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Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn.


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英译汉: Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn.

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Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn.



Many women spend much of their money and spare time going shopping.






Women are also underrepresented in the administration and this is because there are so
few women full professors. In 1985, Regent Beryl Milburn produced a report blasting the University of Texas System administration for not encouraging women. The University was rated among the lowest for the system. In a 1987 update, Milburn commended the progress that was made and called for even more improvement. One of the positive results from her study was a System-wide program to inform. women of available administrative jobs.

College of Communication Associate Dean Patrica Witherspoon said it is important that woman be flexible when it comes to relocating if they want to rise in the ranks. Although a woman may face a chilly climate on campus many times, in order for her to succeed, she must rise above the problems around her and concentrate on her work. Until women make up a greater percentage of the senior positions in the University and all academia, inequities will exist.“Women need to spend their energies and time doing scholarly activities that are important here at the University.” Spirduso said. “If they do that will be successful in this system. If they spend their time in little groups mourning the sexual discrimination that they think exists here, they are wasting valuable study time.”

1.According to Spirduso, women need to ____.

A、spend their energies and time fighting against sexual discrimination

B、call for further improvement in their working conditions

C、spend more time and energy doing scholarly activities

D、produce a report on sexual discrimination

2.From this passage ,we know that _____.

A、there are many women full professors in the University of Texas

B、women play an important part in administrating the University

C、the weather on the campus is chilly

D、women make up a small percentage of the senior positions in the University

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A、the number of women professors was the same as that of 1985

B、the number of women professors in the University in 1987 was smaller than that of 1985

C、the number of women professors in the University in 1987 was greater than that of 1985

D、e and more women professors thought that sexual discrimination did exit in the University

4.One of the positive results from Milburn's study was that _____.

A、women were encouraged to take on all the administrative jobs in the University

B、women were given information about available administrative jobs

C、women were told to concentrate on their work

D、women were encouraged to do more scholarly activities

5.The title for this passage should be _______.

A、The University of Texas

B、Sexual Discrimination in Academia

C、Women Professors

D、Milburn's Report



Life in the United States is changing.Twenty-five years ago the housewife cleaned, coo
ked and cared for the children.The father earned the money for the family.He was usually out working all day.He came home tired in the evening and so did not see the children very much, except on weekends.These days, however, many women work outside the home.They can’t be at home with the children all day.They, too, come home tired in the evening.They don’t have time to do the housework.Today she can get help.Mothers can leave their children at the day-care centers during the day.The company a woman works for may allow her to work part-time.In that way, she can earn some money, but she can also be with her children part of every day.Now many men share the housework with their wives.The husband may also spend more time at home with the children.In the United States more and more men are becoming househusbands every year.These changes in the home mean changes in the family.Fathers can be closer to their children because they are at home more.Fathers and children can understand each other better.Husbands and wives may also find changes in their marriage.They, too, may have better understanding of each other.

(1)Twenty-five years ago most women().

A.had no children


C.weren’t housewives

D.were housewives

(2)In those days men ().

A.saw their children in the evenings and on weekends

B.spent a lot of time with their children

C.played with the children all day

D.never saw the children

(3)Today there are ().

A.more housewives

B.more women working outside the home

C.not so many women working

D.no jobs for women

(4)Day-care centers help ().

A.working mothers with their children


C.with cooking and cleaning

D.women with the housework

(5)This passage is about ().


B.American men

C.how many American women are working

D.how family life in America is changing



In 1955, a man named Raymond Kroc entered a partnership with two brothers named McDona
ld. They opened a popular restaurant in California which sold food that was easy to prepare and serve quickly. Hamburgers, French fries, and cold drinks were the main food there. Kroc opened similar eating places under the same name, "McDonald's", and they were an instant success. He later took over the company, and today it is one of the most famous and successful "fast-food" in America and the world. Why was his idea so successful? Probably the most important reason was that this timing was right. In the 1950s, most married women stayed home to keep house and take care of their children. In the 1960s, many women returned to the workplace. This meant they had less time and energy to do housework and preparation of meals, so they relied more on "TV dinners" and fast-food restaurant. Single parents also have little time to spend in the kitchen. People living alone also depend on this type of food, since cooking for one is often more trouble than it is worth.

Fast-food is not part of the diet of all Americans. Another trend of the 1960s, sometimes called the back-to-nature movement influenced many people to avoid food that was packaged or processed(处理). This preference for natural food continued to this day.

From the success of Raymond Kroc’s fast-food business, we can say that social economic trends influence where and what we eat.

1.The main idea of the reading is that ().

A、Raymond Kroc is the most successful fast-food business owner in the world

B、social and economic changes affect eating habits

C、fast-food is easy to prepare and serve quickly

D、Americans eat either fast food or natural food

2.Why was McDonald''s idea so successful? It was mainly because ().

A、people living alone depend on fast food

B、single parents have little time to spend in the kitchen

C、many women returned to the workplace in 1960s

D、his timing was right

3.Americans had the "movements"().

A、in 1955

B、in 1950s

C、in 1960s

D、both in 1950s and 1960s

4."Cooking for one is more trouble than it is worth" means ().

A、cooking for several people is worth more money

B、it is not necessary to take too much time to cook for one person

C、there are more problems when one person cooks

D、there are a lot of housework and preparation to do when one person cooks

5.An idea implied but not directly stated (陈述) in the reading is that ().

A、many married women began to work in the 1960s

B、natural foods are still popular today

C、fast food is not part of the diet of all Americans

D、divorce causes people to change their eating habits



Leisure plays an important part in British life. There are four main reasons for thi
Leisure plays an important part in British life. There are four main reasons for this.

First of all, people spend less time working now than they used to, mostly due to the introduction of new industrial technology. The normal British working week is Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., although some people regularly work a few hours' overtime each week. Secondly, all working people get a minimum of two weeks' paid holiday a year. In addition, there are six or more bank holidays a year when all banks and businesses are closed. In some cases the dates of these national holidays change from year to year and in different parts of Britain.

Another reason is that, thanks to modern medicine and higher living standards, people live longer now. This means that after retirement, people have quite a few years of leisure left. Nowadays a much higher proportion of the population is over sixty, but in this group there are more women than men.

Finally, fewer babies are born each year and the average family in Britain has two children. This is one result of changing social attitudes. For example, many more married women now go out to work. The money they earn influences their leisure time. Even married women who do not go out to work have more time for interesting hobbies because most British homes have washing machines, vacuum cleaners and other labor-saving gadgets.

The best title of this passage can be ____.

A. Time for relax

B. Time for refreshment

C. British working hour

D. British family

“A paid holiday” (in Para. 2) means working people ____.

A. have to pay for their holiday

B. have no pay when they are on holiday

C. get usual pay when they are on holiday

D. get less pay when they are on holiday

Among the old people, there are ____.

A. as many men as women

B. more women than men

C. more men than women

D. many more women than men

In Britain, married women have more leisure hours because they have ____.

A. work with a good pay

B. a lot of time

C. washing-machines and vacuum cleaners

D. fewer children and more labor-saving gadgets

Which of the following ideas is NOT suggested in the passage?

A. Some married women have more time of reading.

B. Some married women have interesting hobbies.

C. Some married women now go out to work.

D. Some married women still stay at home.



Americans are a very energetic and mobile people,always on the run,rushing from one appoin
tment to another,from a PTA(Parent-Teacher Association)meeting to a social planning committee.

They have very little time to spend preparing elaborate(精致的,复杂的)everyday meals to be eaten at leisure. In many homes it is rare for the whole family to sit down at supper together. Clubs and committees force them to grab a quick meal rather than a sit-down supper.

When they do have the chance to eat at home,often the working housewife prefers to prepare meals that can be quickly heated and consumed. It is no wonder,therefore,that America has become a shelter for fast food consumption.

This great transformation occurred after World War Ⅱ when many women began to work full time and spend less time at home with their families. Women,however,wanted to function well in the capacity of homemaker,as well as that of career woman but time became a precious commodity(商品)which had to be carefully used.

Therefore,it was necessary to make her life easier at home in the preparation of the family dinner. Simultaneously with women entering the job market there was also a shifting of the focus of home entertainment from the radio to the television. Television became the latest fashion in the 1950s and no one wanted to miss his or her favorite programs. And then. the place for supper shifted from the dining room to the living room.

As the customs changed,so did the culture. The immediate solution for this was the invention of the TV dinner. These were frozen meals which were divided into portions of meat and vegetables. They could easily be put into an oven(锅)and prepared within minutes. The tin trays(托盘)in which they were served were conveniently carried into the living room and dinner Was consumed in front of a TV set. Cleaning up afterwards Was no problem. The fin trays were easily thrown into the garbage. From fast dinners at home the next step was quick eating while on the road. Love for TV was combined with the fascination for the automobile. It is not odd that with the development of the superhighways America saw the beginning of fast food chains. McDonald's paved the way with its variety of burgers and cold drinks soon to be followed by all kinds of other foods. Today dozens of fast-food chain stores can be found along highways,in modem shopping malls and scattered throughout neighborhoods in America. Taco Bell,Pizza Hut,Roy Roger's,Burger King and Wendy's ale just a few of the fast-food chains which are now part of American culture. They offer chicken,donuts,tacos and pizza,all quickly produced in great quantities for the masses. These establishments have given shape to the modem lifestyles and diet of the American people.

In America,the whole family seldom have dinner together at home because______.

A.they have so many social activities

B.they have a lot of meetings to attend

C.they rush from one appointment to another

D.they often move from one place to another



Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Americans are a very en

Passage Three

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

Americans are a very energetic and mobile people, always on the run; rushing from one appointment to another, from a PTA (Parent Teacher Association) meeting to a social planning committee. They have very little time to spend preparing elaborate(精致的,复杂的)everyday meals to be eaten at leisure. In many homes it is rare for the whole family to sit down at supper together. Clubs and committees force them to grab a quick meal rather than a sit-down supper.

When they do have the chance to eat at home, often the working housewife prefers to prepare meals that can be quickly heated and consumed. It is no wonder, therefore, that America has become a shelter for fast food consumption.

This great transformation occurred after World War Ⅱ when many women began to work full time and spend less time at home with their families. Women, however, wanted to function well in the capacity of homemaker, as well as that of career woman but time became a precious commodity(商品)which had to be carefully used.

Therefore, it was necessary to make her life easier at home in the preparation of the family dinner. Simultaneously with women entering the job market there was also a shifting of the focus of home entertainment from the radio to the television. Television became the latest fashion in the 1950s and no one wanted to miss his or her favorite programs. And then, the place for supper shifted from the dining room to the living room.

As the customs changed, so did the culture. The immediate solution for this was the invention of the TV dinner. These were frozen meals which were divided into portions of meat and vegetables. They could easily be put into an oven(锅)and prepared within minutes. The tin trays(托盘)in which they were served were conveniently carried into the living room and dinner was consumed in front of a TV set. Cleaning up afterwards was no problem. The tin trays were easily thrown into the garbage.

From fast dinners at home the next step was quick eating while on the road. Love for TV was combined with the fascination for the automobile. It is not odd that with the development of the superhighways America saw the beginning of fast food chains. McDonald's paved the way with its variety of burgers and cold drinks soon to be followed by all kinds of other foods. Today dozens of fast-food chain stores can be found along highways, in modern shopping malls and scattered throughout neighborhoods in America. Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Roy Roger's, Burger King and Wendy's are just a few of the fast-food chains which are now part of American culture. They offer chicken, donuts, tacos and pizza, all quickly produced in great quantities for the masses. These establishments have given shape to the modern lifestyles and diet of the American people.

31.In America, the whole family seldom have dinner together at home because_.

A.they have so many social activities

B.they have a lot of meetings to attend

C.they rush from one appointment to another

D.they often move from one place to another



1 Traditionally, the woman has held a low position in marriage partnerships. While her hu
sband went his way she had to wash, stitch and sew. Today the move is to liberate the woman, which may in the end strengthen the marriage union.

2 Perhaps the greatest obstacle to friendship in marriage is the amount a couple usually see of each other. Friendship in its usual sense is not tested by the strain of daily, year-long cohabitation. Couples need to take up separate interests (and friendship) as well as mutually shared ones, if they are not to get used to the more attractive elements of each other's personalities.

3 Married couples are likely to exert themselves for guests -- being amusing, discussing with passion and point -- and then to fall into dull exhausted silence when the guests have gone.

4 As in all friendship,a husband and wife must try to interest each other,and to spend sufficient time sharing absorbing activities to give them continuing common interests. But at the same time they must spend enough time on separate interests with separate people to preserve and develop their separate personalities and keep their relationship fresh.

5 For too many highly intelligent working women, home represents chore obligations, because the husband only tolerates her work and does not participate in household chores. For too many highly intelligent working men, home represents dullness and complaints — from an over-dependent wife who will not gather courage to make her own life.

6 In such an atmosphere, the partners grow further and further apart, both love and liking disappearing. For too many couples with children, the children are allowed to command all time and attention, allowing the couple no time to develop liking and friendship, as well as love, allotting them exclusive parental roles.

According to the passage, which of the following statements is CORRECT?

A.Friendship in marriage means daily, year-long cohabitation.

B.Friendship can be kept fresh by both separate and shared interests.

C.Friendship in marriage is based on developing similar interests.

D.Friendship in marriage is based on developing separate interests.



At a time when the world is short of causes for celebration, here is a candidate: within t
he next few months women will cross the 50% threshold and become the majority of the American workforce. Women already【C1】______the majority of university graduates in the OECD countries and the majority of【C2】______workers in several rich countries, including the United States. Women 【C3】______many of the worlds great companies, from Pepsi Co. in America to Areva in France. Womens【C4】______empowerment is arguably the biggest social change of our times. Just a generation ago, women were【C5】______confined to repetitive, humble jobs. They were routinely 【C6】______to casual sexism and were expected to【C7】______their careers when they married and had children. Today they are running some of the organizations that once treated them 【C8】______ second-class citizens. Millions of women have been given more control over their own lives.【C9】______ millions of brains have been put to more productive use. Societies that try to【C10】______this trend—most notably the Arab countries, but also Japan and some southern European countries—will pay a heavy price in the form. of wasted talent and frustrated citizens. This revolution has been【C11】______with only a modicum of friction. Men have,【C12】______, welcomed womens invasion of the workplace, 【C13】______even the most positive changes can be incomplete or unsatisfactory. This particular advance comes with two stings. The first is that women are still【C14】______at the top of companies. Only 2% of the bosses of Americas largest companies and 5% of their【C15】______ in Britain are women. They are also paid significantly less than men【C16】______ average. The second is that juggling work and child-rearing is difficult. Middle-class couples routinely【C17】______that they have too little time for their children. But the biggest losers are poor children—【C18】______ in places like America and Britain that have 【C19】______high levels of female【C20】______ in the labour force with a reluctance to spend public money on child care.


A.make from

B.make of

C.make up

D.make off

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