools and materitals which their ancestors used. Why? The ancient design of the boats was good, and with skillful sailors, these boats can sail in all kinds of weather.

Clearly long before the sixteenth century, people had the skill, the knowledge and the equipment which were necessary for long journeys by sea. The world did not have to wait until the sixteenth century for its first explorers!

Which of the following statements is consistent with the passage?

A.According to the writer, we only began to really explore the world in the sixteenth century.

B.In the history of science, people sometimes have to discover a fact a second time.

C.The ancient Egyptians had very little knowledge about the stars.

D.The writer agrees with many Americans and Europeans except for the two facts mentioned in the passage.



Passage One Valencia is in the east part of Spain. It has a port on the sea, two miles a

Passage One

Valencia is in the east part of Spain. It has a port on the sea, two miles away from the coast. It is the capital of a province that is also named Valencia.

The city is the market centre for what is produced by the land around the city. Most of the city's money is made from farming. It is also a busy business city with ships, railways, clothes and machine factories.

Valencia has an old part with white buildings, coloured roofs, and narrow streets. The modern part has long, wide streets and new buildings. Valencia is well known for its parks and gardens. It has many old churches and museums. The University in the centre of the city was built in the 13(上标)th century.

The city of valencia has been known since the 2(上标)nd century. In the 8(上标)th century it was the capital of Spain. There is also an important city in Venzuela(委内瑞拉)named Valencia.

36. The main income of the city of Valencia is from its______.

A. markets

B. business

C. factories

D. farming



Passage Three A group of scientists rowing toward the center of a lake saw something sho

Passage Three

A group of scientists rowing toward the center of a lake saw something shocking. They turned back as fast as they could. What had they seen.? The lake was boiling!

The group was investigating a crater lake in the mountains of St. Vincent. A crater lake is the mouth of a volcano that has been dormant for some time and has filled with water.

This particular crater was the tip of a volcano called Soufriere, which erupted last in 1902. Since that time, it had not shown any signs of action. But in the fall of 1971, mountain climbers who had hiked near the lake returned to the lowlands with strange stories. They said the water had turned yellow and was giving off a smell like burnt eggs. A seething fog was rising from the lake's surface.

Local scientists rushed to Soufriere to see if this might be the beginning of a new volcanic explosion. They found a huge black mass in the middle of the water. It was a great blob 1,000 feet long and 300 feet wide. Lava had pushed up through the bottom of the lake and formed a new island.

The investigators wanted to make sure that the volcano was safe, and that the lava would not over- flow into the surrounding countryside. But they could never reach the island to study it, because the lava was so hot that the water around it bubbled and boiled.

44. This passage is about ______.

A. mountain climbing

B. a boiling lake

C. a new volcanic island

D. a mysterious blob



(判断)AIDS, fifty years ago, didn’t exist.Fifteen years ago a few doctors and public h

(判断)AIDS, fifty years ago, didn’t exist.Fifteen years ago a few doctors and public health officials noticed the first cases.Within a few years it was clear that it has now killed almost 14 million people around the world.

Four years ago doctors came up with the first treatment to make a dent in the spiraling death rate.Today that treatment works for some patients, but it’s not clear how long results will last.And still there is no cure.

For the nearly 35 million people around the world now living with HIV, there may never be a cure.Once cells are infected with HIV, it is very difficult — perhaps impossible ―to rid them of the virus.The only sure way to stop AIDS is to prevent infection in the first place, and only a vaccine can do that.

Unfortunately HIV is one of the most changeable viruses known to science.After more than a dozen years, it is still rather difficult to produce effective vaccine.

Still the billions of dollars spent on AIDS research over the past 20 years has not been wasted.As scientists learn more about how HIV survives in the human body, they are realizing that drugs alone may not be enough.To contain the virus effectively, it may take a balance between drug treatments that can keep HIV levels low and a strengthened immune system that can then target and destroy the remaining virus.Until scientists find a vaccine, however, they may control but never cure the century’s final scourge.

46.AIDS didn’t exist fifteen years ago.

47.Scientists have found a vaccine which can prevent HIV infection.

48.Although some treatment works for some patients with HIV, there is still no cure.

49.HIV is a changeable virus so that it is very difficult to produce effective vaccine.

50.We have wasted billions of dollars on AIDS research.

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