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She says she would do the same work()she didn't receive any money for it.


B.even if

C.so that


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更多“She says she would do the same…”相关的问题


Mia says she would like to hang around the (), hoping to be kissed.A、mistletoeB、berryC、

Mia says she would like to hang around the (), hoping to be kissed.




D、Christmas tree



What does the woman imply when she says this:

A.She has already seen the art exhibit.

B.She would be willing to go on the trip.

C.She prefers walking to taking the bus in New York.

D.She is surprised that she has not heard of the High Lin




Supporters of the biotech industry have accused an American scientist of misconduct after
she testified to the New Zealand government that a genetically modified (GM) bacterium could cause serious damage if released.

The New Zealand Life Sciences Network, an association of pro GM scientists and organizations, says the view expressed by Elaine Ingham, a soil biologist at Oregon State University in Corvallis, was exaggerated and irresponsible. It has asked her university to discipline her.

But Ingham stands by her comments and says the complaints are an attempt to silence her. "They're trying to cause trouble with my university and get me fired", Ingham told New Scientist.

The controversy began on 1 February, when Ingham testified before New Zealand's Royal Commission on Genetic Modification, which will determine how to regulate GM organisms. Ingham claimed that a GM version of a common soil bacterium could spread and destroy plants if released into the wild. Other researchers had previously modified the bacterium to produce alcohol from organic waste. But Ingham says that when she put it in soil with wheat plants, all of the plants died within a week.

"We would lose terrestrial(陆生的) plants...this is an organism that is potentially deadly to the continued survival of human beings," she told the commission. She added that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) canceled its approval for field tests using the organism once she had told them about her research in 1999. But last week the New Zealand Life Sciences Network accused Ingham of "presenting inaccurate, careless and exaggerated information" and "generating speculative dooms-day scenarios(世界末日的局面) that are not scientifically supportable". They say that her study doesn't even show that the bacteria would survive in the wild, much less kill massive numbers of plants. What's more, the network says that contrary to Ingham's claims, the EPA was never asked to consider the organism for field trials.

The EPA has not commented on the dispute. But an e-mail to the network from Janet Anderson, director of the EPA's bio-pesticides(生物杀虫剂)division, says "there is no record of a review and/or clearance to field test" the organism.

Ingham says EPA officials had told her that the organism was approved for field tests, but says she has few details. It's also not clear whether the organism, first engineered by a German institute for biotechnology, is still in use.

Whether Ingham is right or wrong, her supporters say opponents are trying unfairly to silence her;

"I think her concerns should be taken seriously. She shouldn't be harassed in this way," says Ann Clarke, a plant biologist at the University of Guelph in Canada who also testified before the commission. "It's an attempt to silence the opposition."

The passage centers on the controversy ______.

A.between American and New Zealand biologists over genetic modification

B.as to whether the study of genetic modification should be continued

C.over the possible adverse effect of a GM bacterium on plants

D.about whether Elaine Ingham should be fired by her university



One study in the United States found that thirty- eight percent of foreign students sa

One study in the United States found that thirty- eight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends.

Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New York. She says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detail. But she says these efforts should begin with the college or university, and that these institutions have been working harder.

Ms.Gareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activities,such as taking walks, going on bike rides, field or camping trips, and attending parties,sporting events or film festivals. She says such activities should be held repeatedly through out the school term to bring students together.

She also suggests that foreign students share housing with American students.She says if the new students make friends as they begin school, they will come to feel part of the life and traditions of the university, as well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career.

21.According to paragraph one, what was the percentage of foreign students had no close American friends?()




22.Who should work harder on improving the relationships between foreign and American students?()

A.American students


C.The college or university

23.Which way is a good way for foreign students to improve the relationship with American students?()

A.Stay at dormitory all day

B.Play with students from home country

C.Take part in some activities with local students

24.Does Ms. Gareis agree that the activities shouldn't be held repeatedly throughout the term?()



C.Not mentioned

25.What would be the best title for the passage?()

A.Helping International Students Make Friends

B.How to Study Overseas

C.How to Take Part in Friends' Party



Puck says,The king doth keep his revels here tonight,Take heedd the Queen com not within

Puck says,

The king doth keep his revels here tonight,

Take heedd the Queen com not within his sight,

For Oberon is passing fell and wrath,

Because that she as her attendant hath

A lovely boy stol'n from Indian king;

She never had so sweet a changeling,

And jealous Oberon would have the child

Knight of his train, to trace the forests wild.

The meaning of the above words is that()。

A.The king is going to find fun in the forest, but he does not feel happy with the queen for she is such a miserly person that she wants to keep the boy stolen from Indian for her own only because she likes the boy very much, whereas the king is going to make the boy as his adopted son.

B.The king is going to find fun in the forest together with the queen. Though the king is jealous that she has an indian boy, he hopes she can hand him over to him by making her happy.

C.The king is going to find fun in the forest tonight, and please take care not to let the queen be here. The reason is that the king is very angry with her. The queen has an Indian boy stolen from an Indian king, and she likes him very much and does not like to hand over the boy to the fairy king who intends to make the child one of his knights together with him to wander in the wild forest.

D.The king is going to find fun in the forest tonight, and please make sure the queen does not come, because the king is very angry with her. She has a lovely boy coming from Indian who the king also likes and decides to make him one of his knights to be together with him in the forest.



Danielle Steel,the 71-year-old romance novelist is notoriously productive,having publi
shed 179 booksat a rate of up to seven a year.But a passing reference in a recent profile by Glamour magazine to her 20-hour workdays prompted an outpouring of admiration.

Steel has given that 20-hour figure when describing her“exhausting”process in the past:“I start thebook and don 't leave my desk until the first draft is finished.”She goes from bed,to desk,to bath,tobed,avoiding all contact aside from phone calls with her nine children."I don 't comb my hair for weeks,”she says.Meals are brought to her desk,where she types until her fingers swell and her nails bleed.The business news website Quartz held Steel up as an inspiration,writing that if only we all followedher“actually extremely liberating"example of industrious sleeplessness,we would be quick to see results.well,indeed.With research results showing the cumulative effects of sleep loss and its impact onproductivity,doubt has been voiced about the accuracy of Steel's self-assessment.Her output may beundeniable,but sceptics have suggested that she is guilty of erasing the role of ghostwriters (代笔人) atworst,gross exaggeration at best.

Steel says working 20 hours a day is “pretty brutal physically.”But is it even possible?“No,”saysMaryanne Taylor of the Sleep Works. While you could work that long,the impact on productivity wouldmake it hardly worthwhile. If Steel was routinely sleeping for four hours a night,she would be drasticallyunderestimating the negative impact,says Alison Gardiner,founder of the sleep improvement programmeSleepstation.“It's akin to being drunk.”

lt's possible that Steel is exaggerating the demands of her schedule. Self-imposed sleeplessness has“become a bit of a status symbol", says Taylor, a misguided measure to prove how powerful and productive you are.Margaret Thatcher was also said to get by on four hours a night,while the 130-hour work weeksendured by tech heads has been held up as key to their success.

That is starting to change with increased awareness of the importance of sleep for mental health.“People are starting to realise that sleep should not be something that you fit in between everything else,"says Taylor .

But it is possible—if statistically extremely unlikely—that Steel could be born a “short sleeper”withan unusual body clock,says sleep expert Dr. Sophie Bostock." It's probably present in fewer than 1% ofthe population.”

Even if Steel does happen to be among that tiny minority,says Bostock,it's “pretty irresponsible”tosuggest that 20-hour days are simply a question of discipline for the rest of us.

46. What do we learn from the passage about Glamour magazine readers?

A) They are intrigued by the exotic romance in Danielle Steel's novels.

B)They are amazed by the number of books written by Danielle Steel.

C)They are deeply impressed by Danielle Steel's daily work schedule.

D)They are highly motivated by Danielle Steel's unusual productivity.47. What did the business news website Quartz say about Danielle Steel?

A) She could serve as an example of industriousness.

B) She proved we could liberate ourselves from sleep.

C) She could be an inspiration to novelists all over the world.

D) She showed we could get all our work done without sleep.48. What do sceptics think of Danielle Steel's work schedule claims?

A) They are questionable.

CThey are irresistible.

B)They are alterable.

D)They are verifiablc.

49. What docs Maryanne Taylor think of self-imposed sleeplessness?

A) It may turn out to be key to a successful career.

B)It may be practiced only by certain tech heads.

C)It may symbolise one's importance and success.

D) It may well serve as a measure of self-discipline.

50. How does Dr. Sophic Bostock look at the 20-hour daily work schedule?

A)One should not adopt it without consulting a sleep expert.

B) The general public should not be encouraged to follow it.

C) One must be duly self-disciplined to adhere to it.

D) The majority must adjust their body clock for it.



One of the good things for men in women's liberation is that men no longer have to pay wom
en the old-fashioned courtesies.

In an article on the new manners, Ms. Holmes says that a perfectly able woman no longer has to act helplessly in public as if she were a model. For example, she doesn't need help getting in and out of cars. She also says there is no reason why a man should walk on the outside of a woman on the sidewalk.

As far as manners are concerned, I suppose I have always been a supporter of women's liberation. Over the years, out of a sense of respect, I imagine, I have refused to trouble women with outdated courtesies.

It is usually easier to follow rules of social behaviour than to depend on one's own taste. But rules may be safely broken, of course, by those of us with the gift of natural grace. For example, when a man and woman are led to their table in a restaurant and the waiter pulls out a chair, the woman is expected to sit in the chair. That is according to Ms. Ann Clark. I have always done it the other way, according to my wife.

It came up only the other night. I followed the hostess to the table, and when she pulled the chair out I sat on it, quite naturally, since it happened to be the chair I wanted to sit in.

"Well, "my wife said, when the hostess had gone, "you did it again."

"Did what?" I asked, utterly confused.

"Took the chair."

Actually, since I'd walked. through the restaurant ahead of my wife, it would have been awkward, I should think, not to have taken the chair. I had got there first, after all.

Also, it has always been my custom to get in a car first, and let the woman get in by herself. This is a courtesy I insist on as the stronger sex, out of love and respect. In times like these, there might be attackers hidden about. It would be unsuitable to put a woman in a car then shut the door on her, leaving her at the mercy of some bad fellow who might be hiding in the back seat.

It can be concluded from the passage that______.

A.men should walk on the inside of a sidewalk

B.women are becoming more capable than before

C.in women's liberation men are also liberated

D.it's safe to break rules of social behaviour



根据材料请回答下列各 On the high-speed train from Avignon (阿维尼翁. to Paris, my husband

根据材料请回答下列各 On the high-speed train from Avignon (阿维尼翁. to Paris, my husband and I landed in the only remainingseats on the train, in the middle of a car, directly opposite a Frenchwoman of middle years. It was an extremelyuncomfortable arrangement to be looking straight into the eyes of a stranger. My husband and I pulled out books.The woman produced a large makeup case and proceeded to freshen up. Except for a lunch break, she continuedthis activity for the entire three-hour trip. Every once in a while she surveyed the car with a bright-eyed glance, butnever once did she catch my (admittedly fascinated.eye. My husband and I could have been a blank wall. I was amused, but some people would have felt insulted, even repulsed (厌恶的). There is something aboutprimping in public that calls up strong emotional reactions. Partly its a question of hygiene. (Nearly everyoneagrees that nail-paling and hair-combing are socially considered unwise to do..And its a matter of degree.Grooming-a private act-has a way of negating the presence of others. I was once seated at a party with a model-actress who immediately waved a silly brash and began dusting her face at the table, demonstrating that while shewas next to me, she was not with me. In fact, I am generally inhibited from this maneuver in public, except when I am in the company of cosmeticsexecutives (when its considered unpleasant not to do it. or my female friends when its a fun just-us-girlsmoment. In a gathering more professional than social, I would refrain. Kathy Peiss, a history professor at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and an authority on American beauty rituals, says that nose-powdering in the office was an occasion for outrage in 1920s and 30s. Deploring thepractice as a waste of company time, trade journals advised managers to discourage it among clerical workers. But howmuch time could it take? Certainly the concern was out of proportion with the number of minutes lost. Peiss theorizesthat it was the blatant assertion of a female practice in what had been an all-male province that disturbed critics. Peiss tells me that after the 30s, pulling out a compact was no longer an issue. It became an accepted practice.I ask if she feels free to apply lipstick at a professional lunch herself. Sounding mildly shocked, she says she wouldsave that for the privacy of her car afterward. Why? Because it would be "a gesture of inappropriate femininity. "One guess is that most professional women feel this way. There is evidence of the popularity of the new lipsticksthat remain in place all day without retouching. Its amazing to think that in our talk-show society, where every sexual practice is openly discussed, a simplesex-specific gesture could still have the power to disturb. The move belongs in the female arsenal and, likeweapons, must be used with caution. According to the author, "My husband and I could have been a blank wall." (Line 6, Para. 1.most probably means "___________"

A.We were treated with an expressionless face.

B.We looked at the French woman expressionlessly.

C.We used books as a wall to avoid the womans eyes.

D.We were of no existence in the French womans eyes.



With respect to the statement that the company’s statistician made concerning the consequences of serial

Clara Holmes, CFA, is attempting to model the importation of an herbal tea into the United States. She gathers 24 years of annual data, which is in millions of inflation-adjusted dollars. The real dollar value of the tea imports has grown steadily from $30 million in the first year of the sample to $54 million in the most recent year.

She computes the following equation:

(Tea Imports)t = 3.8836 + 0.9288 × (Tea Imports)t − 1 + et

t-statistics (0.9328)(9.0025)

R2 = 0.7942

Adj. R2 = 0.7844

SE = 3.0892

N = 23

Holmes and her colleague, John Briars, CFA, discuss the implication of the model and how they might improve it. Holmes is fairly satisfied with the results because, as she says “the model explains 78.44 percent of the variation in the dependent variable.” Briars says the model actually explains more than that.

Briars asks about the Durbin-Watson statistic. Holmes said that she did not compute it, so Briars reruns the model and computes its value to be 2.1073. Briars says “now we know serial correlation is not a problem.” Holmes counters by saying “rerunning the model and computing the Durbin-Watson statistic was unnecessary because serial correlation is never a problem in this type of time-series model.”

Briars and Holmes decide to ask their company’s statistician about the consequences of serial correlation. Based on what Briars and Holmes tell the statistician, the statistician informs them that serial correlation will only affect the standard errors and the coefficients are still unbiased. The statistician suggests that they employ the Hansen method, which corrects the standard errors for both serial correlation and heteroskedasticity.

Given the information from the statistician, Briars and Holmes decide to use the estimated coefficients to make some inferences. Holmes says the results do not look good for the future of tea imports because the coefficient on (Tea Import)t − 1 is less than one. This means the process is mean reverting. Using the coefficients in the output, says Holmes, “we know that whenever tea imports are higher than 41.810, the next year they will tend to fall. Whenever the tea imports are less than 41.810, then they will tend to rise in the following year.” Briars agrees with the general assertion that the results suggest that imports will not grow in the long run and tend to revert to a long-run mean, but he says the actual long-run mean is 54.545. Briars then computes the forecast of imports three years into the future.

Part 2)

With respect to the statement that the company’s statistician made concerning the consequences of serial correlation, assuming the company’s statistician is competent, we would most likely deduce that Holmes and Briars did not tell the statistician:

A) the sample size.

B) the value of the Durbin-Watson statistic.

C) that the intercept coefficient is not significant.

D) the model’s specification.



She can ______ a little Japanese.





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