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阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题。The first year of school in America, known as kindergar


The first year of school in America, known as kindergarten, usually begins between the ages of five and six. Among rich countries such a late start is very strange. President Obama believes it is an economic and social problem; his education secretary goes as far as to say that it is "morally wrong”. This statement has some support, as it is clear from research into vocabulary that youngsters from poor families enter kindergarten well behind those from rich families—a disadvantage that usually lasts a lifetime. Children from households on welfare knew 525 words by the age of three, while the children of professionals had mastered 1,116.

Pre-school can help close this gap. So in a speech last month, Mr. Obama called for a partnership between the federal government and the states to expand it to every American child. It later became known that "every" meant those who come from families with incomes of up to 200% above the poverty line—equal to an income of $47,000 for a family of four.

Some critics say that sending children to school at the age of four does not work. The evidence suggests otherwise. For example, on March 20thnew results were announced from a study of 9 to 11 year olds in New Jersey. This report found that disadvantaged children who had attended pre-school had better literacy (读写能力), language, maths and science skills. And two years of pre-kindergarten were better than one.

Some studies also follow the effects of early learning over lifetimes, such as its effect on crime rates and other factors that may eventually burden society. Critics have singled out a government scheme called Head Start, created in 1965, which provides poor households with a range of services including school-based early education.

1. Kindergarten in rich countries other than America usually begins at the age of {A; B; C}

A. four

B. seven

C. six

2. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?{A; B; C} A. Poor pre-school kids have a larger vocabulary than rich kids.

B. President Obama believes that early education can solve all economic and social problems.

C. Rich pre-school kids have a richer vocabulary than poor kids.

3. Which of the following about the New Jersey study is TRUE?{A; B; C}

A. There is no evidence to support the New Jersey study.

B. Two years of pre-kindergarten were better than one.

C. Sending children to school at the age of four is not going to help.

4. The phrase "single out" in the last paragraph means {A; B; C}.

A. choose

B. think about

C. count

5. Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?{A; B; C}

A. Secondary Education

B. Pre-school Education

C. Poor Kids' Education

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It should be noted that one does not start by {A. writingB、B. writeB、C. wrote} questions. Firstly.we have to decide 'what are the things one needs to know from the respondent in order to meet the survey's objectives?' {A. SecondlyB、B. SecondB、C. Next},we should decide the target respondents.At the outset, the researcher must define the population about which he/she wishes to generalise from the sample data to be collected.Thirdly,we have to decide the question contents.opening questions should be general and easy to answer so that the respondents have the patience to finish next.and then we can offer some specific questions {A. In order thatB、B. In orderB、C. In order to} get more data from the respondents. {A. In the wordB、B. In a wordB、C. In word}.we couldn’t ignore the physical appearance of our questionnaires.If our questionnaires look like a mess.People would not be willing to {A. helpB、B. helpingB、C. Helpful} us answer our questions....



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The old saying “practice makes perfect” applies to interviewing too. Conduct practice interviews with a friend or family member, and ask for their feedback. You can also record or videotape your responses {A. soB、B. whenB、C. because} you can review your answers and check your body language. Prepare answers to commonly {A. askB、B. askingB、C. asked} interview questions. Doing so will help you analyze your background and qualifications for the position.

Also prepare a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer. Remember, you aren't {A. easilyB、B. simplyB、C. very} trying to get the job - you are also interviewing the employer to assess {A. whyB、B. whenB、C. whether} this company and the position are a good fit for you. The more you practice, the more self-assured you will feel walking in to the interview. Your answers will feel natural, and interviewers will be impressed by your {A. appearanceB、B. confidenceB、C. hope}."



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阅读理解阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容,完成相应的选择题。HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENTHuman Res




Human Resources Management (HRM) is the process of managing people and their relationships in an organization. These two processes are important in the success and growth of a business.

In managing people, staffing is the most important component of HRM. It needs to make guidelines and procedures for hiring and placement. Staffing also involves the management of employees on matters like monitoring of holidays, absences, health and safety, disciplinary action, and dismissal.

Another important element of HRM in managing people is keeping the employees in the company. The training of employees to enable them to improve their career development is very important. Good HRM policies ensure that there are clear regulations which show the pay levels for the different positions in an organization. It is important for the staff to know the career path, pay, training and other opportunities that are available to them. Performance management is another important component of HRM. The reason for this is that many employers use it to evaluate career improvement and to determine pay increases.

The secondary role of HRM is the management of the relationships among people in an organization. This includes staff within departments as well as across the whole organization. The relationship between staff and management is an important factor in the success of an organization. It decides how fast an organization will realize their goals.

The focus of HRM is the people within an organization. Regular planning, monitoring and evaluation are important for the success of HRM. Successful management ensures that all employees know their role, career development and also feel part of an organization.


1. ____________is / are important in the success of a business. {A; B; C}

A. Teamwork spirit and high salary

B. The process of managing people and their relationships

C. Talents and their goals

2. The most important component of HRM is____________. {A; B; C}

A. staffing

B. planning

C. monitoring

3. According to the passage, it is important for the employees to know the career path, pay, training and other opportunities through____________. {A; B; C}

A. notices

B. policies

C. advertisements

4. We can use____________ to evaluate career improvement and to determine pay increases. {A; B; C}

A. staffing

B. HRM policies

C. performance management

5. ____________ is NOT mentioned in the text about the success of HRM. {A; B; C}

A. Regular planning and monitoring

B. Evaluation

C. Training












阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。How often should filing


How often should filing be done? It depends on how busy the office is. In very busy organizations, filing is done at least every day. In a small or less busy office, filing can be done once or twice a week.

Filing Equipment. Tools that people use in sorting out documents range from small instruments such as paper clips, office pins and staplers to big machines such as photocopiers, printers and paper shredders.

Kinds of Files. Documents taken out very often are usually kept in clip foldersB、otherwise they are often kept in lever arch files. Besides, suspension files and box files are also used for different purposes.

What should be filed? People need to file documents that are sent to or received from by other people or organizations. These documents can be letters, reports, financial records, policy documents, etc.

* Filing should be done every day in each office.{T、F}

* It is necessary to do filing no less than once every week in a small office.{T、F}

* Only big instruments are useful in sorting out files.{T、F}

* If you need always read the documents, you can put them into lever arch files.{T、F}

* The company's annual reports usually need to be filed.{T、F}



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阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T”,错误为“F”。Last week Polly decided


Last week Polly decided to give up her job. She is fed up with it, she finds it boring and she wants to change her career. Her employers, ‘Lucky Shops’, are not too bad. They give her quite good benefits, such as free lunches and paid holidays, but she does not get on with her boss. Her salary is quite good, but, because she is not happy, she wants to look for something else. Last Saturday she talked about it with David and Xiaoyan. They agreed with her. They said she should resign and try another career, so she took action. She looked at advertisements in the paper and picked out three jobs that looked interesting. She had to write out her CV to apply for a job, and she did that on Wednesday evening. Xiaoyan helped her with it. She has a lot of experience of selling and good business training but is worried about her lack of experience in some areas.

1. Polly has decided to ask for a higher salary.{T、F}

2. She doesn't like her boss.{T、F}

3. Her friends agreed that she should resign.{T、F}

4. She has no experience of selling.{T、F}

5. She's worried about her lack of experience in some areas.{T、F}

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