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What's your present job?___

A.I am 24 years old.

B.I just graduated from college.

C.I'm a film-maker.

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更多“What's your present job?___”相关的问题


What's your present job?()A. I am 24 years old.B. I just graduated from college.C. I

What's your present job?()

A. I am 24 years old.

B. I just graduated from college.

C. I'm a film-maker.



—— What's your present job?—— _______________________A、I'm a film-maker.B、I just

A.I'm a film-maker.

B.I just graduated from colleg

C.I am 24 years ol



a. I want to buy a present for my mother and I need your advice.b.____________________

a. I want to buy a present for my mother and I need your advice.


A、No, you don’t.

B、Oh, it’s not necessary.

C、What can I do for you?

D、Really, you need me?



No matter how formal or informal the work environment, the way you present yourself has an

This is especially true in fast impressions. According to research from Princeton University, people assess your competence, trustworthiness, and likeability in just a tenth of a second, solely based on the way you look. The difference between today’s workplace and the “dress for success” era is that the range of options is so much broader. Norms have evolved and fragmented. In some settings, red sneakers or dress T-shirts can convey status; in others not so much. Plus, whatever image we present is magnified by social-media services like LinkedIn. Chances are, your headshots are seen much more often now than a decade or two ago. Millennials, it seems , face the paradox of being the least formal generation yet the most conscious of style. and personal branding. It can be confusing. So how do we navigate this? How do we know when to invest in an upgrade? And what’s the best way to pull off one that enhances our goals? Here are some tips:

41_________________ As an executive coach, I’ve seen image upgrades be particularly helpful during transitions-when looking for a new job, stepping into a new or more public role, or changing work environments. If you’re in a period of change or just feeling stuck and in a rut, now may be a good time. If you’re not sure, ask for honest feedback from trusted friends, colleagues and professionals. Look for cues about how others perceive you. Maybe there’s no need for an upgrade and that’s OK.

42.__________________ Get clear on what impact you’re hoping to have. Are you looking to refresh your image or pivot it? For one person, the goal may be to be taken more seriously and enhance their professional image. For another, it may be to be perceived as more approachable, or more modern and stylish. For someone moving from finance to advertising, maybe they want to look more “SoHo.”(It’s OK to use characterizations like that.)

43.____________________ Look at your work environment like an anthropologist. What are the norms of your environment? What conveys status? Who are your most important audiences? How do the people you respect and look up to present themselves? The better you understand te cultural context, the more control you can have over your impact.

44._____________________ Enlist the support of professionals and share with them your goals and context. Hire a personal stylist, or use the free styling service of a store like. Crew. Try a hair stylist instead of a barber. Work with a professional photographer instead of your spouse or friend. It’s not as expensive as you might think.

45_____________________ The point of a style. upgrade isn’t to become more vain or to spend more time excessing over what to wear. Instead, use it as an opportunity to reduce decision fatigue. Pick a standard work uniform. or a few go-to options. Buy all your clothes …. once with a stylist instead of shopping alone, one article of clothing at a time.

A、Create a new image of yourself

B、Decide if the time is right

C、Have confidence in yourself

D、Understand the context

[E] Work with professionals

[F] Know your goals

[G] Make it efficient









What is your present address? May I ask your present address? Tell me your present addre
ss, please.



Debate is a valuable way to practise communicating. It can also bring long-lasting rewards
,especially for people working with Western businesses. The main activity of debate is presenting one&39; s opinion and suppmting it with evidence,such as statistics or facts. It is a way of persuasive communication.

Charles Lebeau helped create the "Discover Debate" method. He says debate is important to understanding how people communicate in Western business. Successful debaters learn how to give their opinkm,reasans and support. "What we are trying to do is to develop a kind of thinking or approach to discussion and how to interact (交流) with someone else&39; s opinion, rather than brush their opinion aside. "

Debate skills are also important in selling a product, he says. In that situation, the judges are the customem. "So on Monday, for example, one company may come in and present their case to the customer and they" ll make as strong a ease as they can. On Tuesday, the next day, another company will come in and present their ease to the customer. Usually the party that can present the strongest case wins” Debate also strengthens critical thinking. In other words, it helps students learn to ask questionsand try to understand someone&39; s reasons and evidence.lift-.

Lebeau points out that successful debaters learn to listen carefully to what other people are saying. Then, they look for the weak points in someone else&39; s opinion or argument. He says debate teaches a systematic way of questioning.

Successful debaters also learn to think from someone else&39; s point of view. Mr. Lebeau says debate can help broaden the mind. "There&39; s an expression in English : don&39; t criticize another person before you have walked in their shoes. I think the wonderful thing about debate is, it puts us in another person&39; s shoes. "

36. According to Paragraph 1 ,what is the purpose of debate?

A.To bring long-lasting material rewards

B.To present evidence such as statistics and facts

C.To respond to questions in a systematic way

D.To persuade people to accept your opinions

Why is debate important.A.It helps people understand others better

B.It allows people to present their opinions

C.It develops one' s thinking and communicative competence

D.It gives one the opportunity to brush others' opinion aside

What does the underlined word "case" in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.Container




What can debaters benefit from "walking in another person' s shoes" .A.Becoming more broad-minded

B.Developing critical thinking

C.Finding others' weak points

D.Trying out others' methods




More than how much money comes in it's a matter of how you spend it.That's where
budgeting comes in.A detailed budget helps you keep tabs on your income.There are many people who are able to live comfortably on what they earn, even if their income is modest.A budget, therefore, keeps track of income and expenses.It will segregate your fixed expenses like your food, stay and insurance and your variable expenses like your travel, entertainment, etc.

Adequate insurance for you and your family is an essential part of investing.Life, health and property insurance protect you and your loved ones from unforeseen mishaps.It is also wise to make a will so that your assets can be handled smoothly.

Good personal finance management involves investing, managing risk, insurance, understanding and handling debt and credit, knowing the value of time and money and ensuring that your retirement is taken care of.While planning you make an assessment of your present situation in relation to your goals.Managing personal finances becomes a hassle when you get into debt.Debt is what you owe, and can be good and bad.If you have borrowed money to buy property, it is an investment and the money you pay against interest on the loan is tax deductible.But running up debts like overdue credit cards is not good.This is why budgeting is very important so that you know exactly where your money is going.It is very easy to lose track of what you spend without a budget.

There are multiple ways to invest and save for the future.The crux of the matter is to keep in mind your sources of income and account for your expenses, while keeping a budget that is feasible.Periodical review keeps you in control of your personal finance.

1.The word "modest" in Para.1 probably means "____________"?

2.How many ways of finance management does the author mainly mention?





3.What's the essential part of investing for a family?

A.Sources of income

B.Various expenses

C.Adequate insurance

D.Detailed budget

4.How does the author think of debt?

A.It's completely bad

B.It's both good and bad

C.It's wonderful

D.It's not mentioned

5.What does this passage mainly talk about?

A.How to manage money

B.How to spend money

C.How to invest money

D.How to loan money



More than how much money comes in it's a matter of how you spend it.That's whe

More than how much money comes in it's a matter of how you spend it.That's where budgeting comes in.A detailed budget helps you keep tabs on your income.There are many people who are able to live comfortably on what they earn, even if their income is modest.A budget, therefore, keeps track of income and expenses.It will segregate your fixed expenses like your food, stay and insurance and your variable expenses like your travel, entertainment, etc.

Adequate insurance for you and your family is an essential part of investing.Life, health and property insurance protect you and your loved ones from unforeseen mishaps.It is also wise to make a will so that your assets can be handled smoothly.

Good personal finance management involves investing, managing risk, insurance, understanding and handling debt and credit, knowing the value of time and money and ensuring that your retirement is taken care of.While planning you make an assessment of your present situation in relation to your goals.Managing personal finances becomes a hassle when you get into debt.Debt is what you owe, and can be good and bad.If you have borrowed money to buy property, it is an investment and the money you pay against interest on the loan is tax deductible.But running up debts like overdue credit cards is not good.This is why budgeting is very important so that you know exactly where your money is going.It is very easy to lose track of what you spend without a budget.

There are multiple ways to invest and save for the future.The crux of the matter is to keep in mind your sources of income and account for your expenses, while keeping a budget that is feasible.Periodical review keeps you in control of your personal finance.

1.The word "modest" in Para.1 probably means "____________"?





2.How many ways of finance management does the author mainly mention?()





3.What's the essential part of investing for a family?()

A.Sources of income

B.Various expenses

C.Adequate insurance

D.Detailed budget

4.How does the author think of debt?()

A.It's completely bad

B.It's both good and bad

C.It's wonderful

D.It's not mentioned

5.What does this passage mainly talk about?()

A.How to manage money

B.How to spend money

C.How to invest money

D.How to loan money




what should i do?求解GRE写作模拟题(4)Argument

Task Direction:

You will have 30 minutes to plan and write a critique of an argument presented in the form. of a short passage. A critique of any other argument will receive a score of zero.

Analyze the line of reasoning in the argument. Be sure to consider what, if any, questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and, if evidence is cited, how well it supports the conclusion.

You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what additional information might help you better evaluate its conclusion. Note that you are NOT being asked to present your views on the subject.

GRE® readers who are college and university faculty will read your critique and evaluate its overall quality, based on how well you identify and analyze important features of the argument organize, develop, and express your critique of the argument support your critique with relevant reasons and examples control the elements of standard written English.

Before you begin writing, you may want to take a few minutes to evaluate the argument and to plan a response. Be sure to develop your ideas fully and organize them coherently, but leave time to read what you have written and make any revisions that you think are necessary.

Section Direction:

Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.


The following appeared in a letter sent by a committee of homeowners from the Deerhaven Acres to all homeowners in Deerhaven Acres.

"Seven years ago, homeowners in nearby Brookville community adopted a set of restrictions on how the community's yards should be landscaped and what colors the exteriors of homes should be painted. Since then, average property values have tripled in Brookville. In order to raise property values in Deerhaven Acres, we should adopt our own set of restrictions on landscaping and housepainting."



A 4 year Kid, who does not know what an Email or a Chat App is, prays to God: “Hey, Lo
rd, Please make me a smartphone”. This young kid is asking such a wish from God, because he sees that his parents at home are completely glued to this magical device called smartphone and has no time to look up at him. The smartphone is getting more attention in the house than the child. His parents are present there physically, but their minds are somewhere else. It’s so true that this device has become an inseparable part of our day to day life, and we are addicted to it. We will start feeling restless if we do not look to our phone after a few minutes. We react faster to a phone beep or a message compared to a call by a family member from a different room. We all need to come out of this head-down syndrome. We all need to connect and communicate in real world. We need to put this technology to good use and not become a slave. So what shall we do? It’s simple: the solution is called “digital break”. This means, when you return home from work, you simply turn off or mute all your digital devices for a few hours every day, or at least once in a while. What do you do then? You can share your time with the family, chatting with your wife or husband, playing games with your kids, doing things with other family members, etc. in real life. You will soon realize the world outside the smartphone is much more enjoyable

1.The kid is 5 years old.()

2.The kid asked God for a smartphone.()

3.Smartphones have become an inseparable part of our daily life.()

4.We all need to connect and communicate in virtual world.()

5.The only solution to the head-down syndrome is called “digital break.()

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