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What is one measure the government has implemented to revitalize the economy?A.Streamlinin

What is one measure the government has implemented to revitalize the economy?

A.Streamlining the political bureaucracy.

B.Lowering the consumption tax.

C.Spending on the country’s social infrastructure.

D.Encourage companies to export their goods.

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更多“What is one measure the govern…”相关的问题


What is considered as a measure of how much one has remembered?A The length of the lis

What is considered as a measure of how much one has remembered?

A The length of the list

B The type of list items

C The time difference of relearning

D The time difference of brain working



What was the main purpose of having a watch during the 1800s?A.To know direction.B.To meas

What was the main purpose of having a watch during the 1800s?

A.To know direction.

B.To measure time.

C.To show off one's wealth.

D.To get to work on time.



Americans don't like to lose wars. Of course, a lot depends on how you define just what a
war is. There are shooting wars—the kind that test patriotism and courage—and those are the kind at which the U.S. excels. But other struggles test those qualities too. What else was the Great Depression or the space race or the construction of the railroads? If Americans indulge in a bit of flag-waving when the job is done, they earned it.

Now there is a similar challenge: global warming. The steady deterioration (恶化) of the very climate of this very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by any measure, the U.S. is losing. Indeed, if America is fighting at all, it's fighting on the wrong side. The U.S. produces nearly a quarter of the world's greenhouse gases each year and has stubbornly made it clear that it doesn't intend to do a whole lot about it. Although 174 nations approved the admittedly flawed Kyoto accords to reduce carbon levels, the U.S. walked away from them. There are vague promises of manufacturing fuel from herbs or powering cars with hydrogen. But for a country that tightly cites patriotism as one of its core values, the U.S. is taking a pass on what might be the most patriotic struggle of all. It's hard to imagine a bigger fight than one for the survival of a country's coasts and farms, the health of its people and the stability of its economy.

The rub is, if the vast majority of people increasingly agree that climate change is a global emergency, there's far less agreement on how to fix it. Industry offers its plans, which too often would fix little. Environmentalists offer theirs, which too often amount to na; ve wish lists that could weaken America's growth. But let's assume that those interested parties and others will always be at the table and will always demand that their voices be heard and that their needs be addressed. What would an aggressive, ambitious, effective plan look like—one that would leave the U.S. both environmentally safe and economically sound?

Halting climate change will be far harder. One of the more conservative plans for addressing the problem calls for a reduction of 25 billion tons of carbon emissions over the next 52 years. And yet by devising a consistent strategy that mixes short-term solutions with far-sighted goals, combines government activism with private-sector enterprise and blends pragmatism (实用主义) with ambition, the U.S. can, without major damage to the economy, help halt the worst effects of climate change and ensure the survival of its way of life for future generations. Money will do some of the work, but what's needed most is will. "I'm not saying the challenge isn't almost overwhelming," says Fred Krupp. "But this is America, and America has risen to these challenges before."

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Human wars.

B.Economic crisis.

C.America's environmental policies.

D.Global environment in general.



what is not a preventive measure for patients at low risk of falling ?翻译



The zero-volatility spread is a measure of the spread off:A. one point on the Treasury

The zero-volatility spread is a measure of the spread off:

A. one point on the Treasury yield curve.

B. all points on the Treasury yield curve.

C. all points on the Treasury spot curve.



What risk does the bid-ask spread mostclosely measure:A.Liquidity risk.B.Credit spread

What risk does the bid-ask spread mostclosely measure:

A.Liquidity risk.

B.Credit spread risk.

C.Inflation risk.



Which one is not the protective measure during the Dragon Boat Festival?()

A.Hanging artemisia

B.Drinking realgar

C.Hanging Hsiang Pao

D.Dragon boat racing



A Debate on the English LanguageA measure declaring English the national language is under

A Debate on the English Language

A measure declaring English the national language is under intense debate in the United States. The US Senate passed two declarations last week. One calls English the nation's official language and the other says it is the “common and unifying(统一的)”tongue. But Americans found themselves divided on the issue.

Since people worldwide know that most Americans speak only English, many can't understand why the issue is so controversial(有争议的).

“The discussion is related to fears of immigration issues,” says Dick Tucker, a social scientist at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University. “It's related to a worry about the changing demography(人口统计)of the US. It's a worry about who will continue to have political and economic influence.”

In fact, the notion of protecting the language has been kicked around almost since the nation's founding. John Adams lobbied(游说)in 1780 for the creation of a national academy to correct and improve the English language. But his proposal died, since lawmakers saw it as a royalist(保皇主义者)attempt to define personal behavior.

Since then, the country hasn't had a national language, but the idea of recognizing the special status of English lived on.

The emotions surrounding language resurface(再次浮现)not because people feel comfortable with English. It is more about the discomfort many Americans feel with the new languages, says Walt Wolfram, a professor at North Carolina State University.

“Language is never about language,” he says.

According to the 2000 US Census Bureau report, of 209 million Americans over 18 years old,172 million speak only English at home. About 37 million speak languages other than English. Among them, 6.5 million speak poor English and 3.1 million don't speak English at all.

What are the two declarations concerned with?

A.The status of the English language.

B.The protection of new languages.

C.The rights to speak one's mother tongue.

D.The improvement of the English language.



There are numerous and reliable ways by which one can measure the impact of employment on student achievement, and we used several in our research () Meaning: There are many reliable methods to study


Passage Five Memory is the ability to keep track of things that have happened in the past

Passage Five

Memory is the ability to keep track of things that have happened in the past. Memory really is leaning. One needs memory to ride a bicycle. A dog needs to remember if it is to come when called.

Memory is said to be stored in the brain as a “memory trace (记忆痕) .” What makes up this trace is not known. Some scientists believe that certain chemical substances may carry certain memories. For example, one substance, when given to rats, causes them to dear the dark.

Other research into memory has to do with how the brain works. Psychologists use three means to find out how a person remembers. For example, give a person a grocery list. Let the person memorize the list, then put it away. The most natural way to find out how much a person remembers of the grocery list is to ask what he or she remembers. This is called the method of recall. Another method is called recognition. Gibe the person another grocery list. Ask him or her to choose items on the first list from the items that are on only the second list. Often a person will be able to recognize thins that he or she cannot recall. A third method of finding how much a person remembers is called relearning. Here the person is asked to read over the first list. The person will probably learn the list the second time faster than he did the first time. The difference in the time it takes to relearn the list is thought of as a measure of how much a person has remembered.

One way of remembering something is to repeat it many times. Interest is very important. Boring lists of facts are much more difficult to remember than something that we understand and are interested in. Motivation, or wanting to do something, is also important. Motivation is linked with reward. For example, a hungry animal quickly learn how to do something if that action gets the animal food. In humans, wanting to learn is often motivation. The praise of a teacher or the knowledge that an answer is correct is rewarding.

52. We can learn from the 2nd paragraph that_____.

A bad memories may cause rats to fear the dark

B it is hard to tell what a memory trace consists of

C chemical substances carry certain memories

D memory is stored in the brain as a substance



There is a great deal of disagreement among economists about what money is and how to measThere is a great deal of disagreement among economists about what money is and how to measure it.
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