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【英译中】The shape of the world is changing almost as dramatically as this city's s 2022-07-07 【英译中】Dolphins, like whales, must surface to breathe air through a blowhole on top o 2022-07-06 【中译英】手术室的门开了,我和爸爸急忙走进去。啊, 妈妈那双炯炯有神的大眼睛紧闭着,平进红红的 2022-07-06 【中译英】每年春季,数以万计的中外客商云集申城,参加一年一度的华东出口品交易会。上海各类商品在这里与全国各地一比短长。上海的优势在于科技实力,因此高技术产口的出口应成为上海外贸出口增长的"排头兵"。著名物理学家杨振宁教授曾说:"高科技战场是中国超越发达国家的主战场,也是最后的战场。"走发展高科技贸易之路,是历史的必然,也是末来的需要。 2022-07-06 听力原文: New York City Commuters in New York City face another day of trying to figure ou 2021-03-18 Which of the following is true about the American future-mindedness?A.The majority of the 2021-03-18 The following words are appropriate to describe traffic conditions in Naples EXCEPT ______ 2021-03-18 What are the advantage and disadvantage of marriage? 2021-03-16 and【L7】______in our society. 2021-03-16 In Barcelona the Catalonians call them Castells, but these aren't stereotypical castles in 2021-03-14